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Thirty persons with Class II Division 1 subdivision malocclusions, ranging in age from 12 years 8 months to 42 years, underwent computed tomography of the temporomandibular joints. The images obtained from sagittal slices were used to assess the depth of the mandibular fossa, the angulation of the posterior wall of the articular tubercle, the condyle-fossa relationship, and the concentric position of the condyles associated with this malocclusion. Paired Student t tests were applied, and Pearson product moment correlations (r) were determined after measurements on both Class I and Class II sides were obtained. No statistically significant asymmetries were found in the depth of the mandibular fossa, the angulation of the posterior wall of the articular tubercle, or the condyle-fossa relationship. However, a statistically significant (P <.05) anterior positioning of the condyles was observed.  相似文献   
The present study had two aims: (1) To assess heart rate variability (HRV) along with non-specific autonomic measures (used in earlier studies), before and after two minutes of the head stand. (2) To compare changes in two categories of subjects, i.e., those who practiced the headstand in a traditional way (without any support) and those who used the support of the wall (a present day adaptation). The subjects were forty male volunteers (age range 19 to 36 years), with twenty subjects under each category. The following changes were significant after the practice, compared to values at baseline. (i) Both categories had an increase in the power of the low frequency component (LF) and a decrease in the high frequency component (HF) of the HRV spectrum, increased LF/HF ratio, and decreased heart rate. (ii) Subjects who practiced the head stand with the support of a wall showed reduced finger plethysmogram amplitude suggesting increased sympathetic vasomotor tone. (iii) Practicing the headstand without support was associated with an increase in the skin conductance level, suggestive of increased sympathetic sudomotor tone. Hence, both categories showed similar changes in the HRV components though changes in sympathetic vasomotor and sudomotor activity were different. These changes suggest sympathetic activation, irrespective of the method of practice.  相似文献   
One-hundred and six male children aged 6-23 months with a history of acute watery diarrhoea of less than 72 h duration were randomized to receive either folic acid in a dose of 5 mg at 8-h intervals or placebo for 5 d. There were 54 children in the folic acid group and 52 in the placebo group. The admission characteristics were comparable between the two groups. No significant differences were observed in the intake of oral rehydration solution or stool output between the groups. The mean ± SD of total stool output (g kg−1) was 532 ± 476 vs 479 ± 354 and the duration (h) of diarrhoea was 108 ± 68 vs 103 ± 53 in the folic acid vs placebo group, respectively. The findings, therefore, should have a positive influence on preventing the inappropriate use of folic acid in acute diarrhoea.  相似文献   
Examples of human angiosarcoma following exposure to vinyl chloride, Thorotrast, or arsenic (medicinal and industrial) and cases, including children, of unknown etiology were studied to establish diagnostic criteria and to study their evolution. The uniform evolution suggests an environmental factor also in the cases of unknown etiology, which may be established by epidemiologic studies. A precursor stage is charaterized by areas of combined hyperlasia of hepatocytes and a variety of sinusoidal and perisinusoidal cells associated with excess of reticulin and with sinusoidal dialation. The diagnostically useful picture in silver impregnations indicated reticulum formation by the perisinusoidal cells, presumably the libocytes. The hepatocytic proliferation suggests a hepatocarcinogenic but usually not fully expressed potential. The mixed hyperplasia of the various sinusoidal cells proceeds to an overgrowth of angiosarcoma cells, presumably derived from endothelial cells. In early stages they are usually in contact with hepatocytes (intralobular growth). A trabecular arrangement results from loosening of the lobular plate arrangement by dilatation of sinusoids, leading to primary peliosis. With disappearance of the hepatocytes, various growth patterns develop, terminating in nodular, solid angiosarcoma composed of either spindle-shaped or polyhedral cells which undergo necrosis or hemorrhage (secondary peliosis). The interaction between hepatocytes and sinusoidal cells requires elucidation.  相似文献   
General sympathetic dysfunction has been proposed as an explanation for the inability to reach normal heightened attention in Down's syndrome (DS). The present study on 15 DS subjects (group average age +/- SD, 14.3 +/- 3.6 years; 11 males) and in an equal number of age- and gender-matched normal subjects (NS), evaluated activity in different subdivisions of the sympathetic nervous system. DS subjects had (i) lower skin conductance levels (i.e., lower sudomotor sympathetic activity) and (ii) higher heart rates than NS. In response to auditory stimuli, DS subjects showed abnormal SSR responses (also indicating sudomotor sympathetic activity) but normal cutaneous vasoconstriction. Hence the results suggest that sympathetic dysfunction in DS is restricted to the sudomotor subdivision, activity of which has been associated with attention and recognition.  相似文献   
We studied the relationship between nutritional status and infection due to specific enteropathogens in young children with diarrhoea. Overall, 26% of the children were severely underweight, 27% were severely wasted and 19% were severely stunted. Children with Shigellae and V. cholerae O1 were significantly more severely underweight, wasted and stunted than those with rotavirus diarrhoea ( p < 0:0001). Our results indicate that an effective nutrition programme for young children might have greater impact on diarrhoeal illness caused by Shigella and V. cholerae than by rotavirus diarrhoea.  相似文献   
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