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To determine the value of endovaginal sonography for evaluating women with a suspected ectopic gestation, we prospectively studied a group of 84 pregnant women in whom conventional transabdominal sonograms failed to show a living embryo. Of 84 patients studied, 25 had an ectopic gestation, 32 had a normal intrauterine pregnancy, and 27 had an abnormal (nonviable) intrauterine pregnancy. Endovaginal sonography, compared with transabdominal sonography, provided additional information in 50 cases (60%) and less information in only three cases (4%). Of 25 ectopic gestations, endovaginal sonography provided new information in 15 cases (60%) including detection of an extrauterine gestational sac (10 cases), extrauterine embryo (two cases), or adnexal mass (three cases) not observed on transabdominal sonography. Of 32 normal intrauterine pregnancies, endovaginal sonography provided additional information in 26 cases (81%) including detection of a yolk sac (14 cases), living embryo (11 cases), or small gestational sac (one case) not seen on transabdominal sonography. Of 27 abnormal intrauterine pregnancies, endovaginal sonography showed additional information in nine cases (33%) including detection of embryonic demise (three cases), retained intrauterine products (four cases), or a yolk sac (two cases) not seen on transabdominal sonography. Patient acceptance of endovaginal sonography was excellent; 82% of the patients preferred this method to transabdominal sonography, 13% expressed no preference, and 5% preferred transabdominal sonography. We conclude that endovaginal sonography can provide significant additional information in the majority of women who are referred for sonography with a suspected ectopic gestation. We believe that this method should become a integral part of sonographic evaluation in women who are suspected of having an ectopic gestation when conventional transabdominal sonography fails to show a living embryo.  相似文献   

Dilated fallopian tubes: MR imaging characteristics   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  

患者 女,54岁.绝经2年,阴道流血2个月就诊.妇科检查:左附件略增厚,未触及明显包块.经腹超声检查:子宫前位,大小:5.8cm×3.3cm×2.6cm,内膜厚0.3cm,回声欠均匀.左卵巢大小:1.2cm×0.8cm, 右卵巢显示不清.子宫直肠窝探及范围3.8cm×3.3cm液性暗区.经阴道超声检查:左卵巢内侧见一3.9 cm×2.0cm实性偏低回声包块,长圆形,边界清晰,无明显包膜,内回声尚均匀,血流信号较丰富,呈花环状,显示动脉频谱.  相似文献   

Endotracheal tubes in neonates: sonographic positioning   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Slovis  TL; Poland  RL 《Radiology》1986,160(1):262-263
Twenty-one real-time sonographic determinations of endotracheal tube tip position were performed in 16 neonates. Findings were compared with those from simultaneously obtained chest radiographs. Relation of the tube tip to the aortic arch provided a reliable method of determination of appropriate position. Optimal tube tip position was seen when the tube tip was 1 cm above the arch.  相似文献   

Hysterosalpingography demonstrated unilateral opacification of Gartner's duct and bilateral diverticulosis (salpingitis isthmica nodosa) of the fallopian tubes. An association of two mesonephric abnormalities in the same patient is postulated. The case also serves as a reminder of the association of diverticulosis with tubal ectopic pregnancy and infertility.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the value of endovaginal color Doppler ultrasonography in the early diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy in women after in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer, and to correlate the sonographic findings with ?-hCG serum levels. Thirty-five patients had proven ectopic pregnancies and 4 other patients had heterotopic pregnancies. The diagnosis was disclosed correctly in all cases by endovaginal color Doppler US by identifying an adnexal mass with placental flow and a nongravid uterus called a “cold uterus”. An intrauterine sac with “double ring sign” was found in all normal intrauterine pregnancies when the hCG levels exceeded 1000 IU/l but in none of the patients with ectopic pregnancy (EP). These findings suggest the efficacy of the discriminatory hCG serum level of 1000 IU/l in the investigation of EP. In conclusion, this study describes the diagnostic importance of transvaginal color Doppler US in correlation with hCG serum levels in the early detection of EP avoiding life-threatening complications and improving patient outcome. Received: 4 May 1998; Revision received: 10 August 1998; Accepted: 10 September 1998  相似文献   

经阴道超声对子宫肌瘤与子宫腺肌病的诊断(附295例分析)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨经阴道超声诊断子宫肌瘤与子宫腺肌病的方法及其临床应用。方法:对临床上月经过多经期延长并有腹痛的患者,应用阴道超声检查295例子宫肌瘤、子宫腺肌病进行比较分析。结果:子宫肌瘤194例,子宫腺肌病56例,子宫肌瘤合并腺肌病45例。二者有很多相似之处,亦各具特征。结论:经阴道超声较腹部超声更能获取最佳图像,是诊断子宫肌瘤、子宫腺肌病的有效方法且检出率高,给临床治疗及随诊提供可靠依据。  相似文献   

随着导管介入技术在医学领域的普及应用和发展 ,我院妇产科与放射科联合开展了介入法输卵管梗阻再通术 ,治疗因单纯性输卵管梗阻所致不孕症 ,取得了良好的疗效 ,现就我院 1996年 6月~ 2 0 0 0年 2月所做的 5 16例介入资料进行综合分析如下。1 资料和方法1 1 临床资料 本组 5 16例均为单纯性输卵管梗阻所致的不孕症患者 ,术前均经过子宫输卵管碘油或复方泛影葡胺造影检查 ,提示输卵管梗阻。本组年龄最小 2 2岁 ,最大42岁。原发性不孕 192例 ;继发性不孕 32 4例 ,其中有 14例为吻管后不通者 ;46例为宫外孕或其它病变将单侧输卵管切除者 ;8…  相似文献   

Fourteen cases of holoprosencephaly (HP), including 10 cases of alobar HP and four cases of semilobar HP, were identified by prenatal sonography. Intracranial and extracranial findings were reviewed to determine the accuracy and spectrum of the sonographic features. All 14 cases were reliably distinguished from other causes of fetal hydrocephalus (n = 58) detected during the same period by demonstrating absence of the midline echo (falx cerebri and interhemispheric fissure), fusion of the thalami, and abnormal ventricular configuration. Four cases of semilobar HP demonstrated incomplete fusion of the thalami and partial separation of the ventricles compared with alobar HP. Eight cases demonstrated a dorsal cyst including five with alobar HP and three with semilobar HP. One case demonstrated an unusual extraaxial fluid collection surrounding the brain, thought to be from rupture of a dorsal cyst. Facial features that were identified included a proboscis (three cases), midline facial cleft (three cases), and hypotelorism (five cases). Extracranial abnormalities that were identified included polydactyly (two cases), renal dysplasia (two cases), omphalocele (one case), and fetal hydrops (one case). We conclude that fetuses with HP can exhibit a spectrum of sonographic findings and that alobar or semilobar HP is reliably distinguished from other causes of fetal hydrocephalus by distinctive intracranial findings.  相似文献   

Prenatal sonographic diagnosis of Jeune syndrome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia (Jeune syndrome) is characterized by a narrow thoracic cage, which causes severe respiratory failure with frequent perinatal death; brachymelia, predominantly of the rhizomelic type; renal anomalies; and characteristic radiographic findings of ribs, pelvis, and long tubular bones. Inheritance is autosomal recessive. Prenatal sonographic examination was performed at 17 and 19 weeks of a fetus of parents whose first child had died of Jeune syndrome. The length of the humeri, femora, and tibiae was short (below the mean) for gestational age, and the thorax was abnormally flat and narrow. The iliac wings were square-shaped. We concluded that the fetus had Jeune syndrome. The characteristic skeletal changes of Jeune syndrome are distinct enough at 17 weeks of fetal age to permit sonographic diagnosis.  相似文献   

We report an infant with adrenal neuroblastoma diagnosed prenatally by ultrasonography. Early diagnosis is essential since survival is inversely related to the increasing age of the patient.  相似文献   

目的 改制微导管同轴法再通提高输卵管阻塞病人的治愈率。方法 将改制微导管插入至输卵管近端入口,应用推注的压力分离粘连。对于阻塞较严重的病人,直接进和导丝再通,在推注及导丝的反复作用下,大部分阻塞的输卵管均可复通。结果 复通率为92.6%(365/394),200例受治者中有82例怀孕,占41%。结论 改制微导管配合同轴导管行选择性输卵管复通术,输卵管复通率明显高于文献报道,特别为无法治疗的伞端受阻  相似文献   

Transcervical fallopian tube catheterization (TFTC) was performed in 22 infertile patients with bilateral fallopian tube obstruction and a mean duration of infertility of 3.3 years. A high prevalence of previous ectopic pregnancy (n = 8, 36%), tubal ligation and/or reconstruction (n = 5, 23%), spontaneous or therapeutic abortion (n = 6, 27%), and previous intrauterine device use (n = 14, 64%) was noted. The authors successfully catheterized 40 (98%) of 41 tubes without serious complication and visualized the distal tube in 36 (88%) of 41 tubes. Free spill in at least one tube was seen in 17 (77%) of 22 patients. Nineteen patients had a history of previous laparoscopy or laparotomy for tubal disease, in 16 of whom laparoscopic results were available for review. Retrospectively, in 15 (94%) of 16 patients all clinically relevant abnormalities would have been detected by means of TFTC alone. Five patients conceived, three with intrauterine and two with ectopic pregnancies. Patients with intrauterine pregnancies had normal-appearing tubes after TFTC, while those with ectopic pregnancies had residual tubal abnormalities after recanalization. TFTC is a safe, accurate diagnostic procedure that provides more information than hysterosalpingography and, in most cases, as much or more information about the fallopian tubes than laparoscopy.  相似文献   

With improved survival of very-low-birth-weight infants, the incidence of neonatal renal candidiasis is increasing. The clinical and sonographic features of four premature infants with renal candidiasis are presented. Both parenchymal and intrapelvic renal lesions, with or without hydronephrosis, were detected. Abdominal sonography is a useful noninvasive technique for the diagnosis and follow-up management of renal candidiasis. Early diagnosis allows prompt intervention with antifungal therapy and should increase survival.  相似文献   

Anorectal atresia: prenatal sonographic diagnosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To determine the prenatal sonographic findings of anorectal atresia (ARA), we retrospectively reviewed 12 proven cases. Sonography showed abnormally dilated bowel segments in five cases (42%), four of which were identified prospectively; at autopsy, two other cases showed mild colon dilatation not evident on sonograms. Bowel dilatation was not associated with the location of atresia or the presence of a fistula, but was possibly related to menstrual age. Eleven fetuses (92%) had significant other anomalies primarily related to the VACTERL syndrome (vertebral defects, anal atresia, tracheoesophageal fistula with esophageal atresia, radial and renal dysplasia, and limb malformations) and/or the caudal regression syndrome; of these, sonography identified one or more concurrent anomalies in seven cases. In two cases, bowel dilatation was the primary sonographic finding. Death in nine cases resulted from termination of pregnancy (four cases) or perinatal demise (five cases); three patients are still alive. We conclude that some cases of ARA can be suspected on prenatal sonograms by demonstration of dilated colon, and that the sensitivity of this finding may be related to menstrual age at the time of the examination. Distinguishing ARA from other causes of fetal-bowel dilatation is important because of the frequency of concurrent anomalies associated with ARA.  相似文献   

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