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Twelve patients had limited arthrodesis between the scaphoid and the lunate for chronic static scapholunate dissociation using internal plate osteosynthesis. The median time between the injury and surgery was 50 months (range 9-180). They were followed up for a year postoperatively. Preoperative symptoms were pain, functional impairment, and restricted movement. During operation the scapholunate interosseous ligament was completely torn and the scaphoid malrotated in all patients. The range of motion was measured preoperatively and postoperatively, and the unaffected side used for control. For all patients except one postoperative extension, flexion, and radial deviation had considerably decreased. However, supination increased in seven of 12 patients postoperatively and so did pronation in seven of 12 patients. One patient (case 12) had an improved range of motion postoperatively in all directions. The mean grip strength was 76% of the unaffected side preoperatively, and has increased to 85% postoperatively. We found that bone healing was rare and most arthrodeses healed by a fibrous union. We found no correlation with preoperative arthrosis and clinical outcome. One patient had retired from work before operation because of back pain and one because of age. Two patients had taken early retirement because of wrist pain, and one patient was still on sick-leave at the follow-up a year postoperatively. Five patients returned to full-time work and two patients to part-time work. Four patients were on long-term sick-leave preoperatively and three of them returned to their previous occupations. Analysis of the patients' subjective outcome (including pain and functional scores) showed overall satisfaction, and objective data show that scapholunate arthrodesis for chronic static scapholunate dissociation provides substantial improvement over the preoperative condition.  相似文献   
For 3 months in 1969 a family in the United States that included a pregnant mother consumed pork containing methylmercury. Children, aged 20, 13, and 8 years and a neonate, developed severe neurological signs. Twenty-two years later, the 2 oldest had cortical blindness or constricted visual fields, diminished hand proprioception, choreoathetosis, and atentional deficits. Magnetic resonance images showed tissue loss in the calcarine and parietal cortices and cerebellar folia. The youngest had quadriplegia, blindness, and severe mental retradation until their deaths. The brain of the 8-year-old who died at age 30 showed cortical atrophy, neuronal loss, and gliosis, most pronounced in the paracentral and parietooccipital regions. The total mercury level in formalin-fixed, left occipital cortex was 1,974 ng/gm as measured by atomic absorption. Regional brain mercury levels correlated with extent of brain damage. A control patient had 38.5 ng of mercury/gm in the occipital cortex. Systemic organs in the patient and a control subject had comparable mercury levels. In mercury-intoxicated rats, we found that only 5 to 10% of total brain mercury was lost by formalin fixation. Brain inorganic mercury in the patient ranged from 82 to 100%. Since inorganic mercury crosses the blood-brain barrier poorly, biotransformation of methyl to inorganic mercury may have occurred after methylmercury crossed the blood-brain barrier, accounting for its persistence in brain and causing part of the brain damage.  相似文献   
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