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The present study analysed the clinicopathological features of nine myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) patients in which del(20q) was the sole cytogenetic abnormality and a control group of 17 adult patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). Seven of nine del(20q) patients were thrombocytopenic and six of nine were mildly anaemic at presentation. There was no significant morphological dysplasia identified in the del(20q) group as compared with the ITP group. These results indicate that MDS with del(20q) commonly presents with thrombocytopenia and has minimal morphological dysplasia. Cytogenetic analysis on adult patients undergoing bone marrow sampling for thrombocytopenia may help avoid misdiagnosis of MDS with del(20q) as ITP.  相似文献   

Dapsone for refractory chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Summary. Fifteen patients with refractory chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) were treated with dapsone (lOOmg/d) for 1-31 months. The overall response rate to dapsone was 40%. Five patients responded in 1 month and one patient in 2 months. No pretreatment characteristics -sex, age, platelet count or duration of ITP - were correlated with response to dapsone. Treatment was well tolerated. The most frequent adverse effect was dose-related haemolytic anaemia. In our experience, dapsone provides an inexpensive and well-tolerated alternative for patients with ITP who had inadequate reponses to conventional therapy.  相似文献   

Cyclic thrombocytopenia (CT) is a rare disorder with cyclic changes of the platelet counts. Though the pathogenesis of this disorder has not been clarified, recent reports suggest that periodic destruction and/or ineffective production of platelets may be important causes of the disease. We report a case of a patient with refractory idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) in whom CT developed after cyclosporine A (CyA) therapy. There was an inverse relation between platelet counts and the serum levels of platelet-associated immunoglobulin G (PAIgG). The ploidy of bone marrow megakaryocytes also had an inverse relation with platelet counts. When the platelet count was low, the ploidy of megakaryocytes increased (P < 0.01). The number and area of bone marrow megakaryocytes were unrelated to platelet counts. These results indicate the possibility of platelet destruction caused by immunological mechanisms in CT. Cyclosporine A could have certain but fluctuating regulatory effects against antibody production for circulating platelets, which could lead to cyclic changes of the platelet counts. This case also suggests that CyA can be effective in severe refractory ITP. Regulatory mechanisms of platelet production and destruction and appropriate doses of CyA should be further studied in autoimmune-mediated thrombocytopenias. Am. J. Hematol. 56:272–276, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Although the platelet destruction shows a primary role in the thrombocytopenia of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), it has been demonstrated that impaired platelet production may also contribute to the severity of thrombocytopenia in ITP. The present study examined megakaryocyte apoptosis in bone marrow aspirates of children with acute and chronic ITP and investigated the role of megakaryocyte apoptosis in ITP pathophysiology. METHODS: Thirteen children diagnosed with acute ITP and eight children diagnosed with chronic ITP comprised the study group. Ten children, who were hospitalized for scoliosis operation but healthy otherwise, comprised the control group. In all children, megakaryocytes were isolated from the same amount of bone marrow aspirate samples using MACS CD61 MicroBeads (Miltenyl Biotec, Auburn, CA, USA). Megakaryocyte apoptosis was studied with transferase-mediated d-UTP-bitin nick end-labeling method. RESULTS: Isolated megakaryocyte counts did not differ significantly between acute ITP, chronic ITP and control groups. The percentage of apoptotic megakaryocytes did not differ significantly between acute ITP group and control group and between chronic ITP group and control group. The percentage of apoptotic megakaryocytes in patients with chronic ITP was significantly lower than the patients with acute ITP. There was no correlation between the percentage of apoptotic megakaryocytes and platelet counts of the cases. CONCLUSIONS: Increased megakaryocytic apoptosis does not play a role in the pathogenesis of dysmegakaryopoiesis and impaired platelet production in children with ITP. Decreased megakaryocyte apoptosis in cases with chronic ITP may be due to suppression of megakaryocyte maturation, as the terminal phase of the megakaryocyte lifespan is characterized by the onset of apoptosis.  相似文献   

Three patients (one with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura [ITP] and two with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura [TTP]) were treated with rituximab (anti-CD20 chimeric antibody) at a dose of 325 mg/m2 administered weekly after they failed standard therapies. The patient with ITP who did not respond to steroids and anti-D antibody administration achieved augmentation of her platelet counts up to 180 x 10(3)/microL after four doses of rituximab. Six months later, when her counts started to decrease, she received maintenance therapy with an additional course of 4 standard doses of antibody that resulted in consolidation of her platelet counts around 100 x 10(3)/microL. One patient with TTP and concurrent idiopathic nephropathy who was previously treated with plasmapheresis, steroids, and vincristine improved only after 4 weekly administrations of the antibody. Moreover, his nephrotic-range proteinuria resolved after he received rituximab. The other patient with chronic TTP who still relapsed after splenectomy received 5 doses of rituximab with concomitant plasmapheresis. His thrombocytopenia improved slowly, and his platelet count stabilized at 300 x 10(3)/microL. All three patients showed evidence of response to anti-CD20 antibody with improvement in clinical outcome as well as augmentation of platelet counts to normal levels. We conclude that rituximab is a useful immunomodulating adjunct in the treatment of refractory ITP and TTP.  相似文献   

Summary. We treated 10 patients who had chronic refractory idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) with high-dose dexamethasone (DXM, 40mg/d for 4 sequential days every month). The interval from diagnosis ranged from 49 to 300 months, and patients had previously received a median of 5.5 treatments (including splenectomy in nine cases). Median platelet count was 14 × 109/1 (range 6-26 × 109/1) at the onset of DXM and eight patients had bleeding symptoms. Eight patients received at least three cycles of DXM.
Five patients had a response (i.e. platelet count at least doubled and increased by >20 × 109/1), including one almost complete remission and four minor responses (MR).
Of the MR, one was probably due to concurrent IVIg administration, and all four MR were transient, in spite of further cycles of DXM. In three patients DXM was a failure after three or four cycles. In two patients DXM had to be stopped after one course because of major side-effects (systemic hypertension with stroke and insulin-dependent diabetes, respectively).
In our experience, high-dose DXM had a relatively limited effect in chronic refractory ITP and was associated with severe side-effects in some cases.  相似文献   

From 1973 to 1986 we splenectomized 181 patients with chronic ITP after platelet kinetic studies with 51Cr or 111In. Mean age at diagnosis was 34 (range 4-79 yr). Follow-up of at least 1 yr after splenectomy was available in every patient. 141 patients (78%) achieved remission (platelets greater than 100 x 10(9)/l by 3 months after splenectomy), of whom 9 subsequently relapsed. Among the 40 non-responders at 3 months, 3 achieved a later remission spontaneously. Factors associated with response to splenectomy included a high post-operative platelet count (p = 0.0001), younger age at the time of surgery (p = 0.0077) and predominantly splenic sequestration of platelets (p = 0.0002), the two latter factors being partially correlated. In a multivariate analysis, however, only post-operative platelet count and age retained an independent prognostic significance, whereas the sequestration site of platelets had only borderline value. These results are discussed in the context of indications of platelet kinetic studies in chronic ITP, before splenectomy is considered.  相似文献   

Serum leptin levels in patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to evaluate serum leptin levels in idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), in order to determine the influence of leptin on the pathogenesis of ITP. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Forty-six untreated patients with chronic ITP were compared with 40 healthy people of similar age, sex and body mass index (BMI). Serum leptin levels (ng/mL) were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). RESULTS: We found that the mean serum leptin levels in patients with ITP (22.11 +/- 15.84 ng/mL) were significantly (P < 0.001) higher than that in healthy control volunteers (5.44 +/- 4.84 ng/mL). Furthermore, serum leptin levels in patients with ITP were inversely related (r = -0.86, P < 0.001) to the platelet counts and positively related to the platelet-associated IgG (PAIgG) levels (r = 0.7, P < 0.001). The levels of PAIgG and platelet counts were significantly different between leptin-positive (level greater than mean +/- 2 SD control value) and leptin-negative patients. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that leptin might play an important role in the pathogenesis of ITP.  相似文献   

Acute idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) characteristically follows a viral illness in preschool children. The exact role of viruses in the pathogenesis of this disorder remains uncertain, but the finding of markedly elevated levels of platelet-associated IgG serves to distinguish it from the chronic form of the disease and permits speculation on the mechanisms of platelet destruction. Although the spleen is important in both antibody production and platelet destruction, bone marrow synthesis of IgG has also been shown to be increased. The clinical course may be alarming, but mortality is low and prognosis excellent. Controversy has surrounded the role of steroids in the management of acute childhood ITP in retrospective studies. Controlled studies, however, indicate that thrombocytopenia is reversed sooner in treated patients. New assays for platelet-associated IgG offer new insights into this disorder and will allow delineation of acute and chronic disease at the time of diagnosis.  相似文献   

Fifty-seven adult patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) were treated with either conventional-dose prednisolone (CDP) (1 mg/kg/d, 36 patients) or high-dose methylprednisolone (HDP) (30 mg/kg/d, 21 patients), as first-line treatment. Patients in the HDP arm responded more rapidly (4.7 v 8.4 d), with a higher response rate (80% v 52.7%), and without severe side-effects. One quarter of the patients (3/12) who were non-responsive to CDP achieved complete remission when they were treated with HDP. The findings suggest that HDP may be a more effective first-line treatment than CDP for adult ITP, and it may also be preferred for life-threatening cases of ITP. However, these results must be confirmed by a randomized study prior to any change in the current practice of employing CDP as first-line treatment for adult ITP.  相似文献   

Laparoscopic splenectomy (LS) is now performed routinely in patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) refractory to the medical treatment. Low preoperative platelet count was deemed to be a contraindication for a laparoscopic approach; however, there is no data reporting the outcome in those patients. We aimed to evaluate the influence of the preoperative platelet count on the operative and postoperative course and complication rate. Retrospective cohort study that was conducted in tertiary care university-affiliated medical center and included 110 consecutive patients who underwent LS. All patients were divided into three groups by their preoperative platelet counts: 50 x 10(9)/L (n = 80). The outcome and the influence of preoperative factors predictive of complications, blood transfusion, and length of stay were compared between the groups. Patients with a platelet count of 20 x 10(9)/L before surgery. Patients with counts >20 x 10(9)/L can safely undergo LS.  相似文献   

Cyclophosphamide, an immunosuppressive agent, was administered as an additional mode of therapy to 30 patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) refractory to conventional management. Of 22 previously tested by splenectomy an excellent response was achieved in 12, who remained in complete hematologic remission for 14–96 months after therapy was discontinued; a fair response in 3, with definite increase in platelets, but not to normal levels; and a poor response in 7 who failed to improve. Of 8 nonsplenectomized patients who failed to respond to steroids or maintain a response after steroids were discontinued, 4 were considered excellent, 1 required continued therapy to remain in remission (good response), 2 were fair, and 1 was poor. Remission was observed in 2–10 weeks in both groups and appeared to be related to duration of disease; presence of disease for less than 1 year was associated with a much better response to treatment (11 of 15) when compared with disorders lasting over 2 years (6 of 15). Cyclophosphamide therapy offers additional means of treating patients with ITP who fail to respond to conventional therapy and may serve as an alternative to splenectomy when surgery is contraindicated.  相似文献   

The role of pulsed high-dose dexamethasone (DXM) in the treatment of patients with chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) is still uncertain. Following an early report in which it was described as an effective and well-tolerated treatment with a sustained platelet response in 100% of cases, a number of subsequent studies have failed to confirm such favorable results. As all these studies were conducted on small numbers of patients, we investigated further the effectiveness and side effects of this therapeutic modality in a larger cohort. Thirty-two patients with chronic ITP were scheduled to receive six monthly courses of intravenous DXM at the dose of 40 mg/day for 4 consecutive days. All patients had ITP that had been resistant to between two and five different therapeutic regimens, including 9 patients who had already failed splenectomy. All patients had to be seen 2 weeks after each cycle to asses their response as well as secondary effects. Three patients failed to respond and clinically required other therapy. Thirteen patients (41%) had a partial (platelet count between 50 and 100 x 10(9)/liter) or complete (platelet count >100 x 10(9)/liter) response to treatment, responses being mostly transient. Responses were observed early during the course of treatment, usually right after the first cycle of DXM. There were no late responses. Side effects were mild and did not require discontinuation of treatment. No clinical or laboratory parameter was found to predict treatment outcome. We conclude that high-dose DXM has a limited effect in patients with chronic ITP. Novel approaches and controlled multicenter trials may help identify new therapeutic strategies for this disease.  相似文献   

The prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection and the effect of its eradication on platelet count in 48 Japanese patients with autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura (AITP), including 40 chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) and eight secondary AITP, were investigated. H. pylori infection was found in 25 ITP patients (62.5%) and in two secondary AITP (25%). H.pylori eradication was obtained in 19 of 19 infected ITP patients (100%), who were not in remission (platelets < 100 x 109/l) at the time of infection assessment. During follow-up (median 14.8 months), 12 of 19 H. pylori-eradicated patients (63.2%) showed a significant increase in platelet count accompanied by a significant decrease of platelet-associated immunoglobulin G (IgG). This response was maintained in all responding patients throughout the follow-up period. However, two infected patients with secondary AITP did not show platelet increase after eradication. The assessment of H. pylori infection and its eradication should be attempted in ITP as this approach could be an effective strategy, at least for some of these patients.  相似文献   

Previous laboratory and clinical data have shown evidence for the concept of rebalanced hemostasis in liver disease. We evaluate whether this concept of rebalanced hemostasis can be applied in patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). Twenty patients with ITP (platelet count?<?100?×?109 /l) who visited our hospital were enrolled. We measured the von Willebrand factor (vWF) antigen levels and performed native blood thromboelastography (TEG) to evaluate the hemostasis. As a subgroup analysis, we compared patients with elevated vWF levels with those with normal levels. Bleeding symptoms of the patients were followed up for 6 months. The mean (SD [IQR]) platelet count was 44.23?×?109 /l (25.78 [27.00–60.50]). The following TEG parameters were within the normal range in most patients (number of patients with a normal value): clotting time (17), clot formation time (17), α-angle (15), maximum clot formation (10), and maximum lysis (12). The mean (SD) vWF antigen level (%) was 163% (80). There were eight patients (40%) with elevated vWF antigen levels [218% (104) vs. 126% (19), p?=?0.007, elevated vs. normal patients, respectively]. Those with elevated vWF antigen levels were older [58 year (10) vs. 40 year (13), p?=?0.004] and had a longer disease status [67 months (39) vs. 33 months (25), p?=?0.028]. Although the platelet count was not different, the CFT was shorter [287 (104) vs. 561 (291), p?=?0.042] and the α-angle was larger [49 (6) vs. 34 (15), p?=?0.033] in those with elevated vWF antigen levels. There were no patients with major bleeding events during the follow-up period. Four patients showed minor bleeding events (n?=?1 vs. n?=?3, elevated vs. normal patients, respectively). We found that the vWF antigen level was elevated and the TEG profiles were better in older ITP patients with longer disease statuses. Patients with ITP appeared to achieve a rebalance hemostasis through an elevation of their plasma vWF antigen levels and hemostatic changes that promote thrombosis. Measuring the vWF antigen levels and performing TEG analysis can help determine the treatment strategy in ITP patients.  相似文献   

Data on 90 patients (55 adults and 35 children) with chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) and a platelet count of <50 x 10(9)/L treated with dapsone at a dose of 1-2 mg/kg/d are presented. A response was observed in 57 (63.3%) patients. The average time for response was 3.5 months (range 1-9) and the average duration of treatment with dapsone was 10.4 months (range 4-14). Overall response rates of 65.7% and 61.8% were observed in children and adults respectively. Side effects requiring discontinuation of therapy were observed in three (2%) patients. These results demonstrate that dapsone is an effective, inexpensive and well-tolerated treatment for chronic ITP, in both children and adults and could be considered for patients who fail steroid therapy.  相似文献   

The Nordic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura study data showed that morbidity occurred mainly in children with thrombocytopenia lasting >3 months, whereas, the risk period with platelet counts <20 x 10(9)/l was short and the number of bleeding events low in children with shorter disease duration. These brief, uneventful courses were predicted by developing a scoring system based on six clinical features: abrupt onset (weight 5), age <10 years (3), preceding infection (2), platelet count <5 x 10(9)/l, wet purpura (1) and male gender (1). The score was derived and validated in two different cohorts of children. High scores (10-14) clearly identified low-risk patients. The score provides valid prognostic information and may be useful in clinical decision-making.  相似文献   

The mechanisms underlying lenalidomide‐resistance of del(5q) MDS stem cells remain to be elucidated and may include cell‐intrinsic as well as microenvironmental causes. Abnormal hypolobated megakaryocytes constitute one of the hallmarks of del(5q) MDS. We hypothesized that these cells have potential implications for the regulation of haematopoietic stem cells (HSC) similarly to what has recently been described for megakaryocytes in the murine system. Therefore, we conducted a study to determine the response of abnormal hypolobated megakaryocytes to lenalidomide therapy. We studied lenalidomide‐treated patients in the MDS‐004 trial as well as a cohort seen at our institution. Morphological evaluation at time of complete cytogenetic remission (CCyR) demonstrated the persistence of hypolobated megakaryocytes in all evaluable patients (n = 9). Furthermore, we provide evidence that the abnormal hypolobated morphology is restricted to del(5q) megakaryocytes, both at diagnosis and during CCyR. Using fluorescence in situ hybridisation analysis on flow‐sorted stem‐ and progenitor populations, we observed a similar degree of clonal involvement in megakaryocyte‐erythroid‐progenitors as in HSC. Taken together, our findings suggest that megakaryocyte morphology might aid in the evaluation of patients where discontinuation of lenalidomide is considered and offers interesting hypotheses for further investigation of lenalidomide resistance.  相似文献   

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