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PurposeAmblyopes suffer a defect in temporal processing, presumably because of a neural delay in their visual processing. By measuring flash-lag effect (FLE), we investigate whether the amblyopic visual system could compensate for the intrinsic neural delay due to visual information transmissions from the retina to the cortex.MethodsEleven adults with amblyopia and 11 controls with normal vision participated in this study. We assessed the monocular FLE magnitude for each subject by using a typical FLE paradigm: a bar moved horizontally, while a flashed bar briefly appeared above or below it. Three luminance contrasts of the flashed bar were tested: 0.2, 0.6, and 1.ResultsAll participants, controls and those with amblyopia, showed a typical FLE. However, the FLE magnitude of participants with amblyopia was significantly shorter than that of the control participants, for both their amblyopic eye (AE) and fellow eye (FE). A nonsignificant difference was found in FLE magnitude between the AE and the FE.ConclusionsWe demonstrate a reduced FLE both in the AE as well as the FE of patients with amblyopia, suggesting a global visual processing deficit. We suggest it may be attributed to a more limited spatiotemporal extent of facilitatory anticipatory activity within the amblyopic primary visual cortex.  相似文献   

PurposeWe investigate the orientation tuning of interocular suppression using a dichoptic masking paradigm in adult controls and amblyopes.MethodsFourteen adults with anisometropic or mixed amblyopia and 10 control adults participated in our study. Contrast sensitivity was measured by presenting a target Gabor in the tested eye and mean luminance in the untested eye (monocular) and by presenting a target in the tested eye and a bandpass oriented filtered noise in the other eye (masked). Interocular suppression was defined as the thresholds difference between the monocular and masked conditions for each eye. Interocular suppression was measured under parallel and orthogonal suppression configurations. The peak spatial frequency of the target and mask was 0.25 c/d in experiment 1 (low), 1.31 c/d in experiment 2 (mid), and 6.87 c/d in experiment 3 (high).ResultsThe masking suppression induced by the amblyopic eye was less strong than that induced by the fellow eye. The suppression from the fellow eye was similar to that observed in the controls. Interocular suppression under parallel configuration was less strong than under orthogonal configuration in amblyopes at low and mid spatial frequency, but not at high spatial frequency.ConclusionsWe demonstrate that the abnormal interocular masking in amblyopia displays the expected characteristic of orientation selectivity expected of normal controls at low and mid spatial frequency, but not at high spatial frequency. The dichoptic masking imbalance between the eyes of amblyopes results in a net suppression of the amblyopic eye during binocular viewing, modeling clinical suppression.  相似文献   

PurposeIt has been suggested that amblyopes present impaired motion extrapolation mechanisms. In this study, we used the flash grab effect (FGE), the illusory mislocalization of a briefly flashed stimulus in the direction of a reversing moving background, to investigate whether the amblyopic visual system can correct overextrapolation.MethodsThirteen amblyopes and 13 control subjects participated in the experiment. We measured the monocular FGE magnitude for each subject. Two spatial frequency (2 and 8 cycles), two texture configurations (square wave or sine wave), and two speed conditions (270 degrees/s and 67.5 degrees/s) were tested. In addition, control subjects were further tested in reduced luminance conditions.ResultsCompared with controls, amblyopes exhibited a larger FGE magnitude both in their fellow eye (FE) and amblyopic eye (AE). The FGE magnitude of their AE was significantly larger than that of the FE. In a control experiment, we observed that the FGE magnitude increases with the decreasing of the luminance. The FGE magnitude of amblyopes fall into the same range as that of controls under reduced luminance conditions.ConclusionsWe observed a lager FGE in patients with amblyopia, which indicates that the amblyopic visual system does not accurately correct the overextrapolation when a moving object abruptly reverses its direction. This spatiotemporal processing deficit could be ascribed to delayed visual processing in the amblyopic visual system.  相似文献   

An object briefly flashed adjacent to the path of another moving object appears to spatially lag the moving object in the direction of its motion: the 'flash-lag effect'. A simple differential lag model account of this effect suggests that it occurs because the moving object activates motion detectors in the faster magnocellular pathway, whereas the flashed object does not. This model was tested by reducing M-pathway involvement using isoluminant stimuli. All four participants, who were university undergraduate students, were exposed to eight conditions, involving all possible combinations of moving and flashing objects coloured either white or green, shown against either a grey or a black background. Green objects were equiluminant with the grey background. The magnitude of the flash-lag effect was found using the method of constant stimuli. No reliable support was found for the hypothesis that equiluminance of the moving object reduces the flash-lag effect. Instead an interaction was found where there was an effect of equiluminance on the flash, but only when the moving object was not equiluminant. Such data is problematic for this and other simple differential lag models of the flash-lag effect.  相似文献   

Purpose: Binocular summation (BiS) occurs when binocular visual function surpasses that of the better eye alone. We sought to evaluate whether strabismic amblyopia reduces BiS more than strabismus alone, and determine whether BiS improves in strabismic amblyopes after strabismus surgery. Methods: We prospectively recruited 15 patients with strabismic amblyopia who then underwent strabismus surgery. Thirty age-matched normal subjects and 30 non-amblyopic strabismic patients served as controls. Subjects underwent binocular and monocular visual acuity testing on high-contrast Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) as well as 2.5% and 1.25% Sloan low contrast acuity (LCA) charts. BiS was calculated as the difference between better eye and binocular scores. Results: Strabismic amblyopes and strabismic controls did not significantly differ in preoperative BiS, but both had subnormal BiS preoperatively on LCA charts. Among 11 strabismic amblyopes with preoperative and postoperative BiS measurements, average postoperative BiS was not significantly different from preoperative. Improved LCA BiS postoperatively occurred in some patients and was associated with measurable preoperative stereoacuity (P=0.02), older age at strabismus onset (P=0.02), and larger preoperative angle of strabismus (P=0.0043).Conclusions: In this preliminary study, strabismic amblyopes experienced subnormal BiS, but amblyopia generally did not further impair BiS beyond that due to strabismus alone. Some strabismic amblyopes experienced improved low-contrast BiS after strabismus surgery. This suggests that further investigation in larger groups of patients should be undertaken to analyze a previously unrecognized functional benefit of strabismus surgery in strabismic amblyopes.  相似文献   

PurposeWe aimed to study the effect of stimulus contrast on the orientation selectivity of interocular interaction in amblyopia using a dichoptic masking paradigm.MethodsEight adults with anisometropic or mixed amblyopia and 10 control adults participated in our study. The contrast threshold in discriminating a target Gabor in the tested eye was measured with mean luminance in the untested eye, as well as with a bandpass oriented filtered noise in the other eye at low spatial frequency (0.25 c/d). Threshold elevation, which represents interocular suppression, was assessed using a the dichoptic masking paradigm (i.e. the contrast threshold difference between the target only and masked conditions), for each eye. Orientation selectivity of the interocular suppression as reflected by dichoptic masking was quantified by the difference between the parallel and orthogonal masking configurations. Two levels of mask''s contrast (3 times or 10 times that of an individual''s contrast threshold) were tested in this study.ResultsThe strength of dichoptic masking suppression was stronger at high, rather than low mask contrast in both amblyopic and control subjects. Normal controls showed orientation-dependent dichoptic masking suppression both under high and low contrast levels. However, amblyopes showed orientation-tuned dichoptic masking suppression only under the high contrast level, but untuned under the low contrast level.ConclusionsWe demonstrate that interocular suppression assessed by dichoptic masking is contrast-dependent in amblyopia, being orientation-tuned only at high suprathreshold contrast levels of the mask.  相似文献   

PurposeDichoptic training is becoming a popular tool in amblyopia treatment. Here we investigated the effects of dichoptic demasking training in children with amblyopia who never received patching treatment (NPT group) or were no longer responsive to patching (PT group).MethodsFourteen NPT and thirteen PT amblyopes (6–16.5 years; 24 anisometropic, two strabismus, and one mixed) received dichoptic demasking training for 17 to 22 sessions. They used the amblyopic eye (AE) to practice contrast discrimination between a pair of Gabors that were dichoptically masked by a band-filtered noise pattern simultaneously presented in the fellow eye (FE). Dichoptic learning was quantified by the increase of maximal tolerable noise contrast (TNC) for AE contrast discrimination. Computerized visual acuities and contrast sensitivity functions for both eyes and the Randot stereoacuity were measured before and after training.ResultsTraining improved maximal TNC by six to eight times in both groups, along with a boost of AE acuities by 0.15 logMAR (P < 0.001) in the NPT group and 0.06 logMAR (P < 0.001) in the PT group. This visual acuity improvement was significantly dependent on the pretraining acuity. Stereoacuity was significantly improved by 41.6% (P = 0.002) in the NPT group and 64.2% (P < 0.001) in the PT group. The stereoacuity gain was correlated to the pretraining interocular acuity difference (r = −0.49, P = 0.010), but not to the interocular acuity difference change (r = −0.28, P = 0.15). Training improved AE contrast sensitivity in the NPT group (P = 0.009) but not the PT group (P = 0.76). Moreover, the learning effects in 12 retested observers were retained for 10 to 24 months.ConclusionsDichoptic training can improve, and sometimes even restore, the stereoacuity of amblyopic children, especially those with mild amblyopia (amblyopic VA ≦0.28 logMAR). The dissociation of stereoacuity gain and the interocular acuity difference change suggests that the stereoacuity gain may not result from a reduced interocular suppression in most amblyopes. Rather, the amblyopes may have learned to attend to, or readout, the stimulus information to improve stereopsis.  相似文献   

目的 探讨已治愈与未治愈屈光参差性弱视患者双眼间的波前像差特点。方法 收集在广西视光中心就诊并自愿参加本研究的屈光参差患者共91例,根据病史和矫正视力将所有患者分成两组:对照组(已治愈的屈光参差性弱视)31例、弱视组(未治愈的屈光参差性弱视)60例。对照组按照等效离焦度的高低,将每例患者双眼的数据分别归入原弱视眼组和原对侧眼组;弱视组按照矫正视力是否正常,将每例患者双眼的数据分别列入弱视眼组和对侧眼组。弱视组患者按年龄分为成年弱视22例、未成年弱视38例。所有患者均接受iDesign?波前像差仪(美国AMO公司)检测,以均方根值(root mean square,RMS)形式表示总像差和各项高阶像差(RMS3~6)。配对t检验用于分析各组内双眼间的参数差异;独立样本t检验比较两组间的参数差异;Spearman相关分析和线性回归分析各亚组内变量间的相互关系。结果 对照组原弱视眼等效离焦度高于原对侧眼,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);弱视组弱视眼等效离焦度、总像差RMS均高于对侧眼,差异均有统计学意义(均为P<0.01);其余参数如总高阶像差、三阶像差、四阶像差、五阶像差、六阶像差RMS,在两组内双眼间的差异均无统计学意义(均为P>0.05)。散瞳状态下成年弱视组、未成年弱视组双眼间等效离焦度、总像差RMS差异均有统计学意义(均为P<0.01),弱视眼均大于对侧眼。波前像差图像显示:对照组和弱视组双眼间总像差均呈非对称性、总高阶像差均呈相似性与对称性。将对照组、弱视组双眼间波前像差各参数差值进行组间比较,独立样本t检验结果提示:△等效离焦度以及△总像差RMS在两组之间的差异均有统计学意义(均为P<0.01),弱视组均大于对照组;其余参数在两组间的差异均无统计学意义(均为P>0.05)。对照组、弱视组内双眼的等效离焦度均与其自身总像差RMS呈正相关;等效离焦度与其他波前像差参数之间无相关性。线性回归分析结果显示:对照组内原弱视眼的等效离焦度与总像差RMS的回归方程为Y=0.16+0.798X(R2=0.633,F=50.031,P=0.000),原对侧眼的等效离焦度与总像差RMS的回归方程为Y=1.278+0.611X(R2=0.522,F=31.613,P=0.000);弱视组内弱视眼的等效离焦度与总像差RMS的回归方程为Y=-1.466+1.149X(R2=0.825,F=272.675,P=0.000),对侧眼的等效离焦度与总像差RMS的回归方程为Y=1.101+0.832X(R2=0.632,F=99.561,P=0.000)。结论 散瞳状态下已治愈和未治愈的屈光参差性弱视患者等效离焦度和总像差形态在双眼间存在明显差异,但高阶像差在双眼间具有相似性和对称性。  相似文献   

A range of visual illusions, including the much-studied flash-lag effect, demonstrate that neural signals coding for motion and position interact in the visual system. One interpretation of these illusions is that they are the consequence of motion extrapolation mechanisms in the early visual system. Here, we study the recently reported High-Phi illusion to investigate whether it might be caused by the same underlying mechanisms. In the High-Phi illusion, a rotating texture is abruptly replaced by a new, uncorrelated texture. This leads to the percept of a large illusory jump, which can be forward or backward depending on the duration of the initial motion sequence (the inducer). To investigate whether this motion illusion also leads to illusions of perceived position, in three experiments we asked observers to localize briefly flashed targets presented concurrently with the new texture. Our results replicate the original finding of perceived forward and backward jumps, and reveal an illusion of perceived position. Like the observed effects on illusory motion, these position shifts could be forward or backward, depending on the duration of the inducer: brief inducers caused forward mislocalization, and longer inducers caused backward mislocalization. Additionally, we found that both jumps and mislocalizations scaled in magnitude with the speed of the inducer. Interestingly, forward position shifts were observed at shorter inducer durations than forward jumps. We interpret our results as an interaction of extrapolation and correction-for-extrapolation, and discuss possible mechanisms in the early visual system that might carry out these computations.  相似文献   

People commonly track objects moving in complex natural displays and their performance in the multiple object tracking paradigm has been used to study such visual attention for more than three decades. Given the theoretical and practical importance of object tracking, it is critical to understand how people solve the correspondence problem to track objects; however, it remains unclear what information people use to achieve this feat. In particular, although people can track multiple moving objects based on their positions, there is ambiguity about whether people can track objects via higher order kinematic information, such as velocity. We designed a paradigm in which position was rendered uninformative to directly examine whether people could use higher order kinematic information to track multiple objects. We find that people can track via velocity, but not acceleration, even though observers can reliably detect the acceleration cue that they cannot use for tracking. Furthermore, we show a capacity constraint on using higher order kinematic information—people perform worse when required to use velocity to resolve correspondence for multiple object pairs simultaneously. Together, our results suggest that, although people can use higher order kinematic information for object tracking, precise higher order kinematic information is not freely available from the early visual system.  相似文献   

Purpose: To develop a treatment for amblyopia based on re-establishing binocular vision.

Methods: A novel procedure is outlined for measuring and reducing the extent to which the fixing eye suppresses the fellow amblyopic eye in adults with amblyopia. We hypothesize that suppression renders a structurally binocular system, functionally monocular.

Results: We demonstrate that strabismic amblyopes can combine information normally between their eyes under viewing conditions where suppression is reduced by presenting stimuli of different contrast to each eye. Furthermore we show that prolonged periods of binocular combination leads to a strengthening of binocular vision in strabismic amblyopes and eventual combination of binocular information under natural viewing conditions (stimuli of the same contrast in each eye). Concomitant improvement in monocular acuity of the amblyopic eye occurs with this reduction in suppression and strengthening of binocular fusion. Additionally, stereoscopic function was established in the majority of patients tested. We have implemented this approach on a headmounted device as well as on a handheld iPod.

Conclusion: This provides the basis for a new treatment of amblyopia, one that is purely binocular and aimed at reducing suppression as a first step.  相似文献   

曾仁攀  梁小琼  王国平 《眼科研究》2009,27(11):1027-1030
目的了解不同类型弱视及不同程度弱视儿童的立体视觉损害情况。方法对178例初诊的不同类型弱视儿童,采用颜少明立体视觉检查图对弱视儿童分别检测其近零视差立体视锐度、交叉视差及非交叉视差立体感知度。结果屈光不正性弱视组、屈光参差性弱视组、斜视性弱视组3组之间近零视差、交叉视差、非交叉视差存在率的差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05),屈光不正性弱视组轻度弱视和中度弱视之间比较,近零视差及交叉视差的差异均无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论弱视导致儿童立体视觉的发育障碍,且随弱视程度的加重而增加,屈光不正性弱视对立体视觉的影响程度相对较轻,斜视性弱视重,屈光参差性弱视介于二者之间。  相似文献   

儿童弱视综合治疗的疗效观察   总被引:9,自引:8,他引:1  
汪萍 《国际眼科杂志》2006,6(3):716-717
目的:探讨儿童弱视综合治疗疗效。方法:不同类型弱视共124例230眼,根据弱视的类型、程度及注视性质,采用先行病因治疗后,再根据病情运用遮盖、压抑、红光闪烁、后像或光刷、精细目力训练,CAM视觉剌激及增视中药离子导入等综合疗法。结果:不同类型弱视的230眼中,痊愈162眼(70.4%),进步62眼(27.0%),无效6眼(2.6%)。结论:对于儿童弱视运用综合治疗方法简便易行,治愈率高,疗效显著,可以推广。  相似文献   

Evidence is presented for a clinical classification of central vestibular syndromes according to the three major planes of action of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR): yaw, pitch, and roll. The plane-specific vestibular syndromes are determined by ocular motor, postural, and perceptual signs. Yaw plane signs are horizontal nystagmus, horizontal past pointing, rotational and lateral body falls to the right or to the left, and horizontal deviation of perceived straight-ahead. Pitch plane signs are upbeat/downbeat nystagmus, forward/ backward tilts and falls, and upward or downward deviations of the perceived horizontal. Roll plane signs are torsional nystagmus, skew deviation, ocular torsion, tilts of head, body, and perceived subjective visual vertical. The VOR syndromes defined in this way allow a precise topographic analysis of brainstem lesions according to their level and side. The lesional sites of yaw syndromes are restricted to the pontomedullary level (vestibular nucleus). A tone imbalance in pitch indicates bilateral (paramedian) lesions of the medullary or pontomesencephalic brainstem or bilateral dysfunction of the flocculus. A tone imbalance in roll indicates unilateral lesions, ipsiversive at the pontomedullary level (vestibular nuclei) and contraversive at the pontomesencephalic level (MLF and INC).A unilateral lesion (or stimulation) of the graviceptive pathways, which transduce input from vertical semicircular canals and otolith, affects function in roll, whereas bilateral lesions affect function in pitch.  相似文献   

蔺静静  吕晓龙  陈勇 《国际眼科杂志》2022,22(10):1753-1756



结果:试验组患者总有效率和高依从性(93.5%、45.1%)均高于对照组(80.0%、35.7%)(均P<0.05)。不同年龄、弱视类型、弱视程度、注视性质以及依从性患者疗效比较均有差异(均P<0.001)。患者年龄、弱视程度与疗效呈负相关(r=-0.342、-0.459,均P<0.001); 依从性与疗效呈正相关(r=0.378,P<0.001)。 3~6岁患者依从性更好,其次为7~10岁患者(P<0.05); 患者年龄与治疗依从性呈负相关(r=-0.398,P<0.001)。

结论:智能化多维综合视觉训练能够提高弱视患者依从性,获得更好疗效。弱视患者疗效与患者年龄、弱视类型、弱视程度、注视性质及依从性密切相关,依从性又与年龄相关,临床应针对这些特征,尽早予以治疗。  相似文献   

鲁诚  魏盟  魏承丽  任静 《国际眼科杂志》2015,15(7):1298-1300
目的::了解近视性弱视和远视性弱视对双眼视功能发育的影响。方法:对50例经治疗后双眼矫正视力均达0.9以上的弱视患儿行双眼视功能检查。测量同时视、融合范围及远近立体视。根据患儿的屈光状态将患儿分为A组(近视组)20例、B组(远视组)30例。比较A、B两组同时视、融合和立体视差异。结果:近视组中存在同时视的15例(75%),集合融合范围正常的6例(30%),分开融合范围正常的16例(80%),有正常远立体视的7例(35%),有正常近立体视的6例(30%)。远视组中存在同时视的26例(87%),集合融合范围正常的7例(23%),分开融合范围正常的20例(67%),有正常远立体视的15例(50%),有正常近立体视的7例(23%)。50例患儿中存在正常远立体视的为22例(44%),正常近立体视13例(26%)。同时视在两组患儿之间的差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.454,P>0.05);集合性融合和分开性融合在两组患儿之间的差异也无统计学意义(χ2=0.565,P>0.05;χ2=0.740,P>0.05);远近立体视两组患儿差异也均无统计学意义(χ2=0.195,P>0.05;χ2=0.295, P>0.05)。结论:近视及远视因素对弱视患儿双眼视功能发育影响的差异不显著。弱视治疗后矫正视力正常的患儿短期内双眼视功能仍未完全恢复正常。  相似文献   

A 31-year-old alcoholic woman who smoked had subacute visual loss. She was treated for tobacco-alcohol amblyopia with subsequent improvement in vision.  相似文献   

PurposeThe purpose of this study was to assess whether motion information from suppressed amblyopic eyes can influence visual perception.MethodsParticipants with normal vision (n = 20) and with amblyopia (n = 20; 11 anisometropic and 9 strabismic/mixed) viewed dichoptic, orthogonal drifting gratings through a mirror stereoscope. Participants continuously reported form and motion percepts as gratings rivaled for 60 seconds. Responses were binned into categories ranging from binocular integration to complete suppression. Periods when the grating presented to the nondominant/amblyopic eye was suppressed were analyzed further to determine the extent of binocular integration of motion.ResultsIndividuals with amblyopia experienced longer periods of non-preferred eye suppression than controls. When the non-preferred eye grating was suppressed, binocular integration of motion occurred 48.1 ± 6.2% and 31.2 ± 5.8% of the time in control and amblyopic participants, respectively. Periods of motion integration from the suppressed eye were significantly non-zero for both groups.ConclusionsVisual information seen only by a suppressed amblyopic eye can be binocularly integrated and influence the overall visual percept. These findings reveal that visual information subjected to interocular suppression can still contribute to binocular vision and suggest the use of appropriate optical correction for the amblyopic eye to improve image quality for binocular combination.  相似文献   

目的:探讨采用硬性透氧性角膜接触镜( rigid gas permeable,RGP)治疗成人高度与特殊类型屈光不正的临床效果及安全性。
  结果:配戴 RGP 后即刻,高度近视散光组的矫正视力为4.94±0.16,圆锥角膜组4.98±0.15,特殊屈光不正组4.87±0.19,均显著优于配戴框架镜时的矫正视力(4.86±0.23,4.79±0.22,4.61±0.27),且差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。配戴RGP后第3,6 mo三组患者的视力复查结果显示优于配戴框架镜时(P<0.05)。视散光组、圆锥角膜组、特殊屈光不正组配戴RGP后的视力分布明显优于配戴框架镜时(P<0.05)。
  结论:RGP配戴矫正成人高度与特殊类型屈光不正较普通框架镜均具有显著的效果,不会增加干燥、异物感、易疲劳等不良反应的发生率,值得临床应用推广。  相似文献   

儿童弱视综合疗法临床分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:探讨儿童弱视治疗方法及疗效.方法:从2011-01/2013-12我院斜视弱视治疗中心共治疗儿童弱视234例332眼,诊断标准:年龄4~12岁、视力低于正常同龄儿童、矫正远视力低于相应年龄的视力、眼部无器质性病变并确诊为弱视的患儿.其中随机选择200例322眼弱视儿童作为研究对象,按不同原因引起的弱视,分别采用不同方法进行综合治疗,其弱视儿童疗效与儿童的年龄、治疗时间、弱视类型、弱视程度有密切的关系,观察并定期检查视力恢复情况.结果:通过对200例322眼儿童弱视综合治疗,随访2a,其中基本治愈265眼,进步53眼,无效4眼.结论:综合疗法治疗不同类型弱视疗效显著.  相似文献   

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