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To evaluate the effects of physiologic hyperglucagonemia on splanchnic glucose output, glucagon was infused in a dose of 3 ng/kg per min to healthy subjects in the basal state and after splanchnic glucose output had been inhibited by an infusion of glucose (2 mg/kg per min). In the basal state, infusion of glucagon causing a 309 +/- 25 pg/ml rise in plasma concentration was accompanied by a rapid increase in splanchnic glucose output to values two to three times basal by 7-15 min. The rise in arterial blood glucose (0.5-1.5 mM) correlated directly with the increment in splanchnic glucose output. Despite continued glucagon infusion, and in the face of stable insulin levels, splanchnic glucose output declined after 22 min, returning to basal levels by 30-45 min. In the subjects initially receiving the glucose infusion, arterial insulin concentration rose by 5-12 muU/ml, while splanchnic glucose output fell by 85-100%. Infusion of glucagon causing an increment in plasma glucagon concentration of 272 +/- 30 pg/ml reversed the inhibition in splanchnic glucose production within 5 min. Splanchnic glucose output reached a peak increment 60% above basal levels at 10 min, and subsequently declined to levels 20-25% below basal at 30-45 min. These findings provide direct evidence that physiologic increments in plasma glucagon stimulate splanchnic glucose output in the basal state and reverse insulin-mediated inhibition of splanchnic glucose production in normal man. The transient nature of the stimulatory effect of glucagon on splanchnic glucose output suggests the rapid development of inhibition or reversal of glucagon action. This inhibition does not appear to depend on increased insulin secretio.  相似文献   

The aim of the present experiments was to determine the role of insulin and glucagon in the regulation of basal glucose production in dogs fasted overnight. A deficiency of either or both pancreatic hormones was achieved by infusin somatostatin (1 mug/kg per min), a potent inhibitor of both insulin and glucagon secretion, alone or in combination with intraportal replacement infusions of either pancreatic hormone. Infusion of somatostatin alone caused the arterial levels of insulin and glucagon to drop rapidly by 72+/-6 and 81+/-8%, respectively. Intraportal infusion of insulin and glucagon at rates of 400 muU/kg per min and 1 ng/kg per min, respectively, resulted in the maintenance of the basal levels of each hormone. Glucose production was measured using tracer (primed constant infusion of [3-3H]glucose) and arteriovenous difference techniques. Isolated glucagon deficiency resulted in a 35+/-5% (P less than 0.05) rapid and sustained decrease in glucose production which was abolished upon restoration of the plasma glucagon level. Isolated insulin deficiency resulted in a 52+/-16% (P less than 0.01) increase in the rate of glucose production which was abolished when the insulin level was restored. Somatostatin had no effect on glucose production when the changes in the pancreatic hormone levels which it normally induces were prevented by simultaneous intraportal infusion of both insulin and glucagon. In conclusion, in the anesthetized dog fasted overnight; (a) basal glucagon is responsible for at least one-third of basal glucose production, (b) basal insulin prevents the increased glucose production which would result from the unrestrained action of glucagon, and (c) somatostatin has no acute effects on glucose turnover other than those it induces through perturbation of pancreatic hormone secretion. This study indicates that the opposing actions of the two pancreatic hormones are important in the regulation of basal glucose production in the postabsorptive state.  相似文献   

Summary. The present study was undertaken to examine the role of glucagon in the regulation of hepatic glucose production during exercise. Using the hepatic vein catheter technique, the influence of somatostatin-induced hypoglucagonemia on splanchnic exchange of glucose and glucose precursors during exercise was studied in normal postabsorptive man. In the experiments hypoglucagonemia was induced 10 min before and during 40 min of supine bicycle exercise (series 1), or 1–2 h before, and during, 40 min of upright bicycle exercise (series 2). The relative work intensities were 50% (series 1) and 55% (series 2) of maximal oxygen uptake. Control studies without somatostatin were conducted in both series. In both series, insulin and glucagon levels were suppressed by 40–50% throughout the period of somatostatin infusion. In series 1, somatostatin infusion at rest resulted in a 50 % fall in splanchnic glucose output. Onset of exercise during suppressed glucose production was followed by a rise in splanchnic glucose output similar to that seen in control subjects, but the absolute rate of glucose production was 5–25 % lower than in controls. In contrast to the euglycemia observed in the control experiment, exercise during somatostatin administration was accompanied by a 1–2 mmol/1 fall in blood glucose concentration due to the lower rate of glucose production. In series 2, a variable glucose infusion was added to the somatostatin administration before exercise to maintain euglycemia. After 1–2 h of somatostatin administration, glucose infusion was no longer required to prevent hypoglycemia, and splanchnic glucose output had returned to the basal level. At this time exercise was started. Both the rise in splanchnic glucose production and the absolute rate of splanchnic glucose output during exercise were similar to those observed without somatostatin. However, exercise during prolonged somatostatin infusion was accompanied by a gradual 50% rise in arterial glucose concentration, whereas no change in blood glucose during exercise was seen in controls.  相似文献   

Minimal model analysis of glucose and insulin concentrations in the intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT) has been widely used to obtain a measure of insulin sensitivity in humans. Issues of model validity and IVGTT protocol have been explored extensively. Less attention has been paid, however, to the computer programming protocol for estimating the model parameters (programming implementation). Minimal model analysis of data from an IVGTT protocol involving a high glucose dose (0.5 g/kg) and a reduced sample schedule, employed in healthy pre- or post-menopausal women, healthy men or men with coronary heart disease or chronic heart failure (20 in each group), was undertaken according to 12 different programming implementations using a commercially available model-equation-solving program. The ability of the program to arrive at an acceptable solution to the model equations gave a success rate of between 39% and 96%, depending on the implementation. Variation in basal glucose assignment significantly affected the magnitude of estimates of insulin sensitivity. The maximum modelling success rate was achieved by introduction of an imputed glucose measurement at 360 min from the glucose injection, taking the basal glucose level as the fasting glucose concentration, and overweighting the initial glucose measurement after a delay for mixing. Use of this implementation to analyse data from a study comparing insulin sensitivities obtained using the minimal model and a euglycaemic clamp reference gave a correlation of 0.80 (P<0.001) between the two methods. Straightforward variations in programming implementation, involving appropriate assignment of the basal glucose concentration and use of an imputed glucose measurement signifying re-establishment of basal glucose levels following the IVGTT, can considerably improve modelling success rate.  相似文献   

Cyclic somatostatin was administered intravenously (10 mug/min for 60 min) to 10 healthy overnight fasted (postabsorptive) subjects and to 5 healthy 60-h fasted subjects. In both groups, arterial insulin and glucagon fell 50% and splanchnic release of these hormones was inhibited. In the overnight fasted subjects splanchnic glucose output fell 70%, splanchnic uptake of lactate and pyruvate was unchanged, alanine uptake fell by 25%, and glycerol uptake rose more than twofold in parallel with an increase in arterial glycerol. In the 60-h fasted group splanchnic glucose output was less than 40% of that observed in the overnight fasted subjects. Somatostatin led to a further decrease (--70%) in glucose production. Splanchnic uptake of lactate and pyruvate fell by 30-40%, amino acid uptake was unchanged, while uptake of glycerol rose fivefold. Total uptake of glucose precursors thus exceeded the simultaneous glucose output by more than 200%. Splanchnic uptake of FFA rose fourfold during somatostatin while output of beta-hydroxybutyrate increased by 75%. Estimated hepatic blood flow fell 25-35% and returned to base line as soon as the somatostatin infusion ended. It is concluded that (a) somatostatin-induced hypoglucagonemia results in inhibition of splanchnic glucose output in glycogen-depleted, 60-h fasted subjects as well as in postabsorptive subjects, indicating an effect of glucagon on hepatic gluconeogenesis as well as glycogenolysis; (b) the glucagonsensitive step(s) in gluconeogenesis affected by somatostatin involves primarily intra-hepatic disposal rather than net hepatic uptake of glucose precursors; (c) splanchnic uptake of fatty acids and ketone output are increased in the face of combined insulin and glucagon deficiency; and (d) diminished splanchnic blood flow may contribute to some of the effects of somatostatin on splanchnic metabolism.  相似文献   

This experiment was performed to determine if plasma glucose homeostasis is maintained in normal human volunteers during light exercise (40% maximal oxygen consumption [VO2 max]) when changes in insulin and glucagon are prevented. Hormonal control was achieved by the infusion of somatostatin, insulin, and glucagon. Glucose kinetics and oxidation rates were determined with stable isotopic tracers of glucose, and by indirect calorimetry. Two different rates of replacement of insulin and glucagon were used; in one group, insulin was clamped at 19.8 +/- 2.6 microU/ml (high-insulin group), and in the other group insulin was clamped at 9.2 +/- 1.3 microU/ml (low-insulin group). Glucagon was maintained at 261 +/- 16.2 and 124 +/- 6.4 pg/ml, respectively, in the high-insulin and low-insulin groups. Without hormonal control, plasma glucose homeostasis was maintained during exercise because the increase in glucose uptake was balanced by a corresponding increase in glucose production. When changes in insulin and glucagon were prevented, plasma glucose concentration fell, particularly in the high-insulin group. Glucose uptake increased to a greater extent than when hormones were not controlled, and glucose production did not increase sufficiently to compensate. The increase in glucose uptake in the hormonal control groups was associated with an increased rate of glucose oxidation. When euglycemia was maintained by glucose infusion in the hormonal control subjects, the modest increase in glucose production that otherwise occurred was prevented. It is concluded that during light exercise there must be a reduction in insulin concentration and/or an increase in glucagon concentration if plasma glucose homeostasis is to be maintained. If such changes do not occur, hypoglycemia, and hence exhaustion, may occur.  相似文献   

A brief period of starvation (2-3) depletes the hepatic glycogen stores but results in only a limited reduction of the muscle glycogen depots. In this situation insulin resistance contributes to the glucose intolerance, but it is not known which tissue or tissues are responsible for the decreased insulin sensitivity. The present study was therefore undertaken to examine the influence of a 60-h fast on insulin sensitivity in splanchnic and peripheral tissues in normal humans. Euglycemic (95 mg/dl) 1-mU insulin and hyperglycemic (215-225 mg/dl) glucose clamp studies were conducted for 2 h in overnight (12 h) and prolonged (60 h) fasted nonobese subjects. Splanchnic exchange of glucose and gluconeogenic precursors was measured using the hepatic vein catheter technique. During the euglycemic clamp, insulin infusion resulted in similar steady state insulin levels in 60-h and 12-h fasted subjects (73 +/- 7 vs. 74 +/- 5 microU/ml). Total glucose disposal was reduced by 45% after 60 h of fasting (4.0 +/- 0.3 vs. 7.6 +/- 1.1 mg/kg per min, P less than 0.05) and the splanchnic glucose balance reverted from a net release in the basal state (12 h fast, -1.7 +/- 0.2, and 60-h fast, -0.9 +/- 0.1 mg/kg per min, P less than 0.01) to a net uptake during the clamps that was similar after 60 h and 12 h of fasting (0.6 +/- 0.1 vs. 0.6 +/- 0.2 mg/kg per min). During the hyperglycemic clamp, insulin levels rose rapidly in all subjects. In the 12-h fasted group this rise was followed by a further gradual one, reaching significantly higher values than in 60-h fasted subjects during the second hour (67 +/- 15 vs. 25 +/- 2 microU/ml, P less than 0.05). Total glucose disposal was lower, though not significantly so, after the 60-h fast (2.6 +/- 0.4 vs. 5.4 +/- 1.3 mg/kg per min, 0.05 less than P less than 0.10), and as with the euglycemic clamp, the splanchnic glucose balance was altered from a basal net release to a net uptake during the clamp (1.3 +/- 0.2 vs. 1.1 +/- 0.2 mg/kg per min). After an overnight fast, splanchnic lactate uptake fell and the arterial lactate concentration rose in response to both hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia, whereas these variables were unchanged in the 60-h fasted subjects during both types of clamp studies.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Animal and in vitro studies indicate that a decrease in beta-cell insulin secretion, and thus a decrease in tonic alpha-cell inhibition by intraislet insulin, may be an important factor for the increase in glucagon secretion during hypoglycemia. However, in humans this role of decreased intraislet insulin is still unclear. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: We studied glucagon responses to hypoglycemia in 14 nondiabetic subjects on two separate occasions. On both occasions, insulin was infused from 0 to 120 min to induce hypoglycemia. On one occasion, somatostatin was infused from -60 to 60 min to suppress insulin secretion, so that the decrement in intraislet insulin during the final 60 min of hypoglycemia would be reduced. On the other occasion, subjects received an infusion of normal saline instead of the somatostatin. RESULTS: During the 2nd h of the insulin infusion, when somatostatin or saline was no longer being infused, plasma glucose ( approximately 2.6 mmol/l) and insulin levels ( approximately 570 pmol/l) were comparable in both sets of experiments (both P > 0.4). In the saline experiments, insulin secretion remained unchanged from baseline (-90 to -60 min) before insulin infusion and decreased from 1.20 +/- 0.12 to 0.16 +/- 0.04 pmol . kg(-1) . min(-1) during insulin infusion (P < 0.001). However, in the somatostatin experiments, insulin secretion decreased from 1.18 +/- 0.12 pmol . kg(-1) . min(-1) at baseline to 0.25 +/- 0.09 pmol . kg(-1) . min(-1) before insulin infusion so that it did not decrease further during insulin infusion (-0.12 +/- 0.10 pmol . kg(-1) . min(-1), P = 0.26) indicating the complete lack of a decrement in intraislet insulin during hypoglycemia. This was associated with approximately 30% lower plasma glucagon concentrations (109 +/- 7 vs. 136 +/- 9 pg/ml, P < 0.006) and increments in plasma glucagon above baseline (41 +/- 8 vs. 67 +/- 11 pg/ml, P < 0.008) during the last 15 min of the hypoglycemic clamp. In contrast, increases in plasma growth hormone were approximately 70% greater during hypoglycemia after somatostatin infusion (P < 0.007), suggesting that to some extent the increases in plasma glucagon might have reflected a rebound in glucagon secretion. CONCLUSIONS: These results provide direct support for the intraislet insulin hypothesis in humans. However, the exact extent to which a decrement in intraislet insulin accounts for the glucagon responses to hypoglycemia remains to be established.  相似文献   

To determine the respective roles of insulin and glucagon for hepatic glycogen synthesis and turnover, hyperglycemic clamps were performed with somatostatin [0.1 micrograms/(kg.min)] in healthy young men under conditions of: (I) basal fasting) portal vein insulinemia-hypoglucagonemia, (II) basal portal vein insulinemia-basal glucagonemia, and (III) basal peripheral insulinemia-hypoglucagonemia. Synthetic rates, pathway (direct versus indirect) contributions, and percent turnover of hepatic glycogen were assessed by in vivo 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy during [1-13C]glucose infusion followed by a natural abundance glucose chase in conjunction with acetaminophen to noninvasively sample the hepatic UDP-glucose pool. In the presence of hyperglycemia (10.4 +/- 0.1 mM) and basal portal vein insulinemia (192 +/- 6 pM), suppression of glucagon secretion (plasma glucagon, I:31 +/- 4, II: 63 +/- 8 pg/ml) doubled the hepatic accumulation of glycogen (Vsyn) compared with conditions of basal glucagonemia [I: 0.40 +/- 0.06, II: 0.19 +/- 0.03 mumol/(liter.min): P < 0.0025]. Glycogen turnover was markedly reduced (I: 19 +/- 7%, II: 69 +/- 12%; P < 0.005), so that net rate of glycogen synthesis increased approximately fivefold (P < 0.001) by inhibition of glucagon secretion. The relative contribution of gluconeogenesis (indirect pathway) to glycogen synthesis was lower during hypoglucagonemia (42 +/- 6%) than during basal glucagonemia (54 +/- 5%; P < 0.005). Under conditions of basal peripheral insulinemia (54 +/- 2 pM) and hypoglucagonemia (III) there was negligible hepatic glycogen synthesis and turnover. In conclusion, small changes in portal vein concentrations of insulin and glucagon independently affect hepatic glycogen synthesis and turnover. Inhibition of glucagon secretion under conditions of hyperglycemia and basal concentrations of insulin results in: (a) twofold increase in rate of hepatic glycogen synthesis, (b) reduction of glycogen turnover by approximately 73%, and (c) augmented percent contribution of the direct pathway to glycogen synthesis compared with conditions of basal glucagonemia.  相似文献   

We investigated the roles of insulin and glucagon as mediators of changes in glucose and alanine kinetics during the hypermetabolic response to injury in 10 burn patients by infusing somatostatin with and without insulin replacement. Glucose and alanine kinetics were measured by primed-constant infusions of 6,6-d2-glucose and [3-13C]alanine. The basal rate of glucose production and alanine flux were significantly elevated in all patients. Lowering both hormones simultaneously caused an insignificant reduction in glucose production, but plasma glucose rose significantly (P less than 0.01), because of reduced clearance. Alanine flux and total plasma amino nitrogen increased significantly (P less than 0.05) above basal. Selectively lowering glucagon concentration decreased glucose production (P less than 0.05), and exogenous glucose was infused to maintain euglycemia. Alanine flux and total plasma amino nitrogen remained unchanged. In severely burned patients hyperglucagonemia stimulates increased glucose production, basal insulin suppression glucose production, stimulates basal glucose clearance, and is important for regulation of plasma amino acid concentrations, and the selective lowering of glucagon while maintaining basal insulin constant normalized glucose kinetics.  相似文献   

IGF-1 is a peptide hormone that is expressed in most tissues. It shares significant structural and functional similarities with insulin, and is implicated in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance and cardiovascular disease. Recombinant human IGF-1 has been used in Type 2 diabetes to improve insulin sensitivity and aid glycemic control. There is evidence supporting IGF-1 as a vascular protective factor and it may also be beneficial in the treatment of chronic heart failure. Further understanding of the effects of IGF-1 signaling in health and disease may lead to novel approaches to the prevention and treatment of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

IGF-1 is a peptide hormone that is expressed in most tissues. It shares significant structural and functional similarities with insulin, and is implicated in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance and cardiovascular disease. Recombinant human IGF-1 has been used in Type 2 diabetes to improve insulin sensitivity and aid glycemic control. There is evidence supporting IGF-1 as a vascular protective factor and it may also be beneficial in the treatment of chronic heart failure. Further understanding of the effects of IGF-1 signaling in health and disease may lead to novel approaches to the prevention and treatment of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

In seven healthy patients we studied the influence of various doses of insulin on the substrate concentration of free fatty acids and ketone bodies on the first day after major abdominal surgery by the glucose clamp technique. Insulin was infused at a rate of 0.2 and 1.0 mU/kg bw.min for ninety minutes and thus insulin concentrations were raised twice and seven times above the basal value. Already the minimal infusion of 0.2 mU insulin/kg.bw.min lead to a significant decrease of free fatty acids and ketone bodies. Our results show that even in postoperative stress the lipolysis of adipose tissue can be reduced by minimal insulin doses.  相似文献   

The interrelationship between glucagon action on splanchnic glucose output and cyclic AMP production was studied in healthy volunteers after hepatic venous catheterization. Glucagon was infused according to four different protocols to achieve arterial levels ranging from 300 to 9000 ng/I. Infusion of glucagon which resulted in arterial levels of the hormone of 4000-9000 ng/1 was associated with a marked increase in net splanchnic cyclic AMP production and in the arterial levels of the cyclic nucleotide. The rise in cyclic AMP efflux from the splanchnic area was transient but an augmented splanchnic production was still evident after 30 min of glucagon infusion. Splanchnic glucose output rose 3-5 fold. Infusion of glucagon at lower rates, resulting in arterial levels of 300-900 ng/I, did not measureably stimulate the efflux of cyclic AMP from the splanchnic area. In spite of this, splanchnic glucose output rose 2-3 fold and the blood glucose level increased 20-50% during glucagon infusion at these lower rates.

It is concluded that (1) factors other than cyclic AMP are rate limiting in the stimulation of hepatic glucose production, and (2) although cyclic AMP is an established 'second messenger' of glucagon action, other factors may also be of importance in mediating the physiological response of this hormone.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of glucagon in regulating hepatic glucose production in man, selective glucagon deficiency was produced in four normal men by infusing somatostatin (0.9 mg/h) and regular pork insulin (150-muU/kg per min) for 2 h. Exogenous glucose was infused to maintain euglycemia. Arterial plasma glucagon levels fell by greater than 50% whereas plasma insulin levels were maintained in the range of 10-14 muU/ml. In response to these hormonal changes, net splanchnic glucose production (NSGP) fell by 75% and remained suppressed for the duration of the study. In contrast, when somatostatin alone was administered to normal men, resulting in combined insulin and glucagon deficiency (euglycemia again maintained), NSGP fell markedly but only transiently, reaching its nadir at 15 min. Thereafter, NSGP rose progressively, reaching the basal rate at 105 min. These data indicate that the induction of selective glucagon deficiency in man (with basal insulin levels maintained) is associated with a marked and sustained fall in hepatic glucose production. We conclude, therefore, that basal glucagon plays an important role in the maintenance of basal hepatic glucose production in normal man.  相似文献   

Summary. The influence of intravenous plus oral glucose administration on splanchnic glucose handling was examined in healthy young individuals by combining the hepatic vein catheterization technique with the double glucose tracer method. After 1 h of steady state hyperglycaemia (11·7 Itim ) induced by intravenous glucose alone (hyperglycaemic clamp technique), subjects ingested 89 ± 1 g of glucose, and the hyper-glycaemic plateau was maintained for the subsequent 4 h by adjusting the exogenous glucose infusion rate. Over the 4-h absorptive period, only 51 ± 4 g of oral glucose (i.e. 58 ±4% of the ingested load) appeared in the systemic circulation, while 193 ± 15 g (1·072±0·083 mol) of glucose had to be infused exogenously to sustain the hyperglycaemia. Endogenous glucose production was suppressed by over 60%. Net splanchnic glucose balance switched from a positive value (i.e. net uptake) of 506 ± 2–56 uniol min-1kg-1with intravenous glucose alone (0·60 min) to a negative one (i.e. net output) of 12·50 ± 2·44 u. mol min-1kg-1during 4 h (60–300 min) of intravenous+oral glucose. The mean rate of splanchnic glucose uptake was estimated to be 6·39 ±4·67 ixmol min-1kg-1with intravenous glucose alone, and 8·83 ±4·28 u. mol min-1kg-1with intravenous+oral glucose. In either case, the large majority (80–90%) of the glucose appearing in the systemic circulation was disposed of by extrasplanchnic tissues. These results indicate that pre-existing hyperglycaemia and/or hyperinsulinaemia inhibit gastrointestinal glucose absorption, and that oral glucose administration does not result in a major redistribution of intravenous glucose between splanchnic and extrasplanchnic tissues.  相似文献   

Plasma glucose responses to 50 g oral glucose loads were measured in 17 young healthy males during the morning and the afternoon after 4-h and 12-h fasts. After 4-h fasts certain glucose response values correlated significantly with the basal glucose values (P less than 0.014) in both the morning and the afternoon tests, and are described as "fast-dependent" relationships. No significant correlations were found after 12 -h fasts either in the morning or the afternoon. The "fast-dependent" relationships are also "time-modified", as demonstrated by markedly different morning and afternoon regression equations.  相似文献   

The interrelationship between glucagon action on splanchnic glucose output and cyclic AMP production was studied in healthy volunteers after hepatic venous catheterization. Glucagon was infused according to four different protocols to achieve arterial levels ranging from 300 to 9000 ng/l. Infusion of glucagon which resulted in arterial levels of the hormone of 4000-9000 ng/l was associated with a marked increase in net splanchnic cyclic AMP production and in the arterial levels of the cyclic nucleotide. The rise in cyclic AMP efflux from the splanchnic area was transient but an augmented splanchnic production was still evident after 30 min of glucagon infusion. Splanchnic glucose output rose 3-5 fold. Infusion of glucagon at lower rates, resulting in arterial levels of 300-900 ng/l, did not measureably stimulate the efflux of cyclic AMP from the splanchnic area. In spite of this, splanchnic glucose output rose 2-3 fold and the blood glucose level increased 20-50% during glucagon infusion at these lower rates. It is concluded that (1) factors other than cyclic AMP are rate limiting in the stimulation of hepatic glucose production, and (2) although cyclic AMP is an established 'second messenger' of glucagon action, other factors may also be of importance in mediating the physiological response of this hormone.  相似文献   

The effect of glucagon on plasma cyclic AMP (cAMP), insulin and blood glucose was examined in normal adult subjects. After an i.v. injection of glucagon there was a rapid, dose-dependent increase of plasma cAMP as well as insulin and blood glucose. Multiple injection of glucagon to the same subject with 60 min intervals gave almost identical responses of plasma cAMP and blood glucose, whereas the insulin response tended to decrease with time. Dose-dependent increases of plasma cAMP, insulin and blood glucose were also seen during a continuous i.v. infusion of glucagon. With the lowest doses of glucagon the blood glucose and plasma insulin concentrations were increased without any change of plasma cAMP. Plasma cAMP, insulin and blood glucose declined prior to the termination of glucagon infusion. During an endogenous hyperglucagonaemia, induced by alanine injection, there was no discernible change of plasma cAMP. We conclude that the early events of glucagon action may be studied in vivo by monitoring plasma cAMP. However, variations of plasma glucagon within the physiological range are not accompanied by measurable changes of cAMP in the peripheral circulation.  相似文献   

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