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Many factors have led to a movement from the emphasis of the 1960s and 1970s on departmental expansion towards an emphasis on cost-effective undergraduate medical education emphasizing the 'art' as well as the 'science' of medicine. In January 1985 a questionnaire was sent under the auspices of the Undergraduate Education Committee of the Association of Professors of Obstetrics and Gynecology to all chairmen of departments of obstetrics and gynecology in the USA and Canada seeking their opinions about these trends and information about the educational programmes in their departments. The information from this study indicates that the chairmen are aware of and responding to this new direction in medical education. A stabilization of teaching staff and clerkship sizes and the emphasis on clinical as well as cognitive evaluation, despite recognition of the cost of the former, shows active interventions towards these ends. An emphasis on education in 'basic' as compared to 'subspecialty' areas which is independent of the subspecialty of the academic chairman also supports this trend.  相似文献   
The effect of dose rate to the lungs and development of interstitial pneumonitis (IP) was evaluated in 114 bone marrow transplant patients receiving fractionated total body irradiation (TBI) (1200 rads TD in 6 fractions twice daily over 3 days) as part of their pre-conditioning regimen. The tumour dose (TD) was calculated as the mean lung dose as previously described (1). A 6MV linear accelerator at a mid-line dose rate of 7.5 rads/minute was used between March 1981 and June 1985 and a Co-60 source at 5 rads/minute thereafter. This resulted in a range of dose rates to the lung of between 6.9 and 8.9 rads/minute and 2.9 and 6.5 rads/minute respectively. In the majority of patients the aetiology of IP was investigated by lung biopsy with histology and culture. There was no statistically significant difference in the incidence of IP over the two sets of dose rates. Our study suggests tat the incidence of IP using fractionated TBI is not influenced by dose rates below 8.9 rads per minute.  相似文献   
The immunology of psoriasis   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Unlike the general psychotherapy field which has been subjected to extensive process analysis, there are no systematic studies of treatment processes in the alcohol and drug treatment literature. As a necessary first step to study treatment process, the alcohol and drug literature was culled for references to treatment processes. Thirty-five separate processes were identified and were broadly categorized as either disease model, behavioral or general psychotherapy processes. A national survey of treatment expert's views on treatment processes was conducted to determine whether certain processes would be considered as most important in the treatment of alcohol or drug problems. Results of this survey indicate that experts tend to rate certain processes as most important in the resolution of alcohol and drug problems. Results suggest that it is possible to identify core disease model and behavioral treatment processes. These processes might be used to assess the relative effectiveness of each therapeutic approach. Finally, results indicated that while disease model and behavioral experts tended to differ strongly on their ratings of the importance of some processes, there seems to be a trend toward integrating behavioral processes into a traditional disease model framework. The use of these results in constructing an instrument to measure processes used in alcohol and drug treatment is discussed.  相似文献   
During the fall of 1935, CheeIoo University Medical SchooL accepted responsibility for the medical care of 19,000 refugees from the flooded farming districts of south-western Shantung, They were cared for in Tsinan at govemment expense, in 30 groups or "camps", of from 200 t0 1,400 persons each, and were provided with two meals a day, consisting of steamed bread, made of 4th grade wheat flour and millet flour, a thin millet congee and pieces of salt turnip. Many individuals supplemented this diet from time to time with small quantities of vegetables, such as raw onion, red pepper sauce and boiled caloloage bought from vendors. This was more common in the early fall than later in the winter, when their small private funds had, in many cases, been exhausted. Later in the winter, the ingredients of the bread were changed to include corn meal, 4th class wheat flour and millet flour.  相似文献   
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