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Liles WC  Rodger E  Dale DC 《Transfusion》2000,40(6):642-644
BACKGROUND: The clinical utility of neutrophil (polymorphonuclear leukocyte, PMN) transfusion therapy has been compromised, in part, by the inability to obtain sufficient quantities of functional neutrophils from donors. Mobilization of PMNs in the peripheral blood of normal volunteers has been shown to be superior when G-CSF is administered in conjunction with dexamethasone to that when either agent is administered alone. The current study was conducted to determine the optimal dosages of G-CSF and dexamethasone to be administered to donors in a granulocyte transfusion program. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Five normal subjects were randomly assigned to each of the following single-dose regimens over five consecutive weeks: 1) subcutaneous (SC) G-CSF at 600 microg and oral (PO) dexamethasone at 8 mg; 2) SC G-CSF at 450 microg and PO dexamethasone at 8 mg; 3) SC G-CSF at 450 microg and PO dexamethasone at 12 mg; 4) SC G-CSF at 450 microg; and 5) PO dexamethasone at 12 mg. Venous blood was collected at 0, 6, 12, and 24 hours after drug administration for determination of absolute neutrophil count (ANC). Side effects of drug administration were recorded by using a standardized symptom questionnaire. RESULTS: Maximal ANC was achieved at 12 hours after administration of drugs under each regimen. All four regimens containing G-CSF caused greater than 10-fold increases in the ANC. When administered in conjunction with dexamethasone, G-CSF resulted in statistically similar PMN mobilization at dosages of 450 microg and 600 microg. The combined single-dose regimen of SC G-CSF at 450 microg and PO dexamethasone at 8 mg increased the mean ANC from a baseline value of 2800 per microL to 37,900 per microL at 12 hours after administration. This regimen was well tolerated by the normal volunteers. CONCLUSION: In a single-dose format designed for clinical granulocyte transfusion programs, optimal PMN mobilization can be achieved in normal donors with a combined regimen of SC G-CSF at 450 microg, and PO dexamethasone at 8 microg.  相似文献   

Donor age-related differences in PBPC mobilization with rHuG-CSF   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: Data on the administration of rHuG-CSF to normal donors <18 years old are very limited. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: The results of rHuG-CSF administration to 61 donors <18 years old (Group A) were retrospectively evaluated and compared with results from 353 donors > or = 18 years old (Group B) who are included in the Spanish National Donor Registry. The mean age (range) in Group A and B was 14 (1-17) and 38 (18-71) years, respectively (p<0.001). The mean dose of rHuG-CSF was 10 microg per kg per day (range, 9-16) during a mean of 5 days (range, 4-6). Central venous access was placed more frequently in younger donors (25% vs. 6%; p<0.001). RESULTS: The mean number of CD34+ cells collected was 7.6 and 6.9 x 10(6) per kg of donor's body weight in Group A and B, respectively. Fifty-six percent of Group A donors needed only one apheresis to achieve > or = 4 x 10(6) CD34+ cells per kg versus 39 percent of Group B donors (p = 0.01). Side effects were more common in Group B (71% vs. 41%; p<0.001). CONCLUSION: The administration of rHuG-CSF to donors <18 years old leads to CD34+ cell mobilization in a pattern similar to that observed in adults. Greater age was associated with a more frequent requirement for more than one apheresis to achieve a similar number of CD34+ cells.  相似文献   

目的 对Diana 5全自动血液分析仪的测定参数及临床应用价值进行研究与评价。方法 根据国际临床实验室标准化委员会 (NCCLS)颁布的《定量临床实验室方法初步评定试行准则 (EP1 0 T2 )》的要求 ,用Diana 5血液分析仪进行全血细胞计数和白细胞五分类测定 ,MicrosoftExcel2 0 0 0及SAS软件进行统计学处理。结果 中、高值WBC、RBC、HGB的批内CV<2 % ,低值 <3% ,批间CV <3% ;MCV的批内和批间CV <2 % ;PLT的批内CV <4 .5 % ,批间CV <5 .2 %。WBC、RBC、HGB、MCV的总不精密度 <2 .5 % ,PLT <5 %。WBC、RBC、HGB、HCT、PLT的线性相关系数分别为 0 .999、0 .999、0 .999、0 .998和 0 .995。PLT的最大偏差为3% ,WBC、RBC、HGB、HCT的实测值均等于或接近于靶值。WBC的携带污染率为 1 % ,RBC、PLT <1 % ,HGB、MCV为 0。Neu、Lym、Mon、Eos、Bas与镜检结果的相关系数分别为 0 .982、0 .95 6、0 .84 2、0 .5 36和 0 .32 8。结论 Diana 5血液分析仪主要测定参数的线性好 ,精密度和准确度高 ,携带污染率低 ;白细胞五分类结果的重复性好 ,准确性较高 ,能有效发挥仪器的过筛作用  相似文献   

A blood sampling pack is available on closed system apheresis kits for the Fenwal CS3000 blood cell separator to facilitate same day donor testing while maintaining the closed system. Conceivably, the accuracy of complete blood counts (CBC) performed using pack samples might be compromised by clotting in the pack, by adherence of blood cells to the inner surface of the pack, or by dilution of the sample with priming fluid--should it inadvertently contaminate the pack. We studied paired blood samples collected simultaneously via the pack and a separate venipuncture in 17 donors. When collected properly, CBC values from pack and vein were nearly identical. Even when purposely contaminated with saline, pack values were lowered only slightly. Thus, the inline pack permits accurate sampling of donor blood for CBC while maintaining a closed system.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Erythrocytapheresis is used to prevent acute chest syndrome and stroke in patients with sickle cell disease (SCD). However, such regimens are associated with significant risks, such as iron overload and potential exposure to transfusion-transmitted infectious diseases. Computer modeling of erythrocytapheresis procedures may help optimize treatments and minimize risks. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Mathematical models based upon material balance equations and patient-specific statistical analyses were developed to estimate HbS levels immediately after erythrocytapheresis and immediately before the next treatment. The equations were incorporated into a software application that was used to model the effects of various treatment values on four patients treated with 90 erythrocytapheresis procedures. RESULTS: Immediate postprocedure HbS values were accurately estimated with correlations between measured and calculated values ranging from R(2) = 0.83 to 0.96. Estimates of HbS just before the next treatment correlated well in three patients (R(2) = 0.71 to 0.83) but poorly in one (R(2) = 0.28 to 0.46). Varying the treatment values by computer simulation led to a wide variation in the number of RBC units and the net RBC volume transfused. CONCLUSION: Computer modeling of erythrocytapheresis can be used to optimize chronic treatment regimens for SCD patients and potentially to minimize the risks of overtransfusion.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study evaluated the quality of WBC-reduced platelets, RBCs, and plasma collected on a new system (Trima, Gambro BCT) designed to automate the collection of all blood components. The study also evaluated donor safety and suitability of these components for transfusion. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: In Phase I, the quality of the components collected on the new system was evaluated by standard in vitro and in vivo testing methods. Results were compared to those from control components collected by currently approved standard methods. In Phase II, additional collections were performed to evaluate the acceptability of the new system and the safety of platelets collected. RESULTS: In vivo 24-hour RBC recovery was 76.8 +/- 3.1 percent for the test RBC units and 77.1 +/- 4.4 percent recovery for whole-blood (control) RBCs. The differences between test and control platelet results in the in vivo and in vitro assays were not clinically significant. Plasma clotting factors and fibrinogen levels met international standards. The system was well accepted by donors, and no major adverse donor reactions were reported for the 68 procedures performed. No problems were reported with transfusing the blood components collected. CONCLUSION: Blood components collected with the Trima are equivalent to currently available components, and they meet the applicable regulatory standards. This system provides consistent, standardized components with predictable yields. It provides the option of fully automating the collection of all blood components.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This prospective study was conducted to gain experience as to whether it is technically possible to produce autologous RBCs in additive solution from cord blood (CB), to optimize the blood supply for preterm infants. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: CB was collected from 47 infants with a mean (+/- SD) birth weight of 1717 (+/- 699) g. Whenever possible, RBC components were prepared by standard centrifugation using a six-bag system. All samples were put in sterility testing quarantine for 5 days, and a maximum storage of 14 days from collection to transfusion was specified. The babies were given either the autologous RBCs or standard allogeneic RBC concentrates, if autologous blood was not available. RESULTS: In 81 percent of the samples, autologous RBC components could be processed (vol, 7-87 mL; Hct, 31-82%). But within the group of extremely low birth weight infants (body weight <1000 g), a mean CB net volume of only 37 mL was collected, and the RBC preparation was successful only in exceptional cases. Three CB samples (8.6%) tested positive in sterility testing. Of the 47 infants, 21 were treated with a total of 62 allogeneic and 4 autologous RBC transfusions. Most infants with a body weight over 1400 g did not need any RBC transfusion. CONCLUSION: The preparation of autologous RBCs from the CB of preterm infants is technically possible in principle. However, major concerns must be raised as to whether such preparations are of benefit in ensuring safe care of neonates with blood components, with respect to the high rate of bacterial contamination and the limited availability in babies with low birth weight.  相似文献   

目的 探讨动脉血气分析用血在急诊全血细胞计数分析中的应用价值.方法 随机选取急诊科中181名就诊患者动脉血气分析用血与静脉血,分静脉血、即时动脉血、半小时动脉血三组,行三组血液常规数据检测,分析三组血细胞计数分析结果.结果 全血细胞计数常用指标中,即时动脉血各项指标与静脉血相应指标无显著性差异,半小时动脉血中HGB(P=0.027,r=0.827)、PLT(P=0.000,r=0.898)和LYMPH%(P=0.024,r=0.531)与静脉血相应指标相比较有显著性差异,但都与静脉血相应指标存在显著正相关,可根据相应系数做适当校正.结论 急诊检验中,动脉血气分析用血在即时条件下可以替代静脉血行全血细胞计数分析.  相似文献   

Objective : To assess the usefulness of the complete blood count (CBC) and the reticulocyte count in the evaluation of adult patients with acute vasoocclusive sickle-cell crisis (SCC) presenting to the ED.
Methods : A 2-part study was performed. Part 1 was a retrospective chart review of patients with a sole ED diagnosis of acute SCC. Part 2 was a prospective evaluation of consecutive patients presenting in SCC. In both parts of the study, patients with coexisting acute disease were excluded. The remaining patients were divided into 2 groups: admitted and released. The mean values for white blood cell (WBC) count, hemoglobin (Hb) level, and reticulocyte count were compared. In Part 2. the change (Δ) from the patient's baseline in WBC count, Hb level, and reticulocyte count also was determined. Data were analyzed by 2-tailed Student's t-test.
Results : Part 1: There was no difference between the admitted ( n = 33) and the released ( n = 86) groups in mean WBC count (p = 0.10), Hb level (p = 0.25), or reticulocyte count (p = 0.08). Part 2: There was no difference between the admitted ( n = 44) and the released ( n = 160) groups in mean Hb level (p = 0.88). reticulocyte count (p = 0.47). AHb level (p = 0.88). and Areticulocyte count (p = 0.76). There was a difference in mean WBC counts (15.8 ± 4.9 × 109/L admitted vs 12.8 ± 4.9 × 109/L released, p = 0.003) and ΔWBC counts (5.1 ± 4.6 × 109/L admitted vs 1.8 ± 4.6 × 109/L released, p < 0.002).
Conclusion : Determination of the Hb level and the reticulocyte count do not appear useful in the evaluation of acute SCC in the ED. Admission decisions appear associated with elevations in the WBC count. Further study is required to determine the true value of the WBC count in such decisions.  相似文献   

目的调查分析维持性血液透析患者的血常规、血清钙、磷及甲状旁腺激素检测指标,为临床治疗提供依据。方法抽取患者透析前空腹静脉血,检测血常规、钙、磷和甲状旁腺激素。采用血细胞分析仪检测血常规各项指标;采用血生化自动分析仪检测血清钙和磷;采用化学发光仪检测甲状旁腺激素。结果 100例男性患者中,血红蛋白(Hb)<135g/L者84例,占84.00%。76例女性患者中,Hb<120g/L者68例,占89.47%。患者血清校正钙浓度平均为(2.26±0.29)mmol/L,达标142例,占80.68%。血清磷平均浓度为(1.69±0.48)mmol/L,达标30例,占17.05%。钙、磷代谢乘积平均为(3.88±1.36)mmol/L,达标37例,占21.02%。结论维持性血液透析患者普遍存在轻度贫血,粒系和血小板基本正常。患者血清钙磷检测结果表现为低钙高磷。贫血和血清钙呈负相关性,与血清磷及钙、磷乘积无相关性。血清钙、磷乘积和甲状旁腺激素具有一定的相关性,甲状旁腺激素异常者的钙磷乘积异常率明显高于甲状旁腺激素正常人群。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Extracorporeal photochemotherapy (EPC) has recently been proposed for the treatment of adults with either acute or chronic GVHD. However, data on children given this therapy are scarce. A Phase I-II study was carried out on EPC in children experiencing GVHD after allogeneic transplantation of HPCs. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Nine patients with steroid-resistant, grade II-IV acute GVHD and 14 with chronic GVHD, all of whom had been refractory to at least one line of treatment, were enrolled in this study and analyzed. The median age was 10.3 years (range, 5.4-18.1), and the median body weight was 35 kg (range, 17-89). RESULTS: Seven of the nine patients with acute GVHD showed a response to EPC, whereas the disease progressed in the remaining two children (both with skin, gastrointestinal, and liver GVHD), and they died of grade IV acute GVHD. Among the seven children who responded to EPC, it was possible to completely discontinue immunosuppressive treatment in three. In the 14 children with chronic GVHD, 4 and 5 patients experienced complete and partial response to EPC, respectively, whereas the remaining 5 patients, all with extensive chronic GVHD, had stable disease or disease that progressed during EPC. Among these latter 5 patients, 3 died. In 6 of the 9 patients with chronic GVHD responding to EPC, immunosuppressive therapy was discontinued. CONCLUSION: EPC is safe, feasible, and effective in children with either acute or chronic GVHD occurring after an allograft.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Autologous platelet components were recently used as part of tissue-engineering strategies in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Various preparation methods were investigated to define standardized blood bank components and to collect data on the growth factor content of human platelets before and after storage. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Apheresis platelets (AP), buffy coat-derived platelets (BCP), platelets prepared by tube method (TP), and highly concentrated samples prepared from AP and from BCP were evaluated for standard quality criteria of platelet components and for their concentration of transforming growth factor (TGF)-ss1, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-AB, and PDGF-BB. AP were stored for 5 days. On Days 3 and 5, these components and freshly prepared, highly concentrated samples were evaluated for the same measures. RESULTS: Platelet concentration in TP was lower than that in the other groups (p<0.05). However, the concentrations of PDGF-AB, PDGF-BB, and TGF-ss1 were comparable in the three groups. TP showed higher spontaneous CD62 expression than did AP and BCP. The three preparation procedures resulted in significantly different WBC contamination, with the highest levels in TP. For the whole series of measurements, there was a strong correlation between growth factor levels and platelet concentration (p<0.05), which was due to the face that the growth factor content of concentrated platelet samples was tenfold that of AP, BCP, and TP. In TP, the WBC concentration was correlated with PDGF levels (p<0.05). After 5-day storage, the mean levels of PDGF-AB, PDGF-BB, and TGF-ss1 were 57.1, 43.0, and 72.0 percent of the initial values in AP. Overall, multiple regression analysis revealed the following factors influencing the measured growth factor concentrations: platelet concentration, baseline CD62 expression, lactate production, and WBC contamination. CONCLUSION: Various methods enable the preparation of platelet components and of highly concentrated components for local use according to standard blood banking criteria. The obtained components differ, particularly in their WBC content and in vitro platelet activation. These findings are relevant for planning and evaluating further studies of locally usable autologous platelet components.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study was performed to evaluate the capacity of oral and intravenous (i.v.) iron administration during autologous blood donation (ABD) to improve the efficacy of ABD and to prevent the need for allogeneic blood transfusion in patients without iron deficiency who are undergoing major elective surgery for which a minimum of 3 autologous units have been ordered. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: One hundred twenty-three patients were enrolled in an open-labeled, randomized, controlled trial and assigned to three treatment groups: patients in Group 1 received 3 x 100 mg of Fe2+ per day given orally for 5 weeks before operation; patients in Group 2 received 200 mg of Fe3+ given intravenously after each donation combined with initial i.v. iron supplementation in patients with hemoglobin under 15 g per dL; and patients in Group 3 were in the control group that received no iron medication. A modest ABD program involving weekly phlebotomy and threshold hemoglobin values for donation of 11.5 g per dL in women and 12.0 g per dL in men was performed. RESULTS: Ninety patients, 15 women and 15 men in each of the three groups, completed the study. The mean net red cell production during ABD was no higher (p>0.2) in the iron-treated groups (Group 1: 473 +/- 178 mL; Group 2: 436 +/- 170 mL; Group 3 (controls): 397 +/- 174 mL). The mean number of autologous units donated per patient did not differ (p>0.7) among the groups (Group 1: 3.1 +/- 0.6; Group 2: 2.9 +/- 0.7; Group 3: 3.0 +/- 0.7). The proportion of patients who needed allogeneic blood transfusion showed no significant (p>0.4) advantage for iron treatment, (Group 1: 7%; Group 2: 20%; Group 3: 10%). CONCLUSION: In non-iron-deficient patients undergoing modest ABD without erythropoietin therapy, neither oral nor i.v. application of iron during the preoperative period enhances the success of preoperative ABD.  相似文献   

The severity of airway inflammation in patients with asthma is best assessed by combining several tests of bronchial responsiveness. The prognostic significance of bronchial responsiveness is unknown, but indirect evidence suggests that those with moderate and severe asthma rarely remit spontaneously and permanently. Assessment of severity is crucial to the rational management of all patients with asthma. Severity can be used as a guide to both short- and long-term management.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Approximately 20 percent of all allogeneic blood transfusions are administered in connection with coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) operations. Transfusion practices vary across the country. The whole-body oxygen extraction ratio (O2 ER) reflects the adequacy of the patient's response to acute normovolemic anemia with an O2 ER of approximately 50 percent being shown to be an appropriate transfusion trigger. The present study monitored the O2 ER in patients undergoing CABG and determined if transfusion practices would have been different if an O2 ER > or = 45 percent were used as a transfusion trigger. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Seventy patients with a postoperative Hct < = 25 percent were the test subjects. Arterial and mixed venous contents were determined before the operation, in the intensive care unit after the operation, and 12 hours after the operation. RESULTS: There were no deaths. Forty-one patients received allogeneic transfusion. These patients were older, weighed less, and had a preoperative Hct lower than the nontransfused patients. There were no significant differences between transfused and nontransfused patients with respect to postoperative Hct (21.0 +/- 0.4 vs. 22.2 +/- 0.4), cardiac index (2.5 +/- 0.1 vs. 2.7 +/- 0.1), O2 delivery (6.4 +/- 0.3 vs. 6.7 +/- 0.3), O2 consumption (2.5 +/- 0.1 vs. 2.5 +/- 0.1), and O2 ER (38.3 +/- 1.7 vs. 37.5 +/- 1.5). In the transfusion group, 7 of 21 patients had a postoperative O2 ER > or = 45 percent, while 3 of 35 in the nontransfused group had that result. CONCLUSION: The use of O2 ER as a transfusion trigger as part of a transfusion algorithm could lead to a reduction in allogeneic blood transfusion.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A routine program of evaluating mothers and infants 6 months after umbilical cord blood donation was started at the Milano Cord Blood Bank (MCBB) in 1996. This study evaluated the main outcomes of this program. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: All mothers donating cord blood at this bank from February 1996 through May 1999 were invited to visit the bank or the collection suite 6 months after delivery to report on the health condition of their babies and to provide a fresh blood sample for repeat basal serologic tests (HBsAg, anti-HCV, anti-HIV-1/2, and syphilis). A bank volunteer contacted the mothers by telephone to schedule their visits just before the expiration of the 6-month period. Before collection of the new sample, a trained operator interviewed the mothers to review the mother's medical history information collected at donation and to obtain the baby's postnatal medical history. RESULTS: Of the 2450 mothers enrolled in the study, 2315 (94.5%) attended the bank in agreement with the program, 4 promised to attend, 95 could not be traced, 26 declined the invitation, and 10 were unable to attend. Of the 135 mothers who could not be traced, 29 (21.4%) belonged to non-European ethnic groups. The average time spent with each mother was approximately 20 minutes. In serologic testing, one indeterminate anti-HCV seroconversion (c22) was detected. Collection of the baby's postnatal history reported one case of congenital urinary malformation not known at delivery, one of protein C deficiency, one of phenylketonuria, one of mucoviscidosis, and one of 10q- chromosomal abnormality. The cord blood components from all these births were discarded. CONCLUSION: These data support the feasibility of a routine 6-month program of evaluating mothers and babies giving cord blood at a cord blood bank. Such programs may increase the quality of components stored for transplantation.  相似文献   

One useful but underused parameter of fluid replacement is colloid oncotic pressure. Colloid oncotic pressure (COP) is one of the Starling forces that maintain a balance between intravascular and extravascular fluid. Systemic and pulmonary circulations exhibit differences that limit the usefulness of COP manipulation in the treatment of pulmonary edema, especially that associated with hypoxic damage or pulmonary contusion. Systemic transcapillary fluid transport, however, is governed significantly by COP, and serial measurements of COP can serve as useful guides for colloid replacement. In this paper we present instances in which COP determinations were found to be clinically helpful, and discuss colloid replacement during surgery.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of the principles of good practice that underpin intravenous (IV) therapy. The indications for choosing the IV route and selecting an appropriate vascular access device (VAD) are explained. Common insertion sites for VAD placement and the care and management of VADs are reviewed. Infection control aspects of IV therapy are be highlighted, including the management of IV equipment and the importance of the nurse's role in the prevention of infection associated with IV therapy. Common complications of IV therapy are explained and strategies suggested for their prevention. The article addresses the issues associated with general IV therapy, it does not address specialist subjects such as parenteral nutrition, chemotherapy or blood transfusion.  相似文献   

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