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The pattern of development of teeth and dental laminae of three Costa Rican plethodontids (Amphibia, Urodela, Plethodontidae) was investigated using transparent preparations, light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The teeth of the jaws are monostichously positioned, those of the posterior vomeral parts are polystichously arranged. The anterior vomeral parts carry monostichously positioned teeth at the caudal margin; yet, the adult Bolitoglossa subpalmata possesses two lines. As a sex dimorphism adult males display long monocuspid premaxillary teeth which protrude to the outside of the mouth cavity. All species studied possess paired dental laminae in the lower jaw. Nototriton abscondens possesses an unpaired dental lamina in the upper jaw, which is constricted between the unpaired premaxillary and the maxillaries. In contrast, the dental laminae in the upper jaw of B. subpalmata and Oedipina uniformis are segmented into a premaxillary and two maxillary laminae. All species possess a pair of anterior vomeral and a pair of posterior vomeral dental laminae in the adults, whereas the vomeral dental laminae of the subadults are unsegmented. The pattern of dentition is compared with that of Gyrinophilus and Eurycea.  相似文献   

Plethodontid salamander species from Northern America exhibit a single, unseparated dental lamina in the upper jaw, which consistently provides teeth for the unpaired premaxillary and the two maxillary bones. During the distinct mating season, adult males of these species bear long, monocuspid, unbladed teeth in the entire upper jaw, which are used during courtship. However, plethodontid salamander species from Southern Central America studied so far show either three separated dental laminae or a single dental lamina with three distinguishable tooth-producing parts connected by non-producing parts. These species reproduce aseasonally and sexually mature males permanently bear long, monocuspid, unbladed teeth on the premaxillary only. As the formation of these long, monocuspid teeth depends on the presence of androgen-receptors in the tooth-forming tissues, the morphological separation of the dental lamina in plethodontid salamanders from Southern Central America is very likely to be a prerequisite for a region-specific expression of androgen-receptors in the tooth-forming tissues controlling the differentiated shape formation of teeth in these species. Seven species of plethodontid salamanders from Costa Rica and Panama were examined and, in all, a tendency to exhibit three separate dental lamina in the upper jaw was found, although the morphological separation is definitive only in Bolitoglossa colonnea, B. lignicolor, B. pesrubra, B. schizodactyla and B. striatula. B. dofleini and B. marmorea show a continuous dental lamina with non-producing parts at the transitional sites between the parts associated with the premaxillary and the maxillary bones.  相似文献   

In humans, there is no consensus about the developmental relationship between the deciduous dentition and the oral vestibule separating the teeth from the lips and cheeks. The classical concept assumes that two horseshoe-shaped epithelial structures exist: the dental lamina, giving rise to single tooth primordia, and the vestibular lamina running parallel and externally to it, giving rise to the oral vestibule. The aim of this study was to investigate the development of the dental and vestibular laminae in the upper jaw and to determine their developmental relationship in humans from embryonic week 6 to 9. Although a thickening of the vestibular epithelium was always present on serial histological sections, computer-aided three-dimensional reconstructions did not show any continuous vestibular lamina. Several discontinuous epithelial structures (bulges and ridges) occurred transiently at different stages of oral vestibule development. Along the mesiodistal axis, the dental and vestibular epithelia were regionalized in parallel: in the incisive, canine, and 1st and 2nd molar regions. The vestibular ridges fused with the dental lamina distally to the deciduous canine, 1st molar and 2nd molar. These interactions between the developing teeth and vestibular structures are reminiscent of the situation in some reptiles, where single teeth are paired one-to-one with single tooth glands.  相似文献   

In this review, classical data on the early steps in human odontogenesis are summarized and updated with specific insights into the development of the upper and lower embryonic jaws to help in understanding some oral pathologies. The initial step of human odontogenesis is classically characterized by two parallel horseshoe‐shaped epithelial laminae. These originate from the oral epithelium and an ingrowth into the jaw mesenchyme: the internal dental lamina gives rise to deciduous tooth primordia, while the external vestibular lamina represents the developmental base of the oral vestibule. However, a more complex situation was revealed by recent studies combining analyses of the dental and adjacent oral epithelia on histological sections and computer‐aided three‐dimensional (3D) reconstructions during the 2nd month of human embryonic development. The dental epithelium forms a mound, where swellings appear later, corresponding to the individual primordia of deciduous teeth. External to the developing deciduous dentition, the 3D reconstructions do not show any continuous vestibular lamina but instead a complex of discontinuous epithelial bulges and ridges. The patterns of these epithelial structures and their relationship to the dental epithelium differ not only between the upper and lower jaws but also between the lip and cheek segments in each jaw. Knowledge of early odontogenesis may help in understanding some oral pathologies. For example, the human lateral incisor has a dual origin: it arises in the area of fusion between the medial nasal and maxillary facial processes and involves material from these two regions. Such a dual origin at the site of fusion of facial processes represents a predisposition to developmental vulnerability for the upper lateral incisor, resulting in its frequent anomalies (absence, hypoplasia, duplication), especially in patients with a cleft lip and/or jaw. Other pathologies, such as a minute supernumerary tooth, desmoplastic ameloblastoma or extraosseous odontogenic cysts are located external to the upper or lower dentition, and might be derived from structures that transiently appear during early development of the oral vestibule in humans.  相似文献   

The jaw bones receive complicated forces not only through the muscles, but through the teeth directly. Therefore, it is thought that the morphology of the jaw bones are greatly effected by the oral conditions. In this paper, the morphological changes of the mandibula with loss of the teeth are descrived. Furthermore, the three dimensional changes of the trabecular bones observed by micro-CT are shown. The jaw bones are of complex composition since they contain the alveolar sockets that encase the dental roots. The structures of the trabecular bone of the mandibula are constructed in order to support the teeth. The trabecular bones appear to have plate-like shape rather than rod-like shape in the three dimensional observation using micro-CT. With loss of the teeth, the height of the mandibula is rapidly shortened. And in the internal structures, both width and volume of the trabecular bone within the substantia spongiosa are reduced and the trabecular bones run in the irregular course. In addition, the plate-like shaped trabecular bones tend to transform into rod-like shaped ones. Based on these findings, it is suggested that maintenance of the intact teeth is important to keep the normal morphology of the mandibula.  相似文献   

The formation sequence of the tooth-bearing bones and the tooth pattern in early ontogeny of Polypterus senegalus is investigated using transparent preparation, histological sections, and SEM. During the attachment step of the yolk-sac larva the first dermal bones and teeth are formed. Teeth appear simultaneously in the areas of the maxillary, dentary, dermopalatine, prearticular, and coronoid 1 along with the first separate anlagen of these bones. A monostichous arrangement of primary teeth is established on the maxillary, dentary, and dermopalatine. Polystichous tooth arrangements do not occur before the early pterolarval phase, and then only in connection with bones of the palate and inner dental arcades. Especially pronounced is the influence of tooth formation on the structure of the parasphenoid that becomes much thickened by accretion of denticulate platelets, but we found neither evidence for a distinct vomeral contribution to the parasphenoid, nor a composite origin of the ectopterygoid in ontogeny. First replacement teeth are found in association with the maxillary and dentary as early as the late apterolarval phase. Primary teeth are of a single general type, whereas from the pterolarval phase onward three tooth types can be distinguished that are restricted to certain tooth bearing bones. Relatively late in ontogeny, dermo-metapterygoid and entopterygoid become formed and colonised by teeth, whereas first branchial teeth and tooth plates appear earlier during the first phase of extrinsic larval feeding. Characteristics of development of the dentition are discussed in comparison with character states of other better known fossil and recent taxa among Actinopterygii and Sarcopterygii. Compared to the assumed basic pattern of actinopterygian fishes, Polypteriformes show a derived condition with respect to structure, arrangement, replacement, and differentiation of teeth, which arises in sequence during larval development. This also corresponds to observed changes of feeding behaviour and functional demands during larval life.  相似文献   

Development of the upper dentition in Alligator mississippiensis as investigated using a close series of accurately staged and aged embryos, hatchlings, and young juveniles up to 11 days posthatching, as well as some young and old adult specimens. Studies from scanning electron miscroscopy, light microscopy, acetate and computer reconstructions, radiography and macroscopy were combined to elucidate the details of embryonic dental development, tooth initiation pattern, dentitional growth, and erupted functional dentition. The results were compared with those from the lower jaw and related to the development of other craniofacial structures. Approximately 17 early teeth in each jaw half develop as surface teeth, of which 13 project for 1 to 12 days before sinking into the mesenchyme. The first three teeth initiate directly from the oral epithelium at Ferguson stages 14–15 (days 15–19 after egg laying), before there is any local trace of dental lamina formation. All other teeth develop from a dental prolamina or lamina; and with progressive lamina development, submerged teeth initiate from the aboral end leading to the formation of replacement teeth. All teeth form dentin matrix, but 12 early teeth do not form enamel. Approximately 20 embryonic teeth are resorbed, 6 are transitional, and 42 function for longer periods after hatching. The embryonic tooth initiation pattern (illustrated by defining a tooth position formula) does not support the previous models of Odontostichi, Zahnreihen, and Tooth Families, each of which postulates perfect regularity. Up to three interstitial tooth positions develop between sites of primary tooth initiation, and families with up to five generations at hatching are at first arbitrarily defined.  相似文献   

A defining feature of dentitions in modern sharks and rays is the regulated pattern order that generates multiple replacement teeth. These are arranged in labio‐lingual files of replacement teeth that form in sequential time order both along the jaw and within successively initiated teeth in a deep dental lamina. Two distinct adult dentitions have been described: alternate, in which timing of new teeth alternates between two adjacent files, each erupting separately, and the other arranged as single files, where teeth of each file are timed to erupt together, in some taxa facilitating similarly timed teeth to join to form a cutting blade. Both are dependent on spatiotemporally regulated formation of new teeth. The adult Angel shark Squatina (Squalomorphii) exemplifies a single file dentition, but we obtained new data on the developmental order of teeth in the files of Squatina embryos, showing alternate timing of tooth initiation. This was based on micro‐CT scans revealing that the earliest mineralised teeth at the jaw margin and their replacements in file pairs (odd and even jaw positions) alternate in their initiation timing. Along with Squatina, new observations from other squalomorphs such as Hexanchus and Chlamydoselachus, together with representatives of the sister group Galeomorphii, have established that the alternate tooth pattern (initiation time and replacement order) characterises the embryonic dentition of extant sharks; however, this can change in adults. These character states were plotted onto a recent phylogeny, demonstrating that the Squalomorphii show considerable plasticity of dental development. We propose a developmental‐evolutionary model to allow change from the alternate to a single file alignment of replacement teeth. This establishes new dental morphologies in adult sharks from inherited alternate order.  相似文献   

The alveolar septa are divided into two anatomically distinct portions: The thin sides consist of capillary endothelium, alveolar epithelium, and their closely apposed (often fused) basal laminae; the thick sides are characterized by prominent interstitial spaces, containing fibrils and cells, which separate the respective basal laminae. Vesicle numerical densities are comparable (approximately 400 vesicles/ micron3 cytoplasm) in the endothelial and epithelial cells on both sides of the septa. Mean vesicle diameters, however, are substantially less in the epithelial cells on both the thin and thick sides. The extent of both endothelial and epithelial attenuation is significantly greater on the thin sides of the septa. Further, epithelial attenuation is more marked than endothelial attenuation on both sides of the septa. The attenuated cellular portions, possibly because of their extreme thinness, are void of vesicles but provide relatively short diffusion distances (20-30 nm) from vessel or alveolar lumen to the basal lamina. Whether these structural differences between endothelial and epithelial cells contribute to physiologic evidence that describes the endothelium as more permeable than the epithelium remains to be established.  相似文献   

Timing and pattern of expression of alkaline phosphatase was examined during early differentiation of the 1st arch skeleton in inbred C57BL/6 mice. Embryos were recovered between 10 and 18 d of gestation and staged using a detailed staging table of craniofacial development prior to histochemical examination. Expression of alkaline phosphatase is initiated at stage 20.2 in the plasma membrane of mesenchymal cells in the distal region of the first arch. Expression is strongest in osteoid (unmineralised bone matrix) and presumptive periosteum at stage 21.32. Mineralisation begins at stage E23. Expression is present in the mineralised bone matrix. Secondary cartilages form in the condylar and angular processes by stage M24. The cartilaginous cells and surrounding cells in the processes are all alkaline phosphatase-positive and surrounded by the common periosteum, suggesting that progenitor cells of the processes, dentary ramus and secondary cartilages all originate from a common pool. Nonhypertrophied chondrocytes of Meckel's cartilage express alkaline phosphatase at stage M23. Expression in these chondrocytes is preceded by the expression in their adjacent perichondrium. This is true of chondrocytes in all other cranial cartilages examined. 3-D reconstruction of expression in Meckel's cartilage also revealed that the chondrocytes of Meckel's cartilage which express alkaline phosphatase and the matrix of which undergoes mineralisation are those surrounded by the alkaline phosphatase-positive dentary ramus. By stage 25, coincident with mineralisation in the distal section of Meckel's cartilage, most chondrocytes are strongly positive. The perichondria of malleus and incus cartilages express alkaline phosphatase at stage M24. Nonhypertrophied chondrocytes along these perichondria also express alkaline phosphatase. Superficial and deep cells in the dental laminae of incisor and 1st molar teeth become alkaline phosphatase-positive at the bud stage, stages 21.16 and 21.32, respectively. Dental papillae are negative until stage M24 when alkaline phosphatase expression begins in the dental papillae and follicles of the incisor teeth and the dental follicles of the 1st molar teeth. The dental papillae of the 1st molar teeth express alkaline phosphatase at stage 25. Expression in the dental papillae and follicles appears to coincide with cellular differentiation of follicle from papilla. The presumptive squamosal, ectotympanic and gonial membrane bones, lingual oral epithelial cells connected to the dental laminae of the incisor teeth, hair follicle papillae and sheath and surrounding dermis all express alkaline phosphatase in a stage-specific manner.  相似文献   

How teeth are replaced during normal growth and development has long been an important question for comparative and developmental anatomy. Non‐standard model animals have become increasingly popular in this field due to the fact that the canonical model laboratory mammal, the mouse, develops only one generation of teeth (monophyodonty), whereas the majority of mammals possess two generations of teeth (diphyodonty). Here we used the straw‐coloured fruit bat (Eidolon helvum), an Old World megabat, which has two generations of teeth, in order to observe the development and replacement of tooth germs from initiation up to mineralization stages. Our morphological study uses 3D reconstruction of histological sections to uncover differing arrangements of the first and second‐generation tooth germs during the process of tooth replacement. We show that both tooth germ generations develop as part of the dental lamina, with the first generation detaching from the lamina, leaving the free edge to give rise to a second generation. This separation was particularly marked at the third premolar locus, where the primary and replacement teeth become positioned side by side, unconnected by a lamina. The position of the replacement tooth, with respect to the primary tooth, varied within the mouth, with replacements forming posterior to or directly lingual to the primary tooth. Development of replacement teeth was arrested at some tooth positions and this appeared to be linked to the timing of tooth initiation and the subsequent rate of development. This study adds an additional species to the growing body of non‐model species used in the study of tooth replacement, and offers a new insight into the development of the diphyodont condition.  相似文献   

《Journal of anatomy》2017,230(4):549-566
In utero, baleen whales initiate the development of several dozens of teeth in upper and lower jaws. These tooth germs reach the bell stage and are sometimes mineralized, but toward the end of prenatal life they are resorbed and no trace remains after birth. Around the time that the germs disappear, the keratinous baleen plates start to form in the upper jaw, and these form the food‐collecting mechanism. Baleen whale ancestors had two generations of teeth and never developed baleen, and the prenatal teeth of modern fetuses are usually interpreted as an evolutionary leftover. We investigated the development of teeth and baleen in bowhead whale fetuses using histological and immunohistochemical evidence. We found that upper and lower dentition initially follow similar developmental pathways. As development proceeds, upper and lower tooth germs diverge developmentally. Lower tooth germs differ along the length of the jaw, reminiscent of a heterodont dentition of cetacean ancestors, and lingual processes of the dental lamina represent initiation of tooth bud formation of replacement teeth. Upper tooth germs remain homodont and there is no evidence of a secondary dentition. After these germs disappear, the oral epithelium thickens to form the baleen plates, and the protein FGF‐4 displays a signaling pattern reminiscent of baleen plates. In laboratory mammals, FGF‐4 is not involved in the formation of hair or palatal rugae, but it is involved in tooth development. This leads us to propose that the signaling cascade that forms teeth in most mammals has been exapted to be involved in baleen plate ontogeny in mysticetes.  相似文献   

The Tabby/eda mice, which bear a loss of function mutation for the eda (ectodysplasinA) gene, are known to display developmental anomalies in organs with an ectodermal origin. Although the lower jugal (cheek) teeth of Tabby/eda mice have been extensively studied, upper teeth have never been investigated in detail. However, this may help us to further understand the function of the eda gene in tooth development. In this work, the shape and size of both the crown and the radicular system were studied in the Tabby/eda mice upper jugal teeth. To deal with the high morphological variability, we defined several morphotypes based on cusp numbers and position. Statistical tests were then performed within and between the different morphotypes to test the correlation between tooth size and morphology. Our analysis reveals that, as in lower teeth, eda is necessary to segment the dental lamina into three teeth with the characteristic size and proportions of the mouse. Nevertheless, since strong effects are observed in heterozygous upper teeth while lower are only mildly affected, it seems that the upper jaw is more sensitive than the lower jaw to the loss of eda function. Modifications in cusp number and the abnormal crown size of the teeth are clearly linked, and our results indicate a role of eda in cusp patterning. Moreover, we found that the Tabby mutation induces variations in the dental root pattern, sometimes associated with hypercementosis, suggesting a newly uncovered role played by eda in root patterning and formation. Anat Rec, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The shape of the teeth and their sex-dependent dimorphic expression in three species of Costa Rican plethodontids (Bolitoglossa subpalmata, Oedipina uniformis and Nototriton abscondens) were studied using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The teeth of the vomerine tooth patches are about one third larger than the teeth of the jaws in B. subpalmata and O. uniformis, whereas all teeth of N. abscondens are of about uniform size. The occurrence of bicuspid tooth germs in the fetus proves that primary teeth are bicuspid in these directly developing plethodontids. Females possess only bicuspid teeth consisting of a pedicel and a crown, as is considered characteristic for urodeles after metamorphosis. Adult males possess conical monocuspid teeth on the premaxillary. These teeth--which are similar to the typical late larval tooth of salamanders presenting a larval stage--are about twice as big as the neighbouring bicuspid maxillary teeth. N. abscondens males possess some monocuspid teeth and teeth of aberrant shapes on the premaxillary and the maxillaries. A tendency to build more monocuspid teeth in the premaxillary region than in the maxillary region can be observed in this species. We suppose that different degrees of sensitivity to androgens in each section of the dental lamina of the upper jaw cause the secondary occurrence of conical monocuspid teeth predominantly on the premaxillary section.  相似文献   

Summary The projection of the retina to the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus was studied following unilateral enucleations and intraocular injections of tritiated proline in the fruit bat, Pteropus giganteus. Three cell laminae (lamina 1, 2, 3) were identified in Nissl preparations. Input from the two eyes to the laminae was partially overlapping and segregated. At levels where the input was clearly segregated the input from the contralateral eye ended in the outer portions of the three laminae while the input to the laminae from the ipsilateral eye ended along the medial edge of the optic tract (lamina S) and the inner portions of the three laminae. These results indicate that the organization of the projection is similar to that described in other mammals, i.e., the terminals of input fibers from the retina form concealed terminal laminae and they are to some degree segregated to specific terminal zones within laminae.  相似文献   

Calcium binding proteins (CBPs) regulate intracellular levels of calcium (Ca2+) ions. CBPs are particularly interesting from a morphological standpoint, because they are differentially expressed in certain sub-populations of cells in the nervous system of various species of vertebrate animals. However, knowledge on the cellular regulation governing such cell-specific CBP expression is still incomplete. In this work on the L7 segment of the cat spinal cord, we analyzed the localization and morphology of neurons expressing the CBPs calbindin-28 KD (CB), parvalbumin (PV), and calretinin (CR), and co-expressing CB and PV, CB and CR, and PV and CR. Single CBP-positive (+) neurons showed specific distributions: (1) CB was present in small neurons localized in laminae I, II, III and X, in small to medium size neurons in laminae III–VI, and in medium to large neurons in laminae VI–VIII; (2) PV was present in small size neurons in laminae III and IV and in medial portions of laminae V and VI, medium neurons and in lamina X at the border with lamina VII, in medium to large neurons in laminae VII and VIII; (3) CR labeling was detected in small size neurons in laminae I, II, III and VIII, in medium to large size neurons in laminae I and III–VII, and in small to medium size neurons in lamina X. Double labeled neurons were a small minority of the CBP+ cells. Co-expression of CB and PV was seen in 1 to 2% of the CBP+ cells, and they were detected in the ventral and intermediate portions of lamina VII and in lamina X. Co-localization of CB and CR was present in 0.3% of the cells and these cells were localized in lamina II. Double labeling for PV and CR occurred in 6% of the cells, and the cells were localized in ventral part of lamina VII and in lamina VIII. Overall, these results revealed distinct and reproducible patterns of localization of the neurons expressing single CBPs and co-expressing two of them. Distinct differences of CBP expression between cat and other species are discussed. Possible relations between the cat L7 neurons expressing different CBPs with the neurons previously analyzed in cat and other animals are suggested.  相似文献   

The anatomy of the teeth and tooth-related nerves in the lower jaw was examined in the cichlid Tilapia mariae. This was done in order to establish a basis for studies on dental neuroplasticity in a polyphyodont vertebrate. The region of interest was explored in specimens fixed by glutaraldehyde perfusion, and by using X-ray photography, maceration, scanning electron microscopy, gross dissection, and light microscopic examination of serial sections. The results show that the lower jaw carries some 60-65 functional teeth. In addition, numerous replacement teeth and tooth germs in various stages of development are located in a cavity in the dentary bone. Numerous nerve bundles are present in immediate relation to the dental follicles of tooth germs. Unerupted teeth do not contain light-microscopically discernible pulpal axons, but the pulps of functional teeth contain myelinated axons. Both perifollicular and pulpal nerve bundles derive from a nerve plexus, which is formed by branches from r. mandibularis trigemini. This nerve is easily accessible to experimental manipulation, where it courses through the adductor mandibulae muscular complex. Thus, the lower jaw of T. mariae seems to represent a suitable system for the study of tooth-nerve interactions in a polyphyodont species.  相似文献   

背景:目前已经形成了法医牙科影像同一认定的共同原则,即主要根据牙齿、颌骨及其毗邻结构的生理解剖特征、病理变化和牙齿的各种治疗情况等进行个体识别。然而随着人们口腔保健意识不断增强、牙科治疗手段的不断进步,牙齿发生病变的情况正在逐渐地减少,因此单纯依靠牙齿病变和治疗特征进行同一认定方法已不能适应当前的形势。 目的:针对口腔无病变和创伤的深圳地区成年汉族人群数字全颌曲面断层片,认识下颌牙齿及下颌骨观测指标测量值在分段赋值区段里的分布频率,评估其进行法医学同一认定的价值。 方法:运用E-film workstation2.12软件对200例深圳地区成年人群的数字全颌曲面断层片进行精确测量,测量值运用Microsoft Office Excel 2003和SPSS 16.0软件进行统计分析。 结果与结论:各观测指标的测量值在分段赋值区段里分布频率不尽相同,最大为96.5%。两张同源数字全颌曲面断层片之间的分段赋值匹配率最高为77.53%,最低为69.66%;两张非同源数字全颌曲面断层片之间的分段赋值匹配率最高为42.70%。结果可见数字全颌曲面断层片中牙齿测量指标和下颌骨各观测指标测量值分段赋值的分布频率具有多样性,可用于同一认定。  相似文献   

Smith MM  Krupina NI 《Journal of anatomy》2001,199(PT 1-2):161-168
Although the 3 genera of living lungfish have different-shaped adult tooth plates, their larval stages have similar patterns of development. The sequence in the pattern of initiation of teeth and their modification through ontogeny in Neoceratodus hatchlings provides a developmental model for fossil hatchling tooth plates (smallest 1-2 mm) recovered as 3-dimensional dentitions from Andreyevichthys. This Late Devonian lungfish demonstrates that these also have a similar dentition pattern and suggests strongly conserved developmental processes. We postulate that a specific pattern of development, derived within lungfish, has been conserved in extant forms through evolution from the earliest known lungfish. The most basal early dipnoan, Diabolepis speratus, is also known from juveniles with tooth plates formed in this pattern. The lungfish pattern is in marked contrast to the typical linear rows of teeth with lingual replacement for each tooth position, characteristic of most osteichthyan and chondrichthyan dentitions. Uniquely for lungfish, teeth are only added to the lateral ends of the radial rows in the palatal and lingual dentition and are consolidated into dental plates without loss through shedding. It is proposed that this tooth pattern is set up from primordial teeth at the patterning stage of the dentition, one in each dentate region of the larval jaws. Although in post-Devonian lungfish marginal dentate bones are absent in the adult, in both the fossil and extant hatchling, teeth are present and function on some of the marginal bones. This pattern of development and loss is described and we conclude that in both forms it is also based on a radial pattern of successive tooth initiation. We propose that this ontogenetic pattern constrained the phylogenetic pattern of adult form, through evolution of dipnoan dentitions from 360 MYBP until the present. The universality amongst dipnoans and the implications for such a conserved constraint in the developmental module for the dentition is discussed.  相似文献   

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