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Summary It has been shown, by using the immunogold technique, that C-peptide and insulin are co-localized in the mature granules of human pancreatic cells and insulinomas with typical granules. The mean gold bead densities of both C-peptide and insulin were at least twice as high in the normal pancreas when compared with the insulinomas. The mean granule diameter of the insulinoma cells (D=0.30 ±0.12 m) was smaller than that of human pancreatic cells (D=0.45 ±0.15 m). The morphometric data indicate that each of the antigens (C-peptide and insulin) is distributed similarly in the halos and the dense cores of the granules. Thus, no topological segregation of these two antigens occurs within the granules of either normal human pancreas or insulinomas.  相似文献   

Summary Atrial specific granules first appear in the human auricle by about 7 weeks of fetal development. They are rapidly formed between the 7 and 8 week stages. Granules are fairly evenly spread at the onset of their appearance. As they increase in number they soon aggregate in the juxtanuclear and subsarcolemmal positions. The electron dense matrix of granules of young cardiomyoblasts is condensed and/or synthesized within the Golgi cisternae. Large and electron dense cisternae are sometimes observed in close connection with mature specific granules. Bristle coated vesicles develop by a budding off process from the lateral margins of the Golgi cisternae. A fusion between bristle coated vesicles and specific granules is indicated.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Epithelkörperchen von 3 Kontrollpersonen und 3 Patienten mit sekundärem Hyperparathyreoidismus wurden in ihrem ultrastrukturellen Aufbau mit 3 Epithelkörperchen-Adenomen verglichen. Als charakteristisches Merkmal normaktiver menschlicher Epithelkörperchen finden sich zusammengesetzte Lipoidkörper und zahlreiche Lipoidvacuolen. Es werden mehrere Typen elektronendichter Granula unterschieden und eine mögliche Entwicklungsreihe (Prosekretgranula, Sekretgranula, lysosomale Krinophagie, Lipoidvacuolen) aufgestellt.Aktivierte Zellen sekundär hyperplastischer Epithelkörperchen zeigen folgende ultrastrukturellen Veränderungen: Vermehrung des Glykogens (helle Hauptzellen) und/oder der Mitochondrien (oxyphile Übergangszellen), Vergrößerung des Golgi-Apparates und Vermehrung der Prosekretgranula, größere Ausdehnung des rauhen endoplasmatischen Reticulum bis zur Bildung von sog. Nebenkernen, Verminderung der Lipoidvacuolen, stärkere Schlängelung und Verzahnung der Zellmembranen. Diese Zeichen gesteigerter Zellfunktion entsprechen weitgehend den tierexperimentellen Befunden an aktivierten Epithelkörperchen. Abgesehen von der Vermehrung der Prosekretgranula erlaubt der Gehalt der Zellen an elektronendichten (Sekret-) Granula keine sicheren Rückschlüsse auf die endokrine Aktivität der Drüsen.Die Zellen der Epithelkörperchen-Adenome können denen in sekundär hyperplastischen Epithelkörperchen weitgehend ähneln. Meist jedoch finden sich in Epithelkörperchen-Adenomen größere cytologische Unterschiede (unregelmäßige Kernform, ungleiche Verteilung der Cytoplasmaorganellen). Der Golgi-Apparat ist häufig nur gering entwickelt. Auch die Form und Größe der elektronendichten Körper kann von der normaler oder sekundär hyperplastischer Epithelkörperchen abweichen. In einem der 3 Adenome wurden annulate lamellae beobachtet. Diese besitzen in ihrer Anordnung eine große Ähnlichkeit zum rauhen endoplasmatischen Reticulum und zu den Nebenkernen sekundär hyperplastischer Epithelkörperchen. Ferner sieht man stellenweise eine Öffnung und einen direkten Übergang von annulate lamellae in Ergastroplasmacysternen. Die annulate lamellae werden daher als unreife oder pathologische Vorstufen des endoplasmatischen Reticulum angesehen.
Ultrastructural comparison of human parathyroid glands in secondary hyperparathyroidism and primary parathyroid adenoma
Summary We compared the ultrastructure of human parathyroids from three control subjects, three patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism, and three parathyroid adenomas. As characteristic features of normal human parathyroids we found complex lipid bodies and numerous individual lipid vacuoles. Various types of electron dense granules could be differentiated; a possible line of development (prosecretory granules, secretory granules, lysosomal crinophagy, lipid vacuoles) is suggested.Activated cells of secondary hyperplastic parathyroids presented the following ultrastructural changes: increase of glycogen (clear chief cells) and/or mitochondria (transitional oxyphilic cells), enlargement of the Golgi apparatus and multiplication of prosecretory granules, enlargement of rough surfaced endoplasmic reticulum arranged in stacked membrane profiles, decrease of lipid vacuoles, increased tortuosity and more complex interdigitations of plasmalemmal profiles. Apart from the multiplication of prosecretory granules the number of electron dense (secretory) granules gave no reliable information on the secretory activity of the glands.Cells of parathyroid adenomas may be similar to those of secondary hyperplastic parathyroids. Parathyroid adenomas, however, usually present a greater variation in cytologic features (irregular shape of nuclei, irregular display of cytoplasmic organelles). The Golgi apparatus frequently is poorly developed. The shape and size of electron dense granules may vary from normal and from secondary hyperplastic glands. In one of the parathyroid adenomas we found annulate lamellae. Their arrangement was very similar to that of rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum in secondary hyperplastic parathyroids. Further we found an opening and a continuity of annulate lamellae with sacs of endoplasmic reticulum. Annulate lamellae therefore are regarded as immature or pathologic precursors of endoplasmic reticulum.

Herrn Prof. Dr. med. H. Bredt zum 65. Geburtstag gewidmet.

Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary The nuclear inclusions characteristic of the virosis of dense nuclei of the Lepidoptera have been identified, by electron microscopic cytological studies, as aggregations of elements corresponding to the paraspherical virus isolated from infected cells.  相似文献   

The glands in the pseudoscolex of the echinophallid cestode Paraechinophallus japonicus (Bothriocephalidea), a parasite of the bathypelagic fish Psenopsis anomala (Perciformes, Centrolophidae), were studied using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Two types of glands, with different morphological types of secretory granules and mechanisms for discharging their glandular secretion, were observed. Both types of gland cell bodies are localized in the parenchyma of the pseudoscolex. The syncytial glands of type I are characterized by the production of small (all ∼0.25 μm in diameter), rounded, dense secretory granules which pass though thin projections into the distal tegumental layer of the pseudoscolex. This type of gland has a unique method of discharging its secretory granules, which we call tumulogenesis. The elimination of the secretory products is realized by an encroachment of the basement membrane and underlying tegumental muscles into the surface region of the distal cytoplasm of the tegument, resulting in the formation of a ‘glandular stalk’ above which develops a superficial glandular tumulus. In the region of the glandular material of the tumulus, the basement membrane of the stalk forms a dilation, and the appearance of a membrane-bound area serves to separate the tumulus from the distal cytoplasm of the tegument. Unicellular glands of type II are characterized by large granules (0.4–0.9 μm in diameter), the presence of peripheral microtubules in the terminal region of their ducts and an eccrine mechanism for the discharge of their secretory granules. A comparative analysis of the distribution and morphology of the types of scolex glands among members of the different families of the ‘Pseudophyllidea’ (currently believed to represent two distinct orders, Bothriocephalidea and Diphyllobothriidea) is presented.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Feinstruktur des Pinealorgans der Eidechsen Lacerta viridis und L. muralis wurde untersucht. Folgende Zellen kommen vor: Pinealocyten, Stützzellen und basal gelagerte helle Zellen. Pinealocyten sind prismatischen Zellen, welche aus einem supranucleären Teil, der dem Innenglied der Photoreceptoren entspricht, und einem basalen Teil bestehen, der sich in mehrere Basalfortsätze aufsplittert. Die Innenglieder sind stets in zwei Abschnitte aufgeteilt. Der distale Abschnitt ragt in das Lumen des Organs, während der proximale Teil das Ellipsoid enthält, außerdem das Golgi-Feld, endoplasmatische Schläuche mit Ribosomenbesatz und drei Typen von dichten Körpern und Granula. Außenglieder sind selten und rudimentär; die basalen Fortsätze der Pinealocyten enthalten keine synaptic ribbons und die basalen hellen Zellen (sensorische Nervenzellen, Kappers, 1967) haben keinen synaptischen Kontakt mit den Pinealocyten. Sekretionsprozesse lassen sich an der Zellspitze und an der Basis der Pinealocyten nachweisen. Obgleich der Aufbau des Pinealorgans sehr dem anderer photosensorischer Epithelien gleicht, gibt es wenige Hinweise, daß die Pinealocyten der Eidechsen photosensibel sind. Die intraepithelialen Nerven, welche offensichtlich synaptische Verbindungen mit Zellfortsätzen unbekannter Harkunft haben, scheinen efferente Nerven zu sein.Der Nervus parietalis, welcher an der Außenseite der rostralen Wand des Pinealorgans eltlangzieht, ist manchmal in zwei Äste aufgeteilt. In einem Fall konnte festgestellt werden, daß der dickere, an der linken Seite gelegene, aus 275 Fasern besteht, von denen 34 markhaltig sind. In Serienschnitten wurden die beiden Parietalnerven bis an das Parietalauge verfolgt. Es gibt Hinweise dafür, daß die Nerven sich unterhalb der Spitze des Pinealorgans kreuzen.
Electron microscopic studies on the problem of photosensory and secretory functions of the pineal organ of lacerta viridis and L. muralis
Summary The fine structure of the pineal organ has been investigated in the lizard Lacerta viridis and Lacerta muralis. There are pinealocytes, supporting cells and basal light cells. Pinealocytes are columnar cells consisting of a supranuclear part which corresponds to the inner segment of photoreceptor cells, and a basal part which splits into several basal processes. The inner segment is regularly separated into two sections. The distal section protrudes into the pineal lumen, whereas the proximal contains the ellipsoid, a Golgi field, rough endoplasmatic reticulum and three types of dense bodies and granules (see Fig. 3). The outer segments are scare and little differentiated. The basal processes of pinealocytes do not contain any synaptical ribbons, and the basal light cells (sensory nerve cells of Kappers, 1967) do not show any synaptical contact with pinealocytes. Secretion was demonstrated at the apices as well as at the basal processes of the pinealocytes. Thus, although the architecture of pineal organs resembles that of other photosensorial epithelia, there is little evidence that the pinealocytes of lizards are involved in photosensory activity. There are intraepithelial nerve processes, apparently having synaptical contact with cell processes of unknown origin. They seem to be efferent nerves.The parietal nerve passing the pineal organ outside its rostral wall sometmes seems to be divided into two branches. In one case the thicker one, located at the left, has been found to consist of 275 fibres, 34 of which are myelinated. In serial sections both parietal nerves have been traced to the parietal eye. There is evidence that they cross below the tip of the pineal organ.
Mit dankenswerter Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wurden Pinealorgane (Epiphysis cerebri) ausgewachsener Eidechsen (Lacerta viridis und Lacerta muralis) mit der Falck-Hillarp Methode und dem Elektronenmikroskop untersucht, um 5-Hydroxytryptamin (5-HT) in den sekretorischen Pinealzellen zu bestimmen und zu lokalisieren. Die in dem Pinealorgan enthaltene Menge an 5-HT ist sehr groß (Gesamtmenge in Gehirn = 0,1998 g; Gesamtmenge in Pinealorgan = 0,0869 g=43%). Beim Vergleich der durch Fluorescenz- und Elektronenmikroskopie gewonnenen Resultate ergab sich, daß Pinealocyten zwei Formen von 5-HT enthalten. Die Hauptmenge ist in Granula mit einem durchschnittlichen Durchmesser von 1337±42 Å (L. muralis) lokalisiert, die von einer Elementarmembran umgeben sind, wodurch sie vom Cytoplasma getrennt sind (große, granulierte Vesikel zwischen 600 und 3000 Å). Dieser intravesiculäre 5-HT-Pool ist gegen Reserpinbehandlung relative resistent und scheint außerdem sehr fest an eine Protein-Matrix der Granula gebunden zu sein. Sogar nach 2 Dosen von 10 mg/kg Reserpin findet man nur eine Abnahme der relativen Fluorescenzintensität um etwa 50%. Das entspricht einer geringen, aber doch signifikanten Durchmesserabnahme des granulären Gehaltes nach Reserpin-Vorbehandlung, wogegen 2 Dosen von 300 mg/kg Nialamid keine sichtbaren Veränderungen an den Granula hervorrufen. Die zweite 5-HT-Form ist Bestandteil eines schnell verfügbaren, extravesiculären Pools, der über das gesamte Cytoplasma verteilt ist. Ab- und Zunahme der gelben Fluorescenz nach Reserpin oder Nialamid-Behandlung dürften im wesentlichen auf Einwirkung auf diesen extravesiculären Pool zurückzuführen sein. Elektronenmikroskopisch ist diese 5-HT Form schwer zu lokalisieren; jedoch führt eine Vorbehandlung mit Nialamid und 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) zu einem starken Anstieg des extravesiculären Pools, in dessen Folge Orte mit hohen Konzentrationen an 5-HT-haltigen Substanzen sichtbar werden. Unter normalen Bedingungen stehen beide Poole in einem Gleichgewicht, und zwar in einer Weise, daß die Menge an extravesiculären 5-HT niedrig aber konstant gehalten wird.
Studies on the fluorescence and electronmicroscopic identification of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) in the pineal organ of lacerta viridis and L. muralis
Summary The pineal organ (epiphysis cerebri) of adult lizards (Lacerta viridis and Lacerta muralis) has been studied by means of Falck's and Hillarp's method and electron microscopically with the aim to detect and localize 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) in secretorial pinealocytes. The amount of 5-HT concentrated in the pineal organ is extremly high (total amount per brain = 0.1998 g; total amount per pineal organ = 0.0869 g=43%). Comparison of the results obtained by fluorescence and electron microscopy demonstrates that pinealocytes contain two types of 5-HT. The major amount is localized in granules with a diameter of 1337±42 Å (L. muralis). They are surrounded by a unit membrane separating the interior from the cytoplasm (=large granulated vesicles ranging between 600 and 3000 Å). This intravesicular pool of 5-HT is relatively resistent towards reserpine treatment and seems to be tightly bound to a protein matrix of the granules. Even after 2 doses of 10 mg/kg reserpine there is only a decrease of the relative fluorescence intensity of about 50%. That corresponds to a small but significant decrease in the diameter of the granular content after reserpine pretreatment whereas 2 doses of 300 mg/kg nialamide do not produce any observable alteration of the granules. The second type of 5-HT constitutes an easily available extravesicular pool spread over the cytoplasm. Increase and decrease of the yellow fluorescence after nialamid and reserpine treatment might be largely due to the influence on this extravesicular pool. Electron microscopically this type of 5-HT is difficult to localize; pretreatment with nialamide and 5-hydroxytryptophane (5-HTP), however, considerably increases the extravesicular pool and sites of large concentrations of 5-HT containing substances become visible. Under normal conditions both pools are balanced in such a way as to keep down and hold constant the amount of extravesicular 5-HT.
Mit dankenswerter Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the vascular endothelial cells was studied, with special reference to their dense granules, in seventeen species belonging to the five classes of vertebrates. The granules were spheric or ovoid, of high electronic density, and surrounded by a single three layered membrane. In the higher vertebrates the granules are less numerous and smaller (0.1–0.4 ) than in the lower vertebrates (0.3–0.5 ). Tubular structures were observed in the mammalian granules, while the granular content was homogenously dense in lower vertebrates. The only bird presenting endothelial granules showed that such bodies have a structure similar to that of the mammalian studied.Two questions arise 1) is the physiological function of these granules similar in different species; and 2) are the differences observed between the granules of lower and higher vertebrates representation for the evolutionary pattern of a subcellular body.Partially supported by a grant from Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Argentina. The authors wish to thank Dr. Mario H. Burgos for his interest and criticism.Member of the Scientific Research Career of the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Técnicas. Argentina  相似文献   

Similar catabolic features were found in macrophages of melano-macrophage centers of sturgeon liver and Kupffer cells of hibernating frogs and tadpoles underdoing metamorphosis. Catabolic process includes 4 stages: 1) intact phagocyted erythrocytes; 2) phagosomes with erythrocyte-like matrix density containing dense ferritin granules distributed between hypertrophied Golgi complex and smooth endoplasmic reticulum; 3) phagosomes with membrane structures and electron dense granules; 4) phagosomes with melanin granules. Products of erythrocyte catabolism are released through the bile duct. The origin of melanin granules is discussed. Translated fromByulleten' Eksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 129, No. 1, pp. 117–120, January 2000  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Drüsen bei glandulär-cystischer Hyperplasie werden elektronenmikroskopisch untersucht und mit den normalen endometrialen Drüsen verglichen. Die Drüsenzellen der glandulär-cystischen Hyperplasie erweisen sich in ihrer Feinstruktur nicht so einheitlich wie die normalen Drüsenzellen. Sie zeigen eine große Zahl osmiophiler Granula, die oft feine Lipidtropfen enthalten. Die häufig vorkommenden hellen Zellen lassen sich in vier verschiedene Zelltypen unterteilen: degenerativ veränderte Drüsenzellen, Zellen mit Glykogenspeicherung, in die Drüsen eingewanderte Stromazellen und Flimmerzellen, die teils ausgereift sind, teils noch Flimmerblasen (Hamperl) enthalten.
Summary The glands in glandular-cystic hyperplasia of the endometrium were compared electron-microscopically with normal endometrial glands. The cells of the former were not as uniform in their ultrastructure as were the normal glandular cells, for they showed a large number of osmiophilic granules which often contained fine droplets of lipid. The frequently occurring clear cells (helle Zellen) could be subdivided into four different types: the cells altered by degeneration, the cells storing glycogen, the stromal cells that had migrated into the gland, and the ciliated cells, some of which were mature, some still with ciliated vesicles.

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