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We describe a modified keyhole laminoforaminotomy (LF) using anatomic landmarks on the posterior aspect of the cervical vertebral body to decompress the intervertebral foramen with minimal bone removal. Twenty-four procedures were performed at C3-4, C4-5, and C5-6; 12 at C6-7; and 3 at C7-Tl. Facets and laminae structures were identified based on relative surgical perspectives. Bony resection was limited as follows: 1) inferior limit; inferior border of the superior facet; 2) superior limit, superior border of the superior facet; 3) lateral limit, a vertical line linking the junction of the lamina-facet to the lateral end of the superior limit; and 4) lateral aspect of the dural sac. Fluoroscopy was used to confirm that the intervertebral space was reached. The amount of bony removal was quantified for the superior and inferior laminae and facets. The length of the exposed nerve root was measured. The intervertebral foramen was exposed and the intervertebral disc reached in all specimens. Fluoroscopy showed that the center of the exposure remained at the same height with the intervertebral space. The mean length of the nerve root was 4.6 mm; the mean percentage of bony resection was 21.8%, 7.5%, 11.3%, and 11.5% for the superior and inferior laminae and facets, respectively. Opening the intervertebral foramen posteriorly consistently exposed sufficient nerve root length and allowed access to the intervertebral disc. The technique offers the most direct and safest method of decompressing the intervertebral foramen while minimizing bony resection. This simple surgical procedure may help reduce postoperative morbidity.  相似文献   
We studied the effects of dipyridamole and RA-642 on the production of superoxide anions and on oxygen radicals-induced lipid peroxidation in lens tissue homogenates from normal rats and rats given dipyridamole or RA-642 intraperitoneally. Superoxide production was evaluated by phenazine methosulphate (PMS)-induced nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) reduction and lipid peroxidation by ferrous sulfate and ascorbic acid (FeAs)-induced malondialdehyde (MDA) production. Dipyridamole and RA-642 showed an inhibitory effect on both assays in the experiments with lens tissue homogenates from untreated or treated rats. The extent of inhibition, however, was significantly higher in pyrimidopyrimidinic-treated rats (range of inhibition at different times of incubation was 18% versus 23-57% for dipyridamole and 14% versus 73-80% for RA-642 in the assay of MDA production, and 10% versus 33-37% for dipyridamole and 2.5% versus 11-32% for RA-642 in the assay of NBT reduction). Concentrations of dipyridamole and RA-642 in lens tissue from treated animals could not be determined (less than 0.001 micrograms/mg of tissue). Although both compounds inhibited lipid peroxidation induced by oxygen free radicals, the mechanism of action might include the role of adenosine as a mediator.  相似文献   
Clinicopathologic correlation of pigmented epiretinal membranes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We performed clinicopathologic correlation on ten surgically removed pigmented epiretinal membranes causing macular pucker. All cases occurred in eyes with existing retinal holes or tears, including eight cases of macular pucker after previous retinal detachment. These cases probably represented a limited form of proliferative vitreoretinopathy. All membranes contained pigment epithelial cells with polarity, basement membrane, and melanosomes. Cytoplasmic melanin granules accounted for the clinical feature of pigmentation in these eyes.  相似文献   
A monoclonal antibody raised by immunization of BALB/c mice with erythrocytic stages of Plasmodium vivax was shown to react with asexual erythrocytic stages of P. chabaudi. The cross-reactivity molecules are antigens of 200 and 148 kDa in P. vivax and of 190 and 70 kDa in P. chabaudi. Immunofluorescence studies of the erythrocytic stages of P. vivax and P. chabaudi indicated that expression of these antigens increased as the parasites' developed from the ring stage to the schizont stage. In the mature trophozoites of P. chabaudi, immunoelectron microscopy revealed clusters of antigen distributed in the cytoplasm of the parasitized erythrocyte. In the schizont, packets of antigen were found associated with the parasitophorous vacuole and the cytoplasm of the infected host cell. Received: 19 March 1996 / Accepted: 28 August 1996  相似文献   
A total of 186 blood samples from 24 HIV-1 seropositive hemophiliac patients, monitored every four months for 29 months, were investigated for the presence of viral antigen in plasma. In addition, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were cultured for HIV-1, using normal PBMC as a target for replication. Antigenemia was detected in 51 % of the patients and from PBMC in 87.5 % of the patients. The incidence of HIV isolation in asymptomatic patients (42.8 %) was similar to that found in symptomatic patients (51.4 %). Patients with opportunistic infections had a higher incidence of lymphocytic viremia (p<0.05). Plasma viremia was closely associated (p<0.05) with low CD4+ counts and infection progression. The persistence of antigenemia was also a marker of a poor clinical course. In treated patients, plasma viremia was the marker that better correlated with the clinical course, and it did not appear during the first nine months of therapy. Zidovudine doses of >500 mg/day significantly lowered the appearance of antigenemia and lymphocytic viremia (p<0.05).  相似文献   
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