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目的 了解手术室护士工作压力水平与心理健康状况,探讨缓解手术室护士压力的对策.方法 选择2010年4~8月2所三级综合性医院和3所二级综合性医院的手术室护士共82人为研究对象,采用症状自评量表及焦虑、抑郁自评量表和护士工作压力源量表进行问卷调查,并对结果 进行分析.结果 手术室护士的工作压力与她们的心理健康状况显著相关.结论 手术室护士在心理健康状况和工作压力的一些方面存在问题,应该引起手术室护理管理者的高度重视.  相似文献   

目的了解护士情绪劳动和工作压力反应对工作满意度的影响。方法采用护士情绪劳动量表、工作压力反应量表及工作满意度量表对沈阳市某三级甲等医院228名护士进行问卷调查和分析。结果护士情绪劳动总均分为(3.89±0.73)分,护士工作压力反应总均分为(2.48±0.73)分,工作满意度总均分为(3.58±0.74)分,工作压力反应的生理反应和心理反应以及情绪劳动的表层扮演对护士工作满意度有负面影响。结论护士情绪劳动和工作压力反应对其工作满意度有影响,需引起护理管理者关注。  相似文献   

目的 了解目前结构性授权、工作压力和工作倦怠的现状,探索三者之间的关系模型,为降低护士工作倦怠提供理论依据.方法 采用工作效能条件问卷、护士工作压力源量表、工作倦怠感量表,调查3所医院的350名护理人员,并对结果进行分析.结果 结构性授权整体均分为(2.23±0.59)分,处于中下水平;工作倦怠量表中情感衰竭得分为(29.75±13.94)分,个人成就感得分为(27.40±11.21)分,都属于高度倦怠感,去人格化得分为(8.07±5.82)分,为中度倦怠感;工作压力源量表中工作量及时间分配问题得分最高(3.23±0.95)分;结构性授权、工作压力和工作倦怠三者具有显著相关性;分层回归和结构方程模型技术结果表明,结构性授权和工作压力显著影响工作倦怠各因子,结构性授权显著影响工作压力,并通过工作压力的中介作用间接影响工作倦怠各因子.结论 管理者应该采取一定护理措施减少和消除护士压力源,构建有利于授权的正性工作环境,降低护士工作倦怠的水平.  相似文献   

目的 探讨护士工作倦怠与其自尊、成就动机和社会支持的关系,进而提出护士工作倦怠的干预策略.方法 用工作倦怠问卷、自尊量表、成就动机量表和社会支持评定量表对205名护士进行问卷调查,并对结果进行分析.结果 情感耗竭、人格解体和低成就感与自尊、成就动机存在显著负相关,人格解体和低成就感与社会支持存在显著负相关.自尊对情感耗竭具有负向预测作用,成就动机对情感耗竭、人格解体和低成就感具有负向预测作用,社会支持对低成就感具有负向预测作用.结论 护士的工作倦怠需要社会、医院和个人的努力才能克服.  相似文献   

Autonomy: an important component for nurses' job satisfaction   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This quantitative pilot study (n=178), conducted in a large Brisbane teaching hospital in Australia, found autonomy to be the most important job component for registered nurses' job satisfaction. The actual level of satisfaction with autonomy was 4.6, on a scale of 1 for very dissatisfied to 7 for very satisfied. The mean for job satisfaction was 4.3, with the job components professional status and interaction adding most substantially to the result. There was discontentment with the other two job components, which were task requirements and organisational policies. Demographic comparisons showed that nurses who were preceptors had significantly less job satisfaction than the other nurses at the hospital.  相似文献   

目的 描述护士感知的护士长领导风格、护士工作满意度和工作绩效现状,分析护士长领导风格、护士工作满意度对工作绩效的影响.方法 采用问卷调查法,对北京市某三级甲等综合医院415名临床科室护士进行调查.结果 护士长领导风格、护士工作满意度与工作绩效呈正性相关;控制一般资料影响后,护士长领导风格对工作绩效的解释增加了27.4%;护士工作满意度对工作绩效的解释增加了11.8%.结论 改变临床护士长管理风格,提高护士工作满意度均可增加科室护士工作绩效,从而增强医院的综合竞争力.  相似文献   

目的:调查该院分层次培训前后护士工作压力源,探讨分层次培训对护士工作压力源的影响。方法:对该院519名注册护士进行护士工作压力源调查,针对调查存在的问题,制定为期2年的分层次培训计划,培训计划完成后,对参加调查的护士再次进行工作压力源调查,结果输入计算机,研究分析分层次培训与护士工作压力源的相关性。结果:分层次培训与护士工作压力源有相关性,分层次培训能在一定程度上从某些方面减轻护士工作压力。  相似文献   

Measuring community nurses' job satisfaction: literature review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Title.  Measuring community nurses' job satisfaction: literature review
Aim.  This paper is a report of a review of the literature on community nurses' job satisfaction, including research using different scales and settings, what is known to date and directions for future research.
Background.  Job satisfaction is one of the strongest predictors of intent to stay and retention of nurses. An adequate understanding of the sources of job satisfaction and their importance can aid policymakers in the community nursing setting to cope with the growing demand for its services.
Data sources.  A database of papers was established using ISI Web of Knowledge. Cited references were used to expand the database. Journals adding to the database were scanned for related research. This technique was repeated until no additional papers could be found.
Findings.  Twelve job satisfaction scales were found, with striking differences in methodology, settings and sample characteristics of the studies concerned. A wide variety of job satisfaction and dissatisfaction sources is identified, but little is known on their relative importance. The Measure of Job Satisfaction and the Home Healthcare Nurses' Job Satisfaction Scale prove highly reliable and applicable.
Conclusion. Findings on the level and sources of community nurses' job satisfaction are ambiguous. Of all the scales reviewed, the Home Healthcare Nurses' Job Satisfaction Scale seems most promising for use in future research, based on its strong psychometric properties and its specificity for the community nursing setting.  相似文献   

Occupational stress and constructive thinking: health and job satisfaction   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
BACKGROUND: Occupational stress is associated with specific situations, characteristics of the work environment, and individual perceptions and reactions in the context of the workplace, but many nursing studies of occupational stress have tended to analyse aspects related to the job itself. In Brazil nursing is acknowledged as a stressful occupation whose stresses are generally associated with the job itself, while the effects of personal characteristics on an individual's response to occupational stress are dismissed. AIMS: The aim of this paper is to describe: (1) occupational stress, job satisfaction and state of health in Brazilian nurses, and (2) the relationship of these variables to a constructive thinking coping style. METHODS: A correlational study was performed during 1999 with 461 nurses recruited from the public health and education system in the Federal District of Brazil. Instruments used were the Nursing Stress Inventory, Constructive Thinking Inventory, subscales of the Occupational Stress Indicator, and a researcher-designed questionnaire. RESULTS: Normal distributions were found for occupational stress, state of health (physical and psychological), and job satisfaction. Results suggest that nurses have fewer psychological health problems and similar job satisfaction compared with other Brazilian government white-collar workers. Occupational stress was directly associated with state of health, and inversely associated with global constructive thinking and job satisfaction. CONCLUSIONS: Brazilian nurses in this study seem to have adapted satisfactorily to their profession, but the finding that constructive thinking was significantly related to psychological ill-health, occupational stress and physical ill-health highlights a need to value individual coping styles in the work environment.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The effectiveness of any strategy that aims to improve recruitment and retention in the nursing profession will depend in part upon understanding the factors and influences on nurses' job satisfaction. BACKGROUND: The nursing work force is aging. The question now commonly asked by the nursing profession worldwide is: Who will replace this work force? Although the number of employed nurses continues to decline, patient acuity and turnover in our healthcare system continues to increase. This increasing dilemma is further deepened by progressively falling annual recruitment of new nurses and has resulted in an alarming shortfall of nurses. METHODS: This study used a multigroup longitudinal design to elicit nurses' attitudes toward their job satisfaction and retention plans. RESULTS: The results revealed that professional status was found to be significant of retention. The results indicated that job satisfaction remained relatively stable with time for experienced nurses (N = 528/332). For new graduates (N = 506/110) the issue of pay became a significant area of dissatisfaction in the transition from student to registered nurse. CONCLUSION: The results from this study contribute to the expanding body of knowledge that indicates professional status, autonomy, and remuneration are career issues of great concern for nurses and is particularly relevant for the retention of the newly registered nurse.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Nurses' job satisfaction is an important issue because of its impact on the quality of the nursing job. Therefore, it receives a lot of attention in the international nursing literature but insight into the sources of nurses' job satisfaction is yet insufficient, in particular for sources related to organizational structure. OBJECTIVES: We contribute by investigating the relationship between the organizational structure variables, formalization, centralization and specialization, and nurses' job satisfaction. This allows us to learn whether structural changes can help to improve satisfaction, and therefore nurses' work quality. DESIGN: Data were collected by questionnaires in a random sample of 764 non-managing nurses in three Belgian general care hospitals. We measured satisfaction by Stamps and Piedmont's work satisfaction index. Structure was also measured by an existing scale. RESULTS: The results support the negative effect of centralization and the clearly positive effects of specialization and formalization on nurses' job satisfaction. These effects differ according to the different dimensions of satisfaction. Furthermore, pay is the most important dimension of nurses job satisfaction but the dimension least influenced by organizational structure. CONCLUSIONS: The importance of the dimension pay in nurses' job satisfaction, which is not a function of organizational structure, is limiting hospitals in improving nurses' job satisfaction. However, organizational structure is related to the other dimensions of satisfaction. Especially, the fact that specialization and formalization are, contrary to our hypotheses, only positively related to satisfaction is important from a practice perspective and for further research. Furthermore, our data indicates that there is a need to refine one of the dimensions of Stamps and Piedmont index.  相似文献   

AIM AND BACKGROUND: This study examines the influence of changes in work conditions on stress outcomes as well as influence of changes in stress outcomes on work conditions. As such, it answers questions still open in the literature regarding causality of work environmental characteristics and the health of nurses. METHOD: A complete, two wave panel design was used with a time interval of 3 years. The sample consisted of 381 hospital nurses in different functions, working in different wards. RESULTS: Changes in work conditions are predictive of the outcomes, especially of job satisfaction and emotional exhaustion. The strongest predictors of job satisfaction were social support from supervisor, reward and control over work. The strongest predictors of emotional exhaustion were work and time pressure and physical demands. Reversed relationships were also found for these outcomes. CONCLUSION: The results of this study are consistent with transactional models of stress that indicate that stressors and stress outcomes mutually influence each other. To prevent nurses from a negative spiral, it seems of importance to intervene early in the process.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The study examined the impact of a protocol directed at increasing organ donation on the role stress and work attitudes of critical care nurses involved in potential organ donation cases. The research examined whether the protocol could positively affect nurses' perceptions of role stress, and if so, could the work environment improvements be sustained over time. BACKGROUND: The Family Communication Coordinator (FCC) protocol promotes effective communication during potential organ donation cases using a multidisciplinary team approach. Previous research found it associated with improved donation outcomes and with improved perceptions of role stress by critical care nurses. However, the previous study lacked methodological rigor necessary to determine causality and sustainability over time. METHODS: The study used a quasi-experimental prospective longitudinal design. The sample included critical care nurses who had experience with potential organ donation cases with the protocol. Survey data were collected at 4 points over 2 years. Surveys used previously validated and reliable measures of role stress (role ambiguity, role conflict, role overload) and work attitudes (commitment, satisfaction). Interviews supplemented these data. RESULTS: The nurses' perceptions of role stress associated with potential organ donation cases dramatically dropped after the protocol was implemented. All measures of role stress, particularly role ambiguity and role conflict, showed statistically significant and sustained improvement. Nurses' professional, unit, and hospital commitment and satisfaction reflect an increasingly positive workplace. CONCLUSIONS: The results demonstrate that the FCC protocol positively influenced the workplace through its impact on role stress over the first 2 years following its implementation. The findings suggest that similar protocols may be appropriate in improving the critical care environment by reducing the stress and uncertainty of professionals involved in other end-of-life situations. However, the most striking implication relates to the reality of the workplace: meeting the goals of improved patient care outcomes and those of improving the healthcare work environment are not mutually exclusive and may be mutually essential.  相似文献   

目的调查护理人员的组织公平感、工作满意度的状况,分析两者的相关性。方法采用组织公平感量表和护士工作满意度量表,对14所医院525名护理人员进行调查。结果护理人员组织公平感总均分为(3.53±0.79)分;护理人员工作满意度总均分为(3.24±0.44)分;护士工作满意度总分及各因子得分与组织公平感总分及各因子得分均呈正相关(P0.01或P0.05)。结论提高护理人员组织公平感对提升护理人员工作满意度具有积极意义,医院应针对组织公平管理中的不足之处,采取有效措施,以提高护理人员的工作满意度,促进护理事业的发展。  相似文献   

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