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Background: In an interprofessional training ward (ITW), students from different health professions collaboratively perform patient care with the goal of improving patient care. In the past two decades, ITWs have been established world-wide and studies have investigated their benefits. We aimed to compare ITWs with respect to their logistics, interprofessional learning outcomes and patient outcomes.

Methods: We explored PubMed, CINAHL, Web of Science and EMBASE (1990–June 2017) and included articles focusing on interprofessional, in-patient training wards with student teams of medical and other health professions students. Two independent reviewers screened studies for eligibility and extracted data.

Results: Thirty-seven articles from twelve different institutions with ITWs were included. ITWs world-wide are organized similarly with groups of 2–12 students (i.e. medical, nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and pharmacy) being involved in patient care, usually for a period of two weeks. However, the type of clinical ward and the way supervisors are trained differ.

Conclusions: ITWs show promising results in short-term student learning outcomes and patient satisfaction rates. Future ITW studies should measure students’ long-term interprofessional competencies using standardized tools. Furthermore, a research focus on the impact of ITWs on patient satisfaction and relevant patient care outcomes is important.  相似文献   

Perinatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy is a leading cause of neonatal death and disability.Therapeutic hypothermia significantly reduces death and major disability associated with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy;however,many infants still experience lifelong disabilities to movement,sensation and cognition.Clinical guidelines,based on strong clinical and preclinical evidence,recommend therapeutic hypothermia should be started within 6 hours of birth and continued for a period of 72 hours,with a target brain temperature of 33.5 ±0.5℃ for infants with moderate to severe hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy.The clinical guidelines also recommend that infants be re warmed at a rate of 0.5℃ per hour,but this is not based on strong evidence.There are no randomized controlled trials investigating the optimal rate of rewarming after therapeutic hypothermia for infants with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy.Preclinical studies of rewarming are conflicting and results were confounded by treatment with sub-optimal durations of hypothermia.In this review,we evaluate the evidence for the optimal start time,duration and depth of hypothermia,and whether the rate of rewarming after treatment affects brain injury and neurological outcomes.  相似文献   


In the United States there has been a large increase in participation in lacrosse for both males and females. The purpose of this study was to analyze the number of head injuries, injury rates (calculated using the reported number of participants) and types of head injuries that are seen in emergency departments in the United States.


We compared injuries between male and female lacrosse participants. This was a retrospective study using a publicly available database produced by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission and information about lacrosse participation from US Lacrosse.


A linear regression was performed and showed a positive correlation between number of head injuries to males and time from 2002 to 2010 (R2?=?0.823; p?=?0.001). While the number of injuries to the head in female lacrosse participants was not significant. There was a negative correlation between the number of head injuries to males from 2010 to 2016 (R2?=?0.800; p?=?0.007), but again, there was no significance for female injury count (R2?=?0.417; p?=?0.117). Other significant differences between head injuries in males and females included the mechanism of injury and the type of injury recorded.


The most recent data from 2010 to 2016, suggest that both males and females have had a decrease in injury rate. However the total number of female head injuries is not significantly decreasing and as the sport continues to grow there will likely be more total head injuries and visits to the emergency department.  相似文献   


Endovascular aneurysm sealing (EVAS) represents a novel approach to the treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms. It uses polymer technology to achieve an anatomic seal within the sac of the aneurysm. This cohort study reports the early clinical outcomes, technical refinements, and learning curve during the initial EVAS experience at a single institution.


Results from 150 consecutive EVAS cases for intact, infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysms are reported here. These cases were undertaken between March 2013 and July 2015. Preoperative, perioperative, and postoperative data were collected for each patient prospectively.


The median age of the cohort was 76.6 years (interquartile range, 70.2-80.9 years), and 87.3% were male. Median aneurysm diameter was 62.0 mm (IQR, 58.0-69.0 mm). Adverse neck morphology was seen in 69 (46.0%) patients, including aneurysm neck length <10 mm (17.3%), neck diameter >32 mm or <18 mm (8.7%), and neck angulation >60 degrees (15.3%). Median follow-up was 687 days (IQR, 463-897 days); 37 patients (24.7%) underwent reintervention. The rates of unresolved endoleak are 1.3% type IA, 0.7% type IB, and 2.7% type I. There were no type III endoleaks. There have been seven secondary ruptures in this cohort; all but one of these patients survived after reintervention. Only one rupture occurred in an aneurysm that had been treated within the manufacturer's instructions for use (IFU).


The rate of unresolved endoleaks is satisfactorily low. The incidence of secondary rupture is of concern; however, when the IFU are adhered to, the rate is very low. The results of this study suggest that working within the IFU yields better clinical results.  相似文献   


To examine the influence of pre-existing psychiatric disorder on the choice of treatment in patients with gynaecological cancer.

Materials and methods

The analyses were based on all patients who underwent surgical treatment for endometrial, ovarian or cervical cancer who were registered in the Danish Gynecological Cancer Database in the years 2007–2014 (3059 patients with ovarian cancer, 5100 patients with endometrial cancer and 1150 with cervical cancer). Logistic regression model and Cox regression model, adjusted for relevant confounders, were used to estimate the effect of pre-existing psychiatric disorder on the course of cancer treatment. Our outcomes were (i) presurgical oncological treatment, (ii) macroradical surgery for patients with ovarian cancer, (iii) radiation/chemotherapy within 30 days and 100 days after surgery and (iv) time from surgery to first oncological treatment.


In the group of patients with ovarian cancer, more patients with a psychiatric disorder received macroradical surgery versus patients without a psychiatric disorder, corresponding to an adjusted odds ratio of 1.24 (95% confidence interval 0.62–2.41) and the chance for having oncological treatment within 100 days was odds ratio = 1.26 (95% confidence interval 0.77–2.10). As for patients with endometrial cancer, all outcome estimates were close to unity. The adjusted odds ratio for oncological treatment within 30 days after surgery in patients with cervical cancer with a history of psychiatric disorder was 0.20 (95% confidence interval 0.03–1.54).


We did not find any significant differences in the treatment of ovarian and endometrial cancer in patients with pre-existing psychiatric diagnoses. When it comes to oncological treatment, we suggest that increased attention should be paid to patients with cervical cancer having a pre-existing psychiatric diagnosis.  相似文献   

To determine frequencies, interlaboratory reproducibility, clinical ratings, and prognostic implications of neural antibodies in a routine laboratory setting in patients with suspected neuropsychiatric autoimmune conditions.


Earliest available samples from 10,919 patients were tested for a broad panel of neural antibodies. Sera that reacted with leucine-rich glioma-inactivated protein 1 (LGI1), contactin-associated protein-2 (CASPR2), or the voltage-gated potassium channel (VGKC) complex were retested for LGI1 and CASPR2 antibodies by another laboratory. Physicians in charge of patients with positive antibody results retrospectively reported on clinical, treatment, and outcome parameters.


Positive results were obtained for 576 patients (5.3%). Median disease duration was 6 months (interquartile range 0.6–46 months). In most patients, antibodies were detected both in CSF and serum. However, in 16 (28%) patients with N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) antibodies, this diagnosis could be made only in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The two laboratories agreed largely on LGI1 and CASPR2 antibody diagnoses (κ = 0.95). The clinicians (413 responses, 71.7%) rated two-thirds of the antibody-positive patients as autoimmune. Antibodies against the α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor (AMPAR), NMDAR (CSF or high serum titer), γ-aminobutyric acid-B receptor (GABABR), and LGI1 had ≥ 90% positive ratings, whereas antibodies against the glycine receptor, VGKC complex, or otherwise unspecified neuropil had ≤ 40% positive ratings. Of the patients with surface antibodies, 64% improved after ≥ 3 months, mostly with ≥ 1 immunotherapy intervention.


This novel approach starting from routine diagnostics in a dedicated laboratory provides reliable and useful results with therapeutic implications. Counseling should consider clinical presentation, demographic features, and antibody titers of the individual patient.

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