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Introduction. Although emotional dysregulation is a core problem in borderline personality disorder (BPD), few neuropsychological studies have evaluated the impact of emotion. The present study aimed at the comprehensive investigation of verbal memory functions with and without emotionally relevant interference in BPD. BPD patients were expected to perform as well as healthy subjects in standard memory tasks but to show fewer capacities to control for emotionally negative interference.

Methods. 47 patients with BPD and 70 healthy control subjects participated. An experimental task assessed verbal memory with respect to standard and emotionally relevant and neutral interference learning conditions. Applied standard tests covered working memory, delayed memory, and word fluency.

Results. Memory performances of BPD patients were impaired when negatively valenced interference was conducted but normal in all other conditions. These results remained stable after controlling for comorbid major depression and posttraumatic stress disorder.

Discussion. The present findings suggest no general impairment of verbal memory functions in BPD but control and inhibition of interference by emotionally significant material seem to be disturbed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study investigated whether individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD) tend to be overgeneral in their autobiographical recall and whether the extent of their overgeneral recall covaries with their susceptibilities to dissociative experiences, as expected on theoretical grounds. METHODS: Twenty-three patients with BPD and 23 matched controls completed the Autobiographical Memory Test (AMT) and self-report measures of depression, anxiety, trait anger and dissociative experiences. RESULTS: Participants with BPD scored significantly higher than the control group on the measures of depression, anxiety, trait anger, and dissociative experiences and also retrieved significantly more general memories on the AMT. The number of general memories retrieved by the BPD group correlated significantly with their dissociation scores but not with their scores on mood measures. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with BPD have difficulties in recalling specific autobiographical memories. These difficulties are related to their tendency to dissociate and may help them to avoid episodic information that would evoke acutely negative affect.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Affective dysregulation in borderline personality disorder (BPD) in response to both external stimuli and memories has been shown to be associated with functional alterations of limbic and prefrontal brain areas. This study aimed to examine neuronal networks involved in autobiographical memory retrieval using standardized stimuli that gain autobiographical significance by illustrating marked solitary and social situations of human life. METHODS: Using event-related functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), we examined the processing of pictures from the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) in 14 BPD patients and 14 controls. RESULTS: In both groups, TAT stimuli activated brain areas known to be involved in autobiographical memory retrieval. BPD subjects lacked differential amygdala, orbitofrontal and cingulate activations for TAT versus neutral stimuli. In the TAT condition, compared to controls, BPD subjects displayed increased BOLD responses in the bilateral orbitofrontal and insular regions, in the left anterior cingulate and medial prefrontal cortex, as well as in the parietal and parahippocampal areas, consistent with a more aversive and arousing experience assessed by self-reports. CONCLUSIONS: Increased BOLD responses during TAT processing in BPD subjects were in line with previously reported changes in anterior cingulate and orbitofrontal cortices, which are known to be involved in memory retrieval. However, BPD subjects displayed hyperactivation in these areas for both TAT and neutral stimuli. The deficit of selective activation of areas involved in autobiographical memory retrieval suggests a general tendency towards a self-referential mode of information processing in BPD, or a failure to switch between emotionally salient and neutral stimuli.  相似文献   

Although results have been variable, studies suggest that individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD) exhibit cognitive deficits suggestive of frontal- and temporal-lobe dysfunction. Patients diagnosed with BPD (n = 18) using two structured interviews, and who were carefully screened for neurological and substance-use disorders, were compared to depressed patients (n = 18) and a nonpsychiatric control group (n = 18) on a series of neuropsychological tasks. The role of emotion on cognitive functioning was assessed by including emotional stimuli and interference on several of the tasks. Little support was found for the neurobehavioral hypothesis of BPD. The BPD group performance did not differ from the normal group on most tasks of executive functioning or memory, and the introduction of emotional stimuli did not impair performance. The depressed group performed less effectively than the other groups. Reasons for variable findings and factors affecting the cognitive functioning of patients with BPD are discussed. There may be considerable heterogeneity in the cognitive functioning of BPD patients, with those exhibiting significant cognitive deficits comprising only a subgroup.  相似文献   

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a common, disabling, and burdensome psychiatric condition. It is characterized by turbulent fluctuations of negative emotions and moods, unstable and conflictual interpersonal relationships, an incoherent and often contradictory sense of self, and impulsive, potentially lethal self-injurious behaviors. The neurobehavioral facets of BPD have not been extensively studied. However, clinical theoreticians and researchers have proposed that the symptoms and behaviors of BPD are, in part, associated with disruptions in basic neurocognitive processes. This review summarizes and evaluates research that has investigated the relationship between executive neurocognition, memory systems, and BPD. Three historical phases of research are delineated and reviewed, and the methodological and conceptual challenges this body of investigation highlights are discussed. Laboratory-based assessment of executive neurocognition and memory systems is integral to an interdisciplinary approach to research in BPD. Such an approach holds promise in elucidating the neurobehavioral facets, development, diagnostic boundaries, prevention, and optimal interventions for this debilitating and enigmatic disorder.  相似文献   

High levels of alexithymia, a personality trait closely associated with emotion dysregulation, have been found in several psychiatric disorders including borderline personality disorder (BPD). Both BPD and alexithymia have been related to impaired cortical inhibition; however, this relationship has not been tested directly. The aim of the present study was, therefore, to investigate whether cortical inhibition is modulated by alexithymia in BPD. Fifteen BPD patients with Toronto-Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) scores ≥61, 14 BPD patients with TAS-20 <61, and 16 healthy controls were examined using different TMS paradigms. High-alexithymia patients showed a shortened cortical silent period (CSP) compared to low-alexithymia patients and controls. Additionally, a significant inverse correlation was found between the TAS-20, the left CSP and the left transcallosal conduction time. These findings indicate that alexithymia is associated with changes in GABAergic neurotransmission and facilitated transcallosal inhibition. The results highlight the importance of considering alexithymia in BPD.  相似文献   

We review different conceptions of inhibitory control that may be relevant to the regulatory problems featured in borderline personality disorder (BPD). These conceptions have often been framed with regard to personality traits of inhibitory control, but can also be related to cognitive measures of response suppression as well as affect regulation. Reactive behavioral inhibition is relatively unstudied in relation to BPD. A substantial amount of literature links executive function problems with BPD, but that literature has not isolated executive response inhibition nor been controlled for other personality disorder symptoms of antisociality, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), or depression, anxiety, or posttraumatic symptoms. We therefore conducted a study of this question looking at BPD symptoms in an adult sample with a small number of BPD subjects and other disorders. Results indicated that symptoms of BPD were correlated with response inhibition (measured by stop signal reaction time) even after controlling for the overlap of stop inhibition with ADHD, antisociality, and other Axis II disorder symptoms. We conclude by hypothesizing discrete developmental routes to BPD, based on different mechanism breakdowns, which would be amenable to empirical investigation at the cognitive or trait level of analysis.  相似文献   

To evaluate the possibility of an underlying dimension of organicity in borderline personality disorder (BPD), a carefully diagnosed group of borderline patients was assessed across a wide range of neuropsychological functions and then was compared to an age-and education-matched non-patient control group. The BPD group had significantly lower Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQ scores on the WAIS-R. The BPD group also was impaired significantly on motor skills, figural memory, complex visuo-motor integration, social or interpersonal intelligence, and on a measure of susceptibility to interference. This pattern of deficits localized to the fronto-temporal regions and became more pronounced when a subgroup analysis was performed. This study suggests that subtle organic factors may be operative in some, but not all, BPD patients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Current biological concepts of borderline personality disorder (BPD) emphasize the interference of emotional hyperarousal and cognitive functions. A prototypical example is episodic memory. Pre-clinical investigations of emotion-episodic memory interactions have shown specific retrograde and anterograde episodic memory changes in response to emotional stimuli. These changes are amygdala dependent and vary as a function of emotional arousal and valence. METHOD: To determine whether there is amygdala hyper-responsiveness to emotional stimuli as the underlying pathological substrate of cognitive dysfunction in BPD, 16 unmedicated female patients with BPD were tested on the behavioural indices of emotion-induced amnesia and hypermnesia established in 16 healthy controls. RESULTS: BPD patients displayed enhanced retrograde and anterograde amnesia in response to presentation of negative stimuli, while positive stimuli elicited no episodic memory-modulating effects. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that an amygdala hyper-responsiveness to negative stimuli may serve as a crucial aetiological contributor to emotion-induced cognitive dysfunction in BPD.  相似文献   

This paper outlines an approach to the treatment of borderline personality disorder (BPD) based on principles of interpersonal psychotherapy. The rationale for using a modified version of interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) is described-BPD is a disorder of attachment, depression is commonly associated with BPD and the primary symptoms of BPD such as rapid mood fluctuations, impulsivity and cognitive distortions are manifested within interpersonal relationships. A focus on interpersonal dysfunction between self and others may improve the quality of relationships for these patients and improve their capacity to manage the instability engendered by depressed mood. It is argued that the normal structure of IPT meets the basic requirements of any psychotherapy for BPD but that the current four foci of IPT are inadequate to address the complexity of the problems of the person with BPD. A case is made to extend the focal areas of IPT to increase the specificity of treatment tailoring it to the core pathology of the disorder. It is suggested that consideration of regulation of the self within interpersonal interactions becomes the primary focus for treatment. KEY PRACTITIONER MESSAGE: Borderline personality disorder is manifested through problems on interpersonal relationships. Interpersonal psychotherapy may be a useful treatment for BPD. Interpersonal psychotherapy uses a focus for treatment. A new focus of problems of self/other regulation is suggested. Further research is needed to determine if this approach is effective.  相似文献   

Rejection sensitivity (RS) is defined as a cognitive-affective processing disposition of anxious expectation, ready perception and overreaction to rejection cues. RS is widely investigated in social psychology, but research on RS in clinical samples is scarce. Focus of the present study was to examine the role of RS in patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) compared to other clinical disorders. The Rejection Sensitivity Questionnaire (RSQ) was adapted for application in clinical and non-clinical samples and proved to be a methodologically sound measure. High correlations between the RSQ and borderline-specific cognitions (Questionnaire of Thoughts and Feelings) were observed. Compared to several clinical samples as well as healthy controls, BPD patients indicated the highest scores on both measures and differed significantly from all other groups, even from patients with social anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

Although clinical theories suggest that people with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) experience a confused sense of self, little empirical research has directly examined the self in BPD (Heard & Linehan, 1993; Westen & Cohen, 1993). In this study, 43 female participants, 15 with BPD and 28 without BPD, completed the closed-ended version of Markus and Wurf's (1987) Possible Selves Questionnaire (PSQ). Participants with BPD were less likely than controls to endorse positive possible selves as current, but more likely to endorse negative possible selves as current, probable, desired, and important. Participants with BPD linked negative and positive selves to their desired selves, which is consistent with the unstable sense of self characteristic of BPD.  相似文献   

Traditional theories regarding the etiology of borderline personality disorder have focused on poor attachment figures and/or traumatic experience. The present review posits an additional pathogenic course for this disorder. Specifically, the proposed mechanism involves a basic disruption of the neural hardware that supports the formation and maintenance of unconscious emotional memory, hardware essential for the formation of early attachments. It is further theorized that this early disruption has ongoing effects on both behavioral and concomitant neural development. Within this model, adolescence is described as a period of intense change that serves as the tipping point for the onset of borderline personality disorder.  相似文献   

This article presents the Schema Therapy (Young, Klosko, & Weishaar, 2003) approach to the treatment of borderline personality disorder. Schema therapy draws on the cognitive-behavioral, attachment, psychodynamic, and emotion-focused traditions and conceptualizes patients who have borderline personality disorder as being under the sway of five modes or aspects of the self. The goal of the therapy is to reorganize this inner structure. To this end, there are four core mechanisms of change that are used in this therapy: (1) limited reparenting, (2) experiential imagery and dialogue work, (3) cognitive restructuring and education, and (4) behavioral pattern breaking. These interventions are used during the three phases of treatment: (1) bonding and emotional regulation, (2) schema mode change, and (3) development of autonomy.  相似文献   

The present study compared outpatients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) and controls on social problem solving capabilities and specificity of imagining future events. It was hypothesized that patients with BPD would have more deficiencies in both these areas, and that there would be a relation between problem solving and specificity of remembering past and imagining future events. Seventy‐eight patients with BPD reported fewer active means to solve interpersonal problems and depressed patients with BPD tended to have more difficulties in imagining positive future events in a specific way compared to controls. Specificity and problem solving were hardly related in patients with BPD. Social problem solving deficits in BPD may be a consequence of disturbed emotion regulation rather than a consequence of restricted memory accessibility. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In order to detect possible links between structural and neurochemical brain abnormalities we applied high resolution morphometric imaging and short-echo time absolute-quantification magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) at the left hand side to the amygdala in 12 patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) and 10 group-matched healthy controls. Confirming earlier reports we found a significant 11–17% reduction of amygdalar volumes in patients with BPD. In addition there was a significant 17% increase of left amygdalar creatine concentrations in BPD patients. Left amygdalar creatine concentration correlated positively with measures of anxiety and negatively with amygdalar volume. This pilot study of simultaneous amygdalar morphometry and spectroscopy in BPD reveals a possible link between amygdalar volume loss, psychopathology and neurochemical abnormalities in terms of creatine signals.  相似文献   

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