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Satisfaction data have recently returned to popularity, as an outcome measure in managed behavioral healthcare systems. However, there are few examples of management uses of such data. We collected data 12 months after participants had completed a supported education program, concerning their retrospective satisfaction and the barriers, needs, and personal difficulties currently experienced in their attempts to pursue post-secondary education or training. Data on follow-up supportive contacts were also obtained. Results supported participants' continuing satisfaction, and identified particular information items which were endorsed as most helpful. However, the data indicated that personal difficulties presented obstacles to many and that a majority of participants had current needs for financial aid, tutoring, job placements, support groups, and transportation. Following completion of the supported education program, many participants had continuing contacts in support of their educational plans. The amount of contact was generally low, however. In the future, supported education programs need to build in mechanisms to ensure students receive ongoing support for education, since this support was found to positively and significantly affect individuals' enrolling in college or training.  相似文献   

This report describes a supported education program (SEP), a novel community-based program of rehabilitation for psychiatric patients, started in Israel in 1999. Objectives, target population and activities are described. In addition, initial findings of two program-related studies are presented. One study explored the relationship of psychological distress with students' coping strategies and perceived social support. The second study is a survey of mental health literacy and attitudes of heads of schools for adult education where the SEP was implemented. Studies' findings suggested a "case for action" with the following objectives: to develop interventions to prevent distress among SEP users, and to enhance mental health knowledge and foster positive attitudes among school personnel aimed at decreasing dropout rates and encourage the utilization of the opportunities provided by SEP.  相似文献   

Fifty-two young adults with severe psychiatric disabilities were selected to participate in a university-based supported education program aimed at helping them develop the skills to choose and implement a career plan. Thirty-five of the subjects completed the four-semester program. After the intervention, 42 percent of the students were competitively employed or enrolled in an educational program, compared with 19 percent before the intervention. The number of hospitalizations experienced by the subjects in the first year of the program decreased significantly, and the subjects' self-esteem increased significantly. The results indicate that rehabilitation services on a university campus may be a viable adjunct to more traditional rehabilitation services for persons with psychiatric disabilities.  相似文献   

The successful integration of former psychiatric inpatients into the community requires innovative programs of psychosocial rehabilitation, including supported education. This article examines psychological distress as an outcome variable, and social support and coping strategies as mediating variables among 70 service-user students (SUS) with schizophrenia and a comparison group of 55 adult students (AS) with no psychiatric diagnosis. Both groups were participants in a supported education program. The study variables were assessed by standardized research instruments: the Talbieh Brief Distress Inventory (TBDI), the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), and the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (CISS). Univariate and multivariate analyses were used. Compared with the control subjects, SUS reported higher emotional distress and the utilization of emotion-oriented coping strategies, and a lesser availability of social support from family and friends. These variables explained 46.3%, 24.5%, and 22.5%, respectively, of the total variance in psychological distress scores. The findings provide the basis for interventions geared to reduce distress and, as a result, to enable students with severe mental illness to fully utilize the supported education program.  相似文献   

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major public health problem resulting in death and disabilities of young and productive people. Though the mortality of TBI has decreased substantially in recent years the disability due to TBI has not appreciably reduced. Various outcome scales have been proposed and used to assess disability after TBI. A few, commonly used are Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) with or without extended scores, Disability Rating Scale (DRS), Functional Independence Measure (FIM), Community Integration Questionnaire (CIQ), and the Functional Status Examination (FSE). These scales assess disability resulting from physical and cognitive impairments. For patients with good physical recovery a cognitive and neuropsychological outcome measure is required. Such measures include Neurobehavioural Function Inventory and specific neuropsychological tests like Rey Complex Figure for visuoconstruction and memory, Controlled Oral Word Association for verbal fluency, Symbol Digit Modalities (verbal) for sustained attention and Grooved Pegboard for fine motor dexterity. A more holistic and complete outcome measure is Quality of Life (QOL). Disease specific QOL measure for TBI, Quality of Life after Brain Injury (QOLIBRI) has also been recently proposed. The problems with outcome measures include poor operational definitions, lack of sensitivity or low ceiling effects, inability to evaluate patients who cannot report, lack of integration of morbidity and mortality categories, and limited domains of functioning assessed. GOSE-E satisfies most of the criteria of good outcome scale and in combination with neuropsychological tests is a near complete instrument for assessment of outcome after TBI.  相似文献   

Meaningful work is described as one of the functional indicators of healing and growth beyond the disability and is seen as critical in recovering a personal sense of worth and value. We describe a supported education-supported employment program which focused on teaching computer, recovery and work skills. A program evaluation was implemented on four consecutive classes of this program. Four classes with a convenience sample of sixty-one students were involved in the evaluation over years. The program utilized a one group pretest, posttest design, with repeated measures over time. Following the 10-month classroom training phase, students entered a 2-month internship to give them computer office work experience. Students were interviewed quarterly using standardized assessments involving work and other subjective outcomes. Results suggest that overall the students experienced a positive change in work status and income and a decrease in mental health services utilization. In addition, non-vocational outcomes, specifically self-esteem and empowerment improved. The program represents a successful integration of supported education and supported employment program models.  相似文献   

Outcome measures for pediatric spinal muscular atrophy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a genetic disease of the anterior horn cell with a frequency of 8 per 100 000 live births and a high rate of mortality during infancy. The American Spinal Muscular Atrophy Randomized Trials (AmSMART) Group is an organization of 5 centers formed to perform clinical trials in children with SMA. OBJECTIVE: To devise reliable methods to measure strength, motor function, lung function, and quality of life for use as outcome measures in children with SMA. SETTING: Tertiary referral center, pediatric neurology department. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Twelve children with SMA aged 2 to 14 years were enrolled in a reliability study of 4 outcome measures: quantitative muscle testing (in children >5 years), gross motor function measure, pulmonary function tests, and quality of life. The Richmond Quantitative Measurement System was used to test grip, knee flexion and extension, and elbow flexion. Gross motor function measure was performed as described, and pulmonary function tests were measured using the KoKo system. Quality of life was assessed via the PedsQL and the PedsQL Neuromuscular Module for patients and parents. RESULTS: Ten children fulfilled the inclusion criteria and completed at least 3 visits with 3 evaluators in 6 months. Using a weighted kappa, the gross motor function measure showed high interrater reliability. Quantitative muscle testing showed greater variability among the weakest children; the findings for pulmonary function tests and quality of life were inconclusive. The PedsQL Neuromuscular Module for parents had moderately high reliability. CONCLUSION: A tool for motor function may be more useful in clinical trials of childhood SMA than one for quantitative muscle strength.  相似文献   

Consumers providing direct services at mental health centers contribute positive qualities to the service delivery system; however, there are few instructional programs to prepare consumers for these roles. Of the few consumer-provider training programs that exist, those conducting research have focused on employment and hospitalization outcomes. No program has researched changes in students' perceptions of subjective well-being. Research with students in the Kansas Consumer as Provider (CAP) training program found significant differences in students' perception of hope, self-esteem, and recovery after the training program.  相似文献   

Despite increased attention to consumer-providers, there remains a lack of models that prepare, support, and sustain consumers in provider roles. This article describes the Consumer as Provider (CAP) Training program at the University of Kansas School of Social Welfare, which creates opportunities for individuals with severe psychiatric disabilities to develop knowledge and skills to be effective as human service providers. CAP fosters a partnership between colleges and community mental health centers where students experience classroom and internship activities. Outcome from a 2-year longitudinal study on CAP graduates indicates increased employability, especially in social services field, and higher post-secondary educational involvement.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION BY THE COLUMN EDITORS: Because the mental health system in Japan has emphasized hospital-based treatment (1), patients with schizophrenia often remain institutionalized for long periods, even after their symptoms have stabilized. In addition, the introduction of modern community-based methods of treatment and rehabilitation was delayed by an antipsychiatry movement in the 1970s and the ascendance of a reductionistic biological approach to services (2). Lack of adequate outpatient services and community residential care in Japan has been a serious obstacle to destigmatization of mental disorders and has contributed to the heavy burden and stress experienced by families of mentally ill persons (3). More than 80 percent of patients discharged from mental hospitals return to live with their families, who are ill prepared to provide the supportive services required for community tenure.Involvement in work activities can facilitate community reentry for people with serious and persistent mental illness because employment displaces symptoms, provides structure and meaning in daily life, offers socialization with peers, and permits workers to earn income for shelter and food. In this issue's Rehab Rounds column, the authors describe an innovative vocational rehabilitation program for patients with schizophrenia that was designed to overcome obstacles to discharge and community adjustment. The program at Yabuki Prefecture Psychiatric Hospital, in the northern prefecture of Fukushima, Japan, has been successful in training patients for competitive work while capitalizing on the importance of work in Japanese culture and its traditionally supportive employer-employee relationships. The program is termed "hybrid" because it combines elements of transitional employment with supported employment (4).  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study determined the costs of evidence-based supported employment programs in real-world settings. METHODS: A convenience sample of 12 supported employment programs known to follow closely the principles of evidence-based supported employment was asked to provide detailed information on program costs, use, and staffing. Program fidelity was assessed by using the Supported Employment Fidelity Scale. Cost and utilization data were analyzed in a comparable manner to yield direct and total costs per client served, per full-year-equivalent client, and per employment specialist. RESULTS: Usable data were obtained from seven programs in rural and urban locations in seven states: Indiana, Kansas, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Vermont. All programs received high fidelity ratings, ranging from 70 to the maximum value of 75. Annual direct costs per client served varied from dollars 860 in New Hampshire to dollars 2723 in Oregon, and direct costs per full-year-equivalent client varied from dollars 1423 in Massachusetts to dollars 6793 in Indiana. Direct costs per employment specialist did not show as much variation, ranging from dollars 37339 in Rhode Island to dollars 49603 in Massachusetts, with a mean of dollars 44082. Differences in cost per client arose in part from differences in rules for determining who is or is not considered to be on a program's caseload. By assuming a typical caseload of about 18 clients, it was estimated that the cost per full-year-equivalent client averaged dollars 2449 per year, ranging from dollars 2074 to dollars 2756. CONCLUSIONS: The results point to the need for greater uniformity in caseload measurement and help specify the costs of high-fidelity supported employment programs in real-world settings.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the adaptation of the Individual Placement and Support model of supported employment to individuals with a recent first episode of schizophrenia or a related psychotic disorder. METHODS AND RESULTS: Given that the vocational goals of persons with a recent onset of schizophrenia often involve completion of schooling rather than only competitive employment, the principles of Individual Placement and Support were extended to include supported education. This extension involved initial evaluation of the most appropriate goal for individual participants, having the IPS specialist working on placement either with the participant or directly with educational and employment settings (depending on permitted disclosure and individual need), and follow-along support that included work with teachers and aid in study skills and course planning as well as typical supported employment activities. Work with family members also characterized this application of IPS. A randomized controlled trial is comparing the combination of IPS and skills training with the Workplace Fundamentals Module with the combination of brokered vocational rehabilitation and broad-based social skills training. Participants in the IPS condition have returned to school, competitive work, and combined school and work with approximately equal frequency. CONCLUSIONS: IPS principles can be successfully extended to integrate supported education and supported employment within one treatment program. The distribution of return to school, work or their combination in this group of individuals with recent-onset schizophrenia supports the view that an integrated program of supported education and supported employment fits this initial period of illness.  相似文献   

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