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Purpose The aim of the study was to explore the cause of the difference in the maximal rectal dose between the first and second high dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy applications by comparing the thickness of the anterior rectal wall. Materials and methods The rectal dose and the thickness of the anterior rectal wall were analyzed in 26 patients with prostate cancer. After undergoing external beam radiation treatment with a total isocenter dose of 50 Gy, they were treated with HDR brachytherapy of 7.5 Gy/fraction, two fractions daily. The interval between the first HDR brachytherapy session and the second was 5 h. The rectal doses were directly surveyed during irradiation of the HDR brachytherapy. Thickening of the anterior rectal wall was measured at the same level by axial computed tomography scans obtained before the first and second HDR brachytherapy applications. Results The maximal surveyed rectal doses during the first and second HDR brachytherapy applications were 188 ± 51 cGy and 220 ± 35 cGy, respectively (P < 0.01). The fluctuation ratio exceeded 1 in each case. The thickness of the anterior rectal wall before the first and second HDR brachytherapy applications was 18.78 ± 4.34 mm and 14.95 ± 4.09 mm (P < 0.01), respectively. The fluctuation difference exceeded 0 in each case. Conclusion The different rectal dose is attributable to thinning of the anterior rectal wall. The total rectal dose is within the range of doses at risk of exerting a toxic effect on the rectum.  相似文献   



We investigated possible associations between planned dose–volume parameters and rectal late toxicity in 170 patients having radical prostate cancer radiotherapy.


For each patient, the rectum was outlined from anorectal junction to sigmoid colon, and rectal dose was parametrized using dose–volume (DVH), dose–surface (DSH) and dose–line (DLH) histograms. Generation of DLHs differed from previous studies in that the rectal dose was parametrized without first unwrapping onto 2-dimensional dose–surface maps. Patient-reported outcomes were collected using a validated Later Effects in Normal Tissues Subjective, Objective, Management and Analytic questionnaire. Associations between dose and toxicity were assessed using a one-sided Mann–Whitney U test.


Associations (p < 0.05) were found between equieffective dose (EQD23) and late toxicity as follows: overall toxicity with DVH and DSH at 13–24 Gy; proctitis with DVH and DSH at 25–36 Gy and with DVH, DSH and DLH at 61–67 Gy; bowel urgency with DVH and DSH at 10–20 Gy. None of these associations met statistical significance following the application of a Bonferroni correction.


Independently confirmed associations between rectal dose and late toxicity remain elusive. Future work to increase the accuracy of the knowledge of the rectal dose, either by accounting for interfraction and intrafraction rectal motion or via stabilization of the rectum during treatment, may be necessary to allow for improved dose–toxicity comparisons.

Advances in knowledge:

This study is the first to use parametrized DLHs to study associations with patient-reported toxicity for prostate radiotherapy showing that it is feasible to model rectal dose mapping in three dimensions.  相似文献   

PurposeThe objective of this study was to determine if use of a rectal retractor (RR) in high-dose-rate intracavitary brachytherapy for cervical cancer reduces rectal dose parameters.Methods and MaterialsWe reviewed data obtained from patients treated with intracavitary brachytherapy for cervical cancer with and without an RR. Treatment plans for each brachytherapy fraction were separated into two groups; R group with use of an RR and P group with use of vaginal packing. Dose–volume parameters for high-risk clinical target volume (HR-CTV), rectum, sigmoid, small bowel, and vaginal surface were collected for each fraction. Rectal D2cc and International Commission on Radiation Units & Measurements (ICRU) rectal point doses were compared between groups using Student's t tests. Predictors of higher rectal D2cc were determined by univariate and multivariate regression analyses.ResultsFour hundred sixty-three brachytherapy fractions from 114 patients were used for analysis, 377 fractions with a RR (R group) and 86 with vaginal packing only (P group). Both groups were similar except for slightly higher mean HR-CTV and mean bladder volume in P group. Both mean ICRU rectal point dose (241.1 vs. 269.9 cGy, p = 0.006) and rectal D2cc (240.6 vs. 283.6 cGy, p < 0.001) were significantly higher in P group. Point A dose, HR-CTV, stage, and use of an RR were significant predictors of rectal D2cc on multivariate analysis.ConclusionsOur data show that use of an RR leads to lower rectal dose parameters compared with vaginal packing. Further study is needed to determine if this will lead to less long-term toxicity.  相似文献   

目的 应用深度学习神经网络高精度预测非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)患者容积旋转调强放疗(VMAT)计划的剂量分布。方法 基于Res-Unet基础网络引入大核空洞卷积模块和多头注意力(MHA)机制构建了MHA-resunet网络。在此基础上,以随机数表法从上千例接受VMAT放疗NSCLC患者中选取151例患者,以CT图像、计划靶区(PTV)与危及器官(OARs)轮廓作为输入,以剂量分布图作为输出训练神经网络。然后将该网络的性能与常用的几种网络的性能进行比较,通过PTV与OARs内的体素级平均绝对误差(MAE)和临床剂量体积指标误差对网络性能进行评估。结果 基于MHA-resunet网络的预测剂量与真实计划剂量的平均绝对误差在靶区内为1.51 Gy,靶区的D98D95误差均<1 Gy。与Res-Unet、Atten-Unet、DCNN 3种常用网络比较,MHA-resunet在靶区与除心脏外的OARs内的剂量误差均为最小。结论 MHA-resunet网络通过提高感受野来学习靶区与危及器官的相对位置关系,能够准确地预测接受VMAT放疗的NSCLC患者的剂量分布。  相似文献   

《Medical Dosimetry》2023,48(1):8-15
Whole pelvic radiotherapy (WPRT) can sterilize microscopic lymph node metastases in treatment of prostate cancer. WPRT, compared to prostate only radiotherapy (PORT), is associated with increased acute gastrointestinal, and hematological toxicities. To further explore minimizing normal tissue toxicities associated with WPRT in definitive IMRT for prostate cancer, this planning study compared dosimetric differences between static 9-field-IMRT, full arc VMAT, and mixed partial-full arc VMAT techniques. In this retrospective study, 12 prostate cancer patients who met the criteria for WPRT were randomly selected for this study. The initial volume, PTV46, included the prostate, seminal vesicles, and pelvic nodes with margin and was prescribed to 4600 cGy. The cone-down volume, PTV78, included the prostate and proximal seminal vesicles with margin to a total dose of 7800 cGy. For each CT image set, 3 plans were generated for each of the PTVs: an IMRT plan, a full arc (FA) VMAT plan, and a mixed partial-full arc (PFA) VMAT plan, using 6MV photons energy. According to RTOG protocols none of the plans had a major Conformity Index (CI) violation by any of the 3 planning techniques. PFA plan had the best mean CI index of 1.00 and significantly better than IMRT (p = 0.03) and FA (p = 0.007). For equivalent PTV coverage, the average composite gradient index of the PFA plans was better than the IMRT and the FA plans with values 1.92, 2.03, and 2.01 respectively. The defference was statistically significant between PFA/IMRT and PFA/FA, with p- values of < 0.001. The IMRT plans and the PFA plans provided very similar doses to the rectum, bladder, sigmoid colon, and femoral heads, which were lower than the dose in the FA plans. There was a significant decrease in the mean dose to the rectum from 4524 cGy with the FA to 4182 cGy with the PFA and 4091 cGy with IMRT (p < 0.001). The percent of rectum receiving 4000 cGy was also the highest with FA at 66.1% compared to 49.9% (PFA) and 47.5% (IMRT). There was a significant decrease in the mean dose to the bladder from 3922 cGy (FA) to 3551 cGy (PFA) and 3612 cGy (IMRT) (p < 0.001). The percent of bladder receiving 4000 cGy was also the highest with FA at 45.4% compared to 36.6% (PFA) and 37.4% (IMRT). The average mean dose to the sigmoid colon decreased from 4177 cGy (FA) to 3893 cGy (PFA) and 3819 cGy (IMRT). The average mean dose to the femoral heads decreased from 2091 cGy (FA) to 2026 cGy (PFA) and 1987 cGy (IMRT). Considering the improvement in plan quality indices recorded in this study including the dose gradient and the dose to organs at risk, mixed partial-full arc plans may be the preferred VMAT treatment technique over full arc plans for prostate cancer treatments that include nodal volumes.  相似文献   

目的:比较质子调强和光子容积旋转调强在胰腺癌大分割放射治疗计划中的剂量学差异。方法:回顾性选取10例胰腺癌患者临床资料,分别使用Eclipse和RayStation进行容积旋转调强治疗(VMAT)和质子调强治疗(IMPT)的计划设计。完成计划后的剂量文件统一导入MIM软件以提取评估参数。主要评估参数包括计划靶区(PTV...  相似文献   

目的:探寻以单光子发射计算机断层成像术/计算机断层成像术(SPECT/CT)射线探测为基础的剂量验证参数以及其评价前列腺癌粒子植入疗效的可行性。 方法:应用SPECT/CT扫描一位前列腺癌粒子植入患者,将SPECT图像与CT图像融合,调整融合图像的放射性浓聚范围与术后计划中145 Gy、217.5 Gy等剂量线范围一致。并记录不同剂量时放射性浓聚计数值。观察两个计数值曲线包含的靶区及危及器官的范围,计算两种计数值放射性浓聚所包含的体积与靶体积之比。随访4年,确认患者肿瘤控制良好,无并发症。然后用以上等计数值曲线包绕靶区范围及浓聚体积与靶体积比评价另外一位前列腺癌患者并随访。 结果:第一例患者SPECT/CT融合图像中与145 Gy等剂量曲线一致的计数值约为200,此曲线包含的体积与靶体积之比为106%,其范围累及部分直肠前壁。相当于217.5 Gy等剂量线的计数值为300,此曲线包含的体积与靶体积之比为58%,此曲线未包含尿道。第二例患者200等计数值曲线完全包绕靶区,累及部分直肠前壁,曲线内体积与靶体积之比为176%。300等计数值曲线范围累及部分尿道,曲线内体积与靶体积之比为74%。现患者术后3月,PSA降至正常。无排尿相关症状。 结论:SPECT/CT可以探测到前列腺癌内125I粒子的剂量分布并成像,将放射性浓聚程度与剂量关联,可能成为评价前列腺癌粒子植入疗效的新方法。  相似文献   

《Medical Dosimetry》2023,48(3):181-186
This study aimed to assess the impact of rotational setup errors on the target volume's dose distribution during radiotherapy for prostate cancer. A 6D robotic couch was used to describe the rotational setup error, and the dosage change in the target volume was analyzed using the planning evaluation factors. Treatment plans for three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT), intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), and volumetric modulated arc radiotherapy (VMAT) were established after contouring the target volume and surrounding normal tissues on tomography obtained from the humanoid phantom. A 6D robotic couch was employed in the radiation room to describe the rotational setup errors of ±1° to ±5° in roll, yaw, and pitch, and cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images were obtained. Furthermore, the dose distribution was extracted from the 3DCRT, IMRT, and VMAT treatment plans, dose mapping was performed on CBCT that depicts the rotational setup error. Target coverage(TC) decreased by 0.39% to 2.17% in roll, 0.43% to 2.59% in yaw, and 0.70% to 4.12% in pitch, respectively. In the comparison using the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) protocol criteria, when the rotational setup error of VMAT pitch was -2° or more, more than +1°, a target coverage of 95% or lower was shown, indicating the greatest effect among rotational setup errors. Furthermore, in 3DCRT, IMRT, and VMAT, the rotational setup error showed the greatest effect in pitch, and the dose change was larger in VMAT than in 3DCRT and IMRT. Therefore, specific rotational error due to pitch during radiotherapy for prostate cancer requires special consideration. Moreover, the more sophisticated and complex algorithms, such as VMAT, applied, the greater the dose change of target coverage due to rotational error; therefore, caution is required.  相似文献   

目的研究基于计划靶区(PTV)的前列腺癌质子调强放疗(IMPT)计划与光子容积旋转调强放疗(VMAT)计划的剂量学特性,评估其计划质量差异,为临床应用提供参考。方法回顾性选取10例前列腺癌患者,分别用RayStation和Eclipse治疗计划系统基于PTV设计IMPT和快速旋转容积调强(RapidArc)计划,前者采用两平行对穿野进行多野优化(MFO),分别用笔形束(PB)和蒙特卡罗(MC)进行最终的剂量计算,数据模型源于IBA Protues Plus(IBA Group,比利时)笔形束扫描(PBS)质子治疗系统;后者采用双全弧计划,数据模型源于美国瓦里安Clinac iX直线加速器。通过剂量体积直方图(DVH)和剂量分布等比较两种治疗技术靶区和危及器官受量。结果对于靶区而言,PB-IMPT和MC-IMPT计划的均匀性指数(HI)均要略优于RapidArc计划,但适形度指数(CI)均要略低于RapidArc计划;PB-IMRT计划的D1%要明显的优于MC-IMPT和RapidArc计划,且差异均有统计学意义(Z=-2.805、-2.803,P<0.05);PB-IMPT和MC-IMPT计划在直肠V30(Z=-2.191、-1.988,P<0.05)和Dmean(Z=-2.599、-2.497,P<0.05),膀胱V30(Z=-2.701、-2.701,P<0.05)、V40(Z=-2.395、-2.395,P<0.05)和Dmean(Z=-2.701、-2.701,P<0.05)的保护上要优于RapidArc计划,且差异有统计学意义;对于前列腺癌PB-IMPT和MC-IMPT计划,除了靶区D1%(73.86±67.34)Gy(RBE)vs.(75.45±2.01)Gy(RBE)和HI(0.040±0.010 vs.0.058±0.020)有较明显差别外,其余两者之间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论两种不同的治疗技术均能满足临床治疗的要求,但IMPT计划相比RapidArc计划明显地降低了危及器官的受量,更好地保护了周围正常组织,提高了计划的质量,具有较为明显的剂量学优势。  相似文献   

Rich  TA; Weiss  DR; Mies  C; Fitzgerald  TJ; Chaffey  JT 《Radiology》1985,156(2):527-531
Twenty-six patients with small cancers limited to the lower two-thirds of the rectum were treated with conservative surgery and radiation therapy (XRT). The selection factors for this approach were age, refusal of a permanent colostomy, or the high risk of local recurrence because of inadequate surgical margin or palpable residual tumor after local surgical treatment alone. In patients treated with local excision or fulguration followed by XRT, there was a 6% local failure rate (one in 17); in 16 of 17 patients receiving radiation doses above 4,500 cGy, the local control was complete for follow-up periods of 6 months to 7 years. In nine patients treated with XRT for residual tumor, local failure occurred in five (56%). The disease-free survival for those without residual tumor versus those with residual tumor was 88% and 44%, with median follow-up periods of 20 and 23 months, respectively. Serious late complications occurred only if total doses were greater than 6,300 cGy. Local excision combined with XRT proved to be a safe alternative to radical surgery in selected patients and resulted in excellent local control while allowing preservation of anal sphincter function.  相似文献   

《Medical Dosimetry》2020,45(2):140-148
Dose-wall histograms (DWHs) have been used as alternatives to dose-volume histograms (DVHs) for hollow organs, with the rationale that the dose delivered to the interior of a hollow organ would be unrelated to the level of radiation damage. The purpose of this study is to conduct a statistical comparison of dose statistics for both walled and solid structure contours for both bladder and rectum in the treatment of intermediate risk prostate cancer with volumetric arc therapy (VMAT). Ten intermediate risk prostate cases were randomly selected. Rectum and bladder were first contoured as solid structures, and then the corresponding wall structures were generated using either a slice-by-slice cropping (2D method), or with a full 3D cropping tool (3D method). Each case was then inverse planned using a 2-arc VMAT technique. Two plans per case were created, 1 with a hypofractionated treatment and 1 with a standard fractionated treatment. DVHs were calculated for solid structure contours, and DWHs were calculated for the walled structure contours generated using 2D and 3D contouring tools. A nonparametric Spearman statistic correlation test was used to compare a large number of relevant dose histogram points, and to establish the relationship between dose statistics for walled and solid structures. Several notable relationships were observed. Maximum rectal dose was strongly correlated between the solid structure and both the 2D-generated (Spearman's correlation rs = 0.988, p < 0.01) and 3D-generated (rs = 0.952 p< 0.01) wall structures. This indicates that the rectal hot spot occurred in or near the wall for all cases, suggesting that both structure types give similar maximum dose information for rectum. Maximum bladder dose was not significantly correlated between solid structures and the 2D (rs = 0.596, p= 0.069) and 3D-generated (rs = 0.681, p= 0.03) counterparts. This suggests that the maximum dose is not consistently in or near the bladder wall. This favors the use of bladder wall contours when considering bladder toxicity, with the maximum dose to the wall potentially being more relevant radiobiologically. This analysis was extended to many other relevant points on the rectum and bladder histogram curves. Where correlations are strong, equations of best-fit are presented. This work establishes several statistically-significant relationships between bladder and rectum DVHs and DWHs for VMAT irradiation of intermediate-risk prostate cancer. This information may be used to inform contouring requirements for clinical trial design as well as for standard patient care.  相似文献   


Background and purpose

It has been previously reported that a short FOLFOX-4 induction significantly improves pathologic complete response in locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC) patients treated with preoperative chemoradiation (CRT). In a larger and updated patient series, we analyzed FOLFOX-4 efficacy in terms of sphincter preservation and long-term outcomes.

Patients and methods

From January 1995 to December 2010, 335 LARC patients were treated with preoperative chemoradiation (4500–5040 cGy). Starting in May 2001, 207 consecutive patients additionally received induction FOLFOX-4. Surgery was performed 6 weeks (range 3–12 weeks) after chemoradiation.


Incidence of total tumor (63 vs. 54?%, p?=?0.02) and nodal downstaging (60 vs. 43?%, p?=?0.002) was significantly increased by induction FOLFOX-4. In an analysis of tumors located below 5 cm from the anal verge (n?=?114, 34?%), sphincter preservation was feasible in 30?% in the FOLFOX-4 versus 13?% in the upfront CRT group (p?=?0.04). Median follow-up time for the entire cohort of patients was 72.6 months (range 4–205 months). FOLFOX-4 was not associated with superior locoregional control (HR 0.88, p?=?0.78), disease-free survival (HR 0.83, p?=?0.55), distant metastases-free survival (HR 0.94, p?=?0.81), or cancer-specific survival (HR 0.70, p?=?0.15).


Short-intense induction FOLFOX-4 significantly improves downstaging and sphincter preservation in low rectal tumors. Long-term outcomes were not improved in the FOLFOX-4 group of patients.  相似文献   



To make dosimetric comparisons of volumetric-modulated arc therapy (VMAT) and 7-field intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) with dynamic MLCs using the Monaco treatment planning system with Monte Carlo algorithm.

Materials and methods

Single-arc VMAT and 7-field IMRT treatment plans were compared for 12 intermediate risk prostate cancer patients treated with prostate and seminal vesicle radiotherapy. For all patients, the prescribed dose was 78 Gy delivered in 39 fractions. The dosimetric data of IMRT and VMAT plans with 6, 10 and 15 MV energies were compared. The comparison was made for target volume, organs at risk (OAR) doses, and for monitor units (MU).


The normal tissue surrounding the target were lower in VMAT plans compared to IMRT plans. VMAT plans achieved lower doses to all OARs for nearly all dosimetric endpoints. VMAT plans achieved 9.4, 9.0 and 7.0 % relative decrease in MUs required for RT delivery, for 6, 10 and 15 MV energy levels, respectively. The target volume and OAR dosimetric values did not differ significantly between 6, 10 and 15 MV photon energies.


VMAT plans were found to be dosimetrically equivalent to IMRT plans for prostate cancer patients, with better rectum and bladder sparing and fewer MUs required.  相似文献   

Objectives: The aim of this study was to define a method to evaluate the total dose delivered to the rectum during the whole treatment course in six patients undergoing irradiation for prostate cancer using an offline definition of organ motion with images from a cone beam CT (CBCT) scanner available on a commercial linear accelerator. Methods: Patient set-up was verified using a volumetric three-dimensional CBCT scanner; 9-14 CBCT scans were obtained for each patient. Images were transferred to a commercial treatment planning system for offline organ motion analysis. The shape of the rectums were used to obtain a mean dose-volume histogram (), which was the average of the DVHs of the rectums as they appeared in each verification CBCT. A geometric model of an average rectum (AR) was produced using the rectal contours delineated on the CBCT scans (DVH(AR)). To check whether the first week of treatment was representative of the whole treatment course, we evaluated the DVHs related to only the first five CBCT scans ( and DVH(AR5)). Finally, the influence of a dietary protocol on the goodness of our results was considered. Results: In all six patients the original rectal DVH for the planning CT scan showed higher values than all DVHs. Conclusion: Although the application of the model to a larger set of patients is necessary to confirm this trend, reconstruction of a representative volume of the rectum throughout the entire treatment course seems feasible.  相似文献   



To determine the variability of patient positioning errors associated with intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) for prostate cancer and to assess the impact of thermoplastic pelvic immobilization on these errors using kilovoltage (kV) cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT).

Materials and methods

From February 2012 to June 2012, the records of 314 IMRT sessions in 19 patients with prostate cancer, performed with or without immobilization at two different facilities in the Korea University Hospital were analyzed. The kV CBCT images were matched to simulation computed tomography (CT) images to determine the simulation-to-treatment variability. The shifts along the x (lateral)-, y (longitudinal)- and z (vertical)-axes were measured, as was the shift in the three dimensional (3D) vector.


The measured systematic errors in the immobilized group during treatment were 0.46?±?1.75 mm along the x-axis, ??0.35?±?3.83 mm along the y-axis, 0.20?±?2.75 mm along the z-axis and 4.05?±?3.02 mm in the 3D vector. Those of nonimmobilized group were ??1.45?±?7.50 mm along the x-axis, 1.89?±?5.07 mm along the y-axis, 0.28?±?3.81 mm along the z-axis and 8.90?±?4.79 mm in the 3D vector. The group immobilized with pelvic thermoplastics showed reduced interfractional variability along the x- and y-axes and in the 3D vector compared to the nonimmobilized group (p?<?0.05).


IMRT with thermoplastic pelvic immobilization in patients with prostate cancer appears to be useful in stabilizing interfractional variability during the planned treatment course.  相似文献   

PurposeCertain subsets of patients have an increased risk of all-cause mortality when androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) is used with definitive radiotherapy. We evaluated the relationship between pretreatment serum testosterone, age, and comorbidities on survival after prostate brachytherapy in men treated with and without ADT.Methods and MaterialsFrom October 2001 to September 2005, 803 patients underwent brachytherapy and 720 had a pretreatment serum testosterone. Comorbidities were prospectively recorded for each patient (body mass index > 30, hypertension, diabetes, current smoker). Median followup was 5.0 years. 34.2% of the patients received ADT. Focus was on subset of men who might be expected to have more significant side effects associated with ADT.ResultsADT did not significantly impact overall survival (OS) in men <65 years, >65 years, with one or no comorbidities, with more than one comorbidity, or with normal/high testosterone level. ADT use in men with low testosterone level was associated with decreased OS (83.6% vs. 93.1%, p = 0.01). The adverse impact of ADT in men with low testosterone level was restricted to men with low testosterone level and more than one comorbidity (OS of 71.3% vs. 92.8%, p < 0.01), with death from cardiovascular diseases accounting for almost all of the excess mortality. The subset of men with multiple comorbidities and normal/high testosterone level did not experience adverse OS with ADT.ConclusionsLow pretreatment testosterone level may be a marker for men at increased risk of premature death with ADT. The combination of low pretreatment serum testosterone level and multiple preexisting comorbidities is associated with decreased OS when ADT is incorporated into treatment.  相似文献   

《Medical Dosimetry》2023,48(3):193-196
We performed daily cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) to determine the impact of rectal gas on the movements of prostate and seminal vesicles (SVs). We aimed to determine the relationship between planning target volume (PTV) margins and rectal gas. In 30 treatments of 15 prostate cancer patients, excessive rectal gas was removed and CBCT images were analyzed. Image registration between planning CT and daily CBCT images before and after rectal gas removal was performed for pelvic bone and prostate matching. The couch movement distance between each matching was considered the prostate movement. In addition, we measured SV tip movement between each matching. The anterior–posterior movement of the prostate before rectal gas removal (3.1 ± 2.9 mm) was significantly greater than that after rectal gas removal (1.2 ± 1.2 mm; p < 0.01). The left–right and superior–inferior movements were similar regardless of the presence or absence of rectal gas. The SV movement distances before and after rectal gas removal were 11.0 ± 5.8 mm and 4.6 ± 3.8 mm, respectively (p < 0.01), in pelvic bone matching, and 8.0 ± 4.2 mm and 3.8 ± 3.2 mm, respectively (p < 0.01), in prostate matching. After rectal gas removal, the SV position did not differ significantly between each matching. In 26 of the 30 treatments, SV movement distance in the presence of rectal gas was >6 mm, which is the minimum PTV margin at our institution. In comparison, after rectal gas removal and prostate matching, only 6 treatments demonstrated an SV movement distance of >6 mm. In the presence of rectal gas, the SVs require greater PTV margins than the prostate. Rectal gas removal should be considered if the movement distance on prostate matching is greater than the minimum PTV margin at treating institution.  相似文献   


Background and purpose

Acute bowel toxicity significantly affects the quality of life of patients treated with pelvic radiotherapy. This study was performed to assess whether pretreatment with famotidine can reduce acute radiation toxicities in patients undergoing radiotherapy for prostate cancer.

Patients and methods

Between April 2012 and February 2013, 36 patients undergoing radiotherapy for prostate cancer were enrolled to receive either placebo or famotidine. The patients received external-beam radiotherapy up to 70 Gy at daily fractions of 1.8–2 Gy (5 days/week). Oral famotidine 40 mg (80 mg/day) or placebo was administered twice daily (4 and 3 h prior to each radiotherapy fraction). Bowel and bladder acute toxicities were evaluated weekly during radiotherapy and once thereafter according to RTOG grading criteria.


Famotidine was well tolerated. No grade III or higher acute toxicities were noted in the two groups. Grade II rectal toxicity developed significantly more often in patients receiving placebo than in patients receiving famotidine (10/18 vs. 2/16, p?=?0.009). Moreover, no rectal bleeding occurred in the famotidine group, while 5 patients in the placebo group experienced rectal bleeding during treatment (p?=?0.046). The duration of rectal toxicity in the radiotherapy course was also reduced in the famotidine group (15.7 vs. 25.2 days, p?=?0.027). No significant difference between the two groups was observed in terms of urinary toxicity.


We demonstrated for the first time that famotidine significantly reduces radiation-induced injury on rectal mucosa representing a suitable radioprotector for patients treated with radiotherapy for prostate cancer.  相似文献   

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