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This study examined the effects of cognitive-behavioral group therapy (CBT) on the self-esteem, depression, and self-efficacy of runaway adolescents residing in a shelter in Seoul, South Korea. The study used a control group pretest-posttest design. The experimental group and the control group consisted of 14 and 13 male subjects, respectively, with subjects having been randomly assigned to these groups. The experimental group participated in a CBT that consisted of eight sessions over an 8-week period; the control group did not participate in the program. To examine the effects of the CBT on dependent variables, the Wilcoxon signed rank test was used. The scores on depression decreased significantly (z = -2.325, p = .02) and those on self-efficacy increased significantly (z = -2.098, p = .03) after the intervention in the experimental group. There was no significant change on self-esteem (z = -1.19, p = .23). In the control group, the scores on depression, self-esteem, and self-efficacy did not change significantly after the intervention period. The CBT developed in this study consisted of structured and specific content that could be usefully applied to runaway adolescents residing in a shelter.  相似文献   
The FIGNL1 gene was proven to be a new subfamily member of ATPases associated with diverse cellular activities (AAA proteins). In this in vitro study, the AAA proteins inhibited osteoblast proliferation and stimulated osteoblast differentiation. We showed that FIGNL1 may play some regulatory role in osteoblastogenesis. INTRODUCTION: The fidgetin-like 1 (FIGNL1) gene encodes a new subfamily member of ATPases associated with diverse cellular activities (AAA proteins). Although the FIGNL1 protein localizes to both the nucleus and cytoplasm, the function of FIGNL1 remains unknown. In a previous study, we identified several genes that mediate the anabolic effects of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) on bone by using microarray data. FIGNL1 was one of the genes that downregulated >2-fold in MC3T3-E1 cells after treatment with bFGF. Therefore, this study was aimed to identify and confirm the function of FIGNL1 on osteoblastogenesis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We examined the effect of the FIGNL1 gene on proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis in mouse osteoblast cells (MC3T3-E1 and mouse primary calvarial cells) using flow cytometry, RT-PCR, cell proliferation assay, and cell death assay. MC3T3-E1 cells and mouse calvarial cells were transfected with small interfering RNA (siRNA) directed against the FIGNL1 or nontargeting control siRNA and examined by cell proliferation and cell death assays. Also, FIGNL1 was fused to enhance green fluorescent protein (EGFP), and the EGFP-fused protein was transiently expressed in MC3T3-E1 cells. RESULTS: Reduced expression of FIGNL1 by bFGF and TGF-beta1 treatment was verified by RT-PCR analysis. Overexpression of FIGNL1 reduced the proliferation of MC3T3-E1 and calvarial cells, more than the mock transfected control cells did. In contrast, siFIGNL1 transfection significantly increased the proliferation of osteoblasts, whereas overexpression of FIGNL1 did not seem to alter apoptosis in osteoblasts. Meanwhile, overexpression of FIGNL1 enhanced the mRNA expression of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and osteocalcin (OCN) in osteoblasts. In contrast, siFIGNL1 decreased the expression of ALP and OCN. A pEGFP-FIGNL1 transfected into MCT3-E1 cells had an initially ubiquitous distribution and rapidly translocated to the nucleus 1 h after bFGF treatment. CONCLUSIONS: From these results, we proposed that FIGNL1, a subfamily member of the AAA family of proteins, might play some regulatory role in osteoblast proliferation and differentiation. Further analyses of FIGNL1 will be needed to better delineate the mechanisms contributing to the inhibition of proliferation and stimulation of osteoblast differentiation.  相似文献   
We report the case of a 3-year-old girl with temporomandibular ankylosis, which was treated with a costochondral graft and required two further resections because the grafted tissue had overgrown.  相似文献   
3-Monochloro-1,2-propanediol (MCPD) is a well-known by-product of acid-hydrolyzed soy sauce during its manufacturing process. MCPD has been reported genotoxic in vitro, and reproductive toxicity and carcinogenicity in rats. To evaluate the immunomodulatory effect of MCPD on murine splenocyte and macrophage in vitro, we investigated splenocyte blastogenesis by concanavalin A (Con A), anti-CD3, and lipopolyssacharide (LPS), the production of cytokines from splenocyte, and the activity of mouse peritoneal macrophages. There was a significant decrease in lymphocyte blastogenesis to Con A or anti-CD3 at subtoxic dose of MCPD. A significant decrease in splenocyte blastogenesis to LPS was also observed. The production level of interferon (IFN)-gamma on splenocyte culture with Con A was significantly reduced at the higher concentration than 1.0mM of MCPD. The levels of interleukin (IL)-4 and IL-10 were also decreased at high concentrations of MCPD. There was a significant decrease in production of nitric oxide (NO) by peritoneal macrophages treated with MCPD. MCPD also inhibits tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha production of stimulated macrophages. These results indicate that MCPD might be able to reduce the functionality of lymphocytes and peritoneal macrophages in vitro.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: The recent development of fetal ultrasonography has allowed for an increasing number of prenatal diagnoses for congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation (CCAM). However, the appropriate surgical timing of these patients has not been studied as of yet. The aim of this study is to suggest a safe strategy for the treatment of CCAM by identifying the relationship between the timing of surgery and postoperative outcome. METHODS: Between 1987 and 2003, 40 patients (28 males, 12 females) underwent surgical resection for CCAM. The mean age was 38.6+/-9.1 (2 days-13 years) months. CCAM was diagnosed by prenatal ultrasonography in eight patients. Early operations were performed in four out of the eight. Operation was deferred until 2-12 months of age for the remaining four patients. RESULTS: Type I CCAM was found in 20 patients, type II in 20 and no patient exhibited type III. Five patients had associated pectus excavatum anomaly. There were no cases of operative mortality. Seventeen minor postoperative complications developed in 16 patients (40.0%): prolonged chest tube drain in 10, wound infection in 4, and 1 case of pneumonia, empyema and pleural space, respectively. The average hospital stay was 11.8 (6-29) days. During the mean follow-up period of 67.5 months, one patient died of accidental aspiration 7 months after operation during the postoperative recovery course of Ravich operation for pectus excavatum. The remaining patients reported doing well with normal physical activity. All five patients who underwent surgery at the age of under 1 month did not exhibit increased postoperative morbidity. CONCLUSIONS: We concluded that surgery for CCAM could be safely performed in all age groups with satisfactory long-term outcomes. It is suggested that early elective surgical correction can be recommended for a patient whose diagnosis was made in utero.  相似文献   
A modified SiO2 was prepared by reacting SiO2 with Cl2Si(CH3)2 in toluene, on which methylaluminoxane (MAO) was supported to obtain a catalyst precursor. The mixture of the precursor and Cp2ZrCl2 (Cp: cyclopentadienyl) gave polyethylene in a high yield even by using common trialkylaluminiums as cocatalyst. Surprisingly, the MAO-free catalyst system composed of the modified SiO2 and Cp2ZrCl2 was also found to be activated by common trialkylaluminiums.  相似文献   
The predominant enzymes responsible for elimination of hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) in cells are peroxiredoxins (Prxs), catalase, and glutathione peroxidases (GPxs). Evidence suggests that catalytic activities of certain isoforms of these H(2)O(2)-eliminating enzymes are extensively regulated via posttranslational modification. Prx I and Prx II become inactivated when phosphorylated on Thr(90) by cyclin B-dependent kinase Cdc2. In addition, the active-site cysteine of Prx I-IV undergoes a reversible sulfinylation (oxidation to cysteine sulfinic acid) in cells. Desulfinylation (reduction to cysteine) is achieved by a novel enzyme named sulfiredoxin. c-Abl and Arg nonreceptor protein tyrosine kinases associate with catalase in cells treated with H(2)O(2) by mechanisms involving the SH3 domains of the kinases and the Pro(293)PheAsnPro motif of catalase and activate catalase by phosphorylating it on Tyr(231) and Tyr(386). Similarily, GPx1 is activated by c-Abl- and Arg-mediated phosphorylation. The tyrosine phosphorylation is critical for ubiquitination-dependent degradation of catalase.  相似文献   
Radiotherapy is one of the most effective treatments for cancers. However, external irradiation provides only small doses to deep-seated cancers, and often causes damage to healthy tissues. It has been reported that 20-30 microm diameter 17Y(2)O(3)-19Al(2)O(3)-64SiO(2) (mol%) glass microspheres are useful for the in situ irradiation of cancers. Yttrium-89 (89Y) in this glass can be neutron bombarded to form the beta-emitter 90Y (half-life=64.1h). When injected in the vicinity of the cancer, such activated glass microspheres can provide a large localized dose of beta-radiation. The Y(2)O(3) content of the glass in the microspheres is limited to only 17 mol%. Chemically durable microspheres with a higher Y(2)O(3) content need to be developed. Phosphorus-31 (31P) with 100% natural abundance can also be activated by neutron bombardment to form the beta-emitter 32P (half-life=14.3d). Chemically durable microspheres containing a high phosphorus content are expected to be more effective for cancer treatment. We prepared pure Y(2)O(3) and YPO(4) microspheres using a high-frequency induction thermal plasma melting technique, and investigated the resulting structure and chemical durability. We successfully prepared smooth, highly spherical polycrystalline Y(2)O(3) and YPO(4) microspheres with diameters in the range 20-30 microm. Both the Y(2)O(3) and YPO(4) microspheres showed high chemical durability in saline solutions buffered at pH=6 and 7. These microspheres are expected to be more effective than the conventional glass microspheres for the in situ radiotherapy of cancer.  相似文献   
In this study we investigate the expression pattern of mucin genes in the human testis and evaluate the relationship between the expression of mucin genes and impaired spermatogenesis in the human testis. Thirty human testis tissues were collected from patients undergoing diagnostic testicular biopsy to investigate the cause of infertility. One part of the tissue underwent histological observation, and the other part of the tissue was subjected to semiquantitative RT-PCR of mucin genes, that is, mucin1, 2, 3, 4, and 9. The relative amount of mucin mRNAs was calculated by densitometry using glyceraldehydes-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) as an internal control. The samples were histologically diagnosed as either obstructive azoospermia with normal spermatogenesis (n = 13) or non-obstructive azoospermia with impaired spermatogenesis (n = 17). In the human testis with normal spermatogenesis, mRNA expression of mucin1, 9, 13 and GAPDH were found, but RT-PCR products of mucin 2, 3 and 4 were not detected. In the testis with impaired spermatogenesis, however, RT-PCR product of mucin1 was not found. There was no difference in the other mucin mRNA expression patterns between the testis with either normal or impaired spermatogenesis. To our knowledge, this study is the first that has detected the mRNA of mucin9 and 13 in human testis. This study also shows that mucin1 expression might be closely related to spermatogenesis. Our findings should be substantiated by more direct evidence, such as mucin protein expression and localization.  相似文献   
To study the active proteins which participate in the reaction of Limulus amoebocyte lysate (LAL) with lipopolysaccharide, antibody was raised in rabbits against LAL. When LAL was run against rabbit antiserum in crossed immunoelectrophoresis, a complex precipitin pattern appeared. Profound changes took place after reaction of LAL with lipopolysaccharide. The most distinct change was the complete disappearance of the cathodic migrating protein coagulogen, because the antigenicity of coagulogen was lost. Based on this observation, a new rocket immunoelectrophoretic method was developed to detect the disappearance of coagulogen after reaction of LAL with lipopolysaccharide. This assay method was used on clinical specimens (cerebrospinal fluid, plasma, ascites, and urine). It was used as a qualitative test, when a single sample is tested, or as a quantitative assay, when a number of sample dilutions were tested. The new method showed a higher degree of accuracy and sensitivity in comparison with the tube test and it can be used for both research and diagnostic purposes.  相似文献   
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