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Funahashi S 《Neuroscience》2006,139(1):251-261
Working memory is a mechanism for short-term active maintenance of information as well as for processing maintained information. The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex has been known to participate in working memory. The analysis of task-related dorsolateral prefrontal cortex activity while monkeys performed a variety of working memory tasks revealed that delay-period activity is a neural correlate of a mechanism for temporary active maintenance of information, because this activity persisted throughout the delay period, showed selectivity to a particular visual feature, and was related to correct behavioral performances. Information processing can be considered as a change of the information represented by a population of neural activities during the progress of the trial. Using population vectors calculated by a population of task-related dorsolateral prefrontal cortex activities, we demonstrated the temporal change of information represented by a population of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex activities during performances of spatial working memory tasks. Cross-correlation analysis using spike firings of simultaneously isolated pairs of neurons reveals widespread functional interactions among neighboring neurons, especially neurons having delay-period activity, and their dynamic modulation depending on the context of the trial. Functional interactions among neurons and their dynamic modulation could be a mechanism of information processing in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.  相似文献   

Summary 1. Single neuron activity was recorded from the prefrontal cortex of two macaque monkeys during the performance of a task involving spatial sequencing. The monkeys faced a panel displaying a central fixation point and three fixed targets (two lateral and one above the point of fixation). In the first phase of each trial, the three targets were turned on in random order: in the second phase, the animal had to press each target, still lighted, in the order of their illumination. Thus, successful performance of the task depended strongly on temporal memory. The animals were fitted with DC-EOG electrodes. 2. Three hundred and two task-related neurons were recorded in the superior arcuate area and caudal part of sulcus principalis. Among the cells whose pattern of activity appeared to be related to the sequencing task, five classes were distinguished: Visual tonic (VT), fixation, context, saccade related and visual phasic cells. In addition, a small number of cells appeared to be related to other aspects of the behavior, but not to the sequencing task. Our present analysis concentrates on two groups of sequencing task-related cells (VT and context cells). 3. The VT cells (35/302-11.5%) were recorded exclusively from the superior arcuate area. All VT cells increased their firing rate (sustained activation) during fixation of the central fixation point (FP) following onset of one of the three targets used, specific for a given cell (directional or spatial selectivity). In one group of VT cells, a shift in the eye position towards the specific peripheral target resulted in the return of the cells' firing rate to the pre-trial level. In the other group of VT cells, reset of the firing rate to pre-trial level was not related to the onset of fixation of the peripheral target. Sustained activation of the VT cells depended also on the sequential order of illumination of the specific target (temporal selectivity). In twenty-four cells (68.5% of VT cells) sustained activation was observed when the target came first in the sequence. Onset of the target in the second or third rank elicited either no response or only a short lasting phasic activation. In the remaining eleven cells (31.5% of VT cells), sustained activation was only observed when the target came second in a given sequence. The firing of the VT cells was correlated with the animals' performance of the task. On trials where the animals selected successive targets in an incorrect order, the temporal pattern of activation of VT cells was different from that in the correctly performed trials. Thus, the correct temporal encoding of a target appeared to be a prerequisite for the correct performance of a sequence. 4. The context cells (36.5%-16/302) were activated when the animal fixated a particular target during execution of the sequence and, like VT cells, were encountered exclusively in the penetrations through the superior arcuate area. Activation also depended on the state (illuminated vs extinguished or hit vs non-hit) of the non-fixated targets and/or on their time-relationships with respect to the fixated target hence context cells. 5. Properties of VT and context cells revealed in the present experiment are consistent with the idea that the superior arcuate area is involved in temporally and spatially extended structures of behavior. If so, the arcuate area would constitute a specialized part of prefrontal cortex implicated in construction of oculomotor plans.  相似文献   

Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) allows non-invasive monitoring of central and peripheral changes in oxygenation during exercise and may provide valuable insight into the factors affecting fatigue. This study aimed to explore the changes in oxygenation of prefrontal cortex and active muscle tissue as limiting factors of incremental exercise performance in trained cyclists. Thirteen trained healthy subjects (mean ± SE: age 24.9 ± 1.5 years, body mass 70.1 ± 1.2 kg, training 6.1 ± 0.9 h week−1) performed a progressive maximal exercise to exhaustion on a cycling ergometer. Prefrontal cortex (Cox) and vastus lateralis muscle (Mox) oxygenation were measured simultaneously by NIRS throughout the exercise. Maximal voluntary isometric knee torques and quadriceps neuromuscular fatigue (M-wave properties and voluntary activation ratio) were evaluated before and after exercise. Maximal power output and oxygen consumption were 380.8 ± 7.9 W and 75.0 ± 2.2 ml min−1 kg−1, respectively. Mox decreased significantly throughout exercise while Cox increased in the first minutes of exercise but decreased markedly from the workload corresponding to the second ventilatory threshold up to exhaustion (P < 0.05). No significant difference was noted 6 min after maximal exercise in either the voluntary activation ratio or the M-wave properties. These findings are compatible with the notion that supraspinal modulation of motor output precedes exhaustion. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Prefrontal cortex and decision making in a mixed-strategy game   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
In a multi-agent environment, where the outcomes of one's actions change dynamically because they are related to the behavior of other beings, it becomes difficult to make an optimal decision about how to act. Although game theory provides normative solutions for decision making in groups, how such decision-making strategies are altered by experience is poorly understood. These adaptive processes might resemble reinforcement learning algorithms, which provide a general framework for finding optimal strategies in a dynamic environment. Here we investigated the role of prefrontal cortex (PFC) in dynamic decision making in monkeys. As in reinforcement learning, the animal's choice during a competitive game was biased by its choice and reward history, as well as by the strategies of its opponent. Furthermore, neurons in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) encoded the animal's past decisions and payoffs, as well as the conjunction between the two, providing signals necessary to update the estimates of expected reward. Thus, PFC might have a key role in optimizing decision-making strategies.  相似文献   

Prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia control access to working memory   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Our capacity to store information in working memory might be determined by the degree to which only relevant information is remembered. The question remains as to how this selection of relevant items to be remembered is accomplished. Here we show that activity in the prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia preceded the filtering of irrelevant information and that activity, particularly in the globus pallidus, predicted the extent to which only relevant information is stored. The preceding frontal and basal ganglia activity were also associated with inter-individual differences in working memory capacity. These findings reveal a mechanism by which frontal and basal ganglia activity exerts attentional control over access to working memory storage in the parietal cortex in humans, and makes an important contribution to inter-individual differences in working memory capacity.  相似文献   

Self-stimulation of the orbitofrontal cortex of the rhesus monkey was found to be attenuated after the monkeys were fed to satiety. Self-stimulation at some other sites (e.g. the nucleus accumbens septi, the region of the substantia nigra, and the caudate nucleus) was relatively unaffected in the same test sessions by the satiety. In recordings from single neurons in the monkey orbitofrontal cortex, neurons of the type found in the lateral hypothalamus with sustained responses associated with the sight of preferred foods were not found. However, some orbitofrontal neurons did respond to the removal of food or other desired objects. These experiments show that self-stimulation of the monkey orbitofrontal cortex in modulated by hunger, and show that some orbitofrontal neurons have complex responses which could be related to the control of feeding.  相似文献   

Deficits in the initiation and utilization of strategies contribute importantly to memory impairments in depression. Other research on depression has documented memory biases toward negative and away from positive material. This study investigated brain mechanisms accompanying the initiative deficit and negative bias processes affecting memory in depressed individuals. Electroencephalography was recorded prior to and during emotional narratives and correlated with subsequent memory recognition of narrative material. Hypothesized to reflect strategy initiation, bilateral activity of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) preceding a sad narrative was associated with memory performance for that narrative in nondepressed controls only. Negative memory bias in depressed participants was inferred from their association between right prefrontal activity during the sad narrative and memory performance, consistent with research implicating that region in withdrawal-related unpleasant emotions. These results highlight the importance of distinguishing processes that influence memory performance when investigating the neural mechanisms of cognitive deficit and bias in depression.  相似文献   

The present study investigated prefrontal cortex (PFC) atrophy as a possible predictor of dementia. Eighty-eight older participants of the Maastricht Aging Study (MAAS) were administered for neuropsychological tests at baseline and after three years (t3). Magnetic resonance images were acquired at t3 and nine years after baseline all participants were screened for dementia. Three groups were distinguished: (1) participants who did not develop dementia or cognitive decline, (2) participants who did not develop dementia but did show significant cognitive decline, and (3) participants who developed dementia. Gray matter volume of structures in the PFC and medial temporal lobe (MTL) was measured. Prefrontal volume was significantly smaller in group 3 than in the other two groups, and PFC volume was significantly better than MTL volume in distinguishing between groups 2 and 3. These findings suggest that PFC atrophy is highly associated with dementia and can be considered an important predictor of the disease. It may even be a better predictor than the MTL atrophy that has been found in earlier studies.  相似文献   

When a small, focally attended visual stimulus and a larger background frame shift location at the same time, the frame's new location can affect spatial perception. For horizontal displacements on the order of 1--2 degrees, when the frame moves more than the attended stimulus, human subjects may perceive that the attended stimulus has shifted to the right or left when it has not done so. However, that misapprehension does not disable accurate eye movements to the same stimulus. We trained a rhesus monkey to report the direction that an attended stimulus had shifted by making an eye movement to one of the two report targets. Then, using conditions that induce displacement illusions in human subjects, we tested the hypothesis that neuronal activity in the prefrontal cortex (PF) would reflect the displacement directions reported by the monkey, even when they conflicted with the actual displacement, if any, of the attended stimulus. We also predicted that these cells would have directional selectivity for movements used to make those reports, but not for similar eye movements made to fixate the attended stimulus. A population of PF neurons showed the predicted properties, which could not be accounted for on the basis of either eye-movement or frame-shift parameters. This activity, termed report-related, began approximately 150 ms before the onset of the reporting saccade. Another population of PF neurons showed greater directional selectivity for saccadic eye movements made to fixate the attended stimulus than for similar saccades made to report its displacement. In view of the evidence that PF functions to integrate inputs and actions occurring at different times and places, the present findings support the idea that such integration involves movements to acquire response targets, directly, as well as actions guided by less direct response rules, such as perceptual reports.  相似文献   

Summary Twenty-one cat brains with cortical injections of horseradish peroxidase resulting in labelled cells in the thalamic mediodorsal nucleus (MD) were screened for afferent projections from the parietal cortex. Contrary to expectation, nearly the whole prefrontal cortex (PFC) situated around the frontal pole was free of parietal afferents, while a small area in the anterior sylvian gyrus (orbito-insular subregion of PFC) consistently received afferents from the parietal cortex. The few afferents projecting to the cortex around the frontal pole originated exclusively from the convexity of the suprasylvian gyrus, while the great majority of the parietal neurons projecting to the anterior sylvian gyrus was situated within the fundus of the suprasylvian sulcus. While the main regions of the prefrontal cortex of the rhesus monkey receive a substantial projection from the parietal lobe, whereas the main regions of the cat's prefrontal cortex are free of afferents from the parietal cortex, possible differences in the parieto-prefrontal organization of both species are discussed. Furthermore, differences between the orbito-insular subregion and the rest of the PFC are emphasized.This study was carried out mainly at the University of Konstanz.Dr. B. Petrovi-Mini was a visiting scientist at the University of Konstanz. Research was supported in part by grant Ma 795 from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)  相似文献   

High dairy intakes have been associated with lower rates of obesity in observational studies, but mechanisms to explain the association are lacking. A high intake of dairy protein reduces spontaneous food intake and may be one important mechanism, but more specific effects of dairy calcium seem to exist.We have found that high versus low calcium intakes from dairy products had no effect on 24-h energy expenditure or substrate oxidation rates, but fecal fat excretion increased ∼ 2.5-fold on the high-calcium diets. In a meta-analysis of intervention studies we found that increasing dairy calcium intake by 1200 mg/day resulted in increased fecal fat excretion by 5.2 (1.6-8.8) g/day.Newer research shows that humans possess taste receptors for calcium in the gastrointestinal tract and that signaling may be linked to appetite regulation. A new line of evidence suggests that an inadequate calcium intake during an energy restricted weight loss program may trigger hunger and impair compliance to the diet.These mechanisms may be part of the explanation for the protective effects of dairy products with regard to obesity and metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   

Recent epidemiological evidence points to a link between a variety of negative health outcomes (e.g. metabolic syndrome, diabetes and cardiovascular disease) and the consumption of both calorically sweetened beverages and beverages sweetened with high-intensity, non-caloric sweeteners. Research on the possibility that non-nutritive sweeteners promote food intake, body weight gain, and metabolic disorders has been hindered by the lack of a physiologically-relevant model that describes the mechanistic basis for these outcomes. We have suggested that based on Pavlovian conditioning principles, consumption of non-nutritive sweeteners could result in sweet tastes no longer serving as consistent predictors of nutritive postingestive consequences. This dissociation between the sweet taste cues and the caloric consequences could lead to a decrease in the ability of sweet tastes to evoke physiological responses that serve to regulate energy balance. Using a rodent model, we have found that intake of foods or fluids containing non-nutritive sweeteners was accompanied by increased food intake, body weight gain, accumulation of body fat, and weaker caloric compensation, compared to consumption of foods and fluids containing glucose. Our research also provided evidence consistent with the hypothesis that these effects of consuming saccharin may be associated with a decrement in the ability of sweet taste to evoke thermic responses, and perhaps other physiological, cephalic phase, reflexes that are thought to help maintain energy balance.  相似文献   

Induction and maintenance of a period of negative energy balance are required for overweight and obese subjects to lose weight. Meal replacements, particularly in beverage form, have now evolved as part of the "toolbox" used by researchers and clinicians to achieve negative energy balance. This overview traces the historical development of beverage meal replacements, reviews key studies supporting their clinical efficacy, and examines concerns related to their safe use. This collective information supports the view that meal replacements, particularly in beverage form, are now an effective and safe component for use in the clinical setting. Further studies are needed to identify those subjects most likely to benefit from use of meal replacements as part of their comprehensive weight control program.  相似文献   

Nelson CL  Sarter M  Bruno JP 《Neuroscience》2005,132(2):347-359
Attentional processing is a crucial early stage in cognition and is subject to "top-down" regulation by prefrontal cortex (PFC). Top-down regulation involves modification of input processing in cortical and subcortical areas, including the posterior parietal cortex (PPC). Cortical cholinergic inputs, originating from the basal forebrain cholinergic system, have been demonstrated to mediate important aspects of attentional processing. The present study investigated the ability of cholinergic and glutamatergic transmission within PFC to regulate acetylcholine (ACh) release in PPC. The first set of experiments demonstrated increases in ACh efflux in PPC following AMPA administration into the PFC. These increases were antagonized by co-administration of the AMPA receptor antagonist DNQX into the PFC. The second set of experiments demonstrated that administration of carbachol, but not nicotine, into the PFC also increased ACh efflux in PPC. The effects of carbachol were attenuated by co-administration (into PFC) of a muscarinic antagonist (atropine) and partially attenuated by the nicotine antagonist mecamylamine and DNQX. Perfusion of carbachol, nicotine, or AMPA into the PPC did not affect PFC ACh efflux, suggesting that these cortical interactions are not bi-directional. These studies demonstrate the capacity of the PFC to regulate ACh release in the PPC via glutamatergic and cholinergic prefrontal mechanisms. Prefrontal regulation of ACh release elsewhere in the cortex is hypothesized to contribute to the cognitive optimization of input processing.  相似文献   

The number of stimulation pulses required to maintain a half maximal rate of self-stimulation of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) was determined for various currents. Over a restricted range, the effects of decreasing the stimulation frequency could be compensated for by increasing the current. This finding cannot easily be reconciled with the hypothesis that the rewarding impact of PFC stimulation is unaffected by increments in current. The minimum current that would support self-stimulation of the PFC at high frequencies was larger than has been reported at medial forebrain bundle sites.  相似文献   

Intracranial self-stimulation (ICSS) of the medial prefrontal cortex (MFC) is acquired gradually, taking 4 or more days to establish. One explanation for this finding is that the stimulation becomes more rewarding with repetition. Four experiments were conducted to test this hypotheses. In Experiment 1, the MFC ICSS frequency thresholds remained constant over the first 3 weeks of testing while the rate of lever pressing response increased. In Experiment 2, it was found that acquisition of MFC ICSS was much more rapid when a motorically simpler response (nose-poking) was employed. Similarly, Experiments 3 and 4 further demonstrated that response factors such as task complexity may ultimately determine the rate of development of frontal cortex ICSS. Overall, these data suggest that independent of the rewarding effects of MFC stimulation there are other effects that initially interfere with learning of complex operant responses.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated hypothalamic self-stimulation under a fixed-interval (FI) reinforcement schedule. An FI 20-s schedule was chosen to reduce stimulation density in order to minimize the influence of priming effects or stimulation aftereffects that can affect responding under other schedules of reinforcement. The first experiment showed that the influence of train duration is greatest at levels up to 1 s and thereafter level off over a wide range of train durations (1-32 s). The second experiment showed that altering frequency, current, or pulse width produced almost identical changes in FI responding. These findings show that the neutral network subserving hypothalamic self-stimulation simply integrates the amount of charge over time. It is relatively insensitive to the combination of stimulation parameters that make up a given waveform. In the third experiment, the chronaxies from the strength-duration curves indicate the neural substrate supporting self-stimulation has a great current-integrating capacity. Together, these experiments show that varying the amount of brain stimulation produce large and consistent changes in a number of FI response measures. These measures effectively describe different attributes of FI performance and include response rate, the postreinforcement pause, interresponse times of short duration and the temporal distribution of responses within the interval.  相似文献   

Stimulation-naive rats were tested for motor activity during noncontingent electrical stimulation of the medial prefrontal cortex (MPC) or sulcal prefrontal cortex (SPC). Defecation during stimulation was also measured. The rats were then tested using a conditioned taste aversion paradigm for aversion to a novel flavor (0.1% saccharin) paired with stimulation. Finally, the rats were trained to acquire self-stimulation over 26 days of training. Large individual differences were seen in motor activity, defecation, and conditioned taste aversion to initial stimulation and in the subsequent speed of self-stimulation acquisition. In the MPC-stimulated group, acquisition speed was positively correlated with motor activity to initial stimulation and negatively correlated with defecation to this stimulation. In the SPC-stimulated group, the same correlations were evident, but only when rats suffering seizures prior to self-stimulation acquisition were excluded from the analysis. Such preacquisition seizures, which were only found in the SPC-stimulated group, retarded self-stimulation acquisition. In most rats, MPC or SPC stimulation failed to condition a taste aversion to saccharin. These results suggest that the slow acquisition of MPC and SPC self-stimulation may be partly related to the motor suppressive, aversive, and convulsive properties of initial stimulation.  相似文献   

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