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护理本科人才培养整体胜任力标准框架模型的构建   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
为应对国际医学教育标准化趋势对中国护理教育的挑战,运用现代教育理论和护理理论,在对胜任力和护理整体胜任力结构要素进行理论分析基础上,结合相关实践和研究基础,初步构建了一个"蛛网式"护理本科人才培养整体胜任力标准框架模型,并对其内容体系提出分析和建议,旨在为进一步构建我国高等护理教育标准提供参考依据.  相似文献   

目的探讨颅脑创伤护理人员胜任特征内涵,编制颅脑创伤护理人员胜任特征测量表。方法通过文献检索和调查问卷,初步编制颅脑创伤护理人员胜任特征测量表,并对全国9个省市18家医院从事颅脑创伤护理工作的586例护理人员展开调研分析,以确定正式量表;复测量表232例,并以中国护士胜任特征量表为关联效标,检测该量表的外部效度。结果颅脑创伤护理人员胜任特征测量表包括6个因素21个题项;单因子分析结果显示,各题项在各自因素上的因子载荷为0.633~0,870(P〈0.01),共同度在0.508~0.708,内部一致性系数α=0.930,分半信度0.935,说明该量表具有良好的信效度;皮尔逊相关系数=0.636,支持量表的外部效度;不同学历的颅脑创伤护理人员存在胜任特征测量分值的差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论颅脑创伤护理人员胜任特征量表具有较好的测量学特性,对不同绩效颅脑创伤护理人员具有较好的鉴别力。  相似文献   

Mills C  Pritchard T 《Nursing times》2004,100(43):28-29
As nurses undertake more specialist roles, strategies need to be in place to ensure competencies are maintained. University College London Hospitals has developed a competency framework to support personal and professional development of nurses in specialist roles.  相似文献   

介绍了灾害护理概念及构成要素、灾害护理特点及其能力需求,从灾害护理核心知识、灾害护理核心能力两方面提出了我国护士灾害护理能力框架,以探索适合我国国情的灾害护理能力标准和评价体系,提高我国护士灾害护理能力整体水平和综合素质。  相似文献   

A curriculum framework for nursing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Nursing education has struggled for decades to develop a framework that would adequately reflect nursing and provide a stable yet dynamic curriculum for nursing education. Unfortunately, most of the frameworks the profession has used in the past either were adapted from other disciplines or based on processes, concepts, and theories that were too narrow to serve in the capacity of a unifying framework. Perhaps it is time that nursing begins to focus more on the profession's epistemological forest than on isolated trees when developing and selecting curricular frameworks. This article offers a framework that may help us do just that.  相似文献   

Mathematics competency in nursing is an ongoing problem. The author discusses a standardized mathematics competency program based on current practices reported in nursing literature. Dimensional analysis is the method that students learn to find solutions to nursing problems that require mathematics and is important to the success of the program.  相似文献   

为探索专业护士培训指导教师胜任特征,根据胜任特征模型构建的经典方法,建立专业护士指导教师胜任特征模型构建框架并详细阐述.指导教师胜任特征模型的构建,为指导教师的甄选、评估、标准的形成及为教育研究者提供培养指导教师的理论依据,也可帮助护士进行职业生涯发展规划.  相似文献   

Variability in practice and quality of care for children and young people with orthopaedic conditions was identified by a network of nurses working in this specialty. Nine benchmarks were developed to help address this variability by providing support for nurses to evaluate and improve practice where necessary. The process of developing the benchmarks is described and lessons learnt are discussed, including the challenges for experts of making the nature of their work explicit. Following publication and dissemination of the benchmarks, an evaluation of their usefulness is planned.  相似文献   

Stobinski JX 《AORN journal》2008,88(3):417-418
OR MANAGERS FACE INCREASING pressure to ensure nursing competency.SUBSPECIALTY EDUCATION programs provide a critical foundation upon which eventual clinical competency will be built, but the relationship between competency and clinical performance is not yet well understood.A VARIETY OF PERIOPERATIVE nursing subspecialty programs are described in the literature. These programs were examined in the context of the theoretical connection between education, clinical experience, and nursing competency. AORN J 88 (September 2008) 417-436. © AORN, Inc, 2008.  相似文献   

Barton TD  Bevan L  Mooney G 《Nursing times》2012,108(25):22-24
This second in a three-part series outlines the introduction of a governance framework for advanced nursing practice. Part 1 explored the history of the evolution of advanced practice, while part 3, to be published next week, will discuss the future of advanced practice and how it may shape the career structure of nursing.  相似文献   

A nursing framework for integrating the multidisciplinary approach in a pulmonary rehabilitation program is presented. The framework uses functional categories adapted from Gordon, categories that reflect the functional and holistic emphasis of the program. The particular pattern of role/relationship is developed to illustrate the model used to implement the framework as well as the team's specific application of the nursing process within the model. The process of the team's development of the framework is described. Using a nursing framework highlights nursing's unique role in multidisciplinary rehabilitation: that of coordinating as well as providing holistic care.  相似文献   

Home nursing is typically dismissed as a series of tasks, limited in range and basic in nature. The present article describes research which repudiates this view while presenting a conceptual framework of home nursing which captures the dynamics and impact of this form of nursing upon the patient. Through using the approach of 'grounded theory' (Glaser & Strauss 1967) the present stereotype was found to be deficient. Home nursing was observed to be far more complex and challenging than generally acknowledged. Whilst the development of a conceptual framework was the primary aim of the research, the author has compared the home nursing studied in Australia to the observations of Kratz (1976, 1978) upon district nursing in England. It was found that the home nurse plays a central role in the patient's response to chronic illness. Lawrence & Lawrence (1979) have described how nursing intervention can produce, through adaption to the stress of long-term illness, a higher form of human functioning than that existing before the onset of the disorder. Surprisingly, this process has never been examined in relation to home nursing which, more than ever, is caring for increasing numbers of patients experiencing chronic illness and disability. The present study found that different variables and parameters which exist in home nursing but not in acute facilities affect the nursing intervention. If a body of nursing knowledge is to be developed and maintained from which nursing education can be co-ordinated, understanding of different nursing situations and the variables active in each is essential.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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