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A cohort of 1163 pregnant women in two small towns in South Wales, UK, was identified and followed until the children born to them were five years of age. Growth in these children is described and a number of determinants identified. Social-class differences were very small at birth but differences in height became clear by the age of two years and in head circumference before this. In height the differences were largely accounted for by greater growth in social class I, but there was a gradient in head circumference throughout all the social classes. The social class effects gradually increased as the children became older. Parity of the mothers had a small effect on size at birth but age of the mother had no effect once parity was allowed for. Data on illnesses in the children were collected but no effect on growth could be detected. By far the most important determinant of growth which could be controlled is maternal smoking. About 40% of the women smoked, about 17% heavily (15 or more cigarettes per day) and the prevalence of smoking altered little during pregnancy. There was a graded effect of smoking on growth up to a 9% deficit in birth-weight, a 2% deficit in length at birth and a 1.5% deficit in head circumference in the babies born to the mothers who smoked most heavily (25 or more cigarettes per day) compared with non-smokers. There effects decreased with age but there were still residual effects at age five years.  相似文献   
The second documented case of renal aspergilloma due to Aspergillusflavus is presented. The merits of the medical therapy thatfailed are discussed. Pathological examination showed a nidusof aspergillus around suture material persisting from a pyelolithotomyoperation 2 years before in India. We argue that this was thereason for the failure of the medical therapy. This is the firstcase of its kind reported.  相似文献   
We present our comments on the above article.  相似文献   
Cobb's collar or Moormann's ring is a stricture of the bulbar urethra which is largely unrecognised but has considerable relevance urologically as the site of congenital or post-instrumental strictures. The history, anatomy, embryology and surgical importance are reported.  相似文献   
A polyclonal antiserum which recognizes surface epitopes on IL1-activated pig chondrocytes has been used to immunolocalize chondrocytes responding to IL1 produced during co-culture of pig synovium and articular cartilage. Activation of the chondrocytes by the cytokine was restricted to the articular and subarticular region of the cartilage adjacent to the synovium. Chondrocyte activation was also seen when human rheumatoid synovium was co-cultured with the cartilage. The presence of IL1 in some synovial cells was confirmed by immunolocalization using antisera specific for IL1 alpha and IL1 beta.  相似文献   
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