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骨质疏松分为原发性和继发性,增龄和不健康的生活方式等导致的原发性骨质疏松正在不断受到关注,但是一些慢性疾病和药物相关的继发性骨质疏松常常被忽视。有专家指出,内分泌系统、免疫系统、消化系统等的疾病都可能引起骨质疏松。因此,有些慢性疾病患者,在治疗慢性疾病的同时,要定期进行骨密度的监测,配合以骨质疏松的治疗。  相似文献   

越来越多的研究关注Tourette综合征(TS)免疫反应与其发病的关系,本文就TS的免疫病理机制进行综述。TS的疾病机制涉及神经与免疫系统功能失调的相互作用,免疫功能异常可能是TS异质性谱系障碍中某一特定亚群的特征。免疫细胞亚群、免疫细胞因子或基因的不同分布及表达会影响TS患者的免疫反应,多巴胺功能亢进、小胶质细胞活化增加、自身抗体参与TS发生的免疫病理机制。大样本的前瞻性研究将有助于进一步探讨TS的神经精神症状和免疫功能之间的关系。  相似文献   

金晖 《健康向导》2016,(5):30-31
正骨质疏松特别"青睐"绝经后的女性?只有她们才最值得引起关注?你错了,其实许多疾病都与骨质疏松有着千丝万缕的联系。继发性骨质疏松默默侵蚀骨骼骨质疏松可发生于不同性别和年龄段的患者身上,但多见于绝经后的女性和老年男性。大多数人了解的都是原发性骨质疏松,其实骨质疏松还是一种继发性疾病,往往这类骨质疏松容易被忽视,更需要小心。因为,继发性骨质疏松可能是身体其他  相似文献   

Turner综合征(TS)是一种罕见的女性性染色体疾病,该病患者常表现为身材矮小、性腺发育不良、先天性心脏病、内分泌紊乱和淋巴水肿等。导致TS患儿死亡的主要原因是并发心血管疾病。嵌合体核型是TS患者常见染色体核型。由于TS患者临床表现差异、染色体核型多样及二者不一致性,增加临床对该病的诊断难度。笔者拟就TS患者相关遗传学与基因组学、常见并发症、诊断和治疗最新研究进展进行阐述,重点介绍嵌合体核型TS患儿的临床表现及诊断,旨在帮助医师进一步认识TS,减少对该病患者的漏诊和误诊。  相似文献   

目的 探讨晚期肺腺癌患者胸苷酸合酶(TS)表达水平与培美曲塞疗效及临床病理的相关性.方法 对47例晚期肺腺癌患者,采用免疫组化SP法检测癌组织中TS的表达.评价患者TS表达情况与培美曲塞化疗疗效、临床病理特征之间的相关性.结果 47例患者中,TS免疫组化结果显示TS表达阳性率和阴性率分别为42.6%(20/47)和57.4% (27/47);TS表达水平与患者的性别、年龄、吸烟史及分化程度没有显著的相关性.TS阳性组和TS阴性组中部分缓解(PR)分别有8例(17%)和15例(32%),疾病稳定(SD)分别有7例(14.9%)和5例(10.6%),疾病控制率(DCR)分别为31.9%(15/47)和42.6%(20/47).TS阳性组和阴性组的平均无疾病进展生存期(PFS)分别为6.7月和7.26月,中位PFS分别7.27月和4.4月,但是差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 TS检测对预测培美曲塞在肺腺癌中的化疗疗效、判断预后具有一定的指导意义,但是需要更大型的多中心的前瞻性的临床实验的验证.  相似文献   

骨质疏松是最常见的骨骼疾病之,是由于骨密度丢失导致骨骼变脆,易发生骨折的一种疾病。骨密度是指特定部位骨骼的骨组织含量(例如钙及其它矿物质)。过去曾经认为骨质疏松是次性疾病,现在已经明确男性同样可患骨质疏松。  相似文献   

什么是骨质疏松?骨质疏松是指骨的结构变得稀疏,骨量减少,骨脆性增加,容易骨折的一种全身性疾病,可分为原发性,继发性和特发性骨质疏松。最常见的是原发性骨质疏松。骨质疏松是随年龄的增长而出现的疾病,是一种潜在地增加骨折危险的致残性疾病,它不仅造成患者身心的痛苦,而且还给他们带来沉重的经济负担,  相似文献   

骨质疏松是全身骨质减少的一种现象,它可以是人体在一定条件下的正常生理现象,也可以是疾病的一种表现形式。人们往往提起骨质疏松就联想到老年人的一种常见病。其实骨质疏松并不是老年人所特有的疾病,它可以发生在各种年龄组的人群中。但是,不可否认,骨质疏松与年龄有着直接和密切的联系,因为,年龄在很大程度上决定了骨质疏松的性  相似文献   

正一直以来,提到骨质疏松,人们就会将它与中老年人挂钩。的确,骨质疏松已成为困扰老年人群的主要疾病,其发病率紧随糖尿病、老年痴呆,跃居老年疾病第三位。国际骨质疏松基金会调查显示,目前全球50岁以上的人群中约有2亿骨质疏松患者,每年因骨质疏松导致骨折的高达890万人次,即每3秒就有1例骨质疏松患者发生骨折。我国是世界上拥有骨质疏松患者最多的国家,约有9000万,每两个老人中就有1人患病。  相似文献   

赵霞 《保健医苑》2013,(2):56-58
<正>据调查,骨质疏松已由20世纪的第13大疾病跃居为21世纪的第5大疾病。骨质疏松正成为吞噬老年人健康的"隐形流行病"。因此骨质疏松的防治日益引起人们的关注。骨质疏松症是由骨量减少、骨骼微细结构发生破坏所导致骨骼脆弱而易发生骨折的骨骼系统疾病。而在日常生活中,饮食习惯在很大程度上决定骨质疏松形成的早晚,  相似文献   

Panel Data模型在监测资料分析中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:探讨监测资料中常见二维数据的统计分析方法。方法:采用Panel Data模型分析截面数据与时序数据混合的二维资料。结果:住院分娩率对新生儿死亡率的影响系数为-0.1510(P=0.0000),提示住院分娩率对新生儿死亡率有负向的影响作用,即住院分娩率越高的地区其新生儿死亡率越低。与通常的时序数据模型或截面数据模型相比,Panel Data模型在分析截面数据与时序数据混合的二维资料时具有独特的优势,表现在充分利用了资料的信息;缓解或消除了时序数据模型中多重共线性的影响;可以反映各种“未知因素”的影响。结论:在分析截面数据与时序数据混合的二维资料时Panel Data模型具有独特的优势。  相似文献   

组织切片病理申请单HBsAg和HBV-DNA检测初步探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 :了解传染病医院病理科的组织切片 ,病理申请单是否受到 HBV污染和是否具有传染性。方法 :随机采集传染病医院组织切片、病理申请单各 5 0张 ,用标准固体表面 HBV采样法取样 ,EL ISA法检测 HBs Ag,斑点杂交法检测HBV- DNA。结果 :组织切片 HBs Ag ( ) 15例 (30 % ) ,病理申请单 HBs Ag ( ) 14例 (2 8% ) ;组织切片、病理申请单HBV- DNA检测均为阴性。结论 :传染病医院的组织切片、病理申请单有相当数量被 HBV污染 ,但传染性较小。  相似文献   

Trans-sialidase (TS) is a polymorphic protein superfamily described in members of the protozoan genus Trypanosoma. Of the eight TS groups recently described, TS group I proteins (some of which have catalytic activity) are present in the distantly related Trypanosoma brucei and Trypanosoma cruzi phylogenetic clades, whereas other TS groups have only been described in some species belonging to the T. cruzi clade. In the present study we analyzed the repertoire, distribution and phylogenetic relationships of TS genes among species of the T. cruzi clade based on sequence similarity, multiple sequence alignment and tree-reconstruction approaches using TS sequences obtained with the aid of PCR-based strategies or retrieved from genome databases. We included the following representative isolates of the T. cruzi clade from South America: T. cruzi, T. cruzi Tcbat, Trypanosoma cruzi marinkellei, Trypanosoma dionisii, Trypanosoma rangeli and Trypanosoma conorhini. The cloned sequences encoded conserved TS protein motifs Asp-box and VTVxNVxLYNR but lacked the FRIP motif (conserved in TS group I). The T. conorhini sequences were the most divergent. The hybridization patterns of TS probes with chromosomal bands confirmed the abundance of these sequences in species in the T. cruzi clade. Divergence and relationship analysis placed most of the TS sequences in the groups defined in T. cruzi. Further examination of members of TS group II, which includes T. cruzi surface glycoproteins implicated in host cell attachment and invasion, showed that sequences of T. cruzi Tcbat grouped with those of T. cruzi genotype TcI. Our analysis indicates that different members of the T. cruzi clade, with different vertebrate hosts, vectors and pathogenicity, share the extensive expansion and sequence diversification of the TS gene family. Altogether, our results are congruent with the evolutionary history of the T. cruzi clade and represent a contribution to the understanding of the molecular evolution and role of TS proteins in trypanosomes.  相似文献   

One may suspect osteoporosis for many reasons. One may identify a woman who has had a fracture that has resulted from minimal trauma; she may have had a radiograph that raises the issue of vertebral fracture or osteopenia; she may have a strong family history of osteoporosis; she may have a disease (such as premature ovarian failure) or be taking drugs (such as glucocorticoids) that are strongly associated with osteoporosis. In all of these situations, it is important to consider the possibility of osteoporosis and to refer for bone densitometry. A common form of presentation of more severe osteoporosis is a woman presenting with vertebral fracture - the paper begins by considering this clinical presentation. It then assesses the types of deformity, followed by the deformities that mimic fractures. Finally, the review article considers the use of vertebral morphometry in the clinic.  相似文献   

Objective:The Phenotypical characteristics of women with Turner's Syndrome (TS) are well documented but information on their psychosocial communication is considerably poorer. Design: The purpose of the present study was to assess the aspects of sexual life in 176 women with TS older than 18 years in Poland and to compare them with Polish women in general as well as with TS women in western European countries. Setting: Sexual attraction, initiation of sexual activity, age of sexual initiation, sensation of orgasm, reasons for not initiating sexual activity, marital status and marriage stability were analysed. Methods: Direct questioning method. Results: 81,8% of TS women feel sexual attraction, 29,5% initiate sexual activity, mean age of sexual initiation is approximately 22,7 + 0,5 years, and 69,2% have orgasms. 18.2% of TS women had stable marriages. Women with TS differ from healthy Polish women is general in having a lesser interest in males, less frequent sexual activity, later initiation of sexual activity and a less frequent orgasm rate. The most frequent reason for reduced sexual activity is lack of a regular partner. Fewer women get married but their marriages are more stable. TS women differ from TS women in western European countries in less frequent sexual activity, later sexual initiation but greater orgastic capacity. They show a greater interest in males, more get married and their marriages are characterised by greater stability. Conclusion: 1. In spite of significant hormonal abnormalities, sexual activity in women with Turner's Syndrome is not completely avoided. 2. The quality of sexual life of the studied women with TS is differentiated in comparison to women from the general population and TS women from other countries and depends on the analysed parameter.  相似文献   

目的 探讨慢性运动性抽动(CMTD)患儿脑电地形图的特点,以及抽动秽语综合征患儿脑电地形图的差异。方法 对39例CMTD患儿和31例TS患儿进行脑电地形图的检查和分析。结果 CMTD患儿脑电地形图的异常率为30.7%,TS患儿为54.8%,两组患儿的异常率有显著差异(P<0.05)。两组患儿的脑电地形图均以广泛性慢波增多为主,异常特点无明显差异。结论 CMTD患儿有一定程度的脑电地形图的异常,但较TS患儿异常率低。脑电地形图异常的CMTD患儿抽动和蔼相对较重,因此症状与TS患儿有更多的相似之处。  相似文献   

Among risk factors for osteoporosis, only family history was associated with worry about osteoporosis, while white race was the only factor associated with hormone replacement therapy use.


Objectives: To determine whether postmenopausal women with risk factors for osteoporosis are more likely to use hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or to worry about osteoporosis than women without risk factors. Method: Cross-sectional survey of postmenopausal women at the Women Veteran Comprehensive Health Center. Statistical analysis was performed using the chi-square test and logistic regression analysis. Results: Of the 230 postmenopausal women who answered the questionnaire (mean age 55.7 years), 167 (72%) reported ever having used HRT and 113 (49%) worried about osteoporosis. Factors that were significantly associated (P < .05) with ever having used HRT were race, marital status, hysterectomy, worry about osteoporosis, and being aware that HRT reduces the risk of osteoporosis; however, no other risk factors for osteoporosis were associated with HRT use, nor was having the diagnosis of osteoporosis. Women who worried about osteoporosis were significantly more likely to be under age 60; to have a family history of osteoporosis, poor self-rated current health, and osteoporosis as a medical condition; to be aware that HRT reduces the risk of osteoporosis; and to have used HRT (P < .05). Conclusions: Among risk factors for osteoporosis, only family history was associated with worry about osteoporosis, while white race was the only risk factor associated with HRT use in our cohort of postmenopausal woman veterans. This may represent a lack of awareness and knowledge about osteoporosis and its sequelae and about the benefits of HRT. An understanding of patient awareness of risk factors for osteoporosis and their motivations to take HRT can be valuable when counseling women on their decision to use HRT or other medications to prevent osteoporosis.  相似文献   

BackgroundPrevious research suggests that parents of a child with Tourette Syndrome (TS) have lower self-concepts, higher caregiver burden, and more difficulties with home activities. However, the contributions of TS and mental, emotional, or behavioral (MEB) conditions to family functioning are difficult to identify from previous research due to relatively small TS sample sizes and high rates of co-occurring conditions within samples of children with TS.ObjectiveThe current study hypothesized that families of children with TS would report significantly more family functioning difficulties (more parenting aggravation, more difficulty with coping with the child's care, less parent–child communication, and less consistent family routines). Specifically, co-occurring conditions would contribute substantially to reported parenting aggravation.MethodParent-reported data from the 2007 National Survey of Children's Health were analyzed, including whether the child had been diagnosed with TS or an MEB. Weighted analyses were restricted to US children 6–17 years of age (n = 64,034) and adjusted for child age, sex, race and ethnicity.ResultsParents of children with TS were more likely to fall into the high parenting aggravation index category compared with parents of children without TS (aPR = 3.8, 95% CI: 2.2–6.6). Controlling for the co-occurring MEB conditions attenuated the relations between TS and parenting aggravation; however, a significant effect for TS remained in some cases.ConclusionParents of children with TS may face significant challenges in raising their children, leading to increased parenting aggravation; these challenges appear to be primarily associated with the presence of co-occurring MEB conditions.  相似文献   

Threats of nuclear and other radiologic exposures have been increasing but no countermeasure for acute radiation syndrome has been approved by regulatory authorities. In prior publications we have demonstrated the efficacy of tocopherol succinate (TS) as a promising radiation countermeasure with the potential to protect against lethal doses of ionizing radiation exposure. The aim of this study was to gain further insight regarding how TS protects mice against a lethal dose of radiation. CD2F1 mice were injected subcutaneously with 400 mg/kg of TS, and 24 h later exposed to 60Co γ–radiation. Intestinal tissues or spleen/thymus were harvested after irradiation and analyzed for CD68-positive inflammatory cells and apoptotic cells by immunostaining of jejunal cross-sections. Comet assay was used to analyze DNA damage in various tissues. Phospho-histone H3(pH3) and the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) were used as mitotic markers for immunostaining jejunal cross-sections. We observed that injecting TS significantly decreased the number of CD68-positive cells, DNA damage and apoptotic cells (BAX, caspase 3 and cleaved poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-positive cells) as judged by various apoptotic pathway markers. TS treatment also increased proliferating cells in irradiated mice. Results of this study further support our contention that TS protects mice against lethal doses of ionizing radiation by inhibiting radiation-induced apoptosis and DNA damage while enhancing cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Tourette Syndrome (TS) is an uncommon developmental disability characterized by repetitive and involuntary verbal and motor tics. A survey of all known affiliates of the Tourette Syndrome Association of Ohio was conducted to document the special problems and needs of the TS student. A total of 431 questionnaires was returned, and the types and frequency of interpersonal and academic school problems were found to be pervasive. Problems did not differ by grade level, but students medicating their TS symptoms experienced more problems. In most cases, current students described similar problems to adults, suggesting that recent attempts to provide optimal educational opportunities to all handicapped children have not been successful where TS is involved. The presence of a behavioral or learning disability diagnosis indicated that substantial percentages of respondents were in need of specialized educational services, but not all those in need were receiving them. Parents were generally satisfied with their child's education, but less satisfied when specialized education was involved. Suggestions are offered for more effectively dealing with the TS child in the classroom.  相似文献   

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