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Nine severely disabled clinically definite chronic progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) patients who had at least one determination of intra-blood-brain-barrier (BBB) IgG synthesis rate of greater than 7 mg/day (upper limit of normal=3.3) participated in this study. Seven patients were given 1 gram of methylprednisolone sodium succinate (MP) by intravenous infusion over 30 minutes once a day for 3 days. Statistically significant (p<.05) reduction in intra-BBB IgG synthesis (mg/day) was seeen in 4/7 patients, but in only 2 were normal levels of synthesis rate (<3.3 mg/day) attained. Rebound of IgG synthesis to premedication rates occurred within 30 days in 2/4 patients. There was no change in intensity or pattern of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) oligoclonal IgG bands by isoelectric focusing, immunofixation, and silver staining. A subsequent course of intrathecal methylprednisolone acetate (MPA) (80 mg twice a week for 5 weeks) was given to 5 of the 7 patients and to 2 additional patients not previously treated. In spite of signs of subarachnoid inflammation, a statistically significant depression of intra-BB synthesis, which far exceeded that from the pulse treatment occurred in all 7, including the 2 patients whose intra-BBB IgG synthesis rates were previously resistant to pulse steroid administration. Normal levels of synthesis were rapidly reached in 4/7 patients; however, an IgG synthesis rebound occurred in 3/7 patiens which was just as rapid. One out of 7 patients showed a temporary reduction in the number of cathodic IgG oligoclonal bands in the CSF. Two patients required discontinuation of treatment due to aseptic meningitis in one and progressive weakness in the other. Clinically, these severely afflicted patients with fixed deficits remained unchanged with either treatment protocol. While MPA and ACTH have similar initial effect on the central nervous systems (CNS) inflammatory response in MS, the well documented risk of serious adversities with MPA prohibit its clinical use in MS in its present form.
Sommario 9 pazienti affetti da una forma avanzata di MS definita come progressiva cronica che avevano almeno una determinazione dell'indice di sintesi delle IgG di barriera emato-encefalica (BBB) superiore a 7 mg. pro die (limite superiore al normale=3.3) hanno partecipato a questa ricerca. A 7 pazienti è stato somministrato 1 g. di metilprednisolone sodio succinato per via endovenosa per la durata di 30 minuti una volta al giormo per 3 giorni. In 4 su 7 pazienti è stata vista una riduzione statisticamente significativa della BBB mentre solo in due pazienti si raggiunsero i normali livelli di sintesi. In 2 su 4 pazienti il ritorno ai valori pre medicazione avvenne in 30 giorni. Non vi è stata variante delle bande oligoglonali IgG studiate col focusing isoelettrico, l'immunofissazione e la colorazione argentica. Successivamente è stato somministrato del metilprednisolone acetato (MPA) per via intratecale alla dose di 80 mg. due volte alla settimana per cinque settimane a 5 dei 7 pazienti e a 2 pazienti addizionali non trattati prima. Nonostante segni di infiammazione subaracnoidea è stata constatata una importante depressione della sintesi di IgG in tutti e 7 i pazienti compresi i due resistenti alla somministrazione per via venosa. Normali livelli di sintesi sono stati raggiunti rapidamente in 4 pazienti su 7 mentre negli altri 3 si ebbe un rapido ritorno ai valori di partenza. 1 dei 7 pazienti ha dimostrato una temporanea riduzione nel numero delle bande oligoclonali IgG catodiche nel liquor. 2 pazienti hanno dovuto sospendere il trattamento per il verificarsi di una meningite asettica in uno e di un progressivo adinamismo nell'altro. Non vi sono state variazioni del quadro clinico. Si conclude che il metilprednisolone e l'ACTH hanno un effetto iniziale simile sulle risposte infiammatorie del sistema nervoso centrale nei casi di MS, ma il ben documentato rischio di seri controeffetti col MPA ne proibisce l'uso clinico nella MS con le modalità descritte.

A new formula for the determination of local central nervous system IgG synthesis has been applied to a group of 191 patients with multiple sclerosis. There were no correlations with sex, age, duration of disease, or clinical status but local IgG synthesis was significantly greater in patients with high levels of disability and a progressive clinical course than those with lower degrees of disability or a relapsing/remitting course. Significant correlations were found between oligoclonal aspect and local IgG synthesis; this synthesis was higher in CSF containing anti-viral and anti-nucleic acid antibodies than in CSF without such antibodies. There was also a lower local IgG synthesis when C-reactive protein (CRP) was present in serum.  相似文献   

寡克隆带和IgG鞘内合成率对多发性硬化的诊断价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨寡克隆带(OCBs)和IgG鞘内合成率(IgGSyn)对多发性硬化(MS)诊断的敏感性、特异性,以及定性和定量指标的相关性。方法选取30例MS(MS组)、40例神经系统炎性疾病(NID组)和22例神经系统非炎性疾病(NNID组)患者,应用速率散射比浊法测定血清和脑脊液(CSF)中免疫球蛋白G(IgG)、白蛋白(Alb)水平,等电聚焦结合银染色法检测CSF中OCBs,计算IgGSyn,并对其敏感性、特异性和阳性结果似然比(PRLR)进行分析。结果OCBs阳性率和IgGSyn异常率MS组与NID组比较差异无显著性;MS组、NID组与NNID组比较差异有极显著性(均P<0.01)。MS组和NID组中,OCBs阳性者与阴性者IgGSyn值差异无显著性。对MS诊断的敏感性、特异性和PRLR,OCBs分别为63.3%、77.7%和2.8;IgGSyn为46.7%、75.2%和1.9。结论OCBs和IgGSyn检测结果的不完全一致性提示中枢神经系统内存在不同的体液免疫反应机制,综合分析OCBs和IgGSyn,对MS诊断具有参考价值。  相似文献   

A highly sensitive antigen-mediated capillary blot technique was developed for the detection of virus-specific oligoclonal IgG in paired CSF and serum samples from patients with various neurological diseases. In multiple sclerosis, intrathecal synthesis of oligoclonal antibodies was present against measles (70%), rubella (60%), varicella zoster (40%) and mumps (30%); in most cases (75%), such synthesis involved two or more viruses. In contrast, antibodies against a non-neurotropic virus (cytomegalovirus) were rarely produced in CSF from MS patients (5%). However, this ‘polyspecific’ reaction was not restricted to MS samples but was also observed in neurolupus and in the late phase of infectious diseases of the central nervous system. These anti-viral antibodies could be produced without de novo replication of the corresponding viral genome and are likely mere bystanders of an ongoing immune response.  相似文献   

In our clinical trial we have compared the effect of high doses of prednisone, ACTH alone or ACTH and cyclophosphamide on plasma and CSF albumin and IgG levels.We have found that the treatment with high doses of prednisone is more effective in the suppression of CNS IgG synthesis than ACTH, or cyclophosphamide. However the significance of this immunological phenomenon in the pathogenesis of MS is a very complex problem, since we have not observed any correlation between the depression of the intrathecal IgG synthesis and clinical results of MS treatment.This text was presented as communication at the Italo-Polish meeting held in Rome on 20–21 April 1985, arranged by the Società Italiana di Neurologia.  相似文献   

Summary In a search for early prognostic features in multiple sclerosis, the progression rate was calculated in 200 consecutive multiple sclerosis patients who had had a lumbar puncture, and correlated with age at onset, type of disease course, the patient's sex, as well as with indices of blood-brain barrier breakdown and intrathecal IgG synthesis. The present study demonstrates that age at onset plays a role in determining whether the disease will be remitting-relapsing or chronic progressive. Age at onset is also a factor determining the rate of progression of the remitting-relapsing form, but is without influence on the progression of the chronic progressive form. A chronic progressive disease course per se (independent of age at onset) is also associated with a more rapid deterioration. The patient's sex does not appear to be a differentiating factor. Only inconsistent correlations were found between IgG index or number of oligoclonal bands in the CSF and disease progression.
Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Arbeit befaßt sich mit der Suche nach frühen prognostischen Parametern der MS. Bei 200 unausgewählten Patienten wurde durch Liquoruntersuchungen die Diagnose bestätigt. Es wurde die Dynamik des Krankheitsverlaufes ermittelt und mit dem Anfangsalter, Verlaufstyp, Geschlecht, intrathekaler IgG-Synthese und Indizien von Bluthirnschrankenstörung korreliert. Der individuelle Krankheitsbeginn bestimmt, ob das Leiden einen Rückfall-Remissionsverlauf nimmt oder chronisch progredient verläuft. Das Anfangsalter bestimmt auch das Tempo der Rückfall-Remissionsform, nicht aber das des progredienten Verlaufes. Generell kommt es bei der chronisch progressiven Form zu einer rascheren Verschlechterung als bei der Rückfall-Remissionsvariante. Das Geschlecht scheint kein differenzierender Faktor zu sein. Eindeutige Zusammenhänge zwischen dem IgG-Index oder der Anzahl oligoklonischer Bänder im Liquor und dem Krankheitsverlauf wurden nicht festgestellt.

Summary Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum samples from patients with multiple sclerosis and other neurological diseases were examined by capillary isotachophoresis (ITP). The percentage and the rate of synthesis of CSF IgG which migrated slowly with ITP were calculated.CSF specimens of most patients with multiple sclerosis contained increased percentages of slowly migrating IgG (slow IgG), corresponding to IgG oligoclonal bands in the high-alkaline region on isoelectric focusing. The patients with multiple sclerosis were found to have increased intrathecal synthesis of slow IgG, which correlated closely with the rate of intrathecal CNS IgG synthesis calculated by Tourtellotte's formula.
Zusammenfassung Liquor und Serum von Patienten mit Multipler Sklerose und anderen neurologischen Erkrankungen wurden mittels Kapillar-Isotachophoresis (ITP) untersucht. Es wurde berechnet, welchen Anteil das IgG im Liquor, welcher langsam mit der ITP wanderte, ausmachte und wie seine Synthesegeschwindigkeit war. Bei den meisten Patienten mit Multipler Sklerose enthielt der Liquor einen erhöhten Anteil von langsam wandernden IgG, welches oligoclonalen Banden im hochalkalischen Bereich beim isoelectric focusing entsprach. Es wurde gefolgert, daß die Patienten mit Multipler Sklerose eine erhöhte intrathekale Synthese des langsamen IgG aufwiesen, wobei dies eng korrelierte mit dem Anteil der intrathekalen Liquor-IgG-Synthese, wie sie nach der Tourtellotteschen Formel errechnet werden kann.

采取垂直平板聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法、火箭免疫电泳法对30例多发性硬化病人进行脑脊液寡克隆区带及24小时鞘内IgG合成率的检测,结果发现寡克隆区带、合成率与多发性硬化的发病年龄、病程、病程进展类型、病残程度无统计学上的相关性,寡克隆区带阳性率46.7%,合成率增高占60%,两者合计异常率可达73.3%,提示我国多发性硬化寡克隆区带阳性率、合成率增高均较国外低,因而在我国对多发性硬化的实验室诊断两者同时检测更有意义。  相似文献   

采用Beckman免疫化学仪(ICS—Ⅱ),对21例经皮质类固醇(激素)治疗的多发性硬化(MS)患者(治疗组)和19例未经激素治疗的MS患者(未治疗组)进行IgG指数和IgG合成率测定。结果发现:治疗组IgG指数和IgG合成率均明显低于未治疗组,差异有极显著性意义(P<0.01)。用于MS诊断时,治疗组IgG指数和IgG合成率的敏感性亦明显低于未治疗组(P<0.01)。提示激素可降低中枢神经系统内IgG自身合成量,并可降低IgG指数和IgG合成率诊断MS的敏感性。  相似文献   

The findings are reported of various CSF abnormalities, including IgG indices and oligoclonal IgG, in 160 patients with multiple sclerosis of differing diagnostic certainty and 146 patients with other neurological disorders.

An abnormal IgG index, defined as the ratio of IgG/albumin in CSF to that in serum, has been found in 77.7% of definite MS cases, falling to a figure of 32.1% in the single lesion group. A tendency, reported previously, for IgG levels to be higher in disabled patients, particularly those with a short history or early onset, has been confirmed.

Oligoclonal IgG, on the other hand, has been found in 56% of definite MS cases, less frequently than in most other reported series. Analysis of the literature suggests considerable variability in the finding of oligoclonal IgG in other than definite MS, and in other neurological disorders. The possibility that subjective factors are partly responsible for this variability, rather than discrepancies in patient selection requires consideration, and suggests that CSF electrophoresis and IgG estimations are complementary aids in the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis.

Differences have been expressed regarding the relationship of oligoclonal IgG to clinical parameters of the disease. Further sequential analysis of the development and variability of the oligoclonal pattern in MS is required.  相似文献   

Using a new ELISA method we have measured the IgM concentration in the serum and the cerebrospinal fluid CSF from 110 neurological patients. Among there, 41 had multiple sclerosis (MS), 48 other inflammatory diseases (OID), including 30 AIDS, and 21 non-inflammatory neurological diseases (NID). A highly significant correlation was established between results with native IgM and the dithiothreitol reduced IgM. An intrathecal synthesis (ITS) of IgM was detected using the CSF IgM/CSF albumin ratio, the IgM index and a quantitative formula in 33 patients: nine MS, 23 OID (including 18 AIDS) and one NID. The frequency of IgM ITS was 22% in MS patients, 48% in the OID (60% in AIDS) and 5% in the NID groups. This ITS was not impaired by an increase in serum IgM concentration or by a blood–CSF barrier damage. These facts confirm that intrathecal immunity is not a “steady-state” related to the general immunity but a specific response restricted to the central nervous system. Conversely, CSF IgM increase and IgM ITS were closely related (p < 10?6). In addition, IgM ITS and IgG ITS were found to be highly correlated in OID, especially in AIDS patients: such correlation was not observed in the MS group. No significant correlations were observed between IgM ITS and any of the clinical parameters in MS patients. These results suggest the probable specificity of IgM ITS in MS patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We study the power of IgG synthesis value as a marker of disease activity in multiple sclerosis (MS). MATERIAL AND METHODS: Link index was calculated in 202 MS patients. Time between first, second and third attack and progression index (PI) were compared in patient with normal (NLI) high (HL) or very high Link index (VHLI). RESULTS: Secondary progressive (SP) patients had a higher LI than relapsing-remitting (RR) and primary progressive (PP) courses (1.10 +/- 0.5 for SP vs 0.86 +/- 0.5 for RR and 0.81 +/- 0.5 for PP, P=0.01 and 0.03, respectively). Having a HLI in MS RR and SP patients has no time effect in the development of the second and third attack. PI was higher in patients with VHIL (0.67 +/- 0.7) vs patients with NLI (0.42 +/- 0.4, P=0.008) and with HLI (0.39 +/- 0.3, P=0.001). CONCLUSIONS: This study confirmed that LI is a good marker of subsequent progression of MS.  相似文献   

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis may be an autoimmune disease. In this paper IgG subclasses levels in the CSF and sera and their intrathecal synthesis were studied. IgG subclasses levels were determined by ELISA method using monoclonal antibodies against human IgG subclasses, secondary biotinylated antibody and avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex. There was statistically significant elevation of IgG1 and IgG3 subclasses in the CSF of ALS patients. In sera of patients with ALS, IgG2 level was diminished, but there was no statistical difference in other IgG subclasses. IgG1 and IgG3 indices were elevated in patients with ALS, detecting synthesis of these subclasses in the CNS. General IgG index value did not differ from the control value. The results support the concept that autoimmune mechanisms may play a role in the pathogenesis of ALS.  相似文献   

IgG subclasses' oligoclonal bands in unconcentrated CSF from MS patients were detected by isoelectric focusing in agarose gel with subsequent immunoblotting using mouse monoclonal antibodies to human IgG subclasses and double-antibody avidin-biotin-alkaline phosphatase system. All MS CSF showed presence of oligoclonal bands specific to the IgG1 subclass; in addition, several of these samples also had oligoclonal bands specific to IgG3, IgG2, or IgG4, in order of decreasing frequency. Since the CSF of a greater number of MS patients showed oligoclonal bands specific to the IgG1 and IgG3 subclasses, the findings are consistent with those reported in patients with chronic viral infections and autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

Liquor:serum quotients of IgG and albumin in patients with meningism, meningitis and multiple sclerosis have been studied. Abnormal quotients indicative of disturbed blood-brain barrier function and/or intrathecal IgG synthesis were found in various proportions of all 3 groups of patients. In some patients with aseptic meningitis and meningism, the abnormal quotients were comparable with those found in patients with multiple sclerosis. The reason for this is unknown. An unspecific reaction to febrile illness may be involved. As a consequence, the findings of abnormal liquor:serum quotients of IgG and albumin should be evaluated with great caution in patients with recent or present febrile illness.  相似文献   

The HLA antigens B7 and Dw2 occurred at elevated frequencies in 105 multiple sclerosis (MS) patients (49 and 47%, respectively), compared to healthy controls (29 and 30%), especially in MS patients with oligoclonal CSF-IgG (51 and 50%), in cases with CSF-IgG index values above 1.5 (64 and 64%), and in those with the most malignant course of the disease (47 and 59%). Normal or only slightly elevated frequencies of B7 and Dw2 were found in MS patients without oligoclonal CSF IgG (35 and 29%), normal CSF-IgG index (43 and 39%), and the most benign course (42 and 37%). No correlation was found between the HLA type and measles virus antibody titers in serum or a measles virus antibody response within the CNS.  相似文献   

Visual Evoked Potentials (VEP) have been investigated in 102 patients affected by Multiple Sclerosis (MS), classified both by disease stage and by optic pathway status. VEP abnormalities were significantly correlated with the clinical stage and increased CSF IgG levels. The delay in the VEP latencies and the CSF IgG values proved to be increased in parallel in the worsening phases of MS. The diagnostic value of these findings is also discussed.
Sommario I Potenziali Evocati Visivi (PEV) sono stati investigati in 102 pazienti affetti da Sclerosi Multipla (SM) classificati in base alla attività di malattia e alle lesioni delle vie ottiche. Le anormalità del PEV sono risultate significativamente correlate con le fasi cliniche della SM e con l'aumento dei livelli delle IgG liquorali. Il ritardo delle latenze dei PEV ed i livelli delle IgG liquorali risultano parallelamente aumentati nelle fasi attive della SM. Il valore diagnostico di questi dati è anche discusso.

Cytokines and intrathecal IgG synthesis were determined in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and sera to evaluate inflammatory activity in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients during clinical remission. Although the disease was stable, there had been a significant increase of proinflammatory cytokines such as TNFalpha and IFNgamma in the CSF and serum, with no significant changes of IL12 and IL10 production. The changes in the cytokine production patterns were associated with an increase of leukocytes in the CSF, as well as the presence of oligoclonal bands suggesting intrathecal IgG synthesis. These results suggest that even when the disease is clinically silent, one can observe inflammatory activity in these MS patients.  相似文献   

Determinations of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) albumin, IgG, albumin blood brain barrier (BBB) permeability and local IgG synthesis indexes in CNS were carried out on 85 patients with various neck, shoulder and upper extremity pain syndromes. CSF was obtained by lumbar puncture in 29, and by lateral neck puncture in 56 of the patients. The patients were classified into 3 different groups according to varying severity of degenerative changes, or cavitation verified by myelography. CSF protein patterns in these patients were compared with lumbar CSF findings in 18 patients with multiple sclerosis. CSF protein changes in patients with abnormal myelographic findings were slight. Protein values were clearly more abnormal in lumbar CSF than in cervical CSF, probably due to a retardation of the CSF flow. Only 3 of 62 patients with a narrowing of the cervical spinal canal had pathological values for IgG synthesis or BBB permeability indexes. On the other hand, 14 of 18 patients with multiple sclerosis had abnormal, high values for the IgG index. Thus the present results suggest that investigation of the CSF protein pattern has value in differential diagnosis between patients with multiple sclerosis and degencrative diseases of the cervical spine.  相似文献   

Serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of 50 neurological patients (24 multiple sclerosis (MS), ten acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and 16 other neurological diseases (OND)) and ten controls were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for IgG subclass quantification and for the calculation of intrathecal synthesis (ITS). Total IgG was determined by two methods: electroimmunodiffusion (EID) and ELISA. A highly significant correlation was established between both methods. The existence of ITS was proved by the IgG/albumin ratio, the IgG index, Tourtellotte's formula, and Schuller's formula. In AIDS patients all IgG subclasses showed an increase in the CSF, whereas in sera only the IgG1 was significantly increased. CSF of MS patients showed a predominant increase of IgG1 whereas no significant modification of IgG subclasses was observed in sera. In most of the AIDS patients there was an ITS of IgG1, IgG3 and IgG4, but rarely (3/10) IgG2. In contrast, a polyclonal ITS of IgG was exceptional (1/24) in MS patients. No significant correlation could be established between clinical data and IgG subclass ITS in MS. The variations of each IgG subclass in serum and in ITS were not significantly correlated. Measurement of each IgG subclass and calculation of ITS seems essential in order to analyze any subclass antibody repertory inside the central nervous system.  相似文献   

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