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We report a patient with intramedullary ruptured spinal dermoid tumour. The MR imaging revealed an intra­medullary lumbar mass heterogenous in intensity in all sequences. Fat droplets were observed in the subarachnoid space as well as in the dilated central spinal canal. Fat droplets in the subarachnoid space are frequently seen in the rupture of intraspinal dermoid tumours; however, fat droplets within the central canal is quite rare and was unexpected. Magnetic resonance imaging is a useful tool in the determination of spinal pathologies before they become large enough to cause severe symptoms and/or morbidity.  相似文献   

Aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC) of the temporal bone is rare. The nature of the underlying disorder that converted into the ABC might, however, be difficult to ascertain on imaging as well as on histopathology. The unusual CT and MRI findings in a case of ABC of the temporal bone are presented. This had transdural intracerebral spread with a large component of solid enhancing matrix but no peripheral calcific rim. The patient was an adult of 45 years with a history of headache for more than 1 year.  相似文献   

Summary Imaging has facilitated aggressive skull base surgery by allowing precise preoperative delineation of the extent of lesions. Continued advances providing even better resolution on imaging studies may in turn facilitate the development of new surgical approaches to the skull base.  相似文献   

Chondrosarcoma is distinctly uncommon in the younger age group. We report an unusual presentation of pelvic bone chondrosarcoma in an 18‐year‐old man clinically creating an impression of tuberculous abscess, and we discuss the CT and MRI appearances.  相似文献   

Adnexal torsions are one among the causes of acute pelvic pain in females. Commonly occurring adnexal torsions are ovarian either involving the normal ovary with functional cysts or an associated mass. Fallopian tube torsions, torsions involving paraovarian, fimbrial cysts and subserosal fibroids are rare. Here we discuss the multimodality imaging approach for the diagnosis of adnexal torsion, its limitations and mimics.  相似文献   

Diagnostic imaging is carried out in patients with esophageal carcinoma in order to decide on thetherapeutical procedure,to control therapy,to document complications and to assess concomitant diseases.Chest X-rays and esophagograms give a 2-dimensional view of the X-ray absorption in a-dimensionalexamination volumes,the diagnostic accuracy thus being limited by overshadowing.Because of the robustexamination technique,the broad availability and the low costs chest X-rays are usually used for short-termcontrols under therapy and follow-up.Esophagography is carried out in order to asses the exact locationand length of a known esophageal carcinoma prior to therapy and in order to assess peristaltic disturbancesand fistulas.CT and MRI provide tomographic images with a spatial resolution of up to 1 mm allowingthe reconstruction of high-resolution images not only in the transversal but also in any other plain.Thediagnostic accuracy of esophagography is comparatively high in T1-T3 stages (80%-90%).T1 and T2tumors cannot be diagnosed by CT and MRI,because both methods do not visualize the mucosa (unlikeesophagography and endoscopy) and the esophageal wall layers (unlike EUS).Infiltration depth tends tobe overestimated in T1 and T2 carcinomas and to be underestimated in T3 and T4 cancers.CT andMRI cannot detect metastases in normally sized lymph nodes and cannot accurately differentiate betweenbenign and malignant lymphadenopathy in enlarged nodes with a reported sensitivities and specifities of60% and 74%,respectively.However,further prospective studies using up to date CT and MR technologyare needed to assess the present diagnostic situation.CT and MRI do not only visualize the mediastinum,but also the lungs,the pleura and the skeleton as well as the neck and the abdomen thus providing acomprehensive overview of the TNM stage in 3 body regions.  相似文献   

Diagnostic imaging is carried out in patients with esophageal carcinoma in order to decide on the therapeutical procedure, to control therapy, to document complications and to assess concomitant diseases.Chest X-rays and esophagograms give a 2-dimensional view of the X-ray absorption ill 3-dimensional examination volumes, the diagnostic accuracy thus being limited by overshadowing. Because of the robust examination technique, the broad availability and the low costs chest X-rays are usually used for short-term controls under therapy and follow-up. Esophagography is carried out in order to asses the exact location and length of a known esophageal carcinoma prior to therapy and in order to assess peristaltic disturbances and fistulas. CT and MRI provide tomographic images with a spatial resolution of up to 1mm^3 allowing the reconstruction of high-resolution images not only in the transversal but also in any other plain. The diagnostic accuracy of esophagography is comparatively high in T1 T3 stages (80%-90%). T1 and T2 tumors cannot be diagnosed by CT and MRI, because both methods do not visualize the mucosa(unlike esophagography and endoscopy) and the esophageal wall layers (unlike EUS). Infiltration depth tends to be overestimated in T1 and T2 carcinomas and to be underestimated in T3 and T4 cancers. CT and MRI cannot detect metastases in normally sized lymph nodes and cannot accurately differelltiate between benign and malignant lymphadenopathy in enlarged nodes with a reported sensitivities and spccifities of 60% and 74%, respectively. However, further prospective studies using up to date CT and NIR technology are needed to assess the present diagnostic situation. CT and MRI do not only visualize the inediastinum,but also the lungs, the pleura and the skeleton as well as the neck and the abdomen thus providing a comprehensive overview of the TNM stage in 3 body regions.  相似文献   

Nodular lymphoid hyperplasia is a rare, benign, lymphoproliferative disease usually found in the gastrointestinal tract. It has never been reported in the sinuses. We present an unusual case of pulmonary nodular lymphoid hyperplasia with locally invasive sinus involvement and describe the CT, MRI and positron emission tomography findings.  相似文献   

Computed tomography and MRI are frequently utilized to evaluate ankle pain that remains unexplained by radiography. The most common causes of ankle pain are related to trauma and the imaging appearances of these entities are well established in the radiologic and orthopedic literature. A smaller percentage is comprised of non‐traumatic disorders. Our goal is to emphasize the value of CT and MRI in recognition of these less common and unusual causes of ankle pain.  相似文献   

The MRI features of hydatid cysts were retrospectively studied in 12 patients to look for specific signal characteristics. Twelve patients in the series included eight with abdominal, two with abdominal‐pelvic, one with a sacral and one with a lung hydatid cyst. The T1‐, T2‐ and proton density (PD)‐weighted images of spin‐echo sequence were used for imaging. The signal characteristics of the hydatid parent cyst capsule and fluid, daughter cyst fluid, detached germinal membrane and surrounding soft tissue reaction were noted. Observations revealed that the capsule is best seen on T2‐ and PD‐weighted images. The daughter cysts are best demonstrated on T1‐weighted images, whereas the difference in the signal intensities of parent cyst and daughter cyst fluid is better demonstrated on T2‐weighted and T1‐weighted images, and the detached germinal membrane is best seen on T2‐ and PD‐weighted images. The signal characteristics of hydatid cyst morphology can help distinguish it from other entities.  相似文献   

目的探讨颅内皮样囊肿的MRI和CT表现及其诊断价值。方法回顾性分析23例经手术病理证实的颅内皮样囊肿病例,对其MRI和CT表现、病理和临床特征进行分析。23例均行MRI检查,20例同时行CT检查。结果22例MRI表现T1WI和T2WI均为不均匀高信号,1例T1WI为等高信号,T2WI为低信号。8例DWI表现斑片状不均匀高信号。19例CT标准窗宽、窗位,表现为均匀低密度影,宽窗宽、低窗位,表现为不均匀低密度影。另1例CT标准窗宽、窗位,表现为高密度影。其中8例CT和MRI可见蛛网膜下腔和双侧脑室内散布的脂肪滴和间质性脑水肿。结论颅内皮样囊肿有较典型的MRI和CT表现,特别是皮样囊肿破裂有影像学和临床特征性表现,可实现术前正确诊断,MRI优于CT诊断。  相似文献   

Eosinophilic fasciitis is a rare rheumatological disorder. We present a case of a young male patient who presented with this disease, and we describe how the findings on ultrasound and MRI correlated with the underlying pathology and assisted the diagnosis and the management of the patient.  相似文献   

目的:探讨颅内皮样囊肿的临床表现、诊断、治疗及并发症。方法:回顾性分析我院1例颅内皮样囊肿合并感染患儿的临床资料,并结合文献复习,总结其临床表现、诊断及治疗。结果:本例患儿出现了囊内感染,经手术切除后患儿预后良好。结论:儿童颅内皮样囊肿发病率低,一般预后良好,可出现囊内感染、无菌性脑膜炎、脑积水等并发症,核磁共振在诊断中起重要作用,手术是其主要治疗方式。  相似文献   

冯凯  杨瑜玲  孙溯  廖琰彬 《癌症进展》2019,17(13):1512-1514,1525
目的探讨磁共振成像(MRI)联合计算机断层扫描(CT)影像学检查对肺癌的诊断效能。方法选取疑似肺癌患者88例,均给予MRI常规序列、弥散加权成像扫描和CT检查。观察MRI、CT单独及联合检查诊断肺癌的效能,并对不同临床特征肺癌患者的表观弥散系数(ADC)进行比较。结果88例疑似肺癌患者中,最终确诊肺癌患者51例;MRI联合CT检查诊断肺癌的灵敏度和阴性预测值均高于MRI检查,特异度和阳性预测值均高于CT检查,差异均有统计学意义(P﹤0.05)。小细胞癌患者的ADC值明显低于鳞癌和腺癌患者(P﹤0.01);低分化肺癌患者的ADC值低于高分化和中分化肺癌患者(P﹤0.01)。结论MRI联合CT检查在肺癌中有较高的诊断价值,其中MRI弥散加权成像ADC值与肺癌患者的病理类型和分化程度有关。  相似文献   

周路  刘杰明 《现代肿瘤医学》2016,(12):1979-1982
目的:探讨MRI联合CT诊断鼻咽癌颅底转移的价值。方法:选取2006年8月至2013年8月经病理证实为鼻咽癌的患者50例,全部患者治疗前均行CT及MRI检查,分析鼻咽癌颅底转移的CT及MRI影像学表现,评价联合应用CT/MRI对鼻咽癌颅底转移诊断的价值。结果:CT示颅底骨质侵犯30例,MRI扫描示颅底侵犯39例,其中5例MRI扫描发现斜坡、蝶骨翼和蝶骨体早期骨髓浸润,而CT检查表现正常。另外1例MRI见肿瘤沿三叉神经向颅内侵犯,而CT未见明确的卵圆孔破坏。两种影像学方法的检出率存在显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论:CT与MRI均可显示鼻咽癌颅底转移,MRI对颅底组织侵犯更加敏感,二者联合有助于提高诊断的准确性。  相似文献   

Preoperative radiological findings of nodal status in 74 patients, using endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS), computed tomography (CT), ultrasonography (US), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), were compared to histopathology reports following transthoracic total esophagectomy with radical lymphadenectomy (TTE), involving complete dissection of the mediastinal and abdominal nodes and lower cervical lymph nodes. Accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of each radiological investigation were calculated for each anatomic group of nodes. Statistical analysis revealed that EUS is more accurate and significantly more sensitive (P < 0.01) for lymph nodes along the right recurrent laryngeal nerve and those in the upper and mid-periesophageal, infracarinal locations. Paratracheal and lower paraesophageal nodes are assessed better using CT whereas MRI is better for mid-paraesophageal and infra-aortic nodes. US is most accurate and sensitive for evaluation of cervical and abdominal nodes (P < 0.01). © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Two cases of giant spinal arachnoid cysts, one of them being symptomatic, are discussed, along with their CT, MRI and MR myelography findings.  相似文献   

高振华  马玲  刘大伟 《癌症》2010,29(7):703-708
Background and Objective:Elastofibroma dorsi has an extremely low incidence.At present,comparative study on imaging manifestations and pathologic findings of elastofibroma dorsi has not been reported in China.This study was to investigate clinical manifestations,computed tomography(CT) and magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) appearances,and pathologic features of elastofibroma dorsi and to improve preoperative imaging diagnosis of this disease.Methods:The clinical manifestations,imaging findings,and pathologic ...  相似文献   

背景与目的:原发于中枢神经系统的上皮样血管内皮瘤(epithelioid hemangioendothelioma,EH)非常罕见,本文报道1例天幕起源的EH,并结合文献分析其临床病理、影像学特征及治疗和预后情况,旨在提高对此病的认识.方法:对1例确诊为颅内EH患者的临床、病理和影像学特征、诊断与鉴别诊断、治疗和预后进行回顾性分析并进行文献复习.结果:颅内EH是罕见病变,属于间叶性肿瘤,其生物学行为属交界性或不确定性肿瘤,具有一定特征性的影像学表现.肿瘤由排列呈巢状、索状的上皮样细胞组成.免疫组织化学检测结果显示CD31、CD34和FⅧ阳性.手术切除是其主要的治疗方法,其对放疗敏感.EH的预后较好.结论:EH少见,需与脑膜瘤鉴别,其生物学行为具有潜在的侵袭性,建议尽可能完全切除以及密切随访,对于术后残留病灶推荐放疗.  相似文献   

Intracranial epidermoids can closely mimic cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) on MRI and CT. Therefore epidermoids can be difficult to detect, or distinguish from CSF. Three cases of intracranial epidermoid are presented, one of which closely mimicked an arachnoid cyst on CT and routine MRI sequences. Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI) was performed. All three epidermoids demonstrated marked restriction of diffusion relative to CSF, clearly defining the extent of each lesion, and allowing differentiation from an arachnoid cyst or an enlarged CSF space.  相似文献   

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