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The aim of this study was to provide normative data on the Literacy Independent Cognitive Assessment (LICA) and to explore the effects of age, education/literacy, and gender on the performance of this test.


Eight hundred and eighty-eight healthy elderly subjects, including 164 healthy illiterate subjects, participated in this study. None of the participants had serious medical, psychiatric, or neurological disorders including dementia. Bivariate linear regression analyses were performed to examine the effects of age, education/literacy, and sex on the score in each of the LICA cognitive tests. The normative scores for each age and education/literacy groups are presented.


Bivariate linear regression analyses revealed that total score and all cognitive tests of the LICA were significantly influenced by both age and education/literacy. Younger and more-educated subjects outperformed older and illiterate or less-educated subjects, respectively, in all of the tests. The normative scores of LICA total score and subset score were presented according to age (60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-80, and ≥80 years) and educational levels (illiterate, and 0-3, 4-6, and ≥7 years of education).


These results on demographic variables suggest that age and education should be taken into account when attempting to accurately interpret the results of the LICA cognitive subtests. These normative data will be useful for clinical interpretations of the LICA neuropsychological battery in illiterate and literate elderly Koreans. Similar normative studies and validations of the LICA involving different ethnic groups will help to enhance the dementia diagnosis of illiterate people of different ethnicities.  相似文献   

The Dementia Rating Scale-2 is used to measure cognitive status of adults with cognitive impairment, especially of the degenerative type, by assessing five cognitive functions, namely attention, initiation/perseveration, construction, conceptualization, and memory. The present study aimed to establish normative data for this test in the elderly French-Quebec population. A total of 432 French-speaking elders from the province of Quebec (Canada), aged 50 to 85 years, were administered the Dementia Rating Scale-2. Age and education were found to be associated with the total score on the test, while gender was not. Percentile ranks were then calculated for age- and education-stratified groups. Previous studies have shown that cultural background can affect performance on the DRS and the development of culture-specific norms for French-speaking Quebecers could be very useful to clinicians and researchers working with this population.  相似文献   

Interest in frontal functions has progressively increased over recent years; however, despite this, there are only a few frontal tasks for which Italian normative data are available. The objective of this study was to obtain reference values for two frontal tests from a random sample of normal adults: the first (the Test of Classification and Recall of Pictures) has been shown to reveal selective impairment in patients with unilateral frontal excision; the second (the Odd-Man-Out Test) derives from tasks which have been used to evaluate frontal functions in animals and detect frontal impairment in Parkinson patients. We tested 100 normal subjects, aged 22 to 79 years, stratified by education according to the Italian school system. The correction grids for both tests are also presented. The usefulness of these tests is represented not only by their sensitivity to frontal impairment, but also by the possibility of dissociating the various cognitive aspects of frontal lobe dysfunction.
Sommario L'interesse nei confronti delle funzioni frontali è progressivamente aumentato negli ultimi anni. Nonostante ciò, solo per pochi test frontali sono disponibili dati normativi italiani. Lo scopo di questo studio era ottenere valori normativi per due test frontali utilizzando un campione di soggetti normali selezionati in maniera casuale. Il primo test, ossia il Test di Classificazione e Rievocazione di Figure, risulta selettivamente compromesso in pazienti sottoposti a escissione frontale unilaterale; il secondo test, ossia il Test della Percora Nera, deriva da compiti utilizzati per rilevare la compromissione frontale negli animali ed è stato usato per individuare una disfunzione di tipo frontale nei parkinsoniani. Sono stati testati 100 soggetti normali, di età compresa fra i 22 e i 79 anni, stratificati per scolarità secondo il modello scolastico italiano. Vengono presentate le griglie di correzione per entrambi i test. La loro utilità consiste non solo nella loro sensibilità al danno frontale, ma anche nella possibilità di dissociare aspetti cognitivi differenti della disfunzione dei lobi frontali.



Lexical fluency tests are frequently used to assess language and executive function in clinical practice. We investigated the influences of age, gender, and education on lexical verbal fluency in an educationally-diverse, elderly Korean population and provided its'' normative information.


We administered the lexical verbal fluency test (LVFT) to 1676 community-dwelling, cognitively normal subjects aged 60 years or over.


In a stepwise linear regression analysis, education (B=0.40, SE=0.02, standardized B=0.506) and age (B=-0.10, SE=0.01, standardized B=-0.15) had significant effects on LVFT scores (p<0.001), but gender did not (B=0.40, SE=0.02, standardized B=0.506, p>0.05). Education explained 28.5% of the total variance in LVFT scores, which was much larger than the variance explained by age (5.42%). Accordingly, we presented normative data of the LVFT stratified by age (60-69, 70-74, 75-79, and ≥80 years) and education (0-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, and ≥13 years).


The LVFT norms should provide clinically useful data for evaluating elderly people and help improve the interpretation of verbal fluency tasks and allow for greater diagnostic accuracy.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of demographic variables on Digit Span test (DS) performance in an educationally diverse elderly population and to provide normative information.


The DS was administered to 784 community-dwelling volunteers aged 60-90 years with an educational history of from zero to 25 years of full-time education. People with serious neurological, medical and psychiatric disorders (including dementia) were excluded.


Age, education and gender were found to be significantly associated with performance on the DS. Based on the results obtained, DS norms were stratified by age (2 strata), education (3 strata), and gender (2 strata).


Our results on DS performance suggest that both attention and working memory are influenced by age, education and gender. The present study provides reasonably comprehensive normative information on the DS for an educationally diverse elderly population.  相似文献   



We investigated demographic influences on Korean version of Disability Assessment for Dementia (DAD-K) performance and developed normative data for DAD-K.


The DAD-K was administered to 2362 normal controls (NCs), 296 patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and 293 patients with Alzheimer''s disease (AD). MANOVA and ROC curve analysis were used to compare DAD-K performance and the diagnostic accuracy of DAD-K, respectively. The demographic influence on DAD-K scores was analyzed by multiple linear regression and ANOVA. Normative DAD-K data were calculated using natural logarithmic transformation.


All DAD-K scores were significantly different among groups (p<0.001). Post hoc analysis showed that instrumental activities of daily living (IADL), executive function and DAD-K total scores began to decline significantly in the very mild stage of AD, whereas the basic activities of daily living (BADL) scores began to decline in the mild stage of AD. The area under the ROC curve differentiating MCI or AD from NC was 0.737 and that differentiating AD from MCI or NC was 0.911. IADL and planning and organization scores were influenced by age and education and performance and DAD-K total scores were influenced by education.


The demographic influences on DAD-K scores are not conspicuous and are mainly limited to the IADL and planning and organization scores. Unitary or minimally stratified norms for a specific population were developed for DAD-K application. Our results suggest that the DAD-K is useful for differentiating NC or MCI from AD but not as powerful for differentiating NC from MCI.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to present normative values for the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS).


A representative sample of the German general population (N=4410) was tested with the HADS.


Females are more anxious than males, and older subjects are more depressed than younger subjects. The mean scores for anxiety / depression are 4.4 / 4.8 (males) and 5.0 / 4.7 (females). Using the cut-off 8+, the percentages of elevated anxiety and depression in the total sample are 21 % and 23 %, respectively. Regression analyses proved a linear but not a curvilinear age trend of anxiety and depression. Percentile rank norms are given for anxiety, depression, and the HADS total score.


The regression coefficients allow the calculation of expected mean scores for each age and gender distribution of any sample of patients. HADS mean scores are better suited to describe the degree of anxiety and depression in patient samples compared to percentages of subjects with elevated values.  相似文献   

The Brown-Peterson task is used to assess verbal short-term memory as well as divided attention. In its auditory three-consonant version, trigrams are presented to participants who must recall the items in correct order after variable delays, during which an interference task is performed. The present study aimed to establish normative data for this test in the elderly French-Quebec population based on cross-sectional data from a retrospective, multi-center convenience sample. A total of 595 elderly native French-speakers from the province of Quebec performed the Memoria version of the auditory three-consonant Brown-Peterson test. For both series and item-by-item scoring methods, age, education, and, in most cases, recall after a 0-second interval were found to be significantly associated with recall performance after 10-second, 20-second, and 30-second interference intervals. Based on regression model results, equations to calculate Z scores are presented for the 10-second, 20-second and 30-second intervals and for each scoring method to allow estimation of expected performance based on participants’ individual characteristics. As an important ceiling effect was observed at the 0-second interval, norms for this interference interval are presented in percentiles.  相似文献   

Normative data on neuropsychological tests for very old adults living in retirement villages and hostels are under-represented in the literature. This study reports normative data on the Mini-Mental State Examination, Digit Span Forwards, Digit Span Backwards, the Digit Symbol Substitution Test, the Controlled Oral Word Association Test, the Stroop Neuropsychological Screening Test and the National Adult Reading Test. Age and education showed moderate correlations with neuropsychological test performance. For all tests except the Stroop, differences between residents of retirement villages and hostels were explained by age and education. Men performed better on the NART than women, but this difference was eliminated when education was controlled for statistically.  相似文献   

Clinicians and researchers who use neuropsychological tests to track functioning over time are in need of a method to correct for the effects of practice. Drawing from a large database of healthy, male subjects, we present data that can be used to calculate predicted retest scores for eight widely used neuropsychological instruments either via simple regression or reliable change index (RCI) methods. These methods are useful for individuals assessed across a wide time interval, 4–24 months. Limitations are discussed regarding the applicability of the data. Those with a need to factor out the effects of practice, test–retest reliability and other statistical confounds will find the information within this article useful.  相似文献   

Investigation of abnormal skin response to niacin (vitamin B3) stimulation has gained increasing interest in schizophrenia research during last years. However, current efforts to implement niacin tests in routine diagnostics are jeopardised by wide inter-individual variations of skin response. We investigated age and gender as potential factors of influence on niacin sensitivity in 117 healthy subjects (63 male, 54 female). Niacin was applied in three dilution steps (0.1, 0.01, 0.001 M) onto the inner forearm skin. Skin reaction was assessed in three minute intervals over 15 min using optical reflection spectroscopy. Males displayed a significantly weaker flush response than females. The rate of non-responders at the lowest concentration was about twice as high in men than women. Significant negative correlations between age and niacin sensitivity were revealed for both sexes. Age and gender considerably influence niacin sensitivity, possibly due to the effects of sex hormones on vasomotor function and prostaglandin metabolism. Consideration of gender and age is strongly recommended for further clinical niacin studies.  相似文献   

This study compared the difference between original and “corrected” neuropsychological test scores at baseline and following 1 year of experience in 17 non-psychology trained examiners. Test protocols were reviewed for errors in instruction, administration, recording, and scoring. Fewer than 3% of the test scaled scores showed a correction of greater than 1 SD. At baseline, individual test scores that changed T-score classification occurred on Digit Symbol, Trails B, and Logical Memory I and II. At one year, significant classification changes remained for Logical Memory I and II (25% and 15%). Scoring of subjective tests remains problematic and centralized re-scoring is recommended.  相似文献   

The Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS, Randolph, 1998) is likely to become a popular screening instrument for measuring cognitive functioning, particularly in elderly patients. As such, the present study attempted to extend the original normative data by reporting on RBANS performances in a group of 718 community dwelling older adults. Participants were recruited from an outpatient primary care setting, and were assessed for demographic, medical status, functional status, and quality of life information. Utilizing four empirically supported overlapping midpoint age ranges, individual subtest raw scores were converted to age-corrected scaled scores based on their position within a cumulative frequency distribution. These age-corrected scaled scores were also converted into education-corrected scaled scores using the same methodology across four education levels. Independent Index and Total scores were also calculated based on the data from this large elderly sample. These data may considerably advance the clinical utility of the RBANS by allowing clinicians to interpret individual subtests and make direct comparisons between subtests. Practitioners and researchers who elect to use the current normative data are encouraged to consider the similarities and differences between the present sample and their individual patients or research participants.  相似文献   


Objective: Despite the progress in HIV treatments, mild forms of cognitive impairment still persist. Brief and sensitive screening tools are needed. We evaluated the accuracy of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) compared to the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) to detect cognitive impairment in HIV-infected participants. Method: HIV-infected patients were consecutively enrolled during routine outpatient visits at a single institution. The MoCA, the MMSE, and a comprehensive neuropsychological battery were administered. Patients were considered as affected by cognitive impairment if they showed decreased cognitive function in at least two ability domains based on age and education adjusted Italian normative cut-offs. Results: Ninety-three HIV-infected participants (75% males, median age 47, all on antiretroviral therapy; 90% HIV-RNA <50copies/mL, median CD4 644 cells/μL) were enrolled. Thirteen participants (14%) were diagnosed as cognitively compromised via a comprehensive neuropsychological examination. The area under the curve of the adjusted MMSE and MoCA scores to detect cognitive impairment were .51 (95% CI = .31–.72, p = .877) and .70 (95% CI = .53–.86, p = .025), respectively. A MoCA score <22 was able to predict the cognitive impairment with 62% of sensitivity and 76% of specificity. Conclusions: Our findings suggested that the prognostic performance of the MoCA to detect cognitive impairment among mildly impaired HIV-infected participants was only moderate. Further investigations are needed to identify optimal cognitive tests to screen HIV-infected individuals or to explore whether a combination of cognitive tests might represent a viable alternative to a single screening tool.  相似文献   

Objective: There is no established minimum clinically important difference (MCID) for the Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS) index and total scale scores. This study aimed to estimate the MCID for the RBANS index scores and total scale score. Method: Participants included 1,856 ethnic Chinese, older adults. Distribution- and anchor-based methods were used to estimate values for the MCID. Distribution-based estimates were calculated as the standard error of measurement (SEM) and .5 standard deviations (SD). For anchor-based estimates, we compared RBANS scores between the clinical dementia rating (CDR) scale no dementia and very mild dementia groups and between the clinical assessment of dementia (CAD) cognitively normal and mild cognitive impairment groups using regression models adjusting for demographic characteristics. Results: Estimates from the CDR anchor were 7.79, 8.63, 10.74, 9.74, 5.61, and 3.77 for the total scale score, language, immediate memory, delayed memory, visuospatial/constructional, and the attention index, respectively. Estimates from the distribution-based methods were similar to the estimates based on the CDR, except for the language and attention indexes. Estimates from the CAD anchor were larger. Conclusions: We estimated the MCID for the total scale score, language, immediate memory, delayed memory, visuospatial/constructional, and attention indexes of the RBANS as 8, 9, 10, 10, 6, and 4 points, respectively. These estimates are best suited to discriminate between patient groups, for example, in a clinical trial setting. Further research is needed using longitudinal data to assess their applicability to assess within patient differences.  相似文献   

Research study coordinators from 17 sites participating in a cardiac surgery study were trained to administer and score a brief neuropsychological test battery. Results were sent to the study's centralized laboratory for review and feedback. The average examiner errors on the first six protocols were compared with the average errors on the last six protocols over 12 months for each site. Overall, errors for the first six protocols were 4.42, and errors for the last six protocols were 1.83, representing a significant overall decline. Errors for instruction, administration, and recording showed a significant decrease over time. Despite ongoing feedback to examiners, scoring errors did not decline significantly overall; this suggests that a review of all protocols is necessary to achieve reliable scoring. However, when examiners' number of protocols completed was compared with number of scoring errors per protocol, there was a trend for examiners who had completed more protocols to show more improvement in scoring.  相似文献   



Although the executive function subtests of the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB) have been used to assess cognitive function in diverse psychiatric illnesses, few studies have verified the validity of this battery for Korean psychiatric patients. Therefore, this preliminary study evaluated the construct and concurrent validity of the executive function subtests of the CANTAB for Korean psychiatric patients by comparing it with subtests of the Computerized Neuropsychological Test (CNT).


Three subtests of the CANTAB and three subtests of the CNT were administered to 36 patients diagnosed with either schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Subtests of the CANTAB included the Intra/Extra-Dimensional Set Shift (IED), Stockings of Cambridge (SOC), and Spatial Working Memory (SWM). Differences between groups on each subtest as well as correlations between the subtests of the CANTAB and the CNT were assessed.


The schizophrenia group performed significantly more poorly on the IED and the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) compared with the bipolar disorder group. Additionally, correlation analyses revealed a significant correlation between the IED and the WCST; a positive correlation between the SOC and the Trail Making Test, Part B and the Stroop test; and a significant correlation between the SWM and the Stroop test.


This study verified the construct and concurrent validity of the executive function subtests of the CANTAB for Korean psychiatric patients and suggests that the subtests of this battery would be useful and appropriate for assessing deficits in executive function in Korean clinical settings.  相似文献   

The oral Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT) has been recommended to assess cognition for multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. However, the lack of adequate normative data has limited its clinical utility. Recently published regression-based norms may resolve this limitation but, because these norms were derived from a relatively small sample, their stability is unclear. We aimed to evaluate the stability of regression-based SDMT norms by comparing existing norms to a cross-validation dataset. First, regression-based normative data were created from a similarly-sized, independent, control sample (n = 94). Next the original and cross-validation norms were compared for equivalency, management of demographic influences, construct validity, and impairment classification rates in a mildly affected MS sample (n = 70). Lastly, similar comparisons were made for a large, representative MS clinic sample (n = 354). We found construct validity and management of demographic influences were equivalent for the two sets of regression-based norms but lower T-scores were obtained using the original dataset, resulting in discrepancies in impairment classification. In conclusion, regression-based norms for the oral SDMT attenuate demographic influences and possess adequate construct validity. However, norms generated using small samples may yield unreliable classification of cognitive impairment. Larger, representative databases will be necessary to improve the clinical utility of regression-based norms.  相似文献   

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