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心理治疗和佛教有相同之处,即,都致力于改变人的心理以缓解痛苦。正因为如此,佛教的观点、方法可以视为心理治疗的一个参考。这是一个大题目,值得大家研究,本文只是一块砖头而已。当然,我们必须看到二者的不同。佛教是一种宗教,而所有宗教都有排他性,通俗地说,这就是,只有我的信仰绝对正确、完美无缺,能济世救人,其他一切信仰都不对、不好,没有用。佛教之致力于改变人心,所有办法都与此信仰直接相关,  相似文献   

心理治疗和佛教有相同之处,即,都致力于改变人的心理以缓解痛苦.正因为如此,佛教的观点、方法可以视为心理治疗的一个参考.这是一个大题目,值得大家研究,本文只是一块砖头而已. 当然,我们必须看到二者的不同.佛教是一种宗教,而所有宗教都有排他性,通俗地说,这就是,只有我的信仰绝对正确、完美无缺,能济世救人,其他一切信仰都不对、不好,没有用.佛教之致力于改变人心,所有办法都与此信仰直接相关,不可不察.心理治疗是一种社会的或学科的分工,有分工便有合作,因此,心理治疗不但不拒绝与其他任何专业之间的合作,而且必然会汲取其他专业可供参考或利用的成果.  相似文献   

自从弗洛伊德最先提出精神分析理论 ,心理治疗师便认为深入研究患者的隐私信息 ,可以提高治疗效果。人们一直认为对治疗师敞开心扉是患者释放抑郁情绪和理解心理问题的有效途径 ,而且患者对思想情感的倾诉越多 ,治疗师也就能更有效地帮助患者。传统上把自我呈现定义为向治疗师陈述隐私的过程。然而 ,越来越多的心理学研究已经对于“高度地向治疗师敞开心扉是有益的”提出了疑问。特别是当患者在治疗中引起了更大的抑郁 ,以及更难熬 ,更痛苦的治疗阶段时 ,患者对治疗师保留相关隐私可能会引起症状减轻[1] 。Kelly[2 ] 认为 ,患者自我呈…  相似文献   

心理治疗过程中药物的应用   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
早在五十年代中期,美国精神病学和其它心理卫生专业人员对药物治疗单用或结合心理治疗就存在分歧[1]。随着心理治疗和药物治疗经验的积累,另有一种逐渐增加的倾向则是主张心理治疗和药物治疗的结合[2]。本文就心理治疗过程中药物使用的有关问题作一综述,总结药物治疗对心理治疗可能的影响,哪些情况需要用药、用药可能出现的心理动力意义等。1 药物对心理治疗的可能副作用(1)药物导致症状减轻,病人寻求心理治疗的动机减弱。大多数精神药物能有效地缓解病人的精神烦燥,神经症性焦虑,或其它症状,这样病人对心理治疗的动力将会大大减弱[1]。根…  相似文献   

心理学的产生和发展在国外已有200多年的历史,尤其是在西方一些发达的资本主义国家,心理学已得到广泛的应用,心理咨询和心理治疗作为一种行业已普遍存在于人们的生活中。人们一旦遇到心理障碍就会主动到心理门诊就诊,拥有私人律师和心理咨询师被看做是个体地位的象征,人们形象地称他们为“一手拉着律师,一手拉着心理咨询师”。  相似文献   

现代"心理治疗"一词来源于西方,但中国古代医学中就有十分丰富的心理治疗的思想与技术。将这些传统心理治疗的思想与技术置于现代心理学的视野中也有其自己的特色与价值。具体体现在:将心理治疗理解为积极心理与消极心理不断获得平衡的过程;治疗中充分利用患者自身的心理资源,即倡导"七情互治"理论与技术;注重治疗中心理、生理、社会三因素的整体协调。  相似文献   

在评价心理治疗效果时,会遇到许多复杂的条件和不同的因素,因而引起对疗效评价的矛盾结果及其一系列困难。在科学评定心理治疗效果时,第一是疗效的标准。如何确定一个病人心理状况好转或痊愈呢?通常靠病人自己的报告和治疗者的报告,但两者都不一定是可靠的。与躯体疾病不同,心理异常者的报告并不都可信。有许多原因可以使病人声称自己有所好转或已经痊愈了。临床心理学中所谓“您好—一再见”效应(Hello-Goodbyeeffect)在心理治疗中确实存在。即病人最先来求诊时,常下意识地表示自己病得厉害,希望得到帮助。随着治疗的进行,病…  相似文献   

近年来,经常有读者来电、来函,表达内心困惑或表示有心理问题需要帮助,询问在当地是否有正规、专业的心理咨询或心理治疗服务机构。本刊公益性地刊出国内部分心理服务机构名录,以方便急需心理帮助的人及时、准确地获得正规的心理服务。  相似文献   

本文对18例心肌梗塞患者的心理状态进行分析,表明所有患者均存在不同程度的心理障碍。运用支持、释疑、提示、转移、认知等方法进行心理治疗,患者能够更好地配合医生治疗,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

近年来,经常有读者来电、来函,表达内心困惑或表示有心理问题需要帮助,询问在当地是否有正规、专业的心理咨询或心理治疗服务机构。本刊公益性地刊出国内部分心理服务机构名录,以方便急需心理帮助的人及时、准确地获得正规的心理服务。  相似文献   

Disturbed sense of self has long been identified as a common experience among people suffering with schizophrenia. More recently, metacognitive deficits have been found to be a stable and independent feature of schizophrenia that contributes to disturbed self‐experience and impedes recovery. Individual psychotherapy designed to target poor metacognition has been shown to promote a more coherent sense of self and enhanced recovery in people with schizophrenia. We provide a report of a 2‐year individual psychotherapy with a patient suffering with chronic schizophrenia. Progress was assessed over the course of treatment using the Metacognition Assessment Scale and the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale. The patient experienced improved metacognitive capacity and reduced symptom severity over the course of therapy. Implications for clinical practice are discussed.  相似文献   

触摸行为是人类最基本最原始的行为之一,其在人们的日常生活中具有非常重要的作用。触摸不仅能有效地改变人们的态度和行为,还能单独地表达出各种情绪信息,在人际交流中起到了媒介的作用。此外,触摸行为还被广泛的应用于心理治疗领域,其效果也得到了一些研究证据的支持。本文总结了触摸在理论和应用领域的研究成果,并讨论了触摸行为在心理治疗中应用的伦理学问题。  相似文献   

How do deaf patients treat their psychological conflicts? Is psychoanalytic psychotherapy possible for this population? Should adaptations be made in the psychotherapeutic setting? Many deaf people have come to psychotherapists’ offices in search of care for their emotional suffering only to encounter professionals who are unprepared, at least technically, to work with these patients and their differences. Due to the scarcity of publications or because very few professionals work with this population, many psychoanalysts are obliged to develop treatment in a basically intuitive way. The main objective of this study is to describe characteristics and technical adaptations carried out when treating this group through psychoanalytic psychotherapy as exercised by professionals who are familiar with the area. This article is the result of qualitative research backed up by very diverse reading. Content analysis was carried out according to Bardin's widely accepted method, and resulted in three final categories that are discussed. The categories are: (1) professional experience in the field of deafness: preparation and initial difficulties; (2) contextualization and subjectivity of deaf patients; (3) a psychoanalytic approach with deaf patients: characteristics and technical adaptations of clinical practice.  相似文献   

In Switzerland as a rule a first main accent of the training as a psychotherapist with medical background takes place during the years between qualifying as an MD and obtaining the specialization certificate as a psychiatrist. These years are usually spent in institutions in which the obligation to serve the population ranks higher than to provide a training for psychotherapists. With the increasing number of doctors in free practice, including medical psychotherapists, the patients treated in institutions are those who need guidance provided by a pluridisciplinary team of professionals with different backgrounds. This is not only the case for inpatient units specialized in psychotherapy but also for psychiatric wards in general. More and more psychiatric services are being established in the field between the psychiatric clinic and the private practice of psychotherapists, in the form of day-care units or teams working in the community or in liaison psychiatry within the units of the somatic disciplines. The everyday situation of a resident on the way to becoming a psychotherapist consists in trying to treat patients by psychological means and methods together with other doctors, psychologists, social workers and nurse therapists who understand at least their attitude as a psychotherapeutic one. In my view this way of working is practised more and more. Can it be taken as a part of the training of psychotherapists or not? I think yes, because many abilities which are part of basic psychotherapy can continually be trained in such a setting in which the critical attitudes of representatives of other disciplines have stimulating effects.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

目的:了解广州市中老年人营养知识、态度、饮食行为及影响因素。方法:通过整群随机抽样,用问卷方式调查广州市6个城区574名中老年人营养知识、态度及饮食行为的情况。结果:广州城区中老年人营养知识、态度、行为总得分平均值为34.57(及格率77.7%),三部分分别得分为20.11(及格率71.78%)、8.49(及格率92.51%)、5.96(及格率61.15%),营养知识、态度和行为间有正相关关系,影响知识、态度和行为得分的主要因素是文化程度,其次为是否曾主动获取相关知识。结论:广州市中老年人具有较好的营养态度,但掌握的营养知识不足,膳食营养行为有待提高,需加强社区营养宣传工作,提高中老年人的营养素质,从而起到预防相关疾病发生的目的。  相似文献   

From Janet to Reich to the present day, body psychotherapy involves a rich and explicit theory, study, and practice of the human body–mind. This relationship is not hierarchical, nor something that suggests the unification of an age-old split, but it represents a unitive functioning with indivisible interactive aspects of the whole human being. This concept is quite revolutionary for some, liberating for others, and it can also be quite threatening. It can act as a baseline and a resource as other psychotherapies and new sciences explore aspects of body psychotherapy and their own involvement with the body, and it may help integrate some of the direct technical knowledge of the body therapies. This article is a personal attempt to cover the history and the main lines of approach of body psychotherapy, and to show how its relationship to the rest of psychotherapy is changing rapidly.  相似文献   

Behavioural methods of treating anxiety have been shown to be highly effective but are not widely available in general practice where most people suffering from anxiety are treated. This study reports a development in service delivery which is simple, inexpensive and does not make great time demands on general practitioners or require them to extend their training and expertise. The study shows that for patients suffering from panic disorder or generalized anxiety disorder the use of an anxiety management booklet in addition to their usual treatment from their general practitioner produces clinically and statistically significant improvements. Of particular importance is the speed of response to the booklet. Within the first two weeks those patients who received the booklet were significantly less anxious than the controls. The booklet was acceptable to patients and recommendations are made about how to incorporate it into clinical practice.  相似文献   

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