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Inverse psoriasis is characterized by the development of erythematous shiny plaques at intertriginous areas of the body. It has a prevalence of 2% worldwide. The usefulness of levodopa in psoriasis was discovered in 1970 but nowadays it is not a standard therapy for this condition. A 74‐year‐old woman was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease subsequent to the development of extensive inverse psoriasis. The skin lesions were resistant to classical topical and systemic medications. Treatment with levodopa was initiated in order to treat her neurological problem and progressive remission of the skin lesions was noted. We highlight the role of dopamine in the pathophysiology of this dermatosis.  相似文献   

BackgroundPressure ulcers are the most common complications in bedridden patients or those with spinal cord injuries. Marjolin's ulcer refers to a malignant transformation arising from burn scars or chronic nonhealing wounds—such as pressure ulcers—over many years. Squamous cell carcinoma is the major histopathologic type of Marjolin's ulcer, and the gold standard for diagnosis is tissue biopsy. Medical professionals may have difficulty distinguishing pressure ulcers from Marjolin's ulcer, especially when the latter presents with invasive infections. Thus, malignant transformations arising from pressure ulcers are frequently overlooked. Herein, we describe a case of squamous cell carcinoma arising from pressure ulcers on the left ischium, which was initially identified as a necrotizing soft tissue infection.Case reportA 59-year-old paraplegic patient presented with stage 3 left ischial pressure ulcer, which involves full-thickness skin loss and extends into deep subcutaneous tissue, and arrived at our hospital with suspected sepsis. Upon physical examination, the patient presented with fever and shivering. Initial examination and imaging findings revealed the presence of necrotizing soft tissue infections. Three weeks later, rapid increase in granulation in the deep part of the ulcer was observed. Samples from multiples ulcer sites were collected for tissue biopsy. Finally, histological examination revealed well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. The patient received radiation therapy and chemotherapy and died 11 months after the diagnosis.ConclusionMalignant transformations arising from pressure ulcers may closely resemble pressure ulcer infections. In these cases, tissue biopsies should be performed during primary care for the infection to exclude malignant transformations.  相似文献   

The case of a 73‐year old man with herpes simplex and staphylococcus aureus infection complicating established Grover's disease is presented. This was treated successfully with valaciclovir. While reports of bacterial and herpetic infections complicating other acantholytic diseases, such as Darier's disease, have been published previously, only one publication to date shows herpes simplex infection in Grover's disease.  相似文献   

The patient was a 54-year-old Japanese man with a seven-month history of an eroded lesion on the scrotum. Skin biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of extramammary Paget's disease, and a CT scan revealed multiple metastases to the lymph nodes along the iliac artery and aorta. The patient underwent combination chemotherapy with mitomycin C, epirubicin, vincristine, cisplatin, and 5-fluorouracil. After two courses of the regimen, the primary lesions on the scrotum regressed, however, the lymph node metastases did not respond. A regimen of continuous administration of low-dose cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil was not effective for the metastases either. Hence, administration of docetaxel at a dose of 60 mg/m2/every four weeks was started. After two courses, the lymph node metastases decreased by 75% compared to the pre-treatment size, and the effect was judged a partial response. The major toxicities were neutropenia, alopecia, pitting edema, and facial erythema, but these were tolerable. Five courses of this regimen were followed by four courses of weekly administration of 25 mg/m2 docetaxel. The partial response persisted for more than 12 months and the patient was able to enjoy daily life. Docetaxel may be an effective drug for patients with advanced extramammary Paget's disease.  相似文献   

Backrest elevation for a patient with a sacral-coccygeal pressure ulcer is necessary in certain situations, particularly to enable the patient to take meals. Deep pressure ulcers with undermining formations affect patients and create challenges for caregivers. The procedure of backrest elevation potentially worsens the pre-existing sacral-coccygeal pressure ulcers with undermining formations. Here, we report a Case of the clinical care of a patient using a simple approach for backrest elevation that minimizes additional injury to the existing sacral pressure ulcer covered with granulation tissue. In this case, we performed the backrest elevation in the semi-lateral position. After the backrest elevation, the patient was repositioned to the supine position to take a meal. The supine position was allowed at any time except during backrest elevation. The pressure ulcer of the patient improved rapidly using the combined treatment of our positioning approach and appropriate topical ointments. This practical approach may be effective for some patients as it potentially decreases the effect of shear force. The rationale for this approach can be explained by the mechanism of the undermining formation outlined in our experimental study using a pressure ulcer model mounted to a phantom. Although we used this position for patients with sacral-coccygeal pressure ulcers, this simple approach may also be considered for other patients based on our proposed pathogenesis of undermining formations.  相似文献   

We report the case of a 25-year-old man with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, presenting with perianal ulcer and diarrhea. He had positive immunocytochemical tests for Cytomegalovirus (CMV) in circulating polymorphonuclear cells (PMN). The biopsy specimen was suggestive of CMV infection, and specific immunoperoxidase for CMV antigens positively stained endothelial cells and fibroblasts. In this report we review cutaneous CMV infection in immunocompromised patients.  相似文献   

The relationship between angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia (ALHE) and Kimura's disease has always been contentious. Initially, ALHE and Kimura's disease were thought to be conditions within the same disease spectrum, but it is now widely accepted that they are two separate disease entities. The two lesions may coexist in one patient. Thus, ALHE and Kimura's disease may be different manifestations of the one disease.  相似文献   

Thyroid storm is an uncommon condition manifesting in severe thyrotoxicosis with a high mortality rate. The concurrence of peptic ulcer disease and hyperthyroidism is rare due to concurrent activation of both the sympathetic and parasympathetic pathways. We present a case of perforated giant gastric ulcer with concurrent thyroid storm who underwent damage control surgery with emergency patch repair with falciform ligament and recovered well. CASE SUMMARYA 53-year-old male chronic smoker, with no previous medical history, presented with severe generalized abdominal pain and vomiting for one day duration. Further history revealed weight loss, diarrhea, and anxiety over the past three months. On clinical examination, patient was febrile with temperature of 38.6 Degrees Celsius and tachycardic at 130-140 beats per minute, his blood pressure was low at 90/50mmHg. His abdomen was tender with generalized peritonism. In view of his clinical history, a thyroid screen was ordered which showed raised thyroxine (T4) levels of 90.3 pmol/L and low thyroxine stimulating hormone (TSH) levels of 0.005 μU/mL. Chest X-ray showed no sub-diaphragmatic free air, but contrasted CT scan revealed pneumoperitoneum with large amount of intraabdominal free fluid. The working diagnosis was perforated peptic ulcer complicated by thyroid storm. An urgent endocrinologist consult was made, and patient was started on beta blocker and intravenous steroids pre-operatively. The patient underwent emergency laparotomy with washout and patch repair of the perforated gastric ulcer. Patient was monitored post-operatively in intensive care unit and required IV hydrocortisone and Lugol’s iodine. Histology of the ulcer edges showed no malignancy. On post-operative day seven, T4 decreased to 20.4 pmol/L, TSH was 0.005 mLU/L. His thyroid function test subsequently normalized 3 mo post-operatively with T4 18.1 pmol/L, TSH 1.91 mLU/L. Patient’s recovery was otherwise uneventful. Thyroid receptor antibody subsequently was positive, and patient was managed for Grave’s disease by the endocrinologist. CONCLUSIONThis case highlights the rare but life-threatening clinical emergency of peptic ulcer perforation complicated by thyroid storm. Multidisciplinary perioperative management is crucial to optimize patient for surgery and damage control principles should be taken for an acute surgical patient with concurrent endocrine crisis.  相似文献   

Bowen's disease is a cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in situ with a potential risk of progression to invasive SCC. Despite the high number of approved treatments, elderly patients with extensive lesions of critical sites may represent a therapeutical challenge, especially in cases of treatment failure or recalcitrant disease. Here, we report the successfully use of topical Imiquimod 3.75% to treat an extensive Bowen's disease of the cheek in an elderly.  相似文献   

The histopathologic characteristics of reactions caused by the many novel anticancer agents are under‐recognized. We report a case of a 67‐year‐old female with locally advanced metastatic breast cancer, who initially presented with an extensive reticulated erythematous patch on the trunk caused by intravascular metastases confirmed by a skin biopsy. Owing to disease progression, she was started on ixabepilone, a mitotic inhibitor. While receiving ixabepilone, another skin biopsy was obtained and initially interpreted as extramammary Paget's disease. However, the biopsy showed metaphase arrest of numerous keratinocytes in the basilar and suprabasilar epidermis. Atypical epithelial cells were only present in the intravascular spaces similar to the initial biopsy. Given the temporal association between the initiation of ixabepilone therapy and the epidermal mitotic arrest, a diagnosis of chemotherapy reaction to ixabepilone was rendered. Ixabepilone is an analog of epothilone, a microtubule stabilizer causing mitotic arrest of the cell cycle approved for the treatment of metastatic and locally advanced treatment‐resistant breast cancer. The demonstration of epidermal mitotic arrest caused by ixabepilone is without precedent. The case emphasizes the importance of considering a chemotherapy reaction in the histologic differential diagnosis of epidermal mitotic arrest in a cancer patient receiving chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Neurological involvement is a rare extracutanenous manifestation of Sweet's syndrome. We present a novel case of radiation therapy‐induced neuro‐Sweet disease in a patient receiving treatment for an oral squamous cell carcinoma.  相似文献   

A case of hemorrhage into a plexiform neurofibroma of a 53-year-old woman is described. Immediately after trauma to the plexiform neurofibroma on her scalp, she noticed severe headaches and sudden enlargement of the tumor. The tumor continued to enlarge slowly. Her headaches also continued until tumor excision. The specimen taken during surgery surrounded a round cavity about 7 cm in diameter containing coagulated blood. Numerous, old, perivascular hemorrhages around many dilated vessels with extremely thin walls were revealed by histological examination.  相似文献   

A case of Bowen's disease (BD) that appeared in the perianal region of a 65-year-old Japanese woman coexistent with chronic adult T cell leukemia (ATL) is described. Histopathological findings revealed that irregularly arranged tumor cells with atypical nuclei throughout the epidermis, which itself disclosed hyperkeratosis, dyskeratotic cells, and clumping cells. Positive staining for HPV antigens was immunohistochemically seen in several nuclei of the tumor cells. Electron microscopic study of the tumor tissue disclosed virus particles of about 50 nm in diameter form the squamous cells. A positive band at 256 bp was obtained by PCR using HPV-L1 primer. The amplified DNA by L1 primer completely corresponded to that of HPV-58.  相似文献   

Until now, there have only been two cases describing the coexistence of angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia (ALHE) and Kimura's disease in one patient. Herein, we report the previous case of recurrent ALHE and Kimura's disease that was successfully treated with surgery.  相似文献   

We present a 79-year-old man who suffered from extramammary Paget's disease (EMPD) with bowenoid histological features accompanied by an ectopic EMPD lesion on his abdomen. He had had an erythematous plaque on his genital region for three years. Based on a biopsy specimen, he was referred to our hospital with the histological diagnosis of Bowen's disease. The histological findings of the genital lesion obtained by surgical resection showed typical areas of Paget's cells adjacent to areas characteristic of Bowen's disease. Immunohistochemical findings showed CEA and CK7 positive tumor cells in both areas, so the atypical cells showing the bowenoid pattern could be regarded as tumor cells of Paget's disease. Immunohistochemical staining for CEA and CK7 along with multiple biopsies can be helpful in making the diagnosis of Paget's disease with bowenoid histologic features.  相似文献   

We report three Bowen's disease (BD) cases treated with ingenol mebutate (IM), a novel topical chemotherapeutic agent approved for the treatment of actinic keratosis (AK) that is available in two doses: 0.015% and 0.05%. Three women diagnosed with BD exhibited a positive response after 2 or 3 day period of IM treatment, depending on lesion location. In the three cases, clinical resolution was observed 4 or 9 weeks posttreatment, and was confirmed with histopathology. Local skin reactions were common the first week after treatment but they resolved spontaneously. In our opinion these cases, along with another case reported in Germany, support the concept of commencing of clinical trials using IM on patients with BD.  相似文献   

Squamous cell carcinoma in situ, also known as Bowen's disease (BD), is a skin malignancy most commonly seen in middle‐aged and elderly adults. Pediatric BD is rare and can be a diagnostic challenge for physicians. Digital BD has largely been associated with human papilloma virus. We report an immunocompetent 11‐year‐old girl with periungual pigmented BD induced by high‐risk human papilloma virus.  相似文献   

We have treated two patients with extramammary Paget's disease/carcinoma (EMPD/C), a 62-year-old woman and a 78-year-old man. In both patients, lymph nodes in the areas of the bilateral inguinal, external iliac arteries, and abdominal aorta were affected. After surgery, they underwent 5 courses of systemic combination chemotherapy at 4-week intervals to residual or recurrent lymph node metastasis. Each course consisted of 3.5 mg mitomycin C and 50 mg epirubicin (day 1), 0.6 mg vincristine (days 1 and 7), 30 mg cisplatin (days 1, 2, and 3), and 350 mg 5-fluorouracil (days 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7). The affected lymph nodes in both patients subsided in response to the chemotherapy. Positron emission tomography (PET) scans confirmed the complete remission of lymph node metastasis in Case 1. In Case 2, they were reduced by more than 90% on computed tomography (CT) scans. Adverse effects included leukocytopenia, vomiting, hypesthesia, and constipation, all of which disappeared after the completion of chemotherapy. While surgery with wide local excision is the treatment of choice in patients with EMPD/C, there is currently no standardized treatment for advanced cases with metastasis. We describe two patients with EMPD/C whose metastatic lesions responded well to this combination of chemotherapy.  相似文献   

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