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The spectral response curve (amplitude versus wavelength) of the R2 of the early receptor potential (ERP) was studied in normal, protan, and deutan subjects. The R2 amplitude peaked at 520nm in most normal subjects. The R2 at long wavelengths was smaller than normal in protans and larger than normal in deutans when the maximum amplitudes were normalized to 100% at the peak. The ratio of the R2 amplitude at 460 nm to that at 600 nm clearly differed between protans and deutans. The ERP and the rapid off-response, which is mainly due to the cessation of the late receptor potential, were recorded in the same subjects. The ratio of the sensitivity of the rapid off-response at 500 nm to that at 600 nm was correlated with the ratio of the R2 amplitude at 460 nm to that at 600nm (correlation coefficient, 0.823, p < 0.001). This study, in conjunction with our previous study, indicates that the abnormality is in the outer segments of the cones in protans and deutans.  相似文献   
Morning blood pressure is reported to be more closely related to hypertensive organ damages such as left ventricular mass index, microalbuminuria and silent cerebral infarcts, than blood pressure at other times of the day. Morning blood pressure may play an important role in the pathogenesis of hypertensive target organ damage. Increased sympathetic nerve activity is reported to be one of the mechanisms of morning hypertension; however, there are no available data that show whether strict home blood pressure control, especially in the morning period, can reduce target organ damage. The Japan Morning Surge-1 (JMS-1) study includes hypertensive outpatients with elevated morning systolic blood pressure (>or=135 mmHg) as assessed by self-measured blood pressure monitoring at home. All enrolled patients are under stable antihypertensive medication status. Exclusion criteria are arrhythmia, chronic inflammatory disease, and taking alpha-blockers or beta-blockers. The target number of patients to be enrolled in the JMS-1 study is 600, and the aim is to evaluate differences in the markers of hypertensive target organ damage, such as brain natriuretic peptide and the urinary albumin excretion/creatinine ratio. All of the patients are randomized to an experimental group or a control group, with randomization to be carried out by telephone interviews with the patients' physicians. In the experimental group, patients begin taking additional antihypertensive medication just before going to bed. This consists of doxazosin 1 mg/day, which then is increased to 2 mg/day and 4 mg/day, with a beta-blocker added after a 1-month interval until the morning systolic blood pressure is controlled to less than 135 mmHg. Patients in the control group continue the treatment they are receiving at the enrollment for 6 months. Blood pressure levels, adverse effects, and hypertensive target organ damage before and after the study are evaluated. In the JMS-1 study, we will evaluate whether strict morning blood pressure control by sympathetic nervous system blockade using an alpha-blocker, doxazosin, and with the addition of a beta-blocker if needed, can reduce hypertensive target organ damage.  相似文献   
We report on a male patient with Pick disease who had shown severe white matter atrophy and dilatation of the lateral ventricle in the frontal lobe from an early stage. Upon admission to our hospital 2 years after disease onset, the patient showed apathy, and MRI revealed severe atrophy of the cortex and white matter of the frontal lobe. He died at age 74, 11 years after disease onset. Autopsy revealed severe atrophy of the frontal and temporal lobes, severe loss of white matter in the frontal lobe, dilatation of the lateral ventricles, and cortical thinning. Histopathological examination showed severe loss of myelinated fibers in the frontal white matter and severe neuronal loss with gliosis in the frontal and temporal cortices. Many Pick bodies were seen. Our patient had a rare case of Pick disease predominantly affecting the frontal lobe with severe involvement of the white matter from an early stage. This case suggests that myelinated fibers in the white matter as well as cerebral neurons are primarily affected in Pick disease.  相似文献   
Some chordomas have a very poor prognosis because of their aggressive growth nature, but the efficacy of repeat operations for these cases has not been well documented. This report concerns 3 patients with aggressive chordoma of the clivus, who underwent operations 6 to 12 times over a period of 8 to 17 years because of symptomatic regrowth. Overall mean interval between repeat operations was 18 months with a range from 5 to 57 months and survival times were 9 to19 years after the first surgery. Main symptoms before each operation were diplopia and visual disturbance. Repeat palliative operations by intentional extradural debulking of the tumour to decompress offending neural structures, as well as maximal removal of the tumour, using appropriate skull base approaches, can mitigate progressive symptoms, and may result in better quality and some prolongation of life, although our patients gradually deteriorated neurologically throughout the clinical course.  相似文献   
We report a 73-year-old woman with typical clinical, histological and immunofluorescence features of pemphigoid nodularis. Direct immunofluorescence studies of prurigo nodularis-like lesions and peribullous skin showed the linear deposition of IgG and C3 at the basement membrane zone. Circulating IgG against the basement membrane was also detected by indirect immunofluorescence. The serum from the patient was shown to contain the autoantibody against 230 kDa hemidesmosomal antigen associated with bullous pemphigoid antigen.  相似文献   
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