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Learning is critical for fast and efficient object recognition in primates. To understand the neuronal correlates of behavioral improvements due to training, we recorded the responses of single neurons in the inferior temporal (IT) cortex of monkeys that were trained to recognize briefly presented, backward-masked objects. First we investigated training effects that are specific to the objects shown during training and that do not transfer to untrained objects. Only one of two monkeys tested showed object-specific training effects at the behavioral level, and only this monkey showed a transient object-specific increase in object selectivity for trained compared with untrained backward-masked objects. However, in each monkey a substantial part of the training effect transferred to untrained objects. To investigate the neural correlates of these object-independent training effects, we compared the neural responses to masked objects in trained monkeys to the responses in untrained monkeys. Training was associated with a reduction of the responses to the irrelevant masking patterns. These findings suggest that extensive training in recognizing backward-masked objects results in neural changes that reduce IT responses to the interfering irrelevant masking patterns and enhance the processing of the relevant objects.  相似文献   

Whether subjects with insomnia exhibit good sleep on some interval basis is unclear. Prior research suggests that patients with insomnia are highly variable with respect to night‐to‐night sleep continuity, that more than 40% of patients exhibit temporal patterning of good sleep, and that nearly 90% of patients exhibit better than average sleep following 1 to 3 nights of relatively poor sleep. The aim of the present study was to replicate and extend the above‐noted findings utilizing: (i) a large sample studied over an extended time interval (ii) absolute standards for ‘good’ and ‘poor’ sleep; and (iii) a formal statistical methodology to assess temporal patterning and the association of time in bed with bout duration of poor or average sleep. Thirty‐three subjects with insomnia and 33 good sleepers completed sleep diaries over the course of 110 days. It was found that subjects with insomnia (compared to good sleepers) had more poor nights (e.g. about 39 versus 7% of the assessed nights), a higher probability of a having a poor night on any given occasion (60% greater probability than good sleepers) and more consecutive nights of poor sleep between good sleep nights (median bout duration of approximately three versus one night). Lastly, it was found that (as would be predicted by both the Spielman model and the two‐process model) time in bed moderated bout duration in the insomnia group. That is, longer times in bed were associated with longer bouts of poor sleep.  相似文献   

When events occur at predictable instants, anticipation improves performance. Knowledge of event timing modulates motor circuits and thereby improves response speed. By contrast, the neuronal mechanisms that underlie changes in sensory perception resulting from expectation are not well understood. We developed a behavioral procedure for rats in which we manipulated expectations about sound timing. Valid expectations improved both the speed and the accuracy of the subjects' performance, indicating not only improved motor preparedness but also enhanced perception. Single-neuron recordings in primary auditory cortex showed enhanced representation of sounds during periods of heightened expectation. Furthermore, we found that activity in auditory cortex was causally linked to the performance of the task and that changes in the neuronal representation of sounds predicted performance on a trial-by-trial basis. Our results indicate that changes in neuronal representation as early as primary sensory cortex mediate the perceptual advantage conferred by temporal expectation.  相似文献   

The constant interplay between affective processing and cognitive control supports emotion regulation and appropriate social functioning. Even when affective stimuli are processed implicitly, threat-related stimuli are prioritized in the earliest stages of processing; yet, it remains unclear how implicit attention to affect influences subsequent cognitive control functions. The present study evaluated the influence of affective valence on early perceptual processes and subsequent response inhibition in a context where affective properties of the stimuli (facial expressions) were not critical for performing the task. Participants (N = 32) completed an affective stop-signal task (SST) while their scalp EEGs were recorded. The SST assessed response inhibition while participants implicitly attended to happy and afraid facial expressions that were matched for level of arousal. Behavioral performance was measured via response time and accuracy while physiological response was measured via the P100, N170, and N200/P300 ERP components. Decreased gender discrimination accuracy, delayed P100 latency, and more negative N170 amplitude were observed for afraid faces compared to happy faces, suggesting a shift in processing with respect to face valence. However, differences in stopping accuracy or N200/P300 ERP components during response inhibition were not observed, pointing to top-down cognitive processes likely being recruited to override the early automatic response to prioritize threat-related stimuli. Findings highlight that, in this implicit affective attention task, threat-related stimuli are prioritized early during processing, but implicitly attending to differentially valenced stimuli did not modulate subsequent cognitive control functions.  相似文献   

Summary Rapid learning processes are crucial for human object recognition. We report here on the alterations in neurophysiological activity in the human brain induced by repeated presentation of visual stimuli. In psychophysical experiments the percentage of correct responses increased significantly within less than 30 minutes in untrained observers. This stimulus-specific improvement was not carried over to differently oriented stimuli. Similar learning effects were observed in component latencies of evoked potential field distributions. The occurrence of specific potential field configurations reflected perceptual learning. A spatio-temporal activation pattern with steep gradients over the primary visual cortex appeared to be correlated with plasticity in the human visual system.Supported by the German Research Foundation, DFG Sk 26/5-1, Fa 119/5-2, and Zr 9/1-9. The technical assistance of K. Laschke and B. Tutsch during part of the experiments is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Summary Exposure to a large uniform field modulated in luminance by a sawtooth function, repeating between 1 and 5 times per second, raised the threshold for detection of a test stimulus of similar waveform by a factor of 2 to 4.5. In comparison, the threshold elevation for a test stimulus of the inverse waveform was only half as great. This polarity-sensitive adaptation fits with Jung's hypothesis that separate channels signal brightening and darkening in the human visual system. Introduction of spatial contrast such as random noise does not affect adaptation to temporal luminance gradients, but does lead to some interocular transfer. The transferred component, however, shows no sensitivity to the polarity of the test stimulus.  相似文献   

1. Intracellular recordings were made of minimal corticomotoneuronal e.p.s.p.s in lumbar motoneurones of anaesthetized monkeys. For intervals of 2 msec and greater between paired cortical shocks, the average time course of facilitation of the second e.p.s.p. with respect to the first could be fitted closely by a negative exponential with a time constant of 10 msec.2. In the same motoneurones, ;triplets' of corticomotoneuronal e.p.s.p.s were generated by delivering three identical stimuli to the motor cortex. Considering the triplet as a conditioning e.p.s.p. followed by a test pair, the facilitation of the third e.p.s.p. with respect to the second was measured for various combinations of test and conditioning intervals. In each case the amplitude of the third e.p.s.p. was also compared with that of the first (conditioning) e.p.s.p.3. The effect of a brief conditioning interval was to reduce considerably the facilitation of the third e.p.s.p. with respect to the second at all test intervals from 2 to 50 msec. Combinations of brief conditioning intervals (e.g. 2 or 5 msec) and long test intervals (e.g. 20 or 50 msec) caused the third e.p.s.p. to be smaller than the second. As the conditioning interval lengthened, facilitation in the test pair increased towards the unconditioned values at all test intervals.4. Facilitation of the third e.p.s.p. with respect to the first could be described approximately as the linear addition of two facilitation components, one due to the conditioning input and one due to the first stimulus of the test pair. Each component followed the same negative exponential time course as found for an isolated pair of e.p.s.p.s and each of the first two inputs contributed to the facilitation of the third e.p.s.p. as if the other of these two inputs had not occurred.  相似文献   

The present study examined the effect of aging on epithelium and on its ability to respond to an inductive stimulus provided by murine dental papillae. In fetal CD-1 mice, 15- to 17-day molar mesenchyme was combined with 15- to 19-day epithelium from the secondary palates. Enamel organs were separated from the dental papillae, and palatal epithelium was peeled away from its underlying mesenchyme after treatment with 1% trypsin. Recombinants of epithelium and papillae were initially cultured on a solidified complex medium for 24 hr followed by an additional 10–14 days of intraocular explanation. Control specimens consisted of isolated molar papillae. Nineteen of 88 isochronal, heterotypic recombinations formed teeth. None of the 46 heterochronal, heterotypic grafts of 18- and 19-day palatal epithelium combined with 15- to 17-day molar papillae-produced teeth. Instead, keratin-filled epithelial cysts and bone spicules were formed. Isolated control molar papillae often formed bone in the intraocular sites but did not form teeth or contain epithelium. These results show that palatal epithelium is first restricted to its developmental pathway at 18 days of gestation. Younger epithelium can convert to functional ameloblasts that secrete enamel protein. In addition to the change in gene expression, normal tooth morphology is attained. The loss of competence of the palatal epithelium at 18 days gestation coincided with the acquisition of stratum corneum and the attainment of the fully differentiated state. The oral surface of palatal epithelium appears to be determined histogenically and morphogenically at 18 days of gestation in mice.  相似文献   

Tsukahara creatively exploited the advantages of a "simple system" approach in a vertebrate context to gain cellular insights into the learning process. The molluscs Aplysia and Hermissenda have provided useful invertebrate examples of this approach. For classical conditioning of Hermissenda a temporal sequence of cellular transformations has been found to correspond to and to substantially account for a learning-specific behavioral transformation. For at least days after the conditioning a biophysical record persists: two voltage-dependent K+ currents, IA and ICa2+-K+, remain reduced in amplitude and at least IA shows an increased rate of inactivation. More recently, a similar biophysical record of associative memory has been identified in the mammalian brain (Disterhoft et al., 1986). Other experiments suggest that a synergistic interaction of C-kinase activation with Ca2+/CaM-kinase activation enhances and prolongs Ca2+-mediated K+ current reduction. The effects of alpha-receptor agonists to enhance depolarization of type B cells (a site of visual-vestibular convergence) and in turn acquisition of classical conditioning are in contrast to the effects of serotonin which can hyperpolarize and thereby reduce depolarization during the acquisition process. For both LTP and LTD, application of a neurotransmitter itself is not sufficient to produce long-lasting neural modification. In this respect, both the LTP and LTD models are more similar to the biochemical sequence implicated in Hermissenda conditioning than to the mechanism initiated by serotonin-like substances proposed for Aplysia sensitization.  相似文献   

Behavioral indices of taste discrimination have been used to study gustatory physiology and psychophysics though they are often biased by taste and position preferences and offer limited stimulus control. In the present experiment five rats were trained to discriminate distilled water from 0.9% NaCl using a discretetrials go-no go procedure. When two rats were further trained on a series of 0.1% saccharin/NaCl discrimination reversals, correct responding occurred more rapidly following saccharin presentations independent of its stimulus property (SD or SΔ). The results are discussed in the context of experimental methods and the usefulness of the present technique for studies of gustatory physiology.  相似文献   

Aging is accompanied by increasing difficulty in working memory associated with the temporary storage and processing of goal-relevant information. Face recognition plays a preponderant role in human behavior, and one might therefore suggest that working memory for faces is spared from age-related decline compared to socially less important visual stimulus material. To test this hypothesis, we performed working memory (n-back) tasks with two different visual stimulus types, namely faces and doors, and compared them to tasks with primarily verbal material, namely letters. Age-related reaction time slowing was comparable for all three stimulus types, supporting hypotheses on general cognitive and motor slowing. In contrast, performance substantially declined with age for faces and doors, but little for letters. Working memory for faces resulted in significantly better performance than that for doors and was more sensitive to on-line manipulation errors such as the temporal order. All together, our results show that even though face perception might play a specific role in visual processing, visual working memory for faces undergoes the same age-related decline as it does for socially less relevant visual material. Moreover, these results suggest that working memory decline cannot be solely explained by increasing vulnerability in prefrontal cortex related to executive functioning, but indicate an age-related decrease in a visual short-term buffer, possibly located in the temporal cortex.  相似文献   

The processes that normally generate and maintain adaptive immunity and immunological memory are poorly understood, and yet of fundamental importance when infectious diseases place such a major economic and social burden on the world's health and agriculture systems. Defects in these mechanisms also underlie the many forms of human primary immunodeficiency. Identifying these mechanisms in a systematic way is therefore important if we are to develop better strategies for treating and preventing infection, inherited disease, transplant rejection and autoimmunity. In this review we describe a genome-wide screen in mice for the genes important for generating these adaptive responses, and describe two independent DOCK8 mutant mice strains identified by this screen. DOCK 8 was found to play an essential role in humoral immune responses and to be important in the proper formation of the B cell immunological synapse.  相似文献   

The essential role of centrosomal NDE1 in human cerebral neurogenesis Bakircioglu et al. (2011) The American Journal of Human Genetics 88: 523–535 Human mutations in NDE1 cause extreme microcephaly with lissencephaly Alkuraya et al. (2011) The American Journal of Human Genetics 88: 536–547  相似文献   

The speed of learning to discriminate between the colors blue and green was studied in dark-raised chicks and in chicks having controlled exposure to these colors and white prior to learning. The data indicate that: (1) under all conditions of prior experience learning was faster when the response to blue was reinforced; (2) learning was significantly slower in dark-raised groups than in groups having prior visual experience; and (3) learning was negatively related to systematic increase in the intensity of prior exposure stimulus. These data show that unlearned preferences play a significant role in learning; they combine additively with effects of experience prior to learning and reinforcement during learning.  相似文献   

Musical ensemble performance is a form of joint action that requires highly precise yet flexible interpersonal action coordination. To maintain synchrony during expressive passages that contain tempo variations, musicians presumably anticipate the sounds that will be produced by their co-performers. Our previous studies revealed that individuals differ in their ability to predict upcoming event timing when finger tapping in synchrony with tempo-changing pacing signals (i.e., the degree to which inter-tap intervals match vs. lag behind inter-onset intervals in the pacing signal varies between individuals). The current study examines the influence of these individual differences on synchronization performance in a dyadic tapping task. In addition, the stability of individual prediction tendencies across time is tested. Individuals with high or low prediction tendencies were invited to participate in two experimental sessions. In both sessions, participants were asked (1) to tap alone with a tempo-changing pacing signal and (2) to tap synchronously in dyads comprising individuals with similar or different prediction tendencies. Results indicated that individual differences in prediction tendencies were stable over several months and played a significant role in dyadic synchronization. Dyads composed of two high-predicting individuals tapped with higher accuracy and less variability than low-predicting dyads, while mixed dyads were intermediate. Prediction tendencies explained variance in dyadic synchronization performance over and above individual synchronization ability. These findings suggest that individual differences in temporal prediction ability may potentially mediate the interaction of cognitive, motor, and social processes underlying musical joint action.  相似文献   

A stimulus contains multiple attributes. Under certain circumstances, some information can be transmitted to the next cognitive stage before the processing of other information. An examination of partial information transmission is essential in improving our understanding of the mechanism of information processing. By manipulating two attributes, namely, pitch and intensity, this study examined whether the transmission speed of an attribute could be influenced by its perceptual discriminability. Using a choice go/no‐go paradigm, this study presented adults with two pieces of pure tones and measured their LRPs. Results showed that pitch and intensity were transmitted earlier as partial information in the high pitch‐ and intensity‐discriminability conditions, respectively. Thus, this study demonstrated that the transmission speed of a certain attribute could be modulated by its perceptual discriminability.  相似文献   

Vaccines can serve as essential tools to prevent bacterial diseases via the induction of long-lasting IgG responses. The efficacy of such vaccines depends on the effector mechanisms triggered by IgG. The complement system and Fc-gamma receptors (FcγRs) can potentially play a crucial role in IgG-mediated immunity against bacterial diseases. However, their relative importance in vivo is unclear, and has been the object of controversy and debate. In this brief study, we have used gene-targeted mice lacking either FcγRI, II, II and IV or the C3 complement component as well as a novel mouse strain lacking both C3 and FcγRs to conclusively show the essential role of complement in antibody-mediated host resistance to Salmonella enterica systemic infection. By comparing the effect of IgG2a antibodies against Salmonella O-antigen in gene-targeted mice, we demonstrate that the complement system is essential for the IgG-mediated reduction of bacterial numbers in the tissues.  相似文献   

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