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Recent functional connectivity magnetic resonance imaging and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) studies have suggested atypical functional connectivity and reduced integrity of long-distance white matter fibers in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, evidence for short-distance white matter fibers is still limited, despite some speculation of potential sparing of local connectivity in ASD. Short-distance U-fibers are an important component of neural networks and are thought to play a crucial role in cognitive function. In the present study, we applied tract-based spatial statistics to derive short- and long-distance white matter tracts in frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes in both hemispheres. DTI data were acquired from 26 children with ASD and 24 typically developing (TD) children. A mean fractional anisotropy (FA) image was created and thinned to represent centers of all common tracts. Evidence of compromised short-distance tracts for the ASD group was found in frontal lobe (reduced FA, increased mean diffusivity [MD] and radial diffusivity) as well as in temporal and parietal lobes (increased MD and radial diffusivity). Significant positive correlations between age and FA and negative correlations between age and MD and radial diffusivity were also found for short-distance tracts in each lobe in the TD, but not the ASD group. These results suggest white matter compromise in short-distance tracts in ASD. Absence of typical age-related correlations with DTI indices may reflect altered maturation of short-distance tracts in ASD. Our results are inconsistent with a notion of selective sparing of short-distance connectivity in ASD.  相似文献   

Our objective was to test for differences between subjects with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and healthy controls with respect to white matter architecture within the cingulum bundle (CB) and anterior limb of the internal capsule (ALIC). We studied eight subjects with active OCD and 10 matched healthy controls using diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DT-MRI) at 1.5 T (Tesla). Fractional anisotropy (FA) was evaluated in both CB and ALIC. Both voxelwise and region-of-interest methods of analysis were employed. Within both the left CB and the left ALIC, subjects with OCD exhibited significantly greater FA than healthy controls. In the right CB, subjects with OCD exhibited significantly decreased FA versus healthy control subjects. Additionally, the OCD group exhibited abnormal asymmetry (left > right) of FA in the CB. These results provide preliminary evidence for abnormal architecture within the CB and ALIC in OCD. FA differences in these areas are consistent with the presence of abnormal connections between the nodes linked by these tracts. This could explain why surgically severing these tracts is therapeutic. Additional studies are needed to replicate these findings and to clarify their pathological and clinical significance.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DT-MRI) assesses the integrity of white matter (WM) tracts in the brain. Children with bipolar disorder (BPD) may have WM abnormalities that precede illness onset. To more fully examine this possibility, we scanned children with DSM-IV BPD and compared them to healthy peers and children at risk for BPD (AR-BPD), defined as having a first-degree relative with the disorder. METHODS: Ten children with BPD, eight healthy controls (HC), and seven AR-BPD, similar in age, had MRI scans on a 1.5 Tesla GE scanner, including a standard DT-MRI sequence (T2-EPI) with 25 axial slices. Fractional anisotropy (FA) values were compared between groups to determine regions of significant difference (p < 0.05). RESULTS: Compared to HC, children with BPD had decreased FA in right and left superior frontal tracts, including the superior longitudinal fasciculus I (SLF I) and the cingulate-paracingulate WM (CG-PAC(WM)). In addition, the BPD group had reduced FA in left orbital frontal WM and the right corpus callosum body. Compared to AR-BPD, children with BPD showed reduced FA in the right and left CG-PAC(WM). Both the BPD and AR-BPD groups showed reduced FA relative to HC in bilateral SLF I. CONCLUSIONS: The bilateral SLF I finding in both the BPD and AR-BPD groups may represent a trait-based marker or endophenotype of the disorder. The finding of decreased FA in the right and left CG-PAC(WM) in children with BPD compared to the other two groups may represent a disease-state related finding.  相似文献   

Objectives:  In bipolar disorder (BD), dysregulation of mood may result from white matter abnormalities that disrupt fronto-subcortical circuits. In this study, we explore such abnormalities using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), an imaging technique capable of detecting subtle changes not visible with conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and voxel-based analysis.
Methods:  Thirty-six patients with BD, all but two receiving antidepressants or mood stabilizers, and 28 healthy controls matched for age and gender were studied. Diffusion-weighted echoplanar images (DW-EPI) were obtained using a 1.5T scanner. Voxel-based analysis was performed using SPM 2. Differences between the groups in mean diffusivity and fractional anisotropy (FA) were explored.
Results:  In the patient group, mean diffusivity was increased in the right posterior frontal and bilateral prefrontal white matter, while FA was increased in the inferior, middle temporal and middle occipital regions. The areas of increased mean diffusivity overlapped with those previously found to be abnormal using volumetric MRI and magnetization transfer imaging (MTI) in the same group of patients.
Conclusions:  White matter abnormalities, predominantly in the fronto-temporal regions, can be detected in patients with BD using DTI. The neuropathology of these abnormalities is uncertain, but neuronal and axonal loss, myelin abnormalities and alterations in axonal packing density are likely to be relevant. The neuroprotective effects of some antidepressants and mood stabilizers make it unlikely that medication effects could explain the abnormalities described here, although minor effects cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Objectives:  Strong qualitative and quantitative evidence exists of white matter abnormalities in both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (BD). Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) studies suggest altered connectivity in both disorders. We aim to address the diagnostic specificity of white matter abnormalities in these disorders.
Methods:  DTI was used to assess white matter integrity in clinically stable patients with familial BD (n = 42) and familial schizophrenia (n = 28), and in controls (n = 38). Differences in fractional anisotropy (FA) were measured using voxel-based morphometry and automated region of interest analysis.
Results:  Reduced FA was found in the anterior limb of the internal capsule (ALIC), anterior thalamic radiation (ATR), and in the region of the uncinate fasciculus in patients with BD and those with schizophrenia compared with controls. A direct comparison between patient groups found no significant differences in these regions. None of the findings were associated with psychotropic medication.
Conclusions:  Reduced integrity of the ALIC, uncinate fasciculus, and ATR regions is common to both schizophrenia and BD. These results imply an overlap in white matter pathology, possibly relating to risk factors common to both disorders.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Prefrontal white matter has been hypothesized to be integral to the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder. Recent morphometric studies however, have not observed changes in white matter in bipolar patients. We hypothesized that changes in prefrontal function in bipolar disorder, widely reported in the literature, may be related to a loss of white matter tract integrity with a resultant dysconnectivity syndrome. In this study we utilized diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to examine prefrontal white matter in patients with bipolar disorder. METHODS: Nine patients with bipolar disorder and nine healthy controls were recruited. DTI and localizing anatomic data were acquired, and regions of interest (ROIs) identified in the prefrontal white matter at 15, 20, 25, and 30 mm superior to the anterior commissure (AC). Fractional anisotropy (FA) and trace apparent diffusion coefficient (TADC) were compared by ROI between study groups. RESULTS: The FA of ROIs 25 and 30 mm above the AC was significantly reduced in patients with bipolar disorder; FA of all ROIs showed high-medium to large effect sizes. No significant group differences were identified in TADC. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that a loss of bundle coherence is present in prefrontal white matter. This loss of coherence may contribute to prefrontal cortical pathology in patients with bipolar disorder.  相似文献   

Benedetti F, Absinta M, Rocca MA, Radaelli D, Poletti S, Bernasconi A, Dallaspezia S, Pagani E, Falini A, Copetti M, Colombo C, Comi G, Smeraldi E, Filippi M. Tract‐specific white matter structural disruption in patients with bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disord 2011: 13: 414–424. © 2011 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Objectives: A growing body of evidence suggests that, independent of localized brain lesions, mood disorders can be associated with dysfunction of brain networks involved in the modulation of emotional and cognitive behavior. We used diffusion tensor (DT) tractography to quantify the presence and extent of structural injury to the connections between the amygdala and other brain regions, which included the subgenual, the supragenual and posterior cingulate, the parahippocampal, the orbitofrontal and dorsolateral prefrontal cortices, as well as the insula. Methods: Using a 3.0 Tesla scanner, conventional and DT magnetic resonance imaging sequences of the brain were acquired from 15 adult patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), 15 with bipolar disorder (BD), and 21 age‐matched healthy controls. Using FSL software, diffusivity changes of the white matter (WM) fiber bundles belonging to the emotional network were measured. Results: Compared to controls and MDD patients, BD patients had significantly decreased average fractional anisotropy, increased average mean diffusivity, and increased average axial and radial diffusivity values in the majority of the WM fiber bundles connecting structures of the anterior limbic network (p‐values ranging from 0.002 to 0.040). Medication load did not influence the results with the exception of lithium, which was associated with normal diffusivity values in tracts connecting the amygdala with the subgenual cingulate cortex. Conclusions: We detected specific WM abnormalities, suggestive of disrupted integrity of fiber bundles in the brains of patients with BD. These abnormalities might contribute to understanding both mood dysregulation and cognitive disturbances in BD, and might provide an objective marker to monitor treatment efficacy in this condition.  相似文献   

We investigated whether structural white matter abnormalities, in the form of disruption of axonal coherence and integrity as measured with diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), constitute an underlying pathological mechanism of idiopathic dystonia (ID), independent of genotype status. We studied seven subjects with ID: all had cervical dystonia as their main symptom (one patient also had spasmodic dysphonia and two patients had concurrent generalized dystonia, both DYT1‐negative). We compared DTI MR images of patients with 10 controls, evaluating differences in mean diffusivity (MD) and fractional anisotropy (FA). ID was associated with increased FA values in the thalamus and adjacent white matter, and in the white matter underlying the middle frontal gyrus. ID was also associated with increase in MD in adjacent white matter to the pallidum and putamen bilaterally, left caudate, and in subcortical hemispheric regions, including the postcentral gyrus. Abnormal FA and MD in patients with ID indicate that abnormal axonal coherence and integrity contribute to the pathophysiology of dystonia. These findings suggest that ID is not only a functional disorder, but also associated with structural brain changes. Impaired connectivity and disrupted flow of information may contribute to the impairment of motor planning and regulation in dystonia. © 2006 Movement Disorder Society  相似文献   

Variations in the signalling NRG1-ErbB4 pathway have been associated with genetic susceptibility for both bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, although the underlying neural mechanisms are still uncertain. Reduced integrity of the anterior limb of the internal capsule (ALIC) has been found in association with risk-associated genetic variation in the 5′ region of the NRG1 gene. We hypothesised that variation in the gene encoding the NRG1 receptor, ErbB4, would also be associated with reduced ALIC integrity and with cognitive impairments characteristic of individuals with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), we examined the white matter integrity associations of the ErbB4 polymorphism rs4673628, which resides within intron 12 of the gene encoding ErbB4, in 36 healthy individuals. We also sought to clarify the cognitive effects of any findings. We found that genetic variation at the rs4673628 locus in the ErbB4 gene was significantly associated with ALIC white matter integrity which was also significantly and positively associated with mnemonic function. These findings provide further evidence to support a key role of NRG1-ErbB4 signalling in the pathophysiology of major mental disorders.  相似文献   

There is great interest in developing physiological‐based biomarkers such as diffusion tensor imaging to aid in the management of concussion, which is currently entirely dependent on clinical judgment. However, the time course for recovery of white matter abnormalities following sports‐related concussion (SRC) is unknown. We collected diffusion tensor imaging and behavioral data in forty concussed collegiate athletes on average 1.64 days (T1; n = 33), 8.33 days (T2; n = 30), and 32.15 days post‐concussion (T3; n = 26), with healthy collegiate contact‐sport athletes (HA) serving as controls (n = 46). We hypothesized that fractional anisotropy (FA) would be increased acutely and partially recovered by one month post‐concussion. Mood symptoms were assessed using structured interviews. FA differences were assessed using both traditional and subject‐specific analyses. An exploratory analysis of tau plasma levels was conducted in a subset of participants. Results indicated that mood symptoms improved over time post‐concussion, but remained elevated at T3 relative to HA. Across both group and subject‐specific analyses, concussed athletes exhibited increased FA in several white matter tracts at each visit post‐concussion with no longitudinal evidence of recovery. Increased FA at T1 and T3 was significantly associated with an independent, real‐world outcome measure for return‐to‐play. Finally, we observed a nonsignificant trend for reduced tau in plasma of concussed athletes at T1 relative to HA, with tau significantly increasing by T2. These results suggest white matter abnormalities following SRC may persist beyond one month and have potential as an objective biomarker for concussion outcome. Hum Brain Mapp 37:833–845, 2016. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

White matter (WM) asymmetries of the human brain have been well documented using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). However, the relationship between WM asymmetry pattern and cognitive performance is poorly understood. By means of tract‐based spatial statistics (TBSS) and voxel‐based analyses of whole brain, this study examined the WM asymmetries and the correlations between WM integrity/asymmetries and three distinct components of attention, namely alerting, orienting, and executive control (EC), which were assessed by attention network test (ANT). We revealed a number of WM anisotropy asymmetries, including leftward asymmetry of cingulum, corticospinal tract and cerebral peduncle, rightward asymmetry of internal capsule, superior longitudinal fasciculus and posterior corona radiata, as well as heterogeneous asymmetries in anterior corpus callosum and anterior corona radiata (ACR). Moreover, specific correlation was found between asymmetric pattern of inferior frontal ACR and EC performance. Additionally, this study also proposed that there were no significant relationships of WM anisotropy asymmetries to alerting and orienting functions. Further clusters of interest analyses and probabilistic fiber tracking validated our findings. In conclusion, there are a number of differences in WM integrity between human brain hemispheres. Specially, the anisotropy asymmetry in inferior frontal ACR plays a crucial role in EC function. Our finding is supportive of the functional studies of inferior frontal regions and in keeping with the theory of the brain lateralization on human ventral attention system. Hum Brain Mapp, 2013. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a rare neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the widespread aberrant accumulation of α‐synuclein (α‐syn). MSA differs from other synucleinopathies such as Parkinson''s disease (PD) in that α‐syn accumulates primarily in oligodendrocytes, the only source of white matter myelination in the brain. Previous MSA imaging studies have uncovered focal differences in white matter. Here, we sought to build on this work by taking a global perspective on whole brain white matter. In order to do this, in vivo structural imaging and diffusion magnetic resonance imaging were acquired on 26 MSA patients, 26 healthy controls, and 23 PD patients. A refined whole brain approach encompassing the major fiber tracts and the superficial white matter located at the boundary of the cortical mantle was applied. The primary observation was that MSA but not PD patients had whole brain deep and superficial white matter diffusivity abnormalities (p < .001). In addition, in MSA patients, these abnormalities were associated with motor (Unified MSA Rating Scale, Part II) and cognitive functions (Mini‐Mental State Examination). The pervasive whole brain abnormalities we observe suggest that there is widespread white matter damage in MSA patients which mirrors the widespread aggregation of α‐syn in oligodendrocytes. Importantly, whole brain white matter abnormalities were associated with clinical symptoms, suggesting that white matter impairment may be more central to MSA than previously thought.  相似文献   

Objectives. Treatment-resistant depression is a common clinical occurrence among patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), but its neurobiology is poorly understood. We used data collected as part of routine clinical care to study white matter integrity of the brain's limbic system and its association to treatment response. Methods. Electronic medical records of multiple large New England hospitals were screened for patients with an MDD billing diagnosis, and natural language processing was subsequently applied to find those with concurrent diffusion-weighted images, but without any diagnosed brain pathology. Treatment outcome was determined by review of clinical charts. MDD patients (n = 29 non-remitters, n = 26 partial-remitters, and n = 37 full-remitters), and healthy control subjects (n = 58) were analyzed for fractional anisotropy (FA) of the fornix and cingulum bundle. Results. Failure to achieve remission was associated with lower FA among MDD patients, statistically significant for the medial body of the fornix. Moreover, global and regional-selective age-related FA decline was most pronounced in patients with treatment-refractory, non-remitted depression. Conclusions. These findings suggest that specific brain microstructural white matter abnormalities underlie persistent, treatment-resistant depression. They also demonstrate the feasibility of investigating white matter integrity in psychiatric populations using legacy data.  相似文献   

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