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目的 报告鼻内镜在罕见气管异物取出术及抢救中的临床应用价值.方法 常规支气管镜或纤维支气管镜、潜窥镜下无法取出的气管支气管异物,经气管切开径路鼻内镜下顺利取出,并成功抢救窒息患者.结果 13例特殊气管异物经气管切开鼻内镜下成功取出异物,患者无并发症发生.结论 果断及时气管切开应用鼻内镜技术可成功抢救呼吸道异物患者.  相似文献   

目的:探讨小儿气管、支气管异物的诊治方法及防治措施。方法:回顾性分析1994年1月至2004年1月本科收治的22例小儿气管、支气管异物取出术病例资料。结果:1例在无麻醉下经直接喉镜取出异物。20例在全麻下经支气管镜成功取出,1例自行咳出,无气管切开,气胸等严重并发症。结论:及时明确诊断和正确处理是小儿气管、支气管异物治疗的关键;提高家长和儿童的安全意识,可降低小儿气管异物的发生率。  相似文献   

目的探讨螺旋CT三维重建在儿童气管异物诊断中的作用。方法对气管异物38例患儿行肺部CT三维重建,所有患儿均行支气管镜检查。结果 38例患者中CT结果与支气管镜检查结果完全相符。结论肺部螺旋CT三维重建检查可明确诊断小儿气管异物,尤其对无明确异物史的复杂性小儿气管异物的诊断有重要意义。  相似文献   

江波  方瑜 《浙江临床医学》2000,2(5):306-307
目的 探讨硬支气管镜引导下带钳潜窥镜取婴儿气管异物的临床价值。方法:对12例年龄8 ̄36个月的气管异物患儿采用全麻硬支气管镜引导带钳潜窥镜气管异物取出术,其中包括2例难取异物。结果 全部病例成功地取出异物,无并发症。结论 婴幼儿硬支气管镜引导下带钳潜窥镜气管异物取出术快速,有效,安全,取异物范围胜于硬支气管镜。  相似文献   

气管、支气管异物是危及儿童生命的急重症之一,异物种类多以花生、葵花子、黄豆等植物性异物居多,而如塑料笔帽等较大的特殊气管异物仅占5%[1]。异物体积大常不易钳夹,通过声门易滑脱,反复钳取易致声门水肿、缺氧,甚至窒息死亡,或声带创伤遗留声音嘶哑,故需紧急行气管切开术,经气管切开处钳出异物使患儿转危为安。2015年7月我院收治1例塑料笔帽气管异物伴呼吸困难患儿,紧急行全麻硬性支气管镜下辅助气管切开异物取出,无并发症发生。现将围术期的护理配合报道如下。  相似文献   

例1:女,3.5岁。因咳嗽、气喘反复发作15个月入院。其父母未提供异物吸入史。曾按肺炎治疗无好转。近半月咯血,X线胸片示气管末端不透光阴影。体检;体温36.3℃,两肺呼吸音粗,无呼吸音减低区。心脏与腹部无异常。胸部X线透视见气管分岐部异物,碘油造影显示气管分岐部有圆形金属异物影,与气管重叠。食管  相似文献   

螺旋CT在小儿气管及支气管异物诊断中的应用价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨螺旋CT诊断小儿气管及支气管异物的临床应用价值.方法 回顾性分析我院45例气管及支气管异物患儿螺旋CT的影像学资料.结果 39例患儿诊断和定位明确,局限性支气管阻塞而无明确异物显示的6例;阻塞性肺气肿22例,纵隔双边影9例,肺不张7,有5例无间接征象,与内镜下异物摘取术结果一致.结论 螺旋CT具有检查时间短,安全无痛苦,定位、定性准确的优点,易被气管及支气管异物患儿及家长所接受.  相似文献   

高峰 《临床医学》2005,25(6):65-66
目的探讨小儿气管内异物取出术的麻醉管理。方法对35例小儿气管内异物取出术的麻醉管理进行回顾性分析。结果异物进入左右支气管机会均等,大多数患儿术中平稳安静、无异常。出现屏气、SpO2小于90%、紫绀、心律失常时立即将支气管镜退至总气管,经充分吸氧、加深麻醉后缓解。所有异物均成功取出。结论氯胺酮复合羟基丁酸钠咽喉表面麻醉用于小儿气管内异物取出术效果良好,术中过程平稳,并发症少。  相似文献   

儿童喉、气管异物的诊治分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨儿童喉、气管异物的临床特点及诊治手段。方法分析2001年1月到2005年6月间经硬质气管镜或纤维支气管镜确诊的87例喉、气管异物患儿的临床特点、影像学改变、并发症、异物取除方法。结果气管、喉异物占同期呼吸道异物的10.7%(87813),1~3岁组占73.6%。93.1%有异物吸入史,喘鸣占67.8%、吸气性凹陷40.2%、发绀27.6%、声音嘶哑19.5%、气管拍击音4.6%。6例(6.9%)患儿病情突变,表现发绀、呼吸困难,神志不清。胸片异常30.2%,胸透异常26.5%。硬质气管镜取异物63例并全部取出(100%),其中3例为纤支镜取异物未成功者;纤支镜取异物20例,取出17例(85.0%),两者成功率差异无显著性(P>0.5),但纤支镜取异物耗时不确定,并有5例异物通过鼻后孔时跌落入食道。结论儿童喉、气管异物典型症状不多见,异物吸入史为敏感指标;胸片、胸透异常率低,应及时作纤支镜检查,取除喉、气管异物首选硬质气管镜。  相似文献   

电视监控带潜窥镜全身麻醉下取小儿气管异物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨全身麻醉下电视监控带潜窥镜硬支气管镜检查在小儿气管、支气管异物取出术中的临床应用价值。方法全身麻醉高频喷射呼吸,采用电视监控带潜窥镜,配合硬支气管镜,对146例小儿气管、支气管异物患者进行异物取出术。结果145例(1例转胸外科)一次手术成功,无窒息、气管支气管壁损伤、气胸等并发症出现,无死亡痛例。结论电视监控带潜窥镜取小儿气管支气管异物,具有明视、放大等特点,全身麻醉高频喷射呼吸,使术者可以从容细致操作,提高了异物取出术的成功率和安全性。  相似文献   

目的探讨螺旋CT对小儿气管、支气管异物的诊断价值。方法对43例临床诊断气管、支气管异物患者,全部经螺旋CT检查,并结合多平面、表面遮盖法及CT仿真支气管镜等重建图像进行诊断。结果气管、支气管异物43例,其中:气管内8例,右侧支气管19例,左侧支气管16例,螺旋CT全部直接显示其本身及所在段支气管管腔不同程度狭窄或闭塞所致的间接征象,螺旋CT检出率100%。结论螺旋CT能直接显示小儿支气管、支气管异物,对手术定位,指导直接喉镜、硬性支气管镜取异物具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的探讨气管支气管异物的临床特点及治疗方法。方法对本院1998-2007年间收治的气管支气管异物病例进行回顾性分析。结果144例气管支气管异物患者中,81.9%为3岁以下儿童,异物种类以花生类为最多,占51.4%,89.6%的患儿在全身麻醉下经支气管镜取出异物。结论在全身麻醉下经支气管镜行气管支气管异物取出术是一种安全可靠的手术方法。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of soft tissue gas on the accuracy of foreign body detection by realtime sonography. METHODS: This was a prospective randomized study using glass, metal, and bone inserted into turkey breasts to simulate human soft tissue foreign bodies. Air was subsequently injected around a random selection of the foreign bodies to simulate soft tissue gas that can accompany a blast or high-force injury. Using a linear transducer, physicians credentialed in the use of sonography were each asked to scan the breasts, identify the location of any foreign body, and describe whether the object located was bone, metal, or glass. They were also asked to describe the characteristics of the foreign body, including surface echogenicity, visibility, and artifacts, if any. RESULTS: The sensitivity for localization of each foreign body by each sonographer was 100% (48 of 48) and was unaffected by the presence of soft tissue gas. The accuracy of classifying the foreign body was poor except with bone. Glass and metal were often confused with each other. With the addition of soft tissue gas over the foreign bodies, the sensitivity of classifying the foreign body was decreased further from a combined 58% to 28%. The presence of soft tissue gas decreased the amount of reflection of the foreign body and obscured the subtle differences in the brightness of each foreign body, leading to a decrease in the accuracy of identification but not localization of the foreign body. CONCLUSIONS: In an experimental model, soft tissue gas does not affect the localization of soft tissue foreign bodies. However, correct identification of the type of foreign body is limited by soft tissue gas because of loss of the typical sonographic characteristics.  相似文献   

The inadvertent ingestion of foreign bodies is an infrequent occurrence in adults. Three cases of an unusual form of foreign body ingestion are reported here. In each case the foreign body recovered was a plastic bag clip, found attached to the small bowel mucosa. The radiographic appearances of this foreign body are demonstrated, and the pathologic findings related to its ingestion are reviewed.  相似文献   

目的探讨软组织内异物嵌入伤的DR表现及其临床价值。方法对16例经DR诊断的异物嵌入伤患者的DR表现与清创手术结果进行对照。结果16例中,金属异物9例,非金属异物7例,单个异物13例,多个异物3例。结论DR是诊断异物嵌入伤最可靠的检查工具,具有临床推广价值。  相似文献   

多层螺旋CT图像后处理在诊断儿童气道透X线异物中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘国庆  张龙  周子和  温云  邓元明 《检验医学与临床》2010,7(14):1445-1446,1448
目的探讨多层螺旋CT(MSCT)三维重建技术在诊断儿童气管、支气管(透X线)异物中的价值。方法对30例临床疑诊为气管、支气管异物患儿行MSCT检查,然后用多平面重建(MPR)、CT仿真支气管镜(CTVB)、容积再现(VR)技术进行原始图像处理并分析其影像表现。结果共检出异物30例,其中气管异物2例,左侧支气管异物13例,右侧支气管异物14例,双侧支气管异物1例,全部病例经纤维支气管镜证实。后处理图像清晰地显示了异物形状、位置及异物与支气管黏膜的关系等。结论 MSCT是一种有价值的无创性诊断气管、支气管异物且易为儿童所接受的检查方法 。  相似文献   

We report 11 cases of endobronchial foreign body. From January 1982 through December 1994, a total of 11 cases were diagnosed roentogenographically and bronchoscopically at our hospital. These patients consisted of 10 men and 1 woman with a mean age of 58.5 years (range 33 to 77 years). Symptoms on presenting were usually cough, sputum, or chest pain. The foreign bodies were inorganic in 10 cases and of organic origin in 1 case. Three patients were not aware that they had aspirated a foreign body. In 9 patients, the endobronchial foreign bodies were successfully removed endoscopically. One patient spontaneously expectorated the foreign body before bronchoscopy. One patient underwent thoracotomy because the foreign body could not be removed bronchoscopically. There were no severe complications during or after the endoscopic removal of the foreign bodies, but in one patient extraction of the foreign body caused pneumonia after bronchoscopy. In conclusion, flexible bronchoscopy is useful for the diagnosis and treatment of endobronchial foreign bodies.  相似文献   

The correct selection of a radiologic imaging modality along with knowledge of indirect radiologic findings can help determine the presence and location of a foreign body. Plain radiographs should be the initial screening modality for a suspected foreign body. Whereas most metal and glass foreign bodies are detectable on radiographs, many foreign bodies, including wood, are not. We do not advocate using xeroradiography for the detection of foreign bodies. When a suspected superficial foreign body is not delineated on radiographs, ultrasonography should be the next modality of choice. CT should be reserved for deep foreign bodies or when foreign bodies are not seen on radiographs or ultrasonography but are suspected.  相似文献   

目的 探讨CT在眼内异物定位中的使用价值。方法 参阅CT横扫序列片将异物按照测量的结果标画在CT眼内异物定位图上。结果 40例可疑眼内异物患者有16例查出为眼内异物或球壁异物(其中6例普通x线不显影),采用此法定位,迅速、准确地作出了诊断和定位。结论 利用CT诊断和定位眼内异物,简便易行、迅速准确,值得推广。  相似文献   

Foreign body ingestions are common in children. They can pose a diagnostic problem if the foreign body is embedded in the soft tissues of pharynx. A 4 year old girl presented with halitosis for two years. A pharyngeal foreign body, a metallic ring, was seen on lateral radiographs of the neck. The foreign body was removed under general anaesthesia. A completely embedded pharyngeal foreign body should be considered in cases presenting with halitosis.  相似文献   

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