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Many recent efforts in the field of community psychology have been dedicated to moving from values to action in incorporating diversity into our work. An essential aspect of this goal is designing research that provides opportunities for underrepresented perspectives to be heard. The voices of refugee women, in particular, are not typically incorporated in research, planning for service provision, and policy design. This article explores methodological challenges involved in conducting research with refugee women who are marginalized both within broader U.S. contexts and within their own communities. Six guiding principles are presented: 1) develop strategies for involving marginalized refugee women; 2) consider the advantages and limitations of quantitative and qualitative methodologies and be innovative about combining them; 3) prepare for extensive time and effort for quantitative measure construction; 4) consider gendered decision‐making structures in the lives of refugee women and their potential impact on the research process; 5) plan for refugee women's common triple burden of working outside of the home, managing their households, and adjusting to life in a new country; and 6) attend to refugee women's cultural norms about and unfamiliarity with the interview process. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Comm Psychol 32: 721–739, 2004.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The dopamine transporter (DAT) is known to be a key regulator of dopamine, and recent studies of genetics, treatment, and imaging have highlighted the role of DAT in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The findings of in vivo neuroimaging of DAT in ADHD have been somewhat discrepant, however. METHOD: Dopamine transporter binding was measured using a highly selective ligand (C-11 altropane) and positron emission tomography (PET). The sample consisted of 47 well-characterized, treatment-na?ve, nonsmoking, non-comorbid adults with and without ADHD. Additionally, control subjects had few symptoms of ADHD. RESULTS: Results showed significantly increased DAT binding in the right caudate in adults with ADHD compared with matched control subjects without this disorder. CONCLUSIONS: These results confirm abnormal DAT binding in the striatum of adults with ADHD and provide further support that dysregulation of DAT may be an important component of the pathophysiology of ADHD.  相似文献   
There is limited information regarding oral health status and other predictors of oral health‐related quality of life. An association between oral health status and perceived oral health‐related quality of life (OHQOL) might help clinicians motivate patients to prevent oral diseases and improve the outcome of some dental public health programs. This study evaluated the relationship between older persons' OHQOL and their functional dentition, caries, periodontal status, chronic diseases, and some demographic characteristics. A group of 733 low‐income elders (mean age 72.7 ISD=4.71, 55.6% women, 55.1% members of ethnic minority groups in the U.S. and Canada) enrolled in the TEETH clinical trial were interviewed and examined as part of their fifth annual visit for the trial. OHQOL was measured by the Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI); oral health and occlusal status by clinical exams and the Eichner Index; and demographics via interviews. Elders who completed the four‐year assessment had an average of 21.5 teeth (SD=6.9). with 8.5 occluding pairs (SD=4.6), and 32% with occlusal contacts in all four occluding zones. Stepwise multiple regressions were conducted to predict total GOHAI and its subscores (Physical, Social, and Worry). Functional dentition was a less significant predictor than ethnicity and being foreign‐bom. These variables, together with gender, years since immigrating, number of carious roots, and periodontal status, could predict 32% of the variance in total GOHAI, 24% in Physical, 27% in Social, and 21 % in the Worry subscales. These findings suggest that functional dentition and caries influence older adults' OHQOL, but that ethnicity and immigrant status play a larger role.  相似文献   
The present study provides an analysis of the effects of particular patterns of teacher respose to students' entries in dialogue journals. It extended on previous research related to teacher-student instructional discourse by concentrating on written, teacher-student interactions. Second grade children who were participating in a daily dialogue journal activity were randomly subjected to two types of response patterns by their teacher. The results show that a teacher's elaborative responses to student journal entries directly lead to increase written output by students coupled with a distinct process #ophigher order#cp orientation of student entries.  相似文献   
Mallampati classification and laryngeal mask airway insertion   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
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