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INTRODUCTION: There are important differences in rural, regional and urban general practice environments. The purpose of this study was to articulate models that explain career satisfaction among general practitioners (GPs) in these practice environments. METHODS: Of 4958 eligible physicians across Canada, 2810 (56.7%) completed a 12- page survey between January and March 2004, from whom a total of 256 GPs in rural, regional and urban communities were selected. Response bias was checked and found to be negligible. We used hierarchical regression analysis to record cumulative R2, standardized beta and significance levels as each predictor was entered. We applied weighting factors to reflect the actual physician population in Canada. RESULTS: The models explained 88.5% of the variance in career satisfaction for GPs in small towns, 88.9% for GPs in regional communities and 86.3% for GPs in urban cities. The explanatory variables consisted of distress and coping, role in community activities, the quality of health care services and access to them, intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, workload and organizational structure. CONCLUSION: Career satisfaction for small-town doctors is associated with being able to cope with stress in handling a wide variety of clinical conditions, largely on their own, but with effective collaboration from physicians in larger centres. Rural GPs also enjoy academic responsibilities. Satisfaction for GPs in regional communities also depends on coping with stress and the ability to maintain an efficiently operating set of secondary- level health services in their community. Satisfaction for urban GPs is associated with collegiality, which dampens stress, and access to a full range of health services, including community, hospital, mental health and rehabilitation services. Career satisfaction for all GPs is associated with equity, manageable workloads and effective practice management; however, all of these professional issues contribute, in small increments, to satisfaction.  相似文献   

Questionnaires assessing levels of job satisfaction and possible sources of stress were distributed to a random sample of general practitioners in the Greater Manchester area. The highest levels of job satisfaction were reported for `intrinsic' job factors such as freedom to choose method of working, amount of responsibility and amount of variety, rather than `extrinsic' factors such as rate of pay and hours of work. The main causes of stress appeared to be interruptions of various kinds. Factor analysis revealed four major sources of stress: interruptions; emotional involvement; administrative workload and work/home interface; and routine medical work. Of these, all but routine medical work were associated with job satisfaction. It is concluded that the major sources of stress for the general practitioner are not medical, but social.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that many general practitioners were experiencing stress levels detrimental to their well-being. To examine coping strategies of Irish general practitioners and the possible impact of their stress on mental health and job satisfaction. Anonymous questionnaires were posted to 226 general practitioners in the Western Health Board. Just over one third of stressors caused moderate to considerable stress. Coping was important in the stress process. Sometimes, coping strategies predicted stress-related outcomes better than stressors. General practitioners' mental health was slightly better than that of a normative group. They tended to be satisfied with all aspects of the job, except hours of work. The provision of counselling services for general practitioners suffering from stress should be encouraged. Stress-management strategies should include training in coping skills and time management. The increased use of co-operatives could help alleviate the stress of out-of-hours work.  相似文献   

Eighty five volunteer general practitioners in Lothian region recorded clinical and contextual information on 21,000 consultations during 1987-88. During their recording sessions they reported their perceived levels of stress using a previously validated scale. Subsequently, 80 of the doctors completed a previously validated multi-dimensional scale about their attitudes to patient care. Three attitude subscales (psychological orientation, appropriateness of consultations and responsibility for decisions) correlated with processes of care previously identified as indicators of good care. The 20 doctors who scored most highly on these patient-centred scales recorded self-perceived stress in 27% of their consultations compared with 11% of the consultations of the 33 doctors who scored lowest on these scales. Among the 20 most patient-centred doctors those booking patients at eight patients per hour or more reported stress at twice as many consultations as those with a longer booking interval; doctors whose preferred working styles conflicted with their booking patterns reported stress in up to 62% of consultations. Doctors with a higher patient-centred orientation find their work more stressful. Longer booking intervals remove much of that stress, particularly when doctors' preferred style of consulting requires them to spend more time at individual consultations. Previously described work stressors offer a theoretical explanation for a problem which is important for both doctors and patients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is concern about the morale of general practitioner registrars. There may be stress-provoking factors that could be avoided or minimized. AIMS: The aims of the study were to assess the sources of stress and job satisfaction of general practitioner registrars, to compare registrars' job satisfaction with that of established principals using a recently published survey and to identify registrars' usual responses to stress. METHOD: A postal questionnaire survey was sent to all 143 general practitioner registrars in the West Midlands Region. The main measures were: self-rating scales of stresses associated with work and training; the Warr, Cook and Wall job satisfaction scale; and self-reported responses to stress. RESULTS: A total of 118 (83%) general practitioner registrars responded. The most potent sources of stress were family-job conflict, working for the Membership of the Royal College of General Practitioners, patients' unrealistic expectations and disruption of social life. Registrars practised good coping responses to stress. Registrars in this study had significantly greater job satisfaction than general practitioner principals in a 1993 survey for three out of 10 items measured (responsibility given, hours of work and the job as a whole) and significantly worse scores for three items (recognition for good work, rate of pay and variety of work). CONCLUSIONS: Registrars have additional stresses to those of established principals because they need to study for examinations, learn new tasks in general practice and carry out their service commitments at a stage in life when many are newly married or have a young family. Training in stress management for general practitioner registrars is recommended.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Oxidative/antioxidative status may be related to psychological stress or pathogenesis of depression. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Participants were selected from 381 female nurses working in a university hospital, and the Brief Job Stress Questionnaire was utilized to assess them. Nurses with high job stress (JS) (n = 18) and with low JS (n = 15) consented to participate in this study. Depressive symptoms were assessed by the Centre for Epidemiologic Studies Depression scale (CES-D). Cholesterols, lipid peroxidation (malondialdehyde, MDA) and antioxidants in the plasma were measured. RESULTS: High JS participants exhibited significantly higher CES-D scores (t = 3.34, p < 0.005), and significantly lower concentrations of total cholesterol (TC), low density+very low density lipoprotein cholesterols (LDL+VLDL), alpha-tocopherol, and beta-carotene compared with low JS participants (t = 2.69, p < 0.05; t = 3.46, p < 0.005; t = 2.96, p < 0.05; t = 2.98, p < 0.05, respectively). However, the reductions in plasma indicators were substantially weakened after controlling for lifestyle factors with the exception of LDL+VLDL and alpha-tocopherol. In addition, the significance of alpha-tocopherol concentrations appeared to depend on cholesterol levels. CES-D scores correlated positively with plasma MDA levels, the MDA/TC ratio and the MDA/LDL+VLDL ratio among the low JS group (r = 0.69, p < 0.001; r = 0.79, p < 0.001; r = 0.75, p < 0.005, respectively), whereas there were no correlations among the high JS group. After controlling for lifestyle covariates, the relationship between CES-D scores and the MDA/LDL+VLDL ratio remained significant (beta = 0.95, p < 0.05) using a multiple linear regression model (F = 3.61, p < 0.05). LIMITATIONS: Sample numbers in each JS group were relatively small. CONCLUSIONS: Psychological stress may reduce the plasma levels of LDL+VLDL accompanying an alpha-tocopherol decrease. There appeared to be a correlation between elevated MDA and depressive symptoms in low JS participants.  相似文献   

Links between general practitioners and mental health professionals, such as counsellors, psychiatrists, community psychiatric nurses, clinical psychologists and social workers, are increasing in number and type. The aim of this survey was to elicit general practitioners' attitudes to these workers, comparing those with a link with a mental health worker and those without. General practitioners in two district health authorities were surveyed and a response rate of 70% was obtained. General practitioners linked to a mental health professional were more likely to have made a referral to that service in the previous three months and, on the whole, were more satisfied with that service. The commonest problem reported by respondents was the length of waiting lists. Regarding liaison with social workers, inadequate feedback and difficulty with contact were the problems mentioned most by doctors. A number of general practitioners expressed a desire for closer contact with all these mental health services. While caution is required in ascribing causality to these relationships, it is clear that a closer working relationship between general practitioners and mental health workers is productive and is valued by general practitioners. The challenge for policy makers is to structure mental health provision in such a way that more general practitioners are able to benefit than at present.  相似文献   

Doctors who were general practitioners in the period 1973-88 and had written a successful MD or PhD thesis were identified. Of 96 doctorates, 64 were MDs and 32 PhDs. Fourteen doctors had obtained their MD before becoming general practitioners and the remaining 50 after becoming general practitioners. Twenty of the 64 doctors were full time or part time members of a university department of general practice; six of these were professors. In this 16 year study the mean annual number of MDs written by doctors while in general practice was three, compared with five in the previous 15 years. Of the PhDs, 11 were obtained before starting a medical course, six during the pre-clinical period, three after qualifying but before entry into general practice and 12 after entry into general practice. Ninety two per cent of the 50 doctors who obtained their MDs while in general practice and 84% of all the doctors with MDs continued to do research afterwards. Further research was carried out by 81% of doctors with a PhD. The best way of producing good researchers in general practice is to encourage doctors to accept the challenge of writing a PhD or an MD thesis. This study has shown that writing such a thesis encourages rather than discourages a doctor to undertake further research.  相似文献   

内科门诊病人心理障碍的调查研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
用二步筛查法,以一般健康问卷 (GHQ) 为筛查工具及复合式国际诊断检查 (CIDI)为确定病例的工具,随机调查了二所综合性医院的普通内科门诊病人390例。结果,符合 CCMD-2标准的心理障碍的总患病率为15.7%。其中,各类神经症的患病率最高(7.4%),其次是继发于躯体病的焦虑抑郁障碍(3.5%)。患病的高峰年龄是30~34岁,干部和科技人员的患病率高。一些慢性疼痛症状是常见的躯体化症状,病人倾向于将心理问题归因于躯体。内科医生对心理障碍的诊断率为46.7%。心理障碍对病人的职业功能有肯定的损害。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND. Little is known about the current management of angina pectoris in general practice. AIM. This survey set out to assess general practitioners' perceptions of current investigation and treatment for angina pectoris. METHOD. A postal questionnaire was sent to all 217 general practitioners listed with the Hampshire Family Health Services Authority who have access to a regional cardiac centre in Southampton. RESULTS. The response rate was 79% (171 of 217). The majority (80%) of general practitioners reported referring 10% or fewer of their patients with angina to a cardiologist at the regional centre, and 72% reported referring a quarter or fewer of their patients to a hospital physician. Most (77%) considered an exercise test useful for diagnosis of angina, but almost half (47%) were uncertain about its prognostic value. Most respondents (79%) were not confident of interpreting the results of an exercise test. The majority (79%) believed that there was scientific evidence to show that coronary angioplasty relieves symptoms and 21% were of the opinion that it prolongs survival. Ninety six per cent believed coronary artery bypass grafting relieves symptoms and 62% that it prolongs survival. CONCLUSION. General practitioners do not appear to refer the majority of patients with angina pectoris for hospital investigation, and express divergent and contradictory opinions about exercise testing and the scientific evidence for the benefits of coronary angioplasty and coronary artery bypass surgery. Easier access to cardiological investigation and population based data about the value of exercise testing and survival benefits from coronary intervention are required to optimize selection of patients in the community who are most likely to benefit from coronary revascularization.  相似文献   

In order to clarify current opinion on aspects of the management of hypertension, a postal questionnaire was sent to all 420 general practitioners in the Lothian Health Board Area. Three hundred and nine doctors (74 per cent) replied.

A high proportion were willing to undertake the investigation and follow-up of most hypertensive patients in general practice but there were conflicting opinions on the use of Phase 4 and Phase 5 in the measurement of blood pressure, the number and type of investigations which were appropriate, the level of diastolic blood pressure at which treatment should begin, and the level to which the diastolic blood pressure should be reduced with treatment.


BACKGROUND: General practitioners (GPs) are widely reported to 'miss' half of the psychological problems present in their patients. AIMS: To describe the relationship between frequency of consultations and GP recognition of psychological symptoms. DESIGN OF STUDY: Survey of GPs and their patients. Setting: General practices in the southern part of New Zealand's North Island. METHOD: Participants were randomly selected GPs (n = 70), and their patients (n = 3414, of whom a sub-set of 386 form the basis of this study). The main measure was the comparison between GP and composite international diagnostic interview (CIDI) recognition of psychological problems. RESULTS: Of the GPs selected, 90% participated. The CIDI was completed by 70% of selected patients. In patients (n = 386) with a CIDI-diagnosed disorder, 63.7% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 53.3 to 74.1) were considered by the GP to have had psychological symptoms in the last year; 40.1% (CI = 31.0 to 49.2) to have had clinically significant psychological problems, and 33.8% (CI = 24.9 to 42.6) were given an explicit diagnosis. However, in those CIDI-diagnosed patients who had been seen five or more times during the previous year, these recognition figures increased to 80.2% (CI = 68.9 to 91.4), 59.4% (CI = 45.9 to 72.9) and 53.6% (CI = 40.1 to 67.1) respectively, and dropped to 28.8% (CI = 13.0 to 44.7), 13.6% (CI = 3.4 to 23.7), and 10.7% (CI = 1.4 to 19.9) among patients not consulting during the previous year. GPs often differed from the CIDI in their assessment of clinical significance and diagnosis. CONCLUSION: GP non-recognition of psychological problems was at a problematic level only among patients with little recent contact with the GP. Efforts to improve GP recognition of mental disorder may be more effective if they target new or infrequent attenders, and encourage patient disclosure of psychological issues.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Despite interest in the relationship between patient satisfaction and consultation performance, there is little information about how other characteristics of general practitioners, practices and patients influence satisfaction with consultations. AIM: To identify characteristics of patients, practices and general practitioners that influence satisfaction with consultations. METHOD: In 1991-92, a consultation satisfaction questionnaire (CSQ) was administered to 75 patients attending each of the 126 general practitioners in 39 practices. Further questionnaires were used to collect information about the practice (such as total list size, training status, fundholding status and presence of a personal list system) and about the general practitioners (age, sex, whether vocationally trained, a trainer or a trainee, and the number of patients booked in the appointment system per hour). Stepwise multiple regression was undertaken to identify characteristics of patients, practices or general practitioners that influenced satisfaction. RESULTS: The mean of the response rates to the patient questionnaire for each general practitioner was 76.6%, with a standard deviation (SD) of 17.8. Practice characteristics associated with falls in satisfaction were an increasing total list size, the absence of a personal list system and its being a training practice. If more patients were booked in the appointment system per hour, satisfaction with the perceived length of consultations fell. Patient characteristics associated with falls in satisfaction were increased age and an increased proportion of male patients. The only characteristic of general practitioners associated with lower levels of satisfaction was increasing age. The sex of general practitioners did not influence satisfaction. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study give further support to the importance of a personal service in determining patient satisfaction in general practice. General Practitioners need to review the organization of practices to ensure an acceptable balance between the requirements of modern clinical care and the wishes of patients. Future studies should take account of the many variables that can influence patient satisfaction.  相似文献   

Objective This study aimed to compare challenge stress,hindrance stress,and job satisfaction between managers and employees,males and females,thus provide theoretical and practical suggestions to improve productivity.Methods 600 Questionnaires were surveyed in 3 Chinese State-Owned enterprises in Cangzhou,HeBei province.Results ANOVA results suggested that there was a significant difference of hindrance stresses between managers and employees.Managers' job satisfaction was significant higher than employees'...  相似文献   

国企员工压力和工作满意度的对比研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨国有企业中管理者与一般员工、男性员工与女性员工两对人群的挑战性压力。妨碍性压力和工作满意度的差异。方法对河北省沧州市的3家大型国企的600名员工进行了问卷调查。结果管理者的挑战性压力高于一般员工.但是差异并不显著;管理者的组织压力和人际压力都显著低于一般员工;管理者的工作满意度显著高于一般员工。男性员工的挑战性压力显著高于女性员工。男性员工的人际压力明显高于女性员工。男性与女性员工的工作满意度没有显著差异。结论国企应改变现有的人力资源管理方式,多关注一般员工和女性员工。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: General practitioners (GPs) have a central role in palliative care, yet research continues to reveal room for improvement in symptom control at home. There is a need to evaluate how well-prepared GPs are for this task of caring for the dying at home. AIM: To evaluate the training in palliative care GPs have received throughout their careers. METHOD: Postal survey of 450 randomly selected East Anglian GP principals, investigating training in five areas of palliative care (pain control, control of other symptoms, communication skills, bereavement care, use of syringe driver), as clinical students, junior hospital doctors, GP trainees (registrars), and GP principals. RESULTS: A response rate of 86.7% was obtained. While GPs were clinical students, training was uncommon, (32% reported no training in pain control, and 58% no training in bereavement care), although there has been a significant increase in more recent years. Training as junior doctors was particularly uncommon (over 70% report no training in communication skills or bereavement care); there was some evidence of an increase in more recent years. During the GP trainee year, training was much more common. For GP principals, most areas had been covered, although over 20% reported no training in communication skills and bereavement care. During the community-based years as trainee and principal, training was significantly more common than during the hospital-based years of training as clinical student and junior doctor. CONCLUSIONS: There is a continuing need for medical education in palliative care. Particular attention should be paid to the basic medical education of clinical students and the training of junior doctors, especially regarding communication skills and bereavement care.  相似文献   

General practitioners' requirements for community psychiatric services may differ according to the area in which they practise. A questionnaire survey of general practitioners' attitudes to community psychiatric services is reported from three contrasting areas: an inner city urban area, a new town and a rural area. General practitioners in all areas wanted more consultation with psychiatrists, and 53-68% wanted regular psychiatric outpatient clinics in their surgeries. There was enthusiasm for community psychiatric nurses and for help with psychotherapy. In the rural area general practitioners favoured surgery based psychiatric outpatient clinics and arranging emergency hospital admissions themselves; in urban areas domiciliary visits from psychiatrists to help with emergencies were favoured. These results appear to reflect the greater geographical distance between primary and hospital based secondary care in rural as opposed to urban areas. Overall, general practitioners wanted more support from community psychiatric services in carrying out their primary therapeutic role especially in rural areas far from hospital-based psychiatric services.  相似文献   

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