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310个烤瓷贴面远期临床效果的回顾性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 评价完成修复1~8年的310个长石质烤瓷贴面的远期临床效果,以期为临床提供参考.方法 对完成修复1~8年的310个前牙或前磨牙长石质烤瓷贴而进行复查,参照改良美国公共健康协会(United States Public Health Service,USPHS)评价标准对烤瓷贴面的修复体完整度、修复体磨耗、颜色满意度、边缘染色、边缘适合性、继发龋、牙本质敏感症状及牙龈指数(gingival index,GI)8项指标进行评估,寿命表法统计烤瓷贴面1~8年存留率.结果 烤瓷贴面1~8年存留率分别为98.7%、98.0%、93.8%、93.2%、89.7%、81.8%、76.3%、76.3%.结论 烤瓷贴面修复技术的远期临床效果良好.  相似文献   

目的通过对烤瓷贴面和计算机辅助设计(computer aided design,CAD)与计算机辅助制作(computer aided manufacture,CAM)瓷贴面修复3年后的临床观察和比较,评价CAD—CAM瓷贴面的临床效果。方法选取23例患者制作CAD—CAM瓷贴面65个,25例患者制作烤瓷贴面105个。修复3年后采用改良加利弗尼亚牙科协会一瑞格标准对两种贴面的各项临床指标、存留率及患者满意度进行比较分析。结果烤瓷贴面和CAD—CAM瓷贴面3年存留率分别为96.2%和93.8%;患者满意度分别为92.4%和90.8%。两种贴面在颜色匹配、边缘着色、边缘适合性方面差异无统计学意义。CAD—CAM瓷贴面表面质地优于烤瓷贴面。结论CAD—CAM瓷贴面是一种成功的修复方式。  相似文献   

口腔种植修复临床效果回顾性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:评估种植义齿的5年临床效果。方法:选取2003年1月~2008年1月来本院进行种植牙修复牙列缺损的340例患者作为研究对象。对所有接受种植治疗的患者在结构修复完成后每年随访1次,种植体周围骨吸收状况采用X线片进行比较,评价患者疗效和满意度。结果:跟踪随访了6个月~5年,共有9例患者的12枚种植体脱落,种植体5年累计存留率为98.4%。510枚种植体不同时期牙槽骨吸收量与负重前的差异均没有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。患者种植后总体满意度高于种植前(P〈0.05)。结论:种植义齿是修复牙列缺损的长期有效的方法,值得在临床上继续推广。  相似文献   

烤瓷贴面在前牙修复中的临床应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨烤瓷贴面在前牙修复时发生折裂、脱落、微渗漏、粘接等技术问题的解决方法。方法确定适应证及禁忌证。预备牙体,在牙唇面磨出2条纵行固位沟,在耐火包理科模型上分层涂瓷。贴面的内表面经5%氢氟酸处理及徐偶联剂后.取相应包号的光固化树脂粘接。结果118颗瓷贴面修复的前牙,经3个月至1年的观察,无脱落破损、无染色、变色及着色,无龈炎发生,效果满意。结论在牙唇面制备2条纵行固位沟、唇面边缘磨出浅凹粮形的牙体预备方法,可增强粘接剂与牙体组织之间的粘接力。贴面的内表面经氢氟酸处理及牙表面涂布偶联剂,也可增强两者之间的粘接强度。  相似文献   

目的 研究数字化口内扫描与传统硅橡胶印模法应用于前牙瓷贴面修复1年的临床效果区别.方法 将佛山市口腔医院修复种植科2017年1月至2019年12月需行前牙贴面修复的就诊患者40例纳入本临床研究,其中男14例、女26例,平均年龄40岁.根据随机数表法将患者分为两组,其中20例患者(47颗患牙)纳入试验组,采用数字化口内扫...  相似文献   

目的:探讨Wol-CeramELC瓷沉积全瓷冠的临床效果。方法:以在原始石膏代型上瓷沉积30sec形成内冠-玻璃渗透-常规堆饰面瓷的方法,制作完成28例共109个全瓷冠的修复,观察全瓷冠的完整性、色泽、边缘吻合性和对牙龈的影响。结果:经3-17个月的观察,除1颗活髓牙有过敏症状,2例4个冠因美观不佳而重做外,其他病例修复效果满意。修复体色泽自然逼真,未出现烤瓷冠破裂、脱落、基牙冠折根折等并发症,边缘密合,牙龈颜色形态自然,无龈炎,变色牙遮色效果好。结论:Wol-CeramELC瓷沉积是一种使用成熟材料的创新技术,使全瓷修复技术得到了极大的提升和完善。它强度高,边缘密合性好,使用范围广,临床效果优良,是极有发展前途的全瓷修复技术。  相似文献   

口腔种植修复临床效果十年回顾研究   总被引:29,自引:1,他引:29  
目的评估骨结合种植体应用10年的临床效果。方法1994年8月至2004年8月在北京大学口腔医学院·口腔医院口腔种植中心植入的骨结合种植体共5590枚,其中Branemark种植体161枚,Frialit-2种植体1436枚,IMZ种植体1012枚,Ankylos种植体767枚,Camlog种植体2189枚,Komet种植体25枚。全部种植体均在2004年8月前完成上部结构修复,其中固定修复2314例,活动修复315例,共计2629例患者。平均追踪77·2个月(7~121个月)。观察方法为X线检查和临床检查,采用Wheeler存留标准评估,纳入Kaplan-Meier存留曲线统计。结果种植修复体完成时2624例患者对修复效果满意,5例患者对修复体不满意,重作后4例表示满意,1例表示可以接受。随访中有105例患者共178枚种植体确诊为种植体周围炎。有明确记录的共68枚种植体脱落。10年随访累计修复体松动21件,修复体折断4件,烤瓷冠崩瓷51件。据Wheeler存留标准统计10年存留率为96·7%。结论种植修复患者的满意度高,本组种植体的10年存留率达到96·7%。  相似文献   

目的比较三种牙体预备方法对烤瓷贴面复合体(PVCs)抗折强度及断裂模式的影响。方法分别对离体上颌中切牙进行3种形态(I型、L型、U型)牙体预备,制作长石质烤瓷贴面,树脂黏接剂黏接.用MTS力学实验机测试各牙的断裂载荷值,记录瓷贴面的断裂频数,数据作统计学分析。结果I、L、U三型牙体预备的PVCs与天然牙对照组的断裂载荷值分别为278.61±73.86N(n=9).295.17±71.76N(n=9),303.42±96.87N(n=8),332.29±60.06N(n=10),经统计学分析四组间断裂载荷值及瓷贴面的断裂模式差别无统计学意义(P〉0.05),3组实验组与对照组的牙体断裂模式差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论在正中[牙合]瓷贴面间接受力的条件下,采用3种牙体预备设计的PVCs均具有良好的的抗折性能.但烤瓷贴面修复改变了牙体组织在加载条件下的力学特性。  相似文献   

随着齿科材料及修复技术的成熟,患者对自身牙体组织保存意识的增强,瓷贴面修复技术被广泛应用于临床。由于瓷贴面牙体预备的特殊性,如何使瓷与釉质的粘结达到令人满意的效果,是本文探讨的主要内容。本文将从粘结界面、粘结剂种类、厚度,粘结时固化灯源的选择,以及临床操作方法等方面,对影响瓷-树脂-牙釉质复合体粘结效果的因素归纳综述。  相似文献   

Abstract – The purpose of the present study was to compare the marginal adaptation of indirect composite and porcelain veneers in vitro using transmitted-light microscopy. A preparation with a marginal chamber finish for a veneer was performed on 10 extracted molars after which 5 composite and 5 porcelain veneers were made and fitted using self- and light-cured microfill composite resin. Three longitudinal and 3 horizontal sections were cut in each preparation with a diamond saw and were ground to a thickness of approximately 150 μm and investigated under the light microscope. Although the absolute marginal discrepancy at the cervical location had the highest statistical significance in the composite veneer group, the composite and porcelain veneers, in general, demonstrated a similar absolute marginal discrepancy and thickness of luting agent with average values from 50 μm to 195 μm for the two parameters. A considerable amount of excess of luting agent was furthermore observed in both groups of veneers, being most pronounced in the composite veneers.  相似文献   

贴面已经成为一种广泛应用于前牙美容的修复方法。本文主要总结近年来国内外学者在瓷贴面设计及操作方面的生物力学研究成果,以期更好地指导临床工作。  相似文献   

目的评价全瓷贴面修复后的临床疗效。方法对完成修复1~8年的25例患者133个贴面进行复查,对修复体边缘适合性、边缘染色、继发龋、颜色匹配、解剖形态、牙髓活力、隐裂、折断和脱落9项指标进行评估。以绝对失败贴面数来描述存留率,用绝对失败和相对失败的贴面总数来描述成功率,寿命表法计算全瓷贴面1~8年的存留率和成功率。结果全瓷贴面1~8年存留率分别为100.0%、99.2%、97.6%、96.7%、94.7%、93.2%、89.3%和89.3%,1~8年成功率分别为100.0%、98.5%、96.1%、94.4%、90.5%、84.5%、80.9%和80.9%。结论全瓷贴面近期和远期的修复效果良好。  相似文献   

目的:研究不同厚度瓷贴面的破坏过程,探讨提高贴面复合体强度的方法.方法:经软件建模工具生成上颌中切牙矢状面解剖外形.选用临床常用的4种设计外型:开窗型、对接型、包饶型和贴面冠型,结合3种贴面厚度0.5mm,1.0mm和1.5mm,建立12种模型.应用RFPA系统软件处理程序对模型进行处理.比较不同厚度的瓷贴面复合体在负...  相似文献   

The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of the different provisional restorations cementation techniques on the final bond strengths of porcelain laminate veneers (PLVs). Thirty-six extracted human central incisors were sectioned 2 mm below the cemento-enamel junction, and crown parts were embedded into self-cure acrylic resin. Standardized PLV preparations were carried out on labial surfaces of the teeth. Then the teeth were randomly divided into three groups of 12 each. In group 1, provisional restorations were cemented with eugenol-free cement. In group 2, prepared teeth surfaces were first coated with a desensitizing agent then provisional restorations were cemented with resin cement. In group 3, provisional restorations were not fabricated to serve as control. After specimens were stored in distilled water for 2 weeks, provisional restorations were removed and final IPS Empress 2 ceramic veneers were bonded with a dual-curing resin. Two microtensile samples from each tooth measuring 1.2 x 1.2 x 5 mm were prepared. These sections were subjected to microtensile testing and failure values were recorded. The data were analysed by one-way anova and Tukey HSD tests. The PLVs, placed on the tooth surface that had received a dentine desensitizer and provisional restorations luted with resin cement (group 2), showed the lowest bond strength in all test groups. But no statistically significant differences were found between the bond strength of PLVs in control group (no provisional restorations) and group 1 (provisional restorations cemented with eugenol-free cement before final cementations). Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) examination of this study also showed that the bonding to enamel surface was better in control group and group 1 than group 2.  相似文献   

Cerinate瓷贴面在牙齿美容修复中的临床应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:通过对58例患者382颗瓷贴面修复效果的临床观察,评价该技术在牙科美容中的作用.方法:门诊选择382颗需要美容修复的前牙和前磨牙,使用Cerinate瓷贴面修复系统进行修复,于修复后1周、6个月、1年、2年、3年和5年复诊,对患者满意度、贴面脱落、折裂、边缘适合性、修复体颜色及牙龈健康情况等进行评价.结果:临床调查结果显示,1年内100%的瓷贴面具有良好的边缘适合性及牙龈健康状况,修复体色泽稳定,有2个修复体折裂重新制作,3个脱落并再行粘结,1颗牙出现加重的敏感症状而行根管治疗术.所有患者对修复效果均非常满意.结论:Cerinate瓷贴面修复系统是一种可靠的、理想的前牙美容修复方法.  相似文献   

目的:比较瓷贴面和纳米树脂修复上前牙切角缺损的临床疗效。方法:对上前牙切角缺损患者行瓷贴面修复或纳米树脂修复,1年后对其修复效果进行评估。结果:瓷贴面在修复体颜色、边缘密合度、牙髓反应方面,均优于纳米树脂修复。结论:瓷贴面用于上前牙切角缺损的修复可取得比较好的临床效果。  相似文献   

Abstract. The aim of this study was to evaluate the response of microbial plaque and gingival inflammation to the placement of porcelain laminate veneers on anterior teeth. 9 patients, 7 female and 2 male (mean age of 30 years), with a total of 35 veneers were examined. The volume of gingival crevicular fluid (GCF), level of neutral proteolytic enzyme activity, gingival index (GI), plaque index (PII) and plaque bacteria vitality were measured at baseline and after the placement of veneers. The volume of GCF increased after the placement of veneers ( p =0.03). No statistically significant differences were found in proteolytic enzyme activity or GI ( p >0.05). There were statistically significant reductions in PII ( p =0.000) and plaque bacteria vitality ( p =0.018). Further research is required to assess the long-term influence of porcelain laminate veneers on gingival health and microbial plaque characteristics.  相似文献   

Plasma arc light units for curing resin composites have been introduced with the claim of relatively short curing times. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of two different light sources to polymerize dual curing resin cement beneath porcelain laminate veneers. Twenty extracted healthy human maxillary centrals were used. Teeth were sectioned 2 mm below the cemento-enamel junction and crown parts were embedded into self-cure acrylic resin, labial surface facing up. Cavity preparation was carried out on labial surfaces. These teeth were divided into two groups of 10 each. The resin cement/veneer combination was exposed to two different photo polymerization units. A conventional halogen light (Hilux 350, Express Dental Products) and a plasma arc light (Power PAC, ADT) were used to polymerize resin cement. Ten specimens were polymerized conventionally (40 s) and the other specimens by plasma arc curing (PAC) (6 s). Two samples from each tooth measuring 1.2 x 1.2 x 5 mm were prepared. These sections were subjected to microshear testing and failure values were recorded. Statistically significant differences were found between the bond strength of veneers exposed to conventional light and PAC unit (P < 0.001). Samples polymerized with halogen light showed better bond strength. The results of this study suggest that the curing efficiency of PAC through ceramic was lower compared with conventional polymerization for the exposure durations tested in this study.  相似文献   

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