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Trends in analgesic self-poisoning in West-Fife, 1971-1985   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
All admissions for analgesic self-poisoning to a district poisons unit over a 15-year period have been reviewed. During this time overdose with analgesic drugs increased to represent almost half of all admissions for self-poisoning. The types of analgesics taken in overdose also changed significantly during the period of this review. Aspirin and Distalgesic poisoning declined in incidence and more cases of self-poisoning by paracetamol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents were seen. The impact of these changes on the medical management and outcome of deliberate self-poisoning is analysed. The reasons behind the trends described in this paper are assessed and their implications for future prevention and treatment are discussed.  相似文献   
The functional significance of the pars tuberalis (PT) of the mammalian adenohypophysis has remained an enigma (1, 2). One view of its function is that it acts as an auxiliary gland to support the endocrine role of the pars distalis (PD) (2), as it has been shown to contain immunocytochemically identifiable thyrotrophs and gonadotrophs (1). Many of the cells of the PT are, however, ultrastructurally unique suggesting an independent function for this tissue. Our recent demonstration that the PT of the rat is a major binding site for the ligand iodomelatonin lends further support to this idea (3). We have utilized the highly specific ligand [125l]melatonin, and have demonstrated that it binds exclusively, with very high affinity, to the PT but not the PD of the adult sheep adenohypophysis. These findings support the conclusion that the PT has a distinct role in relation to melatonin action and seasonal reproduction.  相似文献   
Cholecystokinin (CCK) inhibits pancreatic cancer but not hepatic tumor induction by N-nitrosobis (2-oxopropyl) amine (BOP) in hamsters when administered with or shortly before BOP. In this study, we evaluated the capability of sulfated CCK-8 to inhibit DNA alkylation in the hamster pancreas. We examined the pattern of O6-methylguanine (G6-Me) and N7-methylguanine (G7-Me) in pancreatic ductal, acinar and liver tissues from Syrian hamsters treated with a single dose of BOP (20 mg/kg s.c.) and with five s.c. injections of CCK-8 (200 pM/kg, 30 min apart). The first CCK injection was given either 90 min before, or together, or 3 h after POP administration. The amount of G6-Me in liver DNA did not differ significantly. We observed a decrease of G7-Me in the liver of the group treated with CCK together with POP as compared to POP alone (P less than 0.005). Lower amounts of G6-Me were found in ductal preparations (P less than 0.01) of the animals treated with CCK before POP as compared to POP alone. CCK also modified the pattern of alkylation in the acinar tissue, but without a clear relationship with the timing of administration. The results suggest that the inhibitory effect of CCK-8 on pancreatic carcinogenicity of BOP could be related to its capability to modify DNA alkylation by yet unknown mechanisms.  相似文献   
The role of open lung biopsy (OLB) in the diagnosis of the etiology of lung infiltrates in children was analyzed for a 10-year period 1979-1989 in a tertiary referral center. A total of 18 children had 19 lung biopsies to ascertain the cause of lung infiltrates. Thirteen of these children (72 %) were immunocompromised due to treatment of hematological/solid malignancies and bone marrow transplantation. The clinical diagnosis was bilateral lung infiltrates of unknown etiology in 17 of 18 children. Eight of these children were ventilated for respiratory failure. The biopsy was useful in achieving a histological diagnosis in 18 of 19 samples (diagnostic yield 95%) and an etiological diagnosis in 14 of 19 samples (etiological yield 74 %). Therapeutic strategy was altered in 14 of 18 patients based on the biopsy results. Five of 14 patients responded favorably to a change in specific treatment. The lime interval from onset of respiratory illness to biopsy was 2-60 days (mean 16 days). Despite the critical state of these children there were few complications associated with the biopsy and no mortality directly related to the procedure. We recommend that OLE be undertaken sooner rather than later in immunocompromised children with bilateral pulmonary infiltrates of unknown etiology.  相似文献   
In a comparative trial, 21 patients (mean age 43 (range 19-66) years) with dilated upper urinary tracts underwent diuresis renography with both 123I-hippuran and the experimental agent. 99Tcm-thiodiglycolic acid (TDG). Deconvolution analysis of the derived renograms was also performed and the transit times were calculated. Excellent agreement was found between results with the two radiopharmaceuticals. There was complete agreement in interpretation of the response to diuresis with both agents and 84% agreement in the transit time estimations. Good images were produced with both agents and 99Tcm-TDG is considered to be a useful alternative to 123I-hippuran.  相似文献   
The effects of haloperidol on motor and functioning and cognitive functioning were studied in young (3-5 months old) and aged (20-22 months old) male mice by examining haloperidol-induced catalepsy and haloperidol-induced decrements in performance on a radial arm maze. The aged mice were much more sensitive to these adverse effects of haloperidol than were the young mice. Studies of the distribution of radioactivity from [3H]haloperidol to the brain indicated that the differences in sensitivity to this drug were not due to pharmacokinetic differences. The results demonstrate that mice are suitable for studies of aging-induced changes in the behavioral effects of neuroleptic agents.  相似文献   
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