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AIS 2005与AIS 1998在评价创伤救治结局中的应用比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 比较简明损伤定级(AIS)2005与AIS 1998在评价创伤严重度及创伤救治结局的差异,探讨最新版AIS 2005应用的可行性及实用价值。方法 采用AIS 2005和AI S1998,对我院2003年1月-2005年5月救治的3110例创伤病例资料进行回顾性分析。结果 (1)随ISS值递增,两组病死率、并发症发生率均呈上升趋势;ISS〉20,AIS 2005组病死率上升趋势更为明显,在ISS〉15~≤20,AIS 2005组病死率较AIS 1998组有显著降低(P=0.001)。除AIS 2005组ISS≤15并发症发生率较AIS 1998组下降外(P=0.035),其余各ISS分值段AIS 2005组并发症发生率较AIS 1998组上升趋势更为明显。(2)随ISS值升高,修正创伤评分(RTS)、创伤与损伤严重度评分(TRISS)、创伤严重度特征评分(ASCOT)、ASCOT-CHINA值逐渐降低,且AIS 2005生存概率预测值分布较AIS 1998大。AIS 2005预测性评分指标的区别度和敏感性均高于AIS 1998,除ASCOT-CHINA准确性、ASCOT特异性低于AIS 1998,ASCOT存活误判率高于AIS 1998外,ASCOT、TRISS准确性,ASCOT-CHINA、TRISS特异性均高于AIS 1998,ASCOT-CHINA、TRISS存活误判率较AIS 1998低,AIS 2005对生存组、死亡组生存概率预测优于AIS 1998。结论 以AIS 2005为基础的ISS、TRISS、ASCOT等方法评价创伤及其结局预测总体上优于AIS 1998;建议使用AIS 2005评价多发伤时,以ISS〉20界定为严重多发伤可能更为合理。  相似文献   
随着灾害性事故的增多,多发伤的发生率也逐年增加。其伤情大多较复杂,并发症多,死亡率高,尤其多发伤伴昏迷者临床救治更为困难。目前国内尚未见多发伤伴昏迷大样本病例资料报道。笔者对本院1978年11月至2004年12月救治的灾害性事故中多发伤伴昏迷3361例病例资料进行回顾性分析,旨在为进一步提高多发伤伴昏迷患者的救治水平提供参考。  相似文献   
探讨参附注射液对心肌缺血再灌注损伤(MIRI)的效果.通过复制大鼠心肌缺血再灌注损伤模型,观察参附注射液对心肌缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用.参附注射液对大鼠心肌缺血再灌注损伤有明显保护作用,为其临床应用提供了进一步的实验依据.  相似文献   
目的 探讨创伤性肺内血肿或血气囊肿的处理规范.方法 对我院1999年8月-2010年8月救治的21例创伤性肺内血肿或血气囊肿患者(AIS≥4)资料进行回顾性分析.结果 (1)全组病死率为14%(3/21),死因为呼吸道大出血窒息;(2)67%(14/21)伴有咯血症状,咯血时间为1~240d,平均15.8d,肺内血肿或血气囊肿咯血时间约为单纯肺气囊肿咯血时间的3.4倍;(3)肺内血肿或囊肿消失时间平均为61.6d,其中肺内血肿和血气囊肿消失时间为单纯肺气囊肿消失时间的3.4倍.(4)肺内血肿或血气囊肿大小及部位影响救治方式、救治结局及预后.结论 规范创伤性肺内血肿或血气囊肿的治疗是提高救治成功率的关键,对直径>6.0cm的肺内血肿或血气囊肿以及肺气囊肿伴重度漏气呼吸不能维持者需及早行确定性手术.  相似文献   
严重老年胸伤患者临床流行病学特征与救治结局分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 进一步提高严重老年胸部创伤患者的救治水平.方法 对重庆市急救医疗中心1995年6月-2005年5月救治的148例严重老年胸部创伤(年龄≥65岁,AIS≥3)(高龄组)病例资料进行回顾性分析,以同期<65岁严重胸部创伤患者1669例作为对照(AIS≥3)(低龄组).结果 (1)高龄严重胸伤致伤机制以钝性伤为主(124/148,83.8%),较低龄组高(1 157/1 669,69.3%)(P<0.01);致伤原因依次为交通伤、跌倒伤和坠落伤,其中高龄组交通伤及跌倒伤构成比(98/148,66.2%;22/148,14.9%)明显高于低龄组(845/1 669,50.6%;52/1 669,3.1%)(P<0.01).(2)两组ISS、RTS及GCS比较差异无统计学意义(P=0.518;P=0.419;P=0.525).(3)高龄组与低龄组院前时间比较差异无统计学意义(P=0.884).(4)高龄组病死率(23/148,15.5%)显著高于低龄组(109/1 669,6.5%)(P<0.01).(5)高龄组主要并发症发生率(38/148,25.7%)显著高于低龄组(174/1 669,10.4%)(P<0.01).(6)有并发症患者病死率,高龄组(51.7%)较低龄组(26.7%)显著增高(P<0.01),而无并发症患者两组间病死率(6.7%:3.5%)差异无统计学意义(P=0.069).结论 年龄和并发症是预测创伤后救治结局相对独立的因素;加强对高龄老人创伤后危险性的认识,强调并发症的处理与器官功能支持治疗是提高高龄严重胸部创伤患者生存率的关键.  相似文献   
Objective To further improve level of severe chest trauma care in the elderly pa-tients. Methods A retrospective study was done on data of 148 elderly patients (≥65 years with se-vere chest trauma (AIS≥3 points) (elderly group) treated in Chongqing Emergency Medical Center from June 1995 to May 2005. A total of 1669 patients at age less than 65 years and with AIS≥3 points were set as control group in the same research period (control group). Results The main injury mechanism was blunt trauma, which aceouted for 83.8% (124/148) in elderly group, higher than 69.3% (1 157/ 1 669) in control group (P < 0. 01). The injury causes were mainly traffic accidents, slip and fall from a height. Traffic accidents and slip accounted for 66.2% (98/148) and 14.9% (22/148) respectively, which was significantly higher than 50.6% (845/1 669) and 3.1% (52/1 669) respectively in control group (P < 0. 01). There was no statistical difference upon ISS, RTS, GCS and prehospital time between both groups (all P value > 0.05). The fatality rate and indicence rate of complication in the elerly group were 15.5% (23/148) and 25.7% (38/148), which was significantly higher than 6.5% (108/1 669) and 10.4% (174/1 669) respectively in control group (P <0.01). The fatality rate in elderly group with complications was significantly higher than that in control group (51.7% vs 26.7%) (P < 0.01), while those without complications showed no statistical difference between two groups (6.7% :3.5%) (P >0. 05). Conclusions The patient' s age and complications are relative independent factors to es-timate the trauma care outcome. To raise risk awareness and strengthen the management of complications and supportive treatments for organ function are key to improve survival rate of the elderly patients with se-vere chest trauma.  相似文献   
Objective To further improve level of severe chest trauma care in the elderly pa-tients. Methods A retrospective study was done on data of 148 elderly patients (≥65 years with se-vere chest trauma (AIS≥3 points) (elderly group) treated in Chongqing Emergency Medical Center from June 1995 to May 2005. A total of 1669 patients at age less than 65 years and with AIS≥3 points were set as control group in the same research period (control group). Results The main injury mechanism was blunt trauma, which aceouted for 83.8% (124/148) in elderly group, higher than 69.3% (1 157/ 1 669) in control group (P < 0. 01). The injury causes were mainly traffic accidents, slip and fall from a height. Traffic accidents and slip accounted for 66.2% (98/148) and 14.9% (22/148) respectively, which was significantly higher than 50.6% (845/1 669) and 3.1% (52/1 669) respectively in control group (P < 0. 01). There was no statistical difference upon ISS, RTS, GCS and prehospital time between both groups (all P value > 0.05). The fatality rate and indicence rate of complication in the elerly group were 15.5% (23/148) and 25.7% (38/148), which was significantly higher than 6.5% (108/1 669) and 10.4% (174/1 669) respectively in control group (P <0.01). The fatality rate in elderly group with complications was significantly higher than that in control group (51.7% vs 26.7%) (P < 0.01), while those without complications showed no statistical difference between two groups (6.7% :3.5%) (P >0. 05). Conclusions The patient' s age and complications are relative independent factors to es-timate the trauma care outcome. To raise risk awareness and strengthen the management of complications and supportive treatments for organ function are key to improve survival rate of the elderly patients with se-vere chest trauma.  相似文献   
损害控制在严重胸部创伤救治中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨损害控制在严重胸部创伤救治中的应用。方法对我科2007年7月-2008年6月救治的62例严重胸部创伤(AIS≥3)病例资料进行回顾性分析。结果(1)全组死亡率为1.6%(1/62),手术组无死亡病例。(2)穿透伤单纯胸腔闭式引流术比例(55.6%,10/18)高于钝性伤(36.4%,16/44)(P=0.165)。穿透伤剖胸探查手术率为27.8%(5/18)高于钝性伤15.9%(7/44)(P=0.283)。连枷胸肋骨骨折内固定术占闭合性胸伤的11.4%(5/44)。(3)钝性伤并发症的发生率(63.6%,28/44)显著高于穿透伤(27.8%,5/18)(P=0.010)。老年患者更容易并发肺部并发症。结论初期尽快的确定性急救处理和简化手术修复是损害控制外科技术在严重胸部创伤救治中的基本策略。后期积极的生理复苏与并发症处理是提高严重胸伤救治成功率的关键。  相似文献   
Objective To further improve level of severe chest trauma care in the elderly pa-tients. Methods A retrospective study was done on data of 148 elderly patients (≥65 years with se-vere chest trauma (AIS≥3 points) (elderly group) treated in Chongqing Emergency Medical Center from June 1995 to May 2005. A total of 1669 patients at age less than 65 years and with AIS≥3 points were set as control group in the same research period (control group). Results The main injury mechanism was blunt trauma, which aceouted for 83.8% (124/148) in elderly group, higher than 69.3% (1 157/ 1 669) in control group (P < 0. 01). The injury causes were mainly traffic accidents, slip and fall from a height. Traffic accidents and slip accounted for 66.2% (98/148) and 14.9% (22/148) respectively, which was significantly higher than 50.6% (845/1 669) and 3.1% (52/1 669) respectively in control group (P < 0. 01). There was no statistical difference upon ISS, RTS, GCS and prehospital time between both groups (all P value > 0.05). The fatality rate and indicence rate of complication in the elerly group were 15.5% (23/148) and 25.7% (38/148), which was significantly higher than 6.5% (108/1 669) and 10.4% (174/1 669) respectively in control group (P <0.01). The fatality rate in elderly group with complications was significantly higher than that in control group (51.7% vs 26.7%) (P < 0.01), while those without complications showed no statistical difference between two groups (6.7% :3.5%) (P >0. 05). Conclusions The patient' s age and complications are relative independent factors to es-timate the trauma care outcome. To raise risk awareness and strengthen the management of complications and supportive treatments for organ function are key to improve survival rate of the elderly patients with se-vere chest trauma.  相似文献   
目的:探讨损伤严重度评分(injury severity score,ISS)和新的损伤严重度评分(new injury severity score,NISS)评价钝性伤患者救治结局的效果,对2种评分方法的优劣进行比较,并界定ISS和NISS的重伤值。方法:采用简明损伤定级标准2005(the abbreviated injury scale 2005,AIS 2005)对我院2005年11月至2011年11月救治的2 694例钝性损伤病例资料(≥2个部位,按ISS身体区域划分)进行损伤严重度评分,计算ISS和NISS分值,采用卡方检验、t检验、logistic回归分析及ROC工作曲线分析比较2种解剖评分方法与救治结局的关系及其优劣,界定ISS和NISS的重伤值。结果:ISS值在21~25分死亡率为6.9%(16/231),26~30分死亡率为13.0%(21/162);NISS值在26~30分死亡率为5.3%(21/399),31~35分死亡率为11.9%(15/136);分别与10%比较差异无统计学意义(P >0.05)。与ISS和NISS 0~20分组相比,其他ISS、NISS组的死亡风险较高。随着ISS、NISS值的增大,死亡风险呈上升趋势。ISS与NISS在死亡预测的敏感性和特异方面差异无统计学意义(P >0.05)。ISS和NISS最大Youden指数所对应的值分别为17.5、23.0,则ISS和NISS的最佳重伤值分界点为17.5和23.0。结论:ISS和NISS可以较好评价钝性损伤的救治结局。建议使用AIS 2005评价钝性多发伤时,以ISS≥18及NISS≥23界定为严重多发伤较为合理。  相似文献   
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