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In 47 children with coeliac disease, IgG1 was the dominant IgG subclass (mean 61%) in antibodies to gliadin, a protein component of wheat; IgG2 (22%) and IgG3 (15%) were also found. Very little IgG4 (3%) was detected. Both G2m(n)allotype and the age of the patient had an independent effect on the subclass distribution. The effects of these two factors seem similar to those described earlier on responses to polysaccharides; both G2m(n) and age increase the expression of IgG2 antibodies and concomitantly the share of IgG1 is decreased. The average increase in the share of IgG2 brought about by n/n-genotype was 25.3% (95% confidence limits 12.2-38.4%; P less than 0.001) and that brought about by each additional year of age of the patient 1.1% (0.3-1.9%; P = 0.006). IgG antibodies to beta-lactoglobulin and ovalbumin consisted mainly of IgG1 and IgG4. The titres of the IgG subclasses were low and in many cases below detection level. No association with G2m(n) genotype and share of IgG1 or IgG4 could be demonstrated. Age was inversely correlated with the shares of IgG1 in antibodies to beta-lactoglobulin and ovalbumin.  相似文献   

The concentrations of seven immunoglobulin isotypes (IgA, IgE, IgM, IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, and IgG4) were measured in the sera of 207 Finnish blood donors, and they were allotyped with anti-Gm antibodies: anti-f, anti-a, anti-x, and anti-n. The above population could be divided into 12 phenotypes, and significant differences in isotype concentrations between different phenotypes were observed. They are best explained by postulating that the following alleles of different loci are associated with a high concentration of the product of the locus: a(x)-IgG1, n-IgG2, b-IgG3, and perhaps 4b-IgG4. The following concentration differences between the low and the high homozygotes were found: IgG1, 1.2-fold; IgG2, 1.5-fold; and IgG3, 2.6-fold. No significant allotype-associated differences in the concentrations of IgA, IgM, or IgE could be detected.  相似文献   

Serum IgG, IgA, and IgM concentrations were measured in 120 members of a family with 33 cases of Dystrophia myotonica (Dm) and 27 members who were "possibly affected". The Dm individuals had significantly lower serum concentrations of IgG and IgA (P<0.01), while the "possibly affected" did not differ from the matched pair controls. IgG subclass concentrations were measured and Gm and Am types determined. The lower concentration of IgA in the affected individuals was not associated with a particular Am type. The concentration of IgG3 was barely lower in the affected than in the controls (P=0.05), but there were no differences for IgGl. When IgG3 concentration was compared according to Gm haplotype, only the two affected individuals who were Gm gg had a statistically significant lower concentration than the 12 controls (P<0.02). Thus, there is no evidence that a particular subclass of IgG is being hypercatabolized in our Dm patients. A rare Gm haplotype, Gm(-, n, b) had entered the family with two brothers; it is not known whether this codes for an IgGl-IgG3 hybrid molecule or a normal IgGl molecule with an unknown Gm allele or a yl deleted Gm haplotype.  相似文献   

Each of the four human IgG subclasses exhibits a unique profile of effector functions relevant to the clearance and elimination of infecting microorganisms. The quantitative response within each IgG subclass varies with the nature of the antigen, its route of entry and, presumably, the form in which it is presented to the immune system. This results in antibody responses to certain antigens being predominantly or exclusively of a single IgG subclass. An inability to produce antibody of the optimally protective isotype can result in a selective immunodeficiency state. This is particularly apparent for responses to certain bacterial carbohydrate antigens that are normally of IgG2 isotype. A failure to produce the appropriate specific antibody response may result in recurrent upper and/or lower respiratory tract infection. Careful patient investigation can identify such deficiencies and suggest appropriate clinical management. In this review we outline the biology and clinical relevance of the IgG subclasses and summarize current rational treatment approaches.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the significance of IgG subclasses and MBL for susceptibility to infection in association with IgA deficiency. The study population consisted of 139 apparently healthy adult blood donors with IgA deficiency and normal serum levels of IgG and IgM, and an increased susceptibility to infection demonstrated at a population level. Additionally, 216 controls matched for age and sex were investigated. IgG4 deficiency was more common and the mean level of IgG4 lower in persons with IgA deficiency than in the controls. No significant associations could be demonstrated between overt IgG subclass deficiencies and increased susceptibility to infection. However, when the mean concentrations of IgG subclasses were analysed with regard to medical history, that of IgG1 was lower in persons who reported recurrent viral respiratory infections, that of IgG3 in persons who had episodes of severe infection in their history, and that of IgG4 in persons who had recurrent mild respiratory infections, compared with those who had no particular history of infections. In contrast, MBL deficiency-alone or combined with that of the IgG subclass-was not associated with increased susceptibility to infection in persons with IgA deficiency. The results indicate that the proneness to infections observed in a population of otherwise healthy persons with IgA deficiency can only for a small part be accounted for by concomitant deficiencies of IgG subclasses. Contrary to expectations, no synergism between the deficiencies of IgA and MBL could be demonstrated.  相似文献   

In order to define abnormalities of humoral immunity which determine susceptibility to respiratory tract infections in IgA-deficient adults, serum IgG subclass concentrations, and serum concentrations of pneumococcal antibodies and Haemophilus influenzae type B (Hib) antibodies sera from IgA-deficient adults with and without susceptibility to respiratory tract infections were compared. Infection susceptibility was not related to the degree of IgA deficiency, but was related to deficiency of IgG4 and, to a lesser extent, IgG2, as well as to low basal serum concentrations of pneumococcal polysaccharide antibodies. The combination of IgG2 and/or IgG4 deficiency and a non-protective basal serum concentration of antibody against two or more pneumococcal polysaccharides was present in the serum of six of 12 (50%) patients with severe infections, but only one of 44 (2%) patients without infections. Furthermore, the preservation of antibody responses against the most immunogenic pneumococcal polysaccharide type 3, but not against the less immunogenic types 7F, 9N and 14, in patients with severe infections suggested that abnormalities of pneumococcal polysaccharide antibody responses might include defects of affinity maturation.  相似文献   

Half-life of the maternal IgG1 allotype in infants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The residence time of maternal IgG1 in the circulation of infants was measured by monitoring f-allotypic IgG1 or f-positive tetanus toxoid antibody in geneticallyG1m f -negative infants.G1m a -positive maternal tetanus toxoid antibody was similarly monitored in genetically a-negative infants. Blood samples were taken from infants at the age of 1–3 days, ca. 4 months, and ca. 6 months. An exponential decay at the same rate took place from age 1–3 days to 4 months and for the 2 subsequent months. The average concentration of the maternal IgG1 had dropped to ca. 10% of the 1- to 3-day value in 4 months and to ca. 3% in 6 months. The drop was due mainly to clearance but partly also to the weight increase of the child (doubling in 6 months). By correcting for the weight increase, we calculated that ca. 17 and 7% of the original maternal IgG1 was still present at ages 4 and 6 months, respectively. The average half-life of the maternal IgG1 was thus 48.4 days. The concentration of endogenous IgG1 in the cord blood was determined by studying a separate series of mother-newborn pairs. Assuming that cross-reactions of antiallotype reagents had no effect, the highest measured concentration of f-positive IgG1 in infants of f-negative mothers was 10 mg/L, half a percent of adult heterozygote values. Crossreaction may have played a role, however, and the value must be considered the upper limit of the true concentration.  相似文献   

Sera from 70 adult cystic fibrosis (CF) patients with chronic lung infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa were typed for seven GM and two KM allotype determinants. IgG class and all four IgG subclasses of antibodies against chromosomal β-lactamase of Ps. aeruginosa (aβab) were measured in all 70 CF patients in a cross-sectional study. The aβab IgG subclass response in sera collected during the first 11 years of chronic infection from 20 CF patients (10 patients with G3M*5 G1M*3/G3M*5 G1M*3 genotype and 10 patients with G3M*21 G1M*1/G3M*21 G1M*1 genotype) was analysed in a longitudinal study. Increased levels of IgG2 were associated with the presence of GM 23 allotype. IgG3 aβab levels were the lowest for subjects with the GM 1,2,3,17 23 5,21 and GM 1,3,17 21 phenotypes and the highest in subjects with GM 3,23,5 and GM 3,5. No significant differences in IgG1 and IgG4 aβab levels were found between the different phenotypes. IgG1 aβab levels were higher in patients with KM*3/KM*3 genotype compared with patients with KM*3, *1 genotype. Patients with G3M*5 G1M*3/G3M*5 G1M*3 genotype had in both the cross-sectional and the longitudinal study higher IgG3 aβab, lower IgG4 aβab levels and poorer lung function than patients with G3M*21 G1M*1/G3M*21 G1M*1 genotype. An influence of the allotypes on the clinical course of chronic lung infection with Ps. aeruginosa in patients with CF is suggested.  相似文献   

An investigation was conducted to clarify the relationships of IgA to the human liver. Immunocytochemical studies were performed on biopsy specimens from patients with cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis without any apparent history of alcohol abuse. The results showed that 1) a large amount of IgA is associated with the sinusoidal surface of hepatocytes, endothelial cells and Kupffer cells, 2) this IgA contains J chain and can form a complex with secretory component, and 3) this mainly belongs to the IgAl subclass, 4) IgA in vesicles within hepatocytes and Kupffer cells is always associated with acid phosphatase activity, and 5) IgA containing vesicles within ductular epithelial cells always lack such enzyme activity. We conclude that 1) the IgA bound to the surface of hepatocytes, sinus endothelial cells and Kupffer cells is polymeric IgAl uncom-plexed with SC, and 2) this IgA occasionally enters these cells, and may be degraded in the lysosomes. 3) Polymeric IgA combines with SC in the ductular epithelium and may be secreted into bile. These findings suggest that J chain-linked polymeric IgA bound to the surface of hepatocytes and Kupffer cells has a certain pathological significance in liver diseases and might be involved in the clearance of excess IgA from the circulation. Acta Pathol Jpn 39: 363 372, 1989.  相似文献   

Serum samples from 223 Jews from Cochin, India were tested for Gm(1,2,3,5,6,13,14,17,21,26) and for Inv(1). Certain samples were also tested for Gm(15) and Gm(16). The Cochin Jews are polymorphic for: 1) Gm3, a haplotype that does not lead to the formation of γ3, as was shown by tests of the serum of a homozygote, and 2) Gm1,17,21, a haplotype lacking Gm(26), which is ordinarily present in this haplotype. The Gm data indicate considerable admixture with southern Indians. There is no evidence for African admixture, such as has been found for all other Jewish populations studied thus far. The Inv data are similar to those for other Jewish populations.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) haplotypes, including HLA-A, -B, -C and -DR and complotypes (BF, C2, C4A and C4B) were determined in a large family with inherited C4 deficiency. The propositus, a 12-year-old girl with complete C4 deficiency and SLE, had the MHC haplotypes HLA-A2,Cw3,-B40,-DR6,BFS,C2C,C4AQO,C4ABQO inherited from her father and HLA-A30,-B8,-DR3,BFF1,C2C,C4AQO,C4BQO from her mother. These haplotypes were identified in several of the healthy relatives, who were thus shown to be carriers of C4 deficiency. Most of the other haplotypes found in the family were not considered to be unusual in the general population. The complete absence of C4 in the patient was confirmed by studies of Chido and Rodgers antigens in the plasma and on the erythrocytes, the absence of plasma C4d fragments and by studies of C4 chain antigens by immunoblotting technique. The results of the genetic analysis, together with the findings in other cases of C4 deficiency, supports the possibility that complete C4 deficiency in itself predisposes to development of SLE without contribution of other MHC gene products.  相似文献   

ELISA quantitation of IgG subclass antibodies to dietary antigens   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The IgG subclasses of human antibodies against 2 dietary antigens, ovalbumin (OA) and beta-lactoglobulin (BLG), were studied by ELISA using monoclonal anti-human IgG subclass antibodies. Under the assay conditions used, the anti-IgG subclass antibodies were subclass specific. Quantitative estimates of the subclass antibodies were obtained by reference to a 'capture' assay using F(ab')2 anti-light chain antibody as ligand and IgG myelomas as standards. The validity of these estimates was supported by antibody quantitation using the Farr assay. In healthy adults with serum anti-OA or anti-BLG antibodies, anti-OA antibodies were found mainly in the IgG1 (9/11) and IgG4 (6/11) subclasses, whereas 5 sera showed high levels of IgG2 antibodies. In contrast, the IgG subclass distribution of anti-BLG antibodies was predominantly IgG4 (10/10).  相似文献   

A follow-up study of 204 healthy blood donors with IgA deficiency, identified between 1971 and 1980, was carried out. Sera were initially screened by a double diffusion method and 182 were retested by a more sensitive haemagglutination inhibition method. A reexamination was performed in 1990 and, again, in 1991–1992 using an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) developed for the measurement of very low concentrations of IgA. The median follow-up period was 19 years, and in 159 (78%) subjects no serum IgA could be detected in any of the measurements. In 42 (21%) subjects, serum IgA was detectable (>0.18 mg/L), but the level was below the lower limit of the reference range for adults (800 mg/L) and remained relatively constant. Three subjects showed minute amounts of IgA by EIA (0.2–3 mg/L) in one of the follow-up samples in 1990–1992, but the level was below the detection limit of the EIA (0.05 mg/L) in the other sample. Thus, not only does primary IgA deficiency appear to be permanent, but also lower than normal serum IgA levels remain the same in healthy adults.Portions of this work were presented in poster form at the XIVth Meeting of the European Society for Pediatric Hematology and Immunology in Oulu, Finland, September 7–10, 1993.  相似文献   

Immunoenzymatic assays were developed for the measurement of antibodies against mycobacterial lipoarabinomannan (LAM), a cell-free proteic extract (CFX) of Mycobacterium leprae, and the 38-kD protein antigen of M. tuberculosis. Sera from 108 leprosy patients, belonging to all clinical–immunological forms of the spectrum, and 81 patients with localized or disseminated tuberculosis (TB) were tested for antibodies of the four IgG subclasses. Standard calibration curves were used to allow comparisons between results of different isotypes and specificities. Mean concentrations of total IgG antibodies were higher in the overall leprosy population than in TB patients. In leprosy, levels of anti-CFX increased from tuberculoid toward lepromatous forms, with a clear switch from IgG1 to IgG2 subclass predominance. A similar IgG1 to IgG2 conversion was observed in anti-LAM antibodies, although total levels of anti-LAM were similar in patients with tuberculoid and lepromatous forms. In TB, antibodies against polysaccharide and protein antigens were both predominantly of IgG1 subclass, whatever the patient's clinical status, although lower in disseminated forms, probably due to concomitant HIV infection. A hypergammaglobulinaemia was also found in most leprosy and TB patients. In TB this was due to increased IgG1 and IgG3, especially in HIV co-infected patients. Based on the current knowledge of the influence of T cell-secreted cytokines on human immunoglobulin isotype expression, these results do not fit with a putative role of Th1 (such as found in TB and tuberculoid leprosy (TT)) and Th2 (such as found in leprosy lepromatous (LL) leprosy) environment in the isotypy of antibody responses in mycobacterial infections. Nor do variations of isotypy according to pathological conditions seem to be related to the biochemical nature of antigens, since antibodies to LAM and protein antigens had comparable evolutions of their subclass distribution. Other factors are to be investigated in order to understand better the significance and possible roles of antibodies in mycobacterial diseases.  相似文献   

U. Tiikkainen  M. Klockers 《Allergy》1990,45(7):497-504
We measured the IgG subclass antibody levels to wheat flour in 42 bakers and 20 controls with an enzyme immunoassay. The levels of total IgG, IgG1 IgG2 and IgG4 antibodies were significantly higher in the bakers than in the unexposed controls. The presence of anti-wheat flour IgG subclass antibodies in the bakers was correlated with various clinical variables including IgE levels, duration of asthmatic or rhinitis symptoms, skin prick test response, peripheral blood eosinophil levels, bronchial histamine reactivity and responses to nasal challenge with wheat flour. The IgG subclass antibody levels of the total cohort of bakers did not correlate with any of the measured clinical variables. However, among men specific IgG4 and IgG1 antibody levels correlated negatively with total IgE levels and duration of rhinitis, respectively. We conclude that IgG and IgG subclass levels to wheat flour in bakers reflect exposure, but that it is not related to any specific clinical situation. The exact pathogenic role of these antibodies in the development of occupational asthma and rhinitis is thus not clear.  相似文献   

Antibody affinity affects the handling and behaviour of immune complexes, and experimental studies have shown that animals which produce predominantly low-affinity antibody are prone to immune complex deposition resulting in glomerulonephritis. In order to investigate the potential role of antibody affinity in the pathogenesis of IgA nephropathy, affinity of both IgA and IgG antibody isotypes during secondary response to systemic immunization with tetanus toxoid was studied in 20 patients with IgA nephropathy. Patients with IgA nephropathy produced IgA antibodies of significantly lower affinity than controls (P < 0.001), whereas IgG antibody affinities were similar. Contrasting with controls, patients' IgA antibody affinity was inversely related to antibody concentration, with higher responders producing large amounts of low-affinity antibody. IgG antibody affinity increased with time, and maturation of IgG antibody affinity was similar in both controls and patients. IgA affinity in controls decreased with time, and this lack of IgA affinity maturation may explain the relative unimportance of IgA in normal systemic immunity. This temporal decrease in IgA affinity was not observed in patients with IgA nephropathy. The production of low-affinity IgA in IgA nephropathy may provide an explanation for the predominant deposition of IgA in this disease.  相似文献   

We surveyed historical and laboratory data for 127 IgA-deficient patients (ages 2-67), referred to an immunology clinic; the commonest medical history was recurrent respiratory infections (50%), followed by autoimmunity (28%) asthma and allergy (13%). Fifty-two subjects have been given a pneumococcal vaccination; vaccine responses to 12 serotypes were significantly related to serum IgG2 levels (P = 0.004). Six immunized IgA/IgG2-deficient subjects produced insignificant amounts of antibodies to these pneumococcal serotypes; 10 others with normal IgG2 levels also had subnormal vaccine responses. IgA-deficient patients who had at least one B8 allele (n = 19) had a significantly greater response to this vaccine than the HLA-B8-negative subjects (n = 24) (P = 0.024). There was no relationship between a history of recurring infections and pneumococcal vaccine responses; HLA status was not related to a history of autoimmunity.  相似文献   

A 20-year health follow-up study of 159 initially healthy blood donors with a severe deficiency of serum IgA (<0.05×10–3 g/L) and of 45 donors with decreased serum IgA (0.05×10–3–0.8 g/L) was carried out. The findings indicate that persons with a severe deficiency of and decreased serum IgA who are healthy as young adults have an increased susceptibility to pneumonia and recurrent episodes of other respiratory infections and a higher risk of developing autoimmune diseases in middle age. Vitiligo, autoimmune hypothyreosis, milk intolerance, and possible rheumatoid arthritis were associated with severe IgA deficiency, but otherwise different degrees of IgA deficiency seem to be similar with respect to the appearance of diseases. Regardless of the fact that a total of 163 (80%) of the 204 IgA-deficient subjects had episodes of infections, drug allergy, or autoimmune or atopic disease, the finding of primary, selective IgA deficiency in a healthy adult per se does not seem to predict severe life-threatening illnesses at least during 20 years of life.  相似文献   

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