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根据《全国血吸虫病抽样调查计划》及其《实施细则》,结合我省防治工作实际,于1989年下半年在已控制地区的28个县(市、区)开展了血吸虫病抽样调查,1992年上半年又在未控制地区的3个县(区)进行了补充调查。现报告如下: 调查方法 调查点以村为单位。在已控制地区,普查10~14周岁低年龄组人群,采用皮内试验过筛,阳性者作环卵沉淀试验(COPT),环沉率≥1%的判为阳性,并进行粪检;在未控制地区,进行人、畜血吸虫病病情和江滩螺情、野粪污染情况普查。病情:对3足龄以上人群作粪检,用尼龙袋集卵孵化法3送3检,耕牛采用大粪量1送3检,粪检阳性者均进行虫卵  相似文献   

我省以往考核血吸虫病防治效果,均采用3送3检粪便孵化法查病,由于该法费工、费时、费钱,在已控制地区很少检出阳性病人,难以深入开展,故改用皮试、COPT、粪检法查病,并用于考核防治效果,结果较为满意,现报告如下。1材料和方法1.1对象被考核村7岁以上在家人群,要求受检率达95%以上。1.2方法以往无血吸虫病史(无史)人群光用皮试过筛,皮试阳性者抽血作OOPT;以往有血吸虫病史(有史)人群直接抽血做COPT,环沉率>3%者为阳性,再作粪便3送3检或大粪便量1送3检尼龙绢集卵孵化,粪孵阳性者进行虫卵计数,分别统计3种方法检…  相似文献   

集卵孵化法与Kato-Katz法不同检查次数诊断血吸虫病的效果   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的 选择一种适宜现场应用的血吸虫病病原学检查方法.方法 采用尼龙绢集卵孵化法和Kato-Katz法不同的检查次数对血吸虫病流行村的337例居民进行检查,比较不同检查次数诊断血吸虫病的效果.结果 337份粪样中,Kato-Katz法1送3检血吸虫卵检出率为19.6%,Kato-Katz法2送6检的检出率为22.6%,差异有显著性意义(χ2=281.59,P<0.05);Kato-Katz法1送3检的血吸虫卵检出率为18.1%,集卵孵化法血吸虫毛蚴检出率为17.5%,两种方法的差异无显著性意义(χ2=153.878,P>0.05);Kato-Katz法2送6检的检出率为22.55%,Kato-Katz法加集卵孵化法的检出率为22.55%,两法差异无显著性意义 (χ2=251.619,P>0.05) .结论 Kato-Katz法1送3检与尼龙绢集卵孵化法联合运用可以取代Kato-Katz法2送6检,是一种适宜于现场应用的病原学检查方法.  相似文献   

粪便毛蚴孵化法是诊断日本血吸虫病的主要手段,但根据1972年江苏省耕牛血防小分队,先后在昆山等6个县市,10个公社试验结果,3送3检只能检出61.7~72.2%的阳性牛。1974年该单位又进行了1次试验,6检检出率为83.5%,11检达91.7%。次年,农林部畜牧局在江西余江县召开会议,权衡各方面的利弊,一致同意面上检查标准为3送6检,通过10多年来的防治工作,耕牛血吸虫病的阳性率及感染度均有明显下降,在这种形势下,究竟以多  相似文献   

Kato法和孵化法检查日本血吸虫病的效果比较及其评价   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
粪便孵化法为诊断日本血吸虫病的常规方法。Kato法为晚近发展的另一病原学检查技术,在肠道寄生虫病的诊断中已经广泛应用,但在血吸虫病诊断中尚未作为常规推广使用。为比较上述两法对血吸虫病的检出效果及其成本和现场应用价值,我们对一血吸虫病重型疫区居民进行了检查,并对检查费用进行了核算和比较。 材料和方法 1 粪便检查 受检对象为鄱阳湖矶山岛439例居民。收集一次粪便。孵化法采用1送1检,Kato法1次制片2  相似文献   

星子县渚溪村血吸虫病疫情监测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1 内容及方法1.1 人群查病 2000-2001年,每年11月份以5-65岁人群为监测对象,采用加藤氏法粪检查病,1送3检,计算感染率和感染度。新发晚期血吸虫病(晚血)和急性血吸虫病人(急感)建个案卡。1.2 耕牛查病 对监测点所属自然村的耕牛全部采用顶管法粪检,1送3检,计算耕牛感染率。1.3 螺情调查 对监测点所属4块草洲每年秋季采用系统抽样法查螺1次,捕获钉螺全部解剖。1.4 体格检查 2001年对监测点居民进行B超检查,测  相似文献   

为掌握湖沼型地区血吸虫病流行动态,并提出防治对策,根据卫生部地病司和湖北省血地防办制订的统一实施细则,按分层整群抽样的方法,我县杨水湖乡红建村被列入第二亚层湖沼型洲烷亚型抽样单位。现将1989~1995年纵向调查报告如下。1内容与方法1.l人、畜血吸虫病感染率调查对3~60岁居民,进行1次尼龙绢袋集卵,l送3检或3送3检孵化法粪检,再抽取感染者2O0例,以改良加藤法作虫卵计数。凡不足200人的单位全部感染者均计数。另对耕牛用孵化法进行1次粪便普查(l送3检)。抽样调查猪100头,不足100头者普查。1.2居民体格检查随机抽样调查3…  相似文献   

余杭县原有43个乡镇流行血吸虫病,从1984—1992年,有40个乡镇经过考核达到了消灭血吸虫病的标准(以下简称达标),并开展了监测工作.对象和方法1 查漏补缺 对达标前历史查病中漏检或受检不足3送9检的居民,以及病原治疗后复查不足3次的历史病人进行补查.无病史者用COPT、IHA、ELISA方法(以下简称血检)过筛,阳性者粪检,有病史者直接粪检.2 未治病人 对遗留未治的慢性病人建卡登记,定期随访检查,并用血检复查.3 外地迁入者 对达标后自疫区迁入的人进行3次检查,方法是在试过筛,阳性粪检,或直接粪  相似文献   

血吸虫病人家庭分布的纵向观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对五里桥村5年来前后两次查病都存在家庭聚集性进行报道,旨在对血吸虫病防治提供依据。 材料和方法 取五里桥村1984年病情资料(采用粪便沉淀镜检法查病,每人送检3次)和1989年全国血吸虫病抽样调查资料(采用粪便沉淀集卵孵化法查病,每人送检3次),分别采用二项分布配合适度X~2检验法,进行统计分析。  相似文献   

血吸虫病低度流行区筛查方案的研究   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2  
目的探索血吸虫病低度流行区合适的筛查方案.方法在江苏省南京市血吸虫病低度流行区,选择一近江滩的自然村,以粪便孵化法3送3检和胶体染料试纸条(DDIA)同时筛查病人.结果465人送检粪便,粪检阳性13例,阳性率为2.80%.其中1检465人,阳性9例;2检331人,新检出阳性4例;3检210人,无阳性.465人做DDIA,阳性65人,阳性率13.97%;1 3例粪检阳性者DDIA均为阳性.无血吸虫病史者408人DDIA检测阳性39例,其中10人粪检阳性;有史者57人DDIA检测阳性26例,其中末次治疗1~2年的24例中阳性18例,末次治疗≥3年的33例中8例阳性,包括3例粪检阳性者.结论在血吸虫病低度流行区用DDIA筛查病人的方案是可行的.  相似文献   

Quality control in a large cooperative group involves a number of different levels of checking which can be divided into three main sections: quality control in data management, quality control in special areas, and the verification that events on paper reflect real events in the clinic. Quality control in special areas is the province of those using various techniques and disciplines and it will not be discussed in this overview, since others will cover the monitoring of radiation therapy, standardization of biochemical tests, and pathology review.  相似文献   

目的对联合应用"即刻法"和Levery-Jenning(L-J)质控图进行HIV初筛检测室内质控及其影响因素研究。方法利用检测数据做"即刻法"和L-J质控图,对质控结果进行分析。结果通过应用"即刻法"和L-J质控图质控方式,发现检测失控;仪器设备、检测试剂、实验室操作、环境温湿度、质控品等各种因素,均可引起HIV初筛检测失控。将这些影响因素控制在正常范围内,则检测结果在控制范围内。结论联合应用"即刻法"和L-J质控图,是一种较好的HIV初筛检测室内质控方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨科学有效的室内质量控制方法,使磁微粒分离酶联免疫法(Magnetic Particle Antibody Immunoassay,MPAIA)用于血吸虫抗体检测的结果真实可靠。方法把即刻法、Z分数图及Westgard多规则质控方法相结合,开展MPAIA血吸虫抗体检测室内质量控制工作,所得数据建立数据库,并进行统计分析。结果即刻法从第3次试验开始就进入质控状态,20次试验后转入Z分数常规质控,Westgard多规则质控方法能帮助分析误差的类型。在第3-40批次试验中,共完成186份患者样本检测,有2个批次9份患者样本试验结果因质控品失控,需重新进行试验分析。其他在控批次有177份患者样本结果均可接受。结论试验中应用即刻法、Z分数图、Westgard多规则质控方法进行质控分析能较好地完成MPAIA血吸虫抗体检测常规质量控制工作。  相似文献   

目的 掌握廊坊市结核病细菌学耐药水平及其治疗效果分析.方法 采用整群抽样方法,河北省在我市抽取7个监测调查点,课题期间新登记的涂阳结核病人作为入选病例,采用比例法对INH,RFP,EMB,SM,OFX,KM进行药物敏感试验.结果 总纳入245例,进行药敏试验234例,供药敏分析225例,总耐药率为43.6%,耐多药(MDR-TB)率11.6%,广泛耐多药(XDR-TB)率o.4%;新患者耐药率43.0%,耐多药率7.3%;复治患者耐药率为46.9%,耐多药率37.5%,广泛耐多药率3.1%.结论 廊坊市结核分枝杆菌的耐药率高于全国平均水平,结核病控制工作不容忽视.  相似文献   

目的 对全国囊虫病、包虫病血清流行病学调查质量进行评价。 方法 用相同试剂盒 ,按统一的操作规范 ,对各地检测出全部阳性血清和随机抽取的部分阴性血清进行复测 ,并采用符合率和Kappa统计量评价两次检测结果的一致性。 结果 囊虫病、包虫病两次检测结果阳性符合率分别为 5 8.5 4%和 91.12 % ,阴性符合率分别为 98.83 %和96.5 8% ,总符合率分别为 98.85 %和 97.47%。Kappa值分别为 0 .713 9和 0 .93 62。囊虫病二次检测重现性好 ,包虫病二次检测重现性极好。Kappa统计量分析回代结果一致性都具有极显著性意义 (P <0 .0 1)。  结论 本次囊虫病和包虫病血清流行病学调查质量控制较为理想。  相似文献   

As more and more structures of macromolecular complexes get solved in different conditions, it has become apparent that flexibility is an inherent part of their biological function. Normal mode analysis using simplified models of proteins such as the elastic network model has proved very effective in showing that many of the structural transitions derived from a survey of the Protein Data Bank can be explained by just a few of the lowest-frequency normal modes. In this work, normal modes are used to carry out medium- or low-resolution structural refinement, enforcing collective and large-amplitude movements that are beyond the reach of existing methods. Refinement is carried out in reciprocal space with respect to the normal mode amplitudes, by using standard conjugate-gradient minimization. Several tests on synthetic diffraction data whose mode concentration follows the one of real movements observed in the Protein Data Bank have shown that the radius of convergence is larger than the one of rigid-body refinement. Tests with experimental diffraction data for the same protein in different environments also led to refined structural models showing drastic reduction of the rms deviation with the target model. Because the structural transition is described by very few parameters, over-fitting of real experimental data is easily detected by using a cross-validation test. The method has also been applied to the refinement of atomic models into molecular envelopes and could readily be used to fit large macromolecular complex rearrangements into cryo-electron microscopy-reconstructed images as well as small-angle x-ray scattering-derived envelopes.  相似文献   

目的通过分析2009-2010年梅毒流行趋势,并结合天津市梅毒血清学检测能力验证考核结果,探寻天津市梅毒疫情变化的影响因素,为制定梅毒疫情防治策略提供科学依据。方法随机选取4家医疗机构,收集其2009年第一季度到第三季度的梅毒阳性血清并进行梅毒血清学复验。制备并发放梅毒血清样本,各管辖的性病实验室的常规检测人员,按其实验室常规检测方法,在规定的时间内检测并将检测结果回报。采用SPSS 15.0软件对收集的检测结果与梅毒疫情数据进行统计分析。结果在随机抽取的4家医疗机构收集的血液样本中,性病实验室与确证中心实验室梅毒检测结果的符合率为77.43%(247/319)。性病门诊实验室梅毒血清学检测能力验证结果显示,合格率为97.30%(36/37),其中优秀占78.38%(29/37),良好占13.51%(5/37),合格占5.41%(2/37),不合格率为2.70%(1/37)。结论以梅毒血清学确证能力建设为抓手,可以在一定程度上减少梅毒疫情报告中的误报情况,从而展示天津市真实的梅毒发病情况,为进一步制定梅毒疫情控制方案提供真实数据。  相似文献   

SETTING: Panel testing, blinded cross rechecking and on-site evaluation are the three methods for external quality assessment (EQA) of acid-fast bacilli (AFB) smear microscopy. Panel testing can provide data on laboratory capabilities prior to implementing a rechecking programme, assess the current status of laboratory performance and detect problems associated with diagnostic performance. Thus far, two methods for preparing panel test slides have been reported: these use real AFB-positive and -negative sputum treated with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) or N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NALC). OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the above methods and to develop a new method to prepare panel test slides with artificial sputum. DESIGN: Panel test slides were prepared using the NaOH and NALC methods. New artificial sputum preparation methods were developed and examined using a cultured monocyte cell line, cultured avirulent mycobacteria and methylcellulose or polyacrylamide gel as substrate. Smears prepared by the four methods were compared. RESULTS: Panel test slides prepared with NaOH and NALC methods are not macroscopically or microscopically similar to real smears. Our new artificial sputum is similar to real sputum in viscosity and macroscopic and microscopic appearance; it is also consistent in panel positivity grades. CONCLUSION: The artificial sputum described here could contribute to the EQA and training in tuberculosis laboratories or microscopy centres.  相似文献   

Treadmill testing is frequently used to assess the functional capacity of patients with claudication, but the optimal application of treadmill testing in the setting of multicenter clinical trials remains uncertain. The current study used data from a recent clinical trial of the drug NM-702, which employed three baseline assessments of peak walking time (PWT) using a graded treadmill. These data were used to describe the different methods of defining the baseline peak treadmill performance with respect to reproducibility, stability over time and detection of treatment effect. A series of baseline definitions (first test only, last test only, highest PWT of the three tests, arithmetic mean of the three tests, mean of the first two tests, median of the three tests and a reproducibility-based criterion) were used to calculate the population (n = 386) variability in baseline testing, the placebo response over the 24 weeks of treatment, and the effect size of NM-702. Placebo responses and NM-702 effect sizes were not substantively affected by the method used to calculate baseline PWT. Changes in PWT on placebo were less than 25% for all methods of baseline quantitation. No method yielded an NM-702 effect size quantitatively greater than that obtained using only the first baseline test in the analysis for either PWT or claudication onset time. The graded treadmill test quantifies PWT with high reproducibility and stability over time. These characteristics may obviate the need for multiple treadmill tests, potentially saving study costs and improving patient acceptance of trial participation.  相似文献   

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