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We investigated uptake of home-based HIV counselling and testing (HBHCT) and HIV care services post-HBHCT in order to inform the design of future HBHCT programmes. We used data from an open-label cluster-randomised controlled trial which had demonstrated the effectiveness of a post-HBHCT counselling intervention in increasing linkage to HIV care. HBHCT was offered to adults (≥18 years) from 28 rural communities in Masaka, Uganda; consenting HIV-positive care naïve individuals were enrolled and referred for care. The trial's primary outcome was linkage to HIV care (clinic-verified registration for care) six months post-HBHCT. Random effects logistic regression was used to investigate factors associated with HBHCT uptake, linkage to care, CD4 count receipt, and antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation; all analyses of uptake of post-HBHCT services were adjusted for trial arm allocation. Of 13,455 adults offered HBHCT, 12,100 (89.9%) accepted. HBHCT uptake was higher among men [adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 1.20, 95% confidence interval (CI)?=?1.07–1.36] than women, and decreased with increasing age. Of 551 (4.6%) persons who tested HIV-positive, 205 (37.2%) were in care. Of those not in care, 302 (87.3%) were enrolled in the trial and of these, 42.1% linked to care, 35.4% received CD4 counts, and 29.8% initiated ART at 6 months post-HBHCT. None of the investigated factors was associated with linkage to care. CD4 count receipt was lower in individuals who lived ≥30?min from an HIV clinic (aOR 0.60, 95%CI?=?0.34–1.06) versus those who lived closer. ART initiation was higher in older individuals (≥45 years versus <25 years, aOR 2.14, 95% CI?=?0.98–4.65), and lower in single (aOR 0.60, 95% CI?=?0.28–1.31) or divorced/separated/widowed (aOR 0.47, 95% CI?=?0.23–0.93) individuals versus those married/cohabiting. HBHCT was highly acceptable but uptake of post-HBHCT care was low. Other than post-HBHCT counselling, this study did not identify specific issues that require addressing to further improve linkage to care.  相似文献   

Youth are particularly vulnerable to acquiring HIV, yet reaching them with HIV prevention interventions and engaging and retaining those infected in care and treatment remains a challenge. We sought to determine the incidence rate of loss to follow-up (LTFU) and explore socio-demographic and clinical characteristics associated with LTFU among HIV-positive youth aged 15–21 years accessing outpatient care and treatment clinics in Kisumu, Kenya. Between July 2007 and September 2010, youth were enrolled into two different HIV care and treatment clinics, one youth specific and the other family oriented. An individual was defined as LTFU when absent from the HIV treatment clinic for ≥?4 months regardless of their antiretroviral treatment status. The incidence rate of LTFU was calculated and Cox regression analysis used to identify factors associated with LTFU. A total of 924 youth (79% female) were enrolled, with a median age of 20 years (IQR 18–21). Over half, (529 (57%)), were documented as LTFU, of whom 139 (26%) were LTFU immediately after enrolment. The overall incidence rate of LTFU was 52.9 per 100 person-years (p-y). Factors associated with LTFU were pregnancy during the study period (crude HR 0.68, 95% CI 0.53–0.89); CD4 cell count >350 (adjusted hazard ratios (AHR) 0.59, 95% CI 0.39–0.90); not being on antiretroviral therapy (AHR 4.0, 95% CI 2.70–5.88); and non-disclosure of HIV infection status (AHR 1.43, 95% CI 1.10–1.89). The clinic of enrolment, age, marital status, employment status, WHO clinical disease stage and education level were not associated with LTFU. Interventions to identify and enrol youth into care earlier, support disclosure, and initiate ART earlier may improve retention of youth and need further investigation. Further research is also needed to explore the reasons for LTFU from care among HIV-infected youth and the true outcomes of these patients.  相似文献   

目的了解河南省孕产妇艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染状况,为开展预防艾滋病母婴传播工作提供决策依据。方法对2005年1月-2007年5月,河南省艾滋病疫情相对集中的31个县(区)孕产妇的HIV检测结果进行分析。结果共对31个艾滋病重点县720605名孕妇和产妇检测HIV抗体,检测率93.11%;检测出HIV抗体阳性541例,阳性率0.08%。其中364例为阳性孕妇,223例自愿终止妊娠(占61.27%),5例失访(1.37%),136例选择继续妊娠待分娩(占37.36%)。3年间选择继续妊娠的HIV阳性孕妇,分别为31.51%(46/146)、36.31%(57/157)、54.10%(33/61),呈逐年上升趋势。284例分娩阳性产妇中,250例(88%)采取了母婴阻断预防措施。结论加强孕产妇HIV检测和阳性育龄妇女的孕检工作,早期发现、早期管理HIV阳性孕妇,可以进一步提高HIV阳性产妇的药物阻断率。  相似文献   

目的了解感染艾滋病病毒(HIV)的孕产妇对预防艾滋病母婴传播(PMTCT)服务的利用状况,分析影响因素。方法在河南、广西、新疆、云南省(自治区)的15个县/市/区,对2004年1月至2006年6月检测发现的感染HIV的孕产妇346人,通过问卷调查方式,结合相关医疗记录在孕期、产时和产后分阶段完成调查。调查内容包括人口学特征、相关行为、感染途径、PMTCT服务的利用情况等。结果346名感染HIV的孕产妇中94.80%接受过产前检查,95.95%住院分娩,其希望住院分娩的原因是医院医疗技术水平高(58.28%),服务质量好(47.27%),收费低(33.33%),能够提供PMTCT服务(33.03%),保密性好(26.97%),交通方便(23.33%)等。87.57%的母婴应用抗艾滋病病毒药物,规范应用抗病毒药物者占46.82%。感染HIV的孕产妇所娩婴儿中,89.02%采取人工喂养方式,满18月龄时进行HIV检测者占93.75%。检测后咨询包含PMTCT内容、民族和文化程度对规范应用抗病毒药物有影响作用(P〈0.05)。结论感染HIV的孕产妇对PMTCT服务的需求特殊,PMTCT服务利用尚不足,检测后咨询及咨询内容影响抗病毒药物的规范应用。建议加强HIV/ADIS高发地区基础妇幼保健服务,提高妊娠妇女早期和孕中期HIV抗体检测水平,重视感染HIV孕产妇抗病毒药物的规范应用和安全助产,为感染HIV的孕产妇及所娩婴儿提供个性化的、综合的PMTCT服务。  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to describe trends in the management of pregnancies in HIV‐infected women and their outcomes over a 14‐year period in Denmark on a national basis.


The study was a retrospective cohort study of all HIV‐infected women in Denmark giving birth to one or more children between 1 June 1994 and 30 June 2008.


We identified 210 HIV‐infected women with 255 pregnancies, ranging from 7 per year in 1995 to 39 per year in 2006. Thirty per cent of the women were Caucasian and 51% were Black African. Knowledge of HIV status before pregnancy increased from 8% (four of 49) in 1994–1999 to 80% (164 of 206) in 2000–2008. Only 29% (53 of 183) of the women chose to consult an infectious disease specialist when planning pregnancy, while 14% (27 of 199) received assistance with fertility. The proportion of women on antiretroviral therapy (ART) increased from 76% (37 of 49) in 1994–1999 to 98% (201 of 206) in 2000–2008. Vaginal deliveries ranged from 0 in 2003 to 35% of pregnancies in 2007. Mother‐to‐child transmission (MTCT) of HIV decreased from 10.4% in 1994–1999 to 0.5% in 2000–2008. All women giving birth to an HIV‐positive child were diagnosed with HIV during or after delivery and did not receive prophylactic ART.


The annual number of HIV pregnancies increased fivefold during this 14‐year period and substantial changes in pregnancy management were seen. No woman treated according to the national guidelines, i.e. ART before week 22, intravenous zidovudine (ZDV) during labour, neonatal ZDV for 4 to 6 weeks and no breastfeeding, transmitted HIV to her child.  相似文献   

Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) has been identified as a key intervention to promote infant health and to reduce the vertical transmission of HIV. Despite this knowledge and increased resources to promote EBF, the practice in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) remains low among HIV+ women. Although a number of qualitative studies have been conducted throughout SSA, the influences on and consequences of infant feeding choices of HIV+ mothers' findings have not been regarded systematically. Therefore, our objective was to identify overarching themes, commonalities, and differences in infant feeding choices among qualitative studies with HIV+ mothers in SSA. Sixteen qualitative studies of infant feeding practices in the context of HIV were identified. Noblit and Hare's seven-step metasynthesis methodology was used to analyze the experiences of HIV+ women and those who provide infant feeding services/counseling. Data were available from approximately 920 participants (i.e., 750 HIV+ mothers, 109 health-care providers, and 62 family members) across 13 SSA countries from 2000 to 2011. From these data, five themes emerged within which 3–4 overarching key metaphors were identified. The consistency of key metaphors across a variety of geographic, economic, and cultural settings suggest the importance of approaching infant feeding holistically, within the context of maternal knowledge, health-care support, family resources, and cultural expectations. EBF campaigns in SSA are more likely to successfully support optimal health for infants and a safe supportive environment for their mothers when the impact of infant feeding decisions are evaluated across these themes.  相似文献   

感染HIV的孕产妇预防艾滋病母婴传播服务需求与障碍分析   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
目的了解艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染孕产妇的预防艾滋病母婴传播服务需求与服务利用障碍。方法对某艾滋病高发地区,自2003年以来截至2004年10月发现并分娩的HIV感染孕产妇进行问卷调查。结果13.79%的孕产妇不愿意接受产前检查,5.17%的孕产妇不愿意住院分娩,怕歧视、担心检查和住院分娩费用高等是孕产妇不接受孕产期保健的主要原因;96.43%的孕产妇愿意本人和给孩子服用抗逆转录病毒药物预防艾滋病母婴传播,但只有87.50%的孕产妇服用了抗HIV药物,未服药的原因为临产急诊分娩,未得到检测结果,延误了孕产妇和婴儿的服药时机;89.29%的孕产妇希望其所生婴幼儿获得随访服务,但只有58.93%的婴幼儿得到过随访服务,其中51.52%的婴幼儿在出生后3个月内得到首次随访;怕别人知道自己的感染情况是不愿意接受随访的主要原因;近7%的孕产妇不愿意或不知道要给所生的婴幼儿进行HIV抗体检测。结论育龄妇女和孕产妇艾滋病检测不及时、非住院分娩、婴幼儿随访服务薄弱、经济负担、社会歧视等问题,是预防艾滋病母婴传播服务利用的主要障碍,预防艾滋病母婴传播综合能力亟待加强。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To estimate differences in fertility by HIV serostatus and to validate an adjustment method for estimating the HIV prevalence in the general female population using data from an antenatal clinic. METHODS: We used Cox regression models to retrospectively estimate the age-specific relative fertility (RF) of HIV-positive compared to HIV-negative women among 3314 antenatal clinic attenders in northern Uganda. RF and the age distribution of women in the general female population were used to extrapolate the antenatal clinic-based HIV prevalence. This procedure was indirectly validated by comparing the adjusted estimate with those based on standard adjustment factors derived from general female populations in Uganda and Tanzania. RESULTS: HIV-positive women reported a lower fertility than HIV-negative women [age-adjusted RF=0.83, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.75-0.93]. Except for girls aged 15-19 (RF=0.96, 95% CI: 0.74-1.24) HIV-positive women in all age groups were less fertile (20-24 year: RF=0.83, 95% CI: 0.67-1.01; 25-29 years: RF=0.79, 95% CI: 0.62-1.00; 30-49 year: RF=0.79, 95% CI: 0.65-0.96]. Adjusting the antenatal clinic-based HIV prevalence (11.6%) for these differences yields a higher estimate (13.8%) that is lower than those based on standard adjustment factors derived from general female populations (from 14.6% to 17.7%). CONCLUSIONS: The age-specific pattern of differential fertility by HIV serostatus derived from antenatal clinic data is consistent with findings from population-based studies conducted in Africa. However, differences in fertility between HIV positive and HIV-negative clients underestimate those in the general female population yielding inaccurate estimates when used to extrapolate the HIV prevalence.  相似文献   

目的了解我国部分艾滋病(AIDS)高流行地区,艾滋病感染孕产妇及所生儿童应用抗反转录病毒(ARV)药物状况及变化趋势。方法 2005年1月至2008年12月,在艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染相对高发的5省23个市(县、区),对1 414名HIV-1感染孕产妇及所生儿童进行问卷调查及随访管理,收集研究对象所应用ARV药物种类、方案等一系列信息。结果1 414名研究对象中,2005-2008年各年分别有77.13%、77.73%、78.26%和84.20%的HIV感染孕产妇应用了ARV药物,并呈现逐年递增的趋势(χ2=5.90,P=0.01)。艾滋病感染产妇三联ARV药物应用比例呈现逐年上升趋势,而单一NVP应用比例逐年下降(χ2=237.17,P<0.000 1;χ2=276.49,P<0.000 1)。预防性及治疗性三联药物方案应用比例仍不足40%和15%,上升幅度有限(χ2=45.79,P<0.0001;χ2=151.96,P<0.0001)。结论继续扩大艾滋病感染孕产妇及所生儿童应用高效抗反转录病毒治疗(HAART)覆盖面,提高ARV药物的可及性,尤其是三联ARV药物方案的应用。  相似文献   



There are limited antiretroviral options for use in the treatment of HIV infection during pregnancy. The purpose of this study was to assess the safety, efficacy and appropriate dosing regimen for ritonavir (RTV)‐boosted atazanavir in HIV‐1‐infected pregnant women.


In this nonrandomized, open‐label study, HIV‐infected pregnant women were dosed with either 300/100 mg (n=20) or 400/100 mg (n=21) atazanavir/RTV once‐daily (qd) in combination with zidovudine (300 mg) and lamivudine (150 mg) twice daily in the third trimester. Pharmacokinetic parameters [maximum observed plasma concentration (Cmax), trough observed plasma concentration 24 hour post dose (Cmin) and area under concentration‐time curve in one dosing interval (AUCτ)] were determined and compared with historical values (300/100 mg atazanavir/RTV) for HIV‐infected nonpregnant adults (n=23).


At or before delivery, all mothers achieved HIV RNA <50 HIV‐1 RNA copies/mL and all infants were HIV DNA negative at 6 months of age. The third trimester AUCτ for atazanavir/RTV 300/100 mg was 21% lower than historical data, but the Cmin values were comparable. The Cmin value for atazanavir/RTV 400/100 mg was 39% higher than the Cmin for atazanavir/RTV 300/100 mg in historical controls, but the AUCτ values were comparable. Twice as many patients in the 400/100 mg group (62%) had an increase in total bilirubin (>2.5 times the upper limit of normal) as in the 300/100 mg group (30%). Atazanavir (ATV) was well tolerated with no unanticipated adverse events.


In this study, use of atazanavir/RTV 300/100 mg qd produced Cmin comparable to historical data in nonpregnant HIV‐infected adults. When used in combination with zidovudine/lamivudine, it suppressed HIV RNA in all mothers and prevented mother‐to‐child transmission of HIV‐1 infection. During pregnancy, the pharmacokinetics, safety and efficacy demonstrated that a dose adjustment is not required for ATV.  相似文献   

In Uganda, alcohol consumption is associated with higher HIV prevalence. However, research is needed to better understand how different patterns of alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems may drive this association. In this cross-sectional study, we examined how hazardous alcohol use and alcohol-related problems such as psychological, physical, and social harms are associated with HIV status in fishing communities in Uganda. 300 (132 male, 168 female) residents of fishing communities in Uganda (75 participants from each of the following occupational groups: fishmongers, alcohol sellers, commercial sex workers (CSW), and fishermen) completed an interviewer-assisted computerized interview. We captured information on sociodemographics and HIV testing history. Prior 12-month hazardous alcohol consumption patterns and alcohol-related problems were assessed with the AUDIT and AUDADIS. 19.7%, 58.0%, and 23.3% of the sample reported being HIV positive, being HIV negative from a test within the prior 12 months, and not knowing their HIV status respectively. 18.7% reported the co-occurrence of hazardous alcohol consumption patterns and alcohol-related problems. 7.7% reported either hazardous alcohol consumption patterns or alcohol-related problems. Compared to non-drinkers, those with co-occurring hazardous consumption and alcohol-related problems had greater odds of being HIV positive (adjOR 2.75, 95% CI 1.17–6.43) and of unknown HIV status (adjOR 3.35, 95% CI 1.52–7.42). Reporting only hazardous consumption levels, only alcohol-related problems, or low-risk drinking, did not increase the odds of being HIV positive or of unknown status. Among those not HIV positive, those with co-occurring hazardous consumption and alcohol-related problems had greater odds of never having had an HIV test (adjOR 3.78, 95% CI 1.63–8.68). The co-occurrence of hazardous alcohol use and alcohol related problems appears to be a prominent risk factor for HIV infection, not knowing one's HIV status, and never testing for HIV in this setting.  相似文献   

The HIV infection of a family member can impact family quality of life (FQoL). The objectives of this study are to (1) describe patterns of FQoL among mothers living with HIV (MLHIV) and (2) identify key factors associated with FQoL in families affected by HIV. Recruitment took place in HIV-specialized clinics and community organizations. A 100 MLHIV and 67 of their children participated in this study. Mothers were on average 40.8 years old and reported having an average of two dependent children at home (M = 2.1, SD = 1.0). Participating children were 16.2 years old, on average. Half of the children were boys (50.8%). More than half were aware of their mother's positive HIV status (68.2%) and 19.7% were diagnosed with HIV. All HIV-positive children were aware of their status. A latent profile analysis was performed on the five continuous indicators of FQoL, and three main profiles of self-reported FQoL among MLHIV were established: high FQoL (33%), moderate FQoL (58%), and low FQoL (9%). Among the mothers' characteristics, education, physical functioning, social support, and resilience increased FQoL, while anxiety and irritability decreased FQoL. Among the children's characteristics, resilience followed the FQoL profile. A trend was observed toward children's greater awareness of the mother's HIV status in high and low FQoL profiles. Additionally, irritability tended to be higher within the lower FQoL profile. FQoL profiles can be used to identify families needing special care, particularly for family interventions with both parents and children. Other relevant indicators must be studied (e.g., closeness and support between family members, availability and accessibility of care, family structure, father–child relationships, and medical condition of the mother) and longitudinal research conducted to estimate the direction of causality between FQoL profile and individual family member characteristics.  相似文献   

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