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The depth and extent of the invasion of the skull base by a tumor are the most critical information for successful en bloc resection of the tumor. The only means available for the evaluation of these factors are CT or MRI images. In order to clarify the ability of these imaging modes to delineate the invasion of the skull base, preoperative images of ten patients who underwent en bloc resection of skull base tumors at Kobe University Hospital were compared with the histopathological findings of the resected specimens. CT proved to be superior to MRI for evaluating bone destruction of the skull base. On the other hand, MRI provided more useful information about intracranial invasion than CT. As a hypertrophic linear shadow on Gd-enhanced MRI represented dural invasion or thickened dura mater adjacent to the tumor, this technique should be taken into consideration to determine the dural resection. We concluded that preoperative evaluation of the depth of skull base invasion by both CT and Gd-enhanced MRI is essential for planning complete tumor resection.  相似文献   
A neuropathological study on 1540 consecutive autopsy brains ranging from 60 to 107 years of age revealed the following points. (1) Of the of the demented cases of the plaque-predominant type, 93% were complicated with multiple tiny cortical infarcts. They showed a tendency for dementia to develop before or after the appearance or worsening of a systemic disorder such as cardiovascular disease, respiratory infection and cancer. However, there was no case showing Alzheimer-type dementia (ATD). (2) The plaque-predominant type might be an extreme condition of brain aging in terms of senile plaques (SP). It is likely that although the pathological appearance of SP alone is not responsible for dementia, its coexistence with multiple cortical infarcts could be the cause of dementia. Therefore, this type should be distinguished from ATD. (3) Primary hippocampal degeneration could also be an extreme condition of brain aging in terms of neurofibrillary tangles. This condition was different pathologically from the hippocampal lesion in ATD. (4) Several characteristics of old-old and oldest-old patients were clarified.  相似文献   
Amyloid enhancing factor (AEF) was extracted from spleens of mice that had received amyloidogenic stimulation. Sephacryl S 300 gel filtration of the crude AEF yielded five fractions, among which strong AEF activity was present in the first peak (Fl), and confirmed by an amyloid induction experiment. An anti AEF antiserum was obtained from a rabbit by immunization with Fl. This antibody reacted strongly with splenic polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PML) from mice given amyloidogenic stimulation, and weakly with those from normal untreated mice. Isoelectric focusing (IEF) analysis of both Fl and sera from mice given amyloidogenic stimulation was performed. A single band was observed on IEF analysis of Fl, whereas many bands were seen on IEF analysis of the sera. After the substances in the gel had been transferred to nitrocellulose membranes by capillary blotting, the membranes were made to react with the anti-AEF antiserum. The results suggested that AEF is a high molecular-weight substance derived from PML and increases in the serum at the time of, or shortly prior to, amyloid deposition in the spleen. Acta Pathol Jpn 39: 349∼355, 1989.  相似文献   
Genetic contributions to the etiology of substance abuse and dependence are topics of major interest. Acute and chronic cannabis use can produce drug-induced psychosis resembling schizophrenia and worsen positive symptoms of schizophrenia. The endocannabinoid system is one of the most important neural signaling pathways implicated in substance abuse and dependence. The fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) is a primary catabolic enzyme of endocannabinoids. To clarify a possible involvement of FAAH in the etiology of methamphetamine dependence/psychosis or schizophrenia, we examined the genetic association of a nonsynonymous polymorphism of the FAAH gene (Pro129Thr) by a case-control study. We found no significant association in allele and genotype frequencies of the polymorphism with either disorder. Because the Pro129Thr polymorphism reduces enzyme instability, it is unlikely that dysfunction of FAAH and enhanced endocannabinoid system induce susceptibility to either methamphetamine dependence/psychosis or schizophrenia.  相似文献   
Bilharzial bladder cancer is one of the most common types of malignancy in both men and women in several developing countries including Egypt. It has several unique clinical, epidemiological, and histological characteristics, suggesting that it is an entity distinct from bladder cancer seen in Western countries. Genetic alterations in bilharzial-related bladder cancer have been studied infrequently, especially in the advanced stages of disease, that is, T3 and T4 classifications. The objective of this study was to extend establishing the baseline cytogenetic profile of this type of malignancy to early T1 and T2 classifications. For this purpose, fluorescence in situ hybridization was applied to interphase nuclei of frozen-stored samples with biotinylated repetitive DNA probes specific for all chromosomes to detect numerical chromosome changes in 35 patients presenting with relatively early-stage pT1 and pT2 disease. Eleven cases had squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and 24 had transitional cell carcinoma. Six of 24 transitional cell carcinomas had diploid chromosome counts with all the probes. Numerical chromosome aberrations were detected in 18 cases (75%). In 12 cases, a loss of chromosome 9 was observed. In three cases, an additional loss of chromosome 17 was detected. One case demonstrated a loss of chromosome 10, whereas another two cases showed a gain of chromosome 7, next to a loss of chromosome 9. Loss of chromosome Y was observed in nine of the 27 male cases studied (33.3%), in which only one case showed an abnormality whereas four cases were detected next to loss of chromosome 9, and one case showed gain of chromosome 7. Five cases showed loss of chromosome 19 whereas gain of chromosome 4 was detected in two cases. Two of 11 samples of SCC had normal diploid chromosome counts with all the probes used. In four of 11 cases (36.4%) underrepresentation of chromosome 9, compared with the other chromosomes, was detected. An additional loss of chromosome 17 and gain of chromosome 7, next to loss of chromosome 9, was detected in three cases. One case showed loss of chromosome 17 as the only numerical aberration. Loss of the Y chromosome was detected in three cases of which one case had gain of chromosome 7 and one case had loss of chromosome 19. No correlation was found between any of the clinicopathologic parameters examined in this study and the presence or absence of any numerical chromosomal aberrations except for the significant association between schistosomal history and loss of Y chromosome (P=0.007).  相似文献   
Senile plaques In the brains of Alzheimer's disease (AD) were examined by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) with the following three findings. First, in sections stained with Congo red, the serial CLSM images of optical sections clearly revealed that a classic plaque is composed of a plaque core and a corona. Radially arranged process-like structures, corresponding to bundles of amyloid fibrils, formed amyloid cores and stronger signals were detected in the center of some cores. Second, in sections stained with Congo red and anti-gllal fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), reactive astrocytes were found around the senile plaques and many astrocytlc processes surrounded the plaque cores and some processes had penetrated into them. Third, three-dimensional reconstruction on classic plaque revealed that the surface of classic plaque showed a 'coral-like' appearance.  相似文献   
The nucleotide sequence of chicken Mx cDNA was reported earlier using the White Leghorn breed in Germany, but it showed no enhanced resistance to viruses. In this study, the nucleotide sequences of chicken Mx cDNA were determined in many breeds. A total of 25 nucleotide substitutions, of which 14 were deduced to cause amino acid exchanges, were detected, suggesting that the chicken Mx gene is very polymorphic. Transfected cell clones expressing chicken Mx mRNA were established after the Mx cDNA was constructed with an expression vector and introduced into mouse 3T3 cells, and the Mx genes from some breeds were demonstrated to confer positive antiviral responses to influenza virus and vesicular stomatitis virus. On the basis of the comparison among the antiviral activities associated with many Mx variations, a specific amino acid substitution at position 631 (Ser to Asn) was considered to determine the antivirally positive or negative Mx gene. Thus, a single amino acid substitution influences the antiviral activity of Mx in domesticated chickens.  相似文献   
Primary ovarian angiosarcoma is extremely rare. Only 16 cases have histologicaliy been reported to date In the Ilterature. A case of angiosarcoma arising In the right ovary of a 46-year-old female is presented. Grossly, the resected right ovary was completely replaced by a solid tumor mass, which revealed multiple necrotic and/or hemorrhagic foci. This case revealed the typical histological features of angiosarcoma with sinusoldal and solid patterns of anaplastic tumor cells. Immunohlstochemically, tumor cells were strongly and diffusely positive for CD31 and CD34, in particular, along the cytoplasmic membrane of the tumor cells. Ultrastructurally, tumor cells possessed the intermediate junctions between tumor cells, discontinuous basal laminae attached to the irregularly shaped blood vessels and occasional cytoplasmic pinocytotlc vesicles. These findings confirmed the case as being one of angiosarcoma of the ovary. The patient died 9 months after surgery as a result of developed multlfocal brain metastases. A total of 17 cases reported as primary ovarian anglosarcoma, including this presented case, are clinicopathologically reviewed.  相似文献   
By light and electron microscopy, we observed foamy cells in the spleens from a patient with hemolytic anemia due to red cell adenosine deaminase (ADA) overproduction, a patient with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) treated with gold, and patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)

The foamy cells associated with red cell ADA overproduction were essentially similar to Gaucher-like cells described in patients with thalassemia, and it was suggested that the accelerated destruction of red cells was one of the factors responsible for the development of foamy cells. Foamy cells in ITP and RA were closely associated with an increased destruction of platelets in the spleen. Morphologic transitions between phagocytosed platelets and myelinlike materials were traced in these disorders. In RA, however, foamy cells were heterogeneous from an ultrastructural standpoint, with different cytoplasmic inclusions. In addition to myelinlike materials, dense bodies, vacuoles with flocculent materials, and gold were noted in most of foamy cells. As gold compounds are known to inhibit lysosomal enzymes, we surmise that an acquired disturbance in lysosomal digestion is partially responsible for the accumulation of intermediate metabolites.

In the pathogenesis of foamy cells associated with blood cell dyscrasia, the accelerated destruction of blood cells and/or acquired disorders in catabolic pathways within the macrophages are suggested to be the underlying mechanism of an intralysosomal accumulation of incompletely degraded cellular debris.  相似文献   
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