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The objective imaging characteristics of three systems that use charge coupled devices (CCD) for small-field digital mammography (SFDM) have been compared in terms of spatial resolution and signal to noise ratio. The results indicate that although they are designed for nominally the same tasks of stereotactic localization and spot imaging these detectors have significantly differing physical imaging properties. Imaging system design parameters such as the phosphor screen type and thickness, screen configuration and method of optically coupling the phosphor to the CCD have significant effects on the imaging performance of the detectors.  相似文献   

Amorphous selenium is a material often used in the x-ray imaging system. The main application is in xeroradiography where the structure of the sensor is a layer of selenium on a conductive substrate. The signal is a charge density on the surface which is revealed by a toner or by electrostatic probe for digitalization. In the system described here, the sensor structure is different for the sensor is covered by an electrode, a thin layer of metal, which gives another interface. The reading system needs the scanning of a light beam and the resolution power depends on the size of the beam. It is easier to scan a light beam than electrostatic probes so a more compact system can be realized. In the process, there are two phases: the storage and the reading. The time spent between the two phases reduces the quality of the image, and an in situ reading system, integrated to the radiographic machine will be, for this reason, more efficient. Also, the sensor needs good memory effect. One has investigated different sensors based on a structure of a thin photoconductive layer between two electrodes to find a memory effect. We have already seen this phenomena in the Bi12 SiO20 (B. Richard, "Contribution à l'étude d'un procédé d'imagerie radiologique utilisant le photoconducteur BO12 SiO20," Ph.D. thesis, Paris, 1987). In amorphous selenium with some dopants and some type of metallic contact, the memory effect is important enough to realize a system. With 2 X 2 cm samples, a complete x-ray digital imaging system has been built.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The physical characteristics of a clinical charge coupled device (CCD)-based imager (Senovision, GE Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI) for small-field digital mammography have been investigated. The imager employs a MinR 2000 (Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, NY) scintillator coupled by a 1:1 optical fiber to a front-illuminated 61 x 61 mm CCD operating at a pixel pitch of 30 microns. Objective criteria such as modulation transfer function (MTF), noise power spectrum (NPS), detective quantum efficiency (DQE), and noise equivalent quanta (NEQ) were employed for this evaluation. The results demonstrated a limiting spatial resolution (10% MTF) of 10 cy/mm. The measured DQE of the current prototype utilizing a 28 kVp, Mo-Mo spectrum beam hardened with 4.5 cm Lucite is approximately 40% at close to zero spatial frequency at an exposure of 8.2 mR, and decreases to approximately 28% at a low exposure of 1.1 mR. Detector element nonuniformity and electronic gain variations were not significant after appropriate calibration and software corrections. The response of the imager was linear and did not exhibit signal saturation under tested exposure conditions.  相似文献   

A prototype amorphous selenium imaging plate system for digital radiography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper summarizes the results of research and development of a prototype amorphous selenium digital imaging system. The first phase of this project consists of the preliminary design and fabrication of the system. In this system the conventional film-screen photon receptor is replaced by a charged amorphous selenium imaging plate. After exposure, the latent electrostatic image on the selenium surface is scanned with multiple microelectrometer probes forming a 1024 X 1024 X 12 bit digital image. The second phase investigates the system's physical imaging characteristics and clinical feasibility. X-ray exposure latitude comparable to 200-speed calcium-tungstate film-screen system are shown for three typical diagnostic kVp settings with total filtration of 3 mm aluminum and 9 cm Lucite. Using the modulation transfer function (MTF), resolving power of approximately 1.0 line pair per millimeter and detective quantum efficiency values of approximately 5% have been measured. The clinical evaluation consists of preliminary images of a 16-kg female dog and a 4.5-kg rabbit and comparisons to film-screen images are offered.  相似文献   

Our purpose in this study was to evaluate the fundamental image quality characteristics of a new slot-scan digital chest radiography system (ThoraScan, Delft Imaging Systems/Nucletron, Veenendaal, The Netherlands). The linearity of the system was measured over a wide exposure range at 90, 117, and 140 kVp with added Al filtration. System uniformity and reproducibility were established with an analysis of images from repeated exposures. The modulation transfer function (MTF) was evaluated using an established edge method. The noise power spectrum (NPS) and the detective quantum efficiency (DQE) of the system were evaluated at the three kilo-voltages over a range of exposures. Scatter fraction (SF) measurements were made using a posterior beam stop method and a geometrical chest phantom. The system demonstrated excellent linearity, but some structured nonuniformities. The 0.1 MTF values occurred between 3.3-3.5 mm(-1). The DQE(0.15) and DQE(2.5) were 0.21 and 0.07 at 90 kVp, 0.18 and 0.05 at 117 kVp, and 0.16 and 0.03 at 140 kVp, respectively. The system exhibited remarkably lower SFs compared to conventional full-field systems with anti-scatter grid, measuring 0.13 in the lungs and 0.43 in the mediastinum. The findings indicated that the slot-scan design provides marked scatter reduction leading to high effective DQE (DQEeff) of the system and reduced patient dose required to achieve high image quality.  相似文献   

Y Kume  K Doi 《Medical physics》1987,14(5):736-743
We are developing a digital x-ray imaging system using a multiple slit assembly (MSA) and an image intensifier (II)-TV digital system. The advantage of this approach is that the scatter from an object and the veiling glare in the II-TV system can be reduced significantly while the x-ray utilization is maintained much better than that with a single slit-beam technique. The quality of reconstructed images is related to many parameters such as the slit width, the lead spacer, the number of image frames, and the reconstruction algorithm. In this study, reduction of scatter and veiling glare was measured quantitatively, and image artifacts were analyzed. It was found that the fraction of scatter and veiling glare can be reduced to approximately 0.01-0.1 by use of the MSA imaging technique, and that the magnitude of the fractions is strongly dependent upon the slit width and the lead spacer of the MSA used. The artifacts are caused by inaccuracies in the slit width, lead spacer, and scan motion, and by undersampling of image data. The overlap scanning technique was effective in reducing the magnitude of these artifacts in the reconstructed image.  相似文献   

X-ray scatter fractions measured with two detectors are compared: a photostimulable phosphor system (PSP) and a conventional film-screen technique. For both detection methods, a beam-stop technique was used to estimate the scatter fraction in polystyrene phantoms. These scatter fraction measurements are compared to previously reported film-based measurements. Scatter fractions obtained with the PSP were in good agreement both with measurements using film as well as with most previously reported measurements. For the PSP measurements, repeatability was better than 1%. It was found that the PSP provides a precise x-ray detector for quantitative scatter measurement in digital radiography.  相似文献   

Liu X  Shaw CC  Lai CJ  Altunbas MC  Chen L  Han T  Wang T 《Medical physics》2008,35(6):2391-2402
Anti-scatter grids have been widely used to reject scatter and increase the perceptibility of low-contrast object in chest radiography; however they also attenuate the primary x-rays, resulting in a substantial degradation of primary information. Compensation for this degradation requires the use of higher exposure technique hence higher dose to the patient. A more efficient approach to reject scatter is the slot-scan imaging technique which employs a narrow scanning x-ray fan beam in conjunction with a slit or slot shaped solid state detector or an area detector used with an aft-collimator. With this approach, scatter can be rejected effectively without the need to attenuate primary x-rays. This paper demonstrates an electronic aft-collimation method, referred to as the alternate line erasure and readout (ALER) technique, for implementing the slot-scan digital radiography with a modern flat-panel detector. With this technique, instead of first exposing the detector and then reading the image line by line, the image line on the leading edge of the scanning fan beam is reset to erase the scatter accumulated prior to the arrival of the fan beam x-rays, while the image line on the trailing edge of the scanning fan beam is read out to acquire the image signals following the fan-beam exposure. These reset and readout processes are alternated and repeated as the x-ray fan beam scans across the detector. An anthropomorphic chest phantom was imaged to evaluate the scatter rejection ability and the low-contrast performance for the ALER technique and compare them with those for the anti-scatter grid method in full-field chest imaging. With a projected beam width of 16 mm, the slot-scan/ALER technique resulted in an average reduction of the scatter-to-primary ratios by 81%, 84%, 82%, and 86% versus 65%, 73%, 74%, and 73% with the anti-scatter grid method in the lungs, mediastinum, retrocardium, and subdiaphragm, respectively. The average CNR for the slot-scan/ALER technique was found to improve by 135%, 133%, 176%, and 87% versus 15%, 15%, 38%, and -11% with the anti-scatter grid method in the mediastinum, retrocardium, subdiaphragm, and lungs, respectively. These results demonstrated that the slot-scan/ALER technique can be used to achieve equally effective scatter rejection but substantially higher low-contrast performance than the anti-scatter grid method.  相似文献   

H Fujita  K Doi  M L Giger 《Medical physics》1985,12(6):713-720
We devised a new, simple technique for measuring the modulation transfer function (MTF) of a digital imaging system by using an image of an angulated slit. With this technique, the "presampling" analog MTF, which includes the geometric unsharpness, the detector unsharpness, and the unsharpness of the sampling aperture, can be measured even beyond the Nyquist frequency. A single-frame image of a slightly angulated slit was employed in order to obtain Fourier transforms of line spread functions at different alignments. The presampling MTF was determined by averaging the two Fourier transforms which we obtained from two extreme alignments (center and shifted) of the slit relative to the sampling coordinate. The presampling MTFs of our digital subtraction angiographic system were determined in two orthogonal directions for three different image-intensifier modes.  相似文献   

Y Kume  K Doi  K Ohara  M L Giger 《Medical physics》1986,13(6):843-849
Single-frame images obtained with image intensifier (II)-TV digital systems contain a large amount of structure mottle. In the present study, we examined several II-TV digital systems by use of Wiener spectral analysis and noted considerable variation of the structure mottle over the wide spatial frequency range. We found that the structure mottle in these systems may originate in the input phosphor, the output phosphor, and/or the electronic components, and that the Wiener spectra of structure mottle seem to depend on the specific combination of these components. The results of observer performance studies indicated that structure mottle can significantly decrease the detection of low-contrast objects in a single-frame image when the exposure incident on the II is greater than approximately 0.1 mR. In addition, we showed that the structure mottle can be removed by subtraction of a uniformly exposed mask. This simple procedure will improve the quality of radiologic images obtained with II-TV digital systems. Note, however, that the structure mottle is largely eliminated by subtraction in digital subtraction angiography (DSA) images.  相似文献   

A computer program has been developed to model chest radiography. It incorporates a voxel phantom of an adult and includes antiscatter grid, radiographic screen, and film. Image quality is quantified by calculating the contrast (deltaOD) and the ideal observer signal-to-noise ratio (SNR(I)) for a number of relevant anatomical details at various positions in the anatomy. Detector noise and system unsharpness are modeled and their influence on image quality is considered. A measure of useful dynamic range is computed and defined as the fraction of the image that is reproduced at an optical density such that the film gradient exceeds a preset value. The effective dose is used as a measure of the radiation risk for the patient. A novel approach to patient dose and image quality optimization has been developed and implemented. It is based on a reference system acknowledged to yield acceptable image quality in a clinical trial. Two optimizations schemes have been studied, the first including the contrast of vessels as measure of image quality and the second scheme using also the signal-to-noise ratio of calcifications. Both schemes make use of our measure of useful dynamic range as a key quantity. A large variety of imaging conditions was simulated by varying the tube voltage, antiscatter device, screen-film system, and maximum optical density in the computed image. It was found that the optical density is crucial in screen-film chest radiography. Significant dose savings (30%-50%) can be accomplished without sacrificing image quality by using low-atomic-number grids with a low grid ratio or an air gap and more sensitive screen-film system. Dose-efficient configurations proposed by the model agree well with the example of good radiographic technique suggested by the European Commission.  相似文献   

Digital x-ray radiographic systems are desirable as they offer high quality images which can be processed, transferred, and stored without secondary steps. However, current clinical systems are extraordinarily expensive in comparison to film-based systems. Thus, there is a need for an economical digital imaging system for general radiology. The x-ray light valve (XLV) is a novel digital x-ray detector concept with the potential for high image quality and low cost. The XLV is comprised of a photoconductive detector layer and liquid crystal (LC) cell physically coupled in a sandwich structure. Upon exposure to x rays, charge is collected at the surface of the photoconductor, causing a change in the reflective properties of the LC cell. The visible image so formed can subsequently be digitized with an optical scanner. By choosing the properties of the LC cell in combination with the appropriate photoconductor thickness and bias potentials, the XLV can be optimized for various diagnostic imaging tasks. Specifically for chest radiography, we identified three potentially practical reflective cell designs by selecting from those commonly used in LC display technology. The relationship between reflectance and x-ray exposure (i.e., the characteristic curve) was determined for all three cells using a theoretical model. The results indicate that the reflective electrically controlled birefringence (r-ECB) cell is the preferred choice for chest radiography, provided that the characteristic curve can be shifted towards lower exposures. The feasibility of the shift of the characteristic curve is shown experimentally. The experimental results thus demonstrate that an XLV based on the r-ECB cell design exhibits a characteristic curve suitable for chest radiography.  相似文献   

To compare the diagnostic quality of images obtained with a computed radiography (CR) system based on storage phosphor technology with that obtained with conventional screen-film systems, a dual-image recording technique was devised. With this technique, a CR imaging plate is placed behind a screen-film system in a conventional cassette. This makes it possible to obtain two images simultaneously, one from each system, in a clinical examination with the same patient positioning, the same degree of patient motion, the same geometric unsharpness, and no additional exposure. The modulation transfer functions (MTFs) of the CR system with and without the dual-image recording technique were greater at low frequencies, but lower at high frequencies, that the MTFs of the screen-film systems used. The noise Wiener spectra of the CR images at the plane of the imaging plate were greater than those of the screen-film systems, but were comparable to those of the screen-film systems at the plane of the printed film due to the reduction in image size. Clinical chest images obtained with the dual-image recording technique appeared comparable, probably because of the image size reduction and the use of mild unsharp mask processing.  相似文献   

Performance of high-resolution monitors for digital chest imaging   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
High-resolution cathode-ray tubes (CRT's) are currently the most viable soft-copy display for digital radiography. We present here methods for measuring large-area contrast ratio and detail contrast ratio. A two-dimensional charge coupled device (ccd) array signal-averaged with a video frame buffer permits linear microradiometric measure of individual beam lines. Results from three different 1000-line monitors demonstrate the shift variance of resolution. The detail contrast ratio (or modulation depth) was found to vary from 100% to less than 10% across the face of one CRT. Dynamic focus in both the horizontal and vertical deflection circuitry proved effective in reducing this shift variance. Comparisons of three phosphors demonstrate the utility of long persistence phosphors (P164) for static display in producing brighter images with less flicker. Recommendations for CRT design and selection for high-resolution digital radiography are included.  相似文献   

M L Giger  K Doi  H Fujita 《Medical physics》1986,13(2):131-138
We used Wiener spectral analysis in order to investigate the different noise sources and the effects of various parameters such as pixel size, image intensifier (II) field size, and exposure level on the noise in an II-TV digital system. The digital Wiener spectra in terms of relative x-ray intensity were determined directly from the digital noise data in terms of pixel values, by use of the characteristic curve of the imaging system. From averaged, subtracted, and/or combination images, the amount of structure mottle relative to the amount of quantum mottle was estimated. We found that a substantial amount of structure mottle was included in our II-TV digital subtraction angiography system, whereas the electronic noise of the TV system was quite small relative to the quantum and structure mottle. The effects of time jitter on the noise in single-frame images (consisting of multiple video frames) and in subtracted and averaged images were also investigated.  相似文献   

Boyce SJ  Samei E 《Medical physics》2006,33(4):984-996
Flat panel detectors exhibit improved signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and display capabilities compared to film. This improvement necessitates a new evaluation of optimal geometry for conventional projection imaging applications such as digital projection mammography as well as for advanced x-ray imaging applications including cone-beam computed tomography (CT), tomosynthesis, and mammotomography. Such an evaluation was undertaken in this study to examine the effects of x-ray source distribution, inherent detector resolution, magnification, scatter rejection, and noise characteristics including noise aliasing. A model for x-ray image acquisition was used to develop generic results applicable to flat panel detectors with similar x-ray absorption characteristics. The model assumed a Gaussian distribution for the focal spot and a rectangular distribution for a pixel. A generic model for the modulated transfer function (MTF) of indirect flat panel detectors was derived by a nonlinear fit of empirical receptor data to the Burgess model for phosphor MTFs. Noise characteristics were investigated using a generic noise power spectrum (NPS) model for indirect phosphor-based detectors. The detective quantum efficiency (DQE) was then calculated from the MTF and NPS models. The results were examined as a function of focal spot size (0.1, 0.3, and 0.6 mm) and pixel size (50, 100, 150, and 200 microm) for magnification ranges 1 to 3. Mammography, general radiography (also applicable to mammotomography), and chest radiography applications were explored using x-ray energies of 28, 74, and 120 kVp, respectively. Nodule detection was examined using the effective point source scatter model, effective DQE, and the Hotelling SNR2 efficiency. Results indicate that magnification can potentially improve the signal and noise performance of digital images. Results also show that a cross over point occurs in the spatial frequency above and below which the effects of magnification differ indicating that there are task dependent tradeoffs associated with magnification. The cross over point varies depending upon focal spot size, pixel size, x-ray energy, and source-to-image-distance (SID). For mammography, the cross over point occurs for a 0.3 mm focal spot while a 0.6 mm focal spot indicates that magnification does not improve image quality due to focal spot blurring. Thus, the benefit of magnification may be limited. For general radiography (as well as mammotomography), and chest radiography, the cross over point changes with SID. For a system with a 0.3 mm focal spot, 100 microm pixel size, a 2 m SID, and the applicable tissue thickness and scatter components, optimal magnification improved SNR2 by approximately 1.2 times for mammography and 1.5 times for general radiography (and mammotomography). These results indicate that the optimal geometry can improve image quality without changing patient dose or otherwise reduce dose without compromising image quality.  相似文献   

To provide high-quality duplicate chest images for the intensive care units, we have developed a digital duplication system in which film digitization is performed in conjunction with nonlinear density correction, contrast adjustment, and unsharp mask filtering. This system provides consistent image densities over a wide exposure range and enhancement of structures in the mediastinum and upper abdominal areas, improving visibility of catheters and tubes. The image quality is often superior to that of the original radiograph and is more consistent from day to day. Repeat rates for portable chest radiographs have been reduced by more than a factor of two since implementation of digitization in December 1991, and the number of repeat examinations caused by exposure errors have been substantially reduced.  相似文献   

A simple method was devised to determine the characteristic curve of image intensifier (II)-TV digital imaging systems, which relates the output pixel value to the input relative x-ray intensity. To provide a wide range of x-ray intensities incident on the II, we used an aluminum stepwedge consisting of nine steps with thickness increments of 6.3 mm, together with an 0.81-mm-thick copper plate. The x-ray field was narrowly collimated to the area occupied by the stepwedge in order to reduce the effect of veiling glare. The relative x-ray intensities transmitted through each step of the stepwedge were determined by using screen-film systems. The gradient curve of the system was derived from the slope of the characteristic curve. Results obtained with a Siemens Digitron 2 system showed that its characteristic and gradient curves depended upon the matrix size used, but did not change with the II field size. The validity of the characteristic curve was demonstrated by measurement of iodine attenuation curves obtained with the II-TV digital system at different exposure levels.  相似文献   

We evaluated the usefulness of a computerized analysis system in the detection of interstitial lung abnormalities in digitized chest radiography. This system uses the processes of four-directional Laplacian-Gaussian filtering, linear opacity judgment, and linear opacity subtraction. For qualitative analysis, we employed a combined radiographic index, which was calculated from two normalized radiographic indices obtained by linear opacity judgment and subtraction of linear opacities. We selected 50 regions of interest (ROIs) in patients with mild interstitial lung abnormalities, 50 ROIs in patients with severe interstitial lung abnormalities, and 50 ROIs in individuals with normal lung parenchyma. High-resolution computed radiography (HRCT) findings were used as the standard of reference for this study. These ROIS were processed by our computerized analysis system, and radiographic indices were obtained from each ROI. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (Az) was used as the measure of performance. The combined radiographic index provided better results in the mild interstitial lung abnormality group (Az=0.94±0.02), but it also yielded good results in the severe interstitial lung abnormality group (Az=0.98±0.01). These results indicate that this system of combining radiographic indices has improved the detection performance over that with our previous system.  相似文献   

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