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目的:探讨军嫂婚姻质量与自我和谐、社会支持的关系.方法:以网络问卷调查和纸质问卷调查相结合的方式,获得军嫂的有效问卷334份.采用Locke-Wallace婚姻调适测定(MAT)、自我和谐量表(SCCS)和社会支持评定量表(SSRS)进行调查.结果:已生育子女的军嫂MAT得分低于未生育子女的军嫂[(104.7±30.3) vs.(117.1±20.4),P<0.01],而SCCS和SSRS得分高于未生育子女军嫂[(91.7±13.5) vs.(83.4±15.9),(40.4±7.3) vs.(38.5±6.7); P<0.01或0.05];两地分居的军嫂MAT和SSRS得分均低于夫妻共同生活的军嫂[(104.5±30.0) vs.(119.4±18.7),(38.3±6.6)Vs.(41.2±7.4);Ps<0.01];受教育程度为本科及以上军嫂的SCCS得分低于专科及以下军嫂[(83.3±15.4) vs.(91.7±14.4),P<0.01].军嫂的MAT得分与SSRS得分呈正相关(r=0.34,P<0.01),SCCS得分与SSRS、MAT得分均呈负相关(r=-0.23、-0.46,P<0.01).进一步回归分析发现,自我和谐、社会支持可以预测婚姻质量(β=0.25、-0.40,P<0.01),解释总变异的27%.中介效应检验发现,社会支持在军嫂的自我和谐和婚姻质量之间起着部分中介作用,中介效应大小12.5%.结论:军嫂的自我和谐水平越高其婚姻质量也越高,且社会支持在两者之间起到中介作用.  相似文献   

An important consideration in examining the effects of behavioral marital therapy (BMT) is the measurement strategies that are used to assess treatment outcome. The present paper identifies and evaluates several important assumptions underlying the two primary means of assessing BMT outcome, viz., the use of self-report measures alone and the use of self-report measures in combination with behavioral observation. Based upon this analysis, it is concluded that (a) contrary to common practice, the use of both self-report and observational measures is the more appropriate of the two alternatives for assessing BMT outcome; (b) currently used self-report measures are not optimal for assessing marital satisfaction; and (c) greater attention should be given in future outcome research to assumptions and models underlying assessment strategies.  相似文献   

The current study examined how changes in marital quality are associated with changes in sleep quality in older adults over an 8-year period. Older adults from the Health and Retirement Study completed measures of both marital support/strain and sleep quality in 2006, 2010, and 2014 (N = 4981). We used latent growth curve models to examine intraindividual change in support, strain, and sleep quality. Further, we examined interrelationships between changes in each of these three indicators. Results showed that higher marital quality was associated with better sleep at baseline. We also found that marital quality and sleep quality were coordinated over time—as marital quality increased, so did sleep quality. When this covariation was accounted, the prospective effects of baseline marital quality on changes in sleep quality were not found. The current study provided evidence for a long-term temporal coordination of marital quality and sleep quality in older adults.  相似文献   

Social relationships have been shown to predict decreased risk for morbidity and mortality. However, the more precise processes underlying these associations are in need of exploration. In this study, we examined important provider (relationship quality) and recipient-related (support expectations) factors that might influence the effectiveness of receiving support on cardiovascular reactivity (CVR). Participants discussed a stressful event with either a supportive or ambivalent friend, and were either given instructions that included an explicit expectation of support provision or no expectation during the task. Behavioral coding revealed fewer emotionally supportive behaviors and marginally more negative behaviors from ambivalent friends. Receiving support from an ambivalent friend was also associated with higher systolic blood pressure reactivity compared to a supportive friend, but had no effects on diastolic blood pressure or heart rate; nor were there any significant statistical interactions with the expectation manipulation. Overall, support expectations had little influence on cardiovascular and behavioral responses. Implications for the study of received support and health are discussed along with potential mechanisms responsible for such links.  相似文献   

Hostility and erosion of marital quality during early marriage   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We examined the association between hostility and longitudinal changes in marital quality in a sample of 53 newlywed couples who were in their first marriages and were without children. Spouses' reports of marital quality were assessed initially at an average of 5 months into marriage and, thereafter, at three follow-up points approximately 1, 2, and 3 years subsequent to the date of marriage. Individual growth models were computed to assess the rate of change of marital quality. Hostility among husbands was significantly associated with linear decreases in their own, and their wives', reports of marital quality, even after controlling for the passage of time and the correlated variable of neuroticism. Results are consistent with the psychosocial vulnerability model of hostility and illness (Smith,Health Psychol. 11: 139–150, 1992), which posits that associations between hostility and heightened risk for morbidity and mortality are partially mediated by poor-quality relationships that develop as a consequence of the abrasive interpersonal properties of hostility.  相似文献   

Marital quality, marital disruption, and immune function   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Marital disruption is associated with significant increases in a variety of psychologic and physical disorders. In order to examine psychologic and physiologic mediators, self-report data and blood samples were obtained from 38 married women and 38 separated/divorced women. Among married subjects, poorer marital quality was associated with greater depression and a poorer response on three qualitative measures of immune function. Women who had been separated 1 year or less had significantly poorer qualitative and quantitative immune function than their sociodemographically matched married counterparts. Among the separated/divorced cohort, shorter separation periods and greater attachment to the (ex)husband were associated with poorer immune function and greater depression. These data are consistent with epidemiologic evidence linking marital disruption with increased morbidity and mortality.  相似文献   

目的:探讨警察婚姻质量与抑郁、沟通模式的关系。方法:选取139对警察及其配偶,采用夫妻适应量表(DAS)、流调中心抑郁量表简版(CES-D-9)、沟通模式调查问卷(CPQ)进行测量。结果:警察DAS得分中,双方低抑郁组得分高于双方高抑郁组,双方积极沟通组得分高于双方消极沟通组(均P <0.01)。逐步回归分析显示,警察CES-D-9得分、警察双方回避沟通得分与警察DAS得分负向关联(β=-0.30、-0.19),警察相互建设性沟通得分与警察DAS得分正向关联(β=0.28)。结论:警察的婚姻质量与抑郁、沟通模式有关。  相似文献   

In three studies that employed community-based samples the relationship between personality, marital, and job-related factors and quality of life was examined. Study I indicated that hardiness and self-esteem were important components of overall quality of life. The marital communication skills of expressiveness and intimacy were identified as major aspects of overall quality of life in the second study. In Study 3, satisfaction with various job characteristics was related to overall quality of life. These studies start to provide definition to the quality of life concept in terms of personality characteristics, skills, and beliefs that have potential for modification.  相似文献   

本研究以天津市已婚女性为研究对象,采用归因风格、工作动机及婚姻质量评价量表进行调查,研究结果为:①区域变量对女性的婚姻质量、努力归因、内归因、生存动机、关系动机、责任动机差异有统计学意义。区域的差异更可能体现出文化差异,即中国传统文化与市区现代的、时尚的及多元文化的差异。②归因方式单独对婚姻质量的解释仅为10.4%的变异量,工作动机对婚姻满意度的单独解释了55.4%的变异量,而归因风格、工作动机的十二个因子可以解释婚姻质量的56.8%的变异量,从归因风格、工作动机与婚姻质量的回归分析看:生存动机、关系动机、责任动机及努力归因对婚姻质量具有显著的预测力。  相似文献   

Social support has been reliably related to better physical health outcomes. One influential model suggests that social support is related to lower cardiovascular disease mortality because it reduces the potentially deleterious consequences of cardiovascular reactivity during acute stress. However, received support and perceived support are separable constructs and epidemiological research suggests variability in links between received support and health. This is important because most social support and acute laboratory stress studies are essentially based on the receipt of support. In this paper, we focus on the conceptualization of received support and its implications for understanding links to support laboratory reactivity paradigms. This analysis highlights the role of theoretically important task, recipient, and provider categories of factors that moderate the effectiveness of received support, as well as the need to examine links between naturalistic perceptions of support and cardiovascular reactivity during stress.  相似文献   

The study investigated the quality of life in a community facing a technological disaster causing environmental and economic damages. For years, the Italian city of Taranto has based its economy on a big steel plant. The industrial plant caused severe environmental pollution, negatively affecting the health of residents living in an area of the city. The steel mill is now under judicial investigation and may be closed in the future, causing the loss of jobs for many citizens. By means of a questionnaire, we investigated the influence of coping strategies on quality of life and place attachment and the effects of being under the environmental (i.e., living in the contaminated area) and the economic (working for the steel mill) threat on these variables. Results showed that living in the contaminated area had negative effects on quality of life both directly and indirectly, lowering place attachment and increasing avoidant coping. Working for the plant had negative effects on the environmental dimension of quality of life.  相似文献   

The objective was to determine whether discrepancies between husbands' and wives' past-year heavy drinking predicted decreased marital satisfaction over time. Participants (N = 634) were recruited at the time they applied for their marriage licenses. Couples completed questionnaires about their alcohol use and marital satisfaction at the time of marriage and again at their 1st and 2nd anniversaries. Generalized estimating equation models were used to evaluate the association between discrepancies in husbands' and wives' heavy drinking in the year prior to marriage and marital satisfaction at the 1st wedding anniversary and the association between discrepancies in heavy alcohol use in the 1st year of marriage and marital satisfaction at the 2nd wedding anniversary. In these prospective time-lagged analyses, discrepancies in husbands' and wives' heavy drinking predicted decreased marital satisfaction over time while controlling for heavy drinking. Over time, these couples may be at greater risk for decreased marital functioning that may lead to relationship dissolution.  相似文献   

Malignancy may adversely influence the quality and behaviour of oocytes   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
A case series of eight cycles of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) in five women diagnosed with malignant disorders is presented. These patients chose to defer definitive treatment for a chance for preservation of potential fertility. The response of these patients to ovarian stimulation, and the outcome, was compared with 17 IVF cycles in 12 age- matched patients with isolated tubal infertility. An apparent adverse influence of malignant disease on the quality and behaviour of oocytes was observed. Despite a comparable total number of oocytes per cycle in the two groups, a significantly reduced percentage of mature oocytes was retrieved per cycle from patients with malignant diseases. The oocytes from patients with malignant disorders were of a poorer quality and exhibited a significantly impaired fertilization rate compared to the controls. We propose that neoplastic processes, irrespective of the site or cell of origin, may have a detrimental impact on the biology of oocytes, an effect akin to that seen on spermatozoa in men with certain malignancies.   相似文献   

Fifty-six newly separated, volunteer participants (40 women, 16 men) were examined to determine if depressive symptomatology (as measured by the CES-D) was related to the respondent's active participation in the decision to separate from the spouse (initiator status) and the proportion of family members in their social support network. The relationship between initiator status and depressive symptomatology was marginally significant, F(l, 50) = 3.93, p = 0.053. There was an interaction between initiator status and the proportion of family members in the social network. For initiators, a low proportion of family members was related to increased depressive symptomatology (r = 0.15), whereas for noninitiators, a low proportion of family members was related to increased depressive symptomatology (r = - 0.37), a difference significant at p<.04. It is suggested that the functional ability of the network to be supportive is mediated both by aspects of the individual in need of support and by structural aspects of the network.  相似文献   

Although previous research has examined the role of adult attachment orientations, depressive symptoms, and conflict resolution behaviors (attacking and compromising) in marital quality, these variables have typically been considered separately. In the present study, these attributes were examined together in a community sample of 64 married couples. Correlational analyses revealed significant associations among the study variables and generally supported the hypothesized relations. When a regression series was applied to the data in order to examine indirect links between husbands' and wives' attachment orientations and their marital satisfaction, results provided some support for mediation; husbands' conflict resolution behaviors partially mediated the association between husbands' depressive symptoms and marital satisfaction. Interestingly, wives' conflict resolution behaviors did not mediate the association between wives' depressive symptoms and marital satisfaction. Instead, a different pattern was found; wives' conflict resolution behaviors partially mediated the association between wives' attachment anxiety and marital satisfaction. Findings highlight the importance of considering husbands' and wives' attributes separately and suggest directions for future research on this topic.  相似文献   

This study investigates links between adult attachment and marital quality in 73 married couples, using a new Couple Attachment Interview that was modeled after the Adult Attachment Interview but focuses on the relationship between the partners. A coding system (CAICS) comparing the interview protocol to prototypes for secure, dismissing, and preoccupied attachment styles yielded continuous ratings of all three styles, and categorical classifications of secure/insecure for each partner. The study found direct links between couple attachment and both self-reported and observed marital quality, with all three continuous scores contributing uniquely to the equations. In most cases, the continuous scores explained variation in marital quality after the categorical security scores were entered into the regressions, although categorical scores also contributed uniquely to the explanation of marital quality. Pairing of partners' scores explained significant variance in both self-reported and observed evaluations of the couple relationship. Security of couple attachment served as a mediator in the link between self-reported marital satisfaction and observed marital quality. The results illustrated the interconnection of methodological choices and theoretical advances in the study of attachment and couple relationship quality.  相似文献   

This study investigates links between adult attachment and marital quality in 73 married couples, using a new Couple Attachment Interview that was modeled after the Adult Attachment Interview but focuses on the relationship between the partners. A coding system (CAICS) comparing the interview protocol to prototypes for secure, dismissing, and preoccupied attachment styles yielded continuous ratings of all three styles, and categorical classifications of secure/insecure for each partner. The study found direct links between couple attachment and both self-reported and observed marital quality, with all three continuous scores contributing uniquely to the equations. In most cases, the continuous scores explained variation in marital quality after the categorical security scores were entered into the regressions, although categorical scores also contributed uniquely to the explanation of marital quality. Pairing of partners' scores explained significant variance in both self-reported and observed evaluations of the couple relationship. Security of couple attachment served as a mediator in the link between self-reported marital satisfaction and observed marital quality. The results illustrated the interconnection of methodological choices and theoretical advances in the study of attachment and couple relationship quality.  相似文献   

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