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When the entire septum as well as the cartilaginous vault are exposed to direct vision by degloving the nasal covering, the complete extent of the deformities in cleft lip nose can be clarified. The septal cartilage is hollowed out leaving an L-shaped anterosuperior portion, whereas the intranasal structures are simultaneously altered to ensure the patency of the nasal airway. An adequate-sized piece is cut from the removed cartilage and is fitted to the anterior part of the remaining cartilage to enforce the columella, which acts as a strut to keep both lower lateral cartilages symmetrical and to create a nasal tip. Thus, a new cartilaginous pyramid with symmetrical nostrils is reconstructed. If the anterosuperior portion of the cartilage is deviated, the concave surface is scored to allow it to be straightened before the strut is fitted. Satisfactory cosmetic and functional results were obtained in most patients with adult cleft lip nose, including those associated with deviation, without any major complications.  相似文献   

The authors refer to the surgical technique used for correction of the leporine nose, occurring with unilateral cleft lip, and the variations according to the length of the columella.  相似文献   

The cleft lip nose is a combination of various deformities, which should be considered in relation to the shape of the whole face. This paper deals with (1) the characteristics of the cleft lip nose; (2) time of the operation; (3) primary operative procedure; (4) secondary operative procedure; and (5) aesthetic operation for the cleft lip nose.  相似文献   

Successful surgical repair of the unilateral cleft lip and nose deformity, defined as normal orbicularis oris function and near-perfect symmetry of the repaired lip and nose, demands that the surgeon possess complete understanding of the embryology and anatomy of the midfacial defects. The surgical approach to repair of the unilateral cleft lip/nose should place great emphasis on achieving symmetry, not only with the lip segments but also perhaps even more importantly with the nasal tip. The reconstruction should recreate an intact fully functional orbicularis oris muscle across the cleft and camouflage the scar optimally. We have found that modification of the Millard rotation-advancement flap technique, with particular attention to the primary nasal repair, provides the best outcomes. In patients who have undergone primary repair of the lip and/or nose deformity, secondary rhinoplasty is generally required, regardless of the technique used at the primary repair. The degree of nasal deformity, however, is less severe following primary repair of the asymmetric nasal tip. We have found that the sliding flap cheliorhinoplasty, Wang's modification of the Vissarionov technique, provides excellent results for most secondary cleft rhinoplasties.  相似文献   

目的 探讨完全性单侧唇裂鼻唇畸形同期修复的时机、手术方法及围手术期的序列治疗对手术效果的影响.方法 收集完全性单侧唇裂病例76例,手术年龄为3~12个月.手术方法采用鼻唇畸形同期修复方法,参考Salyer及Noordhoof法的手术原则,并根据具体情况灵活设计,配合术前、术后的序列治疗.结果 完全性单侧唇裂鼻唇畸形同期修复术后随访时间为3个月至20年.总体鼻唇形态恢复满意.其中,优秀39例(51.3%),满意33例(43.4%),不满意4例(5.3%).结论 早期鼻唇畸形同期修复,配合围手术期的序列治疗,以及整形外科或颌面外科医师纯熟的手术技巧,尽最大可能减少损伤和瘢痕,会达到理想的修复效果.
Objective To investigate the influence of timing, operative method and perioperative sequence treatment on the therapeutic effect of one-staged correction of lip and nose deformities in complete unilateral cleft lip. Methods Seventy-six patients with unilateral complete cleft lip, aged from 3 to 12 months, underwent one-staged correction of lip and nose deformities, based on the Salyer, Noordhoof method. Sequence treatment was performed before and after operation. Results The patients were followed up for 3 months to 20 years with excellent results in 39 cases ( 51. 3% ) , good in 33 patients (43. 4% ) , unsatisfied in 4 patients( 5. 3% ). Conclusions Good results can be achieved when the onestaged correction of lip and nose deformities, combined with perioperative sequence treatment, is performed. The operative technique of plastic surgeon or maxillofacial surgeon is also important for less morbidity and scar.  相似文献   

Summary The best way I have found to correct the adult cleft lip nose with marked deformity is to expose the cartilaginous framework and re-align it in improved position. The anterior transcolumellar incision combined with the vestibular extensions is effective. It is important that the cleft side alar cartilage be shifted to the desired position, without any tension in the lateral vestibule, such as frequently results from an oro-nasal fistula. If the cartilaginous framework is correctly realigned, the manipulation of the soft tissue at the anterior nostril margin by elliptical excision or rolling the marginal skin into the vestibule to create the new margin is not necessary in the great majority of cases.Presented in part at the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Plastic Surgeons on April 6, 1979 in Tokyo  相似文献   

目的观察分析单侧唇裂鼻畸形者鼻尖的外在美学缺陷与内在鼻翼软骨解剖异常之间的关系,并对矫正手术加以改进。方法在30例单侧唇裂鼻畸形矫正术中,对鼻尖部进行解剖观察和美学分析。在矫正手术中采用耳甲软骨移植重建鼻尖软骨支架的方法。结果发现鼻翼软骨的各亚结构均有发育不良、移位和变形,这与鼻尖的美学缺陷密切相关,采用改进的手术方法治疗的30例中,24例效果满意,4例畸形矫正不全。结论基于解剖和美学研究基础上改进的手术方法,适用于单侧唇裂鼻畸形的矫正。  相似文献   

Mastery of the anatomy and embryology of the normal and cleft upper lip, primary palate, and secondary palate is an essential foundation for grasping techniques in aesthetic reconstruction of cleft lip defects. The surgical goals in repairing cleft lip deformities are to address the deficiencies of the cleft lip defect, restore static and dynamic anatomy, reshape the cleft nasal deformity, and leave a natural-appearing scar that mimics the contours of the philtral components. An additional goal is to improve skeletal alignment and retention of teeth in the vicinity of the alveolar cleft. There are advantages and disadvantages inherit in all repair techniques. However, there are principles that can be universally applied and that will improve the success of most approaches. Certain steps deserve special attention to detail, which provide for enhanced results in lip repair. In addition, the pearls for aesthetic reconstruction of cleft lip and nose defects outlined within this article--attention to scars and surface detail, utilizing the orthopedic forces of the orbicularis pull to achieve improved alveolar alignment, the importance of mucosal detail, and attention to the cleft nasal defect--will help to improve results and reduce secondary defects.  相似文献   

A technique for the secondary correction of the bilateral cleft lip nose is described in this paper. It combines a V-Y advancement flap and Cronin's technique and has given satisfactory results in 15 cases without complications.  相似文献   

A new method for the correction of secondary unilateral cleft lip nose   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary In 1982, Dibbell described a procedure to correct this distortion by rotating and advancing the nostril medially and superiorly. We used this method in our department for several years, but as Dibbell himself experienced, we didn't always obtain satisfactory results. Like many authors, I agree that the best approach for proper correction of the secondary unilateral cleft lip nose deformity is the external approach using transcolumellar incisions, because the lower lateral cartilage exposure is inadequate with Dibbell's method. I added the transcolumellar incision similar to Bardach's to solve this problem. In this paper, this combination technique will be presented and contrasted with Dibbell's and Bardach's techniques.  相似文献   

An operation is described for the correction of the unilateral cleft lip nose when there is a deficiency of alar tissue with superior displacement of the alar maxillary junction. This method uses a full-thickness graft from the contralateral alar crease.  相似文献   

目的通过对双侧唇裂术后鼻唇畸形的分析,探索双侧唇裂术后继发鼻唇畸形矫治的一种理想方法.方法前唇设计出三叶瓣后,先对移位的组织进行完全游离及复位,再将三叶瓣向鼻小柱方向掀起,延长鼻小柱及抬高鼻底.结果1999年11月至2002年2月,共矫治双侧唇裂术后继发畸形患者25例,术后三叶瓣血运良好,鼻尖抬起,鼻小柱延长,鼻底外形满意,上唇突度增加.术后切口均Ⅰ期愈合,随访2周至18个月,临床效果满意.结论该手术方法是矫治双侧唇裂术后继发畸形的一种选择术式,本法对前唇较小、上唇松弛的双侧唇裂术后畸形患者有显著疗效.  相似文献   

三叶瓣修复双侧唇裂术后鼻唇畸形25例分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:通过对双侧唇裂术后鼻唇畸形的分析,探索双侧唇裂术后继发鼻唇畸形矫治的一种理想方法。方法:前唇设计出三叶瓣后,先对移位的组织进行完全游离及复位,再将三叶瓣向鼻小柱方向掀起,延长鼻小柱及抬高鼻底。结果:1999年11月至2002年2月,共矫治双侧唇裂术后继发畸形患者25例,术后三叶瓣血运良好,鼻尖抬起,鼻小柱延长,鼻底外形满意,上唇突度增加。术后切口均Ⅰ期愈合,随访2周至18个月,临床效果满意。结论:该手术方法是矫治双侧唇裂术后继发畸形的一种选择术式,本法对前唇较小、上唇松弛的双侧唇裂术后畸形患者有显著疗效。  相似文献   

The author describes the method of operation for the elimination of the recurrent flat wing and tip of the nose after reconstructive chilorhinoplasty in unilateral cleft lips. The method of chilorhinoplasty was used in more than 500 patients. The symmetry of the nose tip was achieved in 85% of the cases which shows the prospects of introduction of the method into wide clinical practice.  相似文献   

目的 矫正单侧唇裂继发鼻畸形。方法 基于对单侧唇裂鼻畸形的病理解剖学研究和对其畸形特征的认识,我们设计一种新的手术修复方法。手术经鼻端和患侧前庭联合切口,解剖、显露双侧鼻翼软骨,同时形成患侧前庭粘膜软骨瓣;在纠正鼻中隔软骨偏曲,松解患侧鼻肌复合体起点,使鼻翼脚无张力抬高后,再通过悬吊技术和粘膜软骨瓣的 V Y 推进,将患侧鼻翼软骨进行整体旋转复位;最后,应用口轮匝肌上部纤维内收抬高鼻翼脚,用鼻肌复合体起点复位调整鼻孔形态,完成鼻畸形的矫正。结果 自1993 年至今,经92 例实践,效果满意。结论 本手术方法具有切口暴露好、可直视操作、安全可靠等特点;患侧鼻翼软骨整体复位具有良好的临床效果。  相似文献   

目的:探讨通过手术使移位组织解剖复位,综合矫治唇裂术后遗留的鼻、唇畸形。方法:经重建降鼻中隔肌的形态和功能,口轮匝肌的插入缝合,惠侧鼻唇沟瓣梨状孔处充填,鼻小柱的基底离断,鼻翼软骨的解剖学复位、悬吊,完成唇裂鼻唇畸形的修复与功能重建。结果:37例惠者经综合矫治,术后1~3年随访复查,优良31例,改善3例,不满意0。结论:通过综合矫正,一次完成唇、鼻畸形形态、功能及细微的解剖学修复。  相似文献   

目的 探讨单侧唇裂术后鼻唇畸形的手术方法 ,探讨其病理解剖特点 ,以寻求治疗该病症状群的针对性技术。方法 通过鼻翼软骨外侧脚交叉转位、移位 ,结合硅胶假体或ePTFE的应用 ,成形鼻尖、鼻翼 ;将鼻小柱基部与裂侧鼻翼缝合建立联系 ,以矫正鼻小柱、裂侧鼻翼和鼻孔的变形 ;利用初次手术的瘢痕瓣 ,结合局部口轮匝肌 ,成形裂侧人中嵴 ;红唇口轮匝肌束状瓣重叠缝合 ,结合皮肤黏膜Z - plasty ,成形唇珠 ,矫正红唇畸形。 结果 本组 32例 ,2 8例具有通常临床表现者效果好 ,4例 (12 .5 % )效果差。该 4例存在白唇、红唇组织量严重不足。结论 应用此方法可以治疗具有通常临床表现的单侧唇裂术后鼻唇畸形 ,但对于组织量严重不足者不适用  相似文献   

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