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Birth defects belong to the most serious side effects of pharmaceutical compounds or environmental chemicals. In vivo, teratogens most often affect the normal development of bones, causing growth retardation, limb defects or craniofacial malformations. The embryonic stem cell test (EST) is one of the most promising models that allow the in vitro prediction of embryotoxicity, with one of its endpoints being bone tissue development. The present study was designed to describe three novel inexpensive endpoints to assess developmental osteotoxicity using the model compounds penicillin G (non-teratogenic), 5-fluorouracil (strong teratogen) and all-trans retinoic acid (bone teratogen). These three endpoints were: quantification of matrix incorporated calcium by (1) morphometric analysis and (2) measurement of calcium levels as well as (3) activity of alkaline phosphatase, an enzyme involved in matrix calcification.To evaluate our data, we have compared the concentration curves and resulting ID50s of the new endpoints with mRNA expression for osteocalcin. Osteocalcin is an exclusive marker found only in mineralized tissues, is regulated upon compound treatment and reliably predicts the potential of a chemical entity acting as a bone teratogen. By comparing the new endpoints to quantitative expression of osteocalcin, which we previously identified as suitable to detect developmental osteotoxicity, we were ultimately able to illustrate IMAGE analysis and Ca2+ deposition assays as two reliable novel endpoints for the EST. This is of particular importance for routine industrial assessment of novel compounds as these two new endpoints may substitute previously used molecular read-out methods, which are often costly and time-consuming.  相似文献   

The mouse embryonic stem cell test (EST) was designed to predict embryotoxicity based on the inhibition of the differentiation of embryonic stem cells (ESC) into beating cardiomyocytes in combination with cytotoxicity data in monolayer ESC cultures and 3T3 cells. In the present study, we have tested a diverse group of chemicals in the EST, applying different exposure durations, in an attempt to discriminate between effects on proliferation and differentiation within the EST protocol. Chemicals tested were monobutyl phthalate (MBP), 6-aminonicotinamide (6-AN), 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine (BrdU). We showed that 5-FU and BrdU behaved principally different from MBP and 6-AN. 5-FU and BrdU specifically affected cell proliferation during the first three days of the EST protocol, as shown by EB size, protein concentration and cell cycle stage analysis. In addition, we studied the differentiation state of cells in the EST protocol with time to elucidate the transition of pluripotent ESC to more differentiated cell types. Analysis by flow cytometry of the pluripotency marker SSEA-1 in EST showed that although total SSEA-1 positive cells remained unchanged up to and including day 5, the signal intensity already decreased from day 3 onwards. Furthermore, RT-PCR data showed an upregulation of the mesodermal marker T at day 3, whereas the cardiac muscle marker Myh6 was upregulated from day 5 onwards. These findings confirm that proliferation and differentiation of ESC in the EST are highly intertwined processes. Based on these findings we suggest an amended EST protocol which could more clearly discriminate between proliferation and differentiation effects of chemicals within the same EST differentiation protocol. This proposal includes a cytotoxicity assessment in EB at day 3 of the EST after day 0–3 exposure, and cardiac muscle foci counts after exposure from day 3–10 in the EST.  相似文献   

The potential developmental toxicity of environmental estrogenic endocrine disruptors have become a great concern in recent years. In this study, two typical environmental oestrogen, namely, bisphenol A (BPA) and genistein (GEN) were investigated for potential embryotoxicity using the embryonic stem cell test model. Afterwards, a 4 × 4 full factorial design and the estimated marginal means plot were performed to assess the combined effects of these two compounds.According to the linear discriminant functions and classification criteria, bisphenol A and genistein were classified as weakly embryotoxic and strongly embryotoxic respectively. As for combined effects, the overall interaction between BPA and GEN on embryonic stem cells (ESCs) differentiation was synergistic at low dosages, however, on ESCs and 3T3 cell proliferation, the predominate action was additive. Considering the actual daily intake of these chemicals, it is concluded that BPA alone might not have adverse reproductive or developmental effects on human being. However, given that BPA and GEN do have synergistic effect at low concentration, they may disturb normal embryo development together, which could result in birth defect and behavioral alterations later in life.  相似文献   

The relatively high experimental animal use in developmental toxicity testing has stimulated the search for alternatives that are less animal intensive. Three widely studied alternative assays are the mouse Embryonic Stem cell Test (EST), the Zebrafish Embryotoxicity Test (ZET) and the rat postimplantation Whole Embryo Culture (WEC). The goal of this study was to determine their efficacy in assessing the relative developmental toxicity of six 1,2,4-triazole compounds,1 flusilazole, hexaconazole, cyproconazole, triadimefon, myclobutanil and triticonazole. For this purpose, we analyzed effects and relative potencies of the compounds in and among the alternative assays and compared the findings to their known in vivo developmental toxicity. Triazoles are antifungal agents used in agriculture and medicine, some of which are known to induce craniofacial and limb abnormalities in rodents. The WEC showed a general pattern of teratogenic effects, typical of exposure to triazoles, mainly consisting of reduction and fusion of the first and second branchial arches, which are in accordance with the craniofacial malformations reported after in vivo exposure. In the EST all triazole compounds inhibited cardiomyocyte differentiation concentration-dependently. Overall, the ZET gave the best correlation with the relative in vivo developmental toxicities of the tested compounds, closely followed by the EST. The relative potencies observed in the WEC showed the lowest correlation with the in vivo developmental toxicity data. These differences in the efficacy between the test systems might be due to differences in compound kinetics, in developmental stages represented and in the relative complexity of the alternative assays.  相似文献   

We developed and analyzed a new surrogate endpoint of the mouse embryonic stem cell test (EST) for developmental neurotoxicity. To determine the sensitivity, specificity, and transferability of the new endpoint, a pre-validation team from three independent laboratories optimized and standardized the protocol for neuronal differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) by measuring the neuronal differentiation rates of mESCs under different culture conditions, such as the presence or absence of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) in the growth media and varying lengths of culture. In addition, a component ratio of neuronal cells was measured by using flow cytometry analysis of β-III tubulin (Tuj1)-positive cells and real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis of microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2) mRNA. Our results showed that the best growth was achieved by culturing mESCs for 12 d in N2B27 medium without bFGF or ascorbic acid. Lead (II) acetate and aroclor 1254 were used to test the usefulness of the new endpoint. When we used the known ID50 values for lead (II) acetate in the EST model, it was classified as non-embryotoxic; however, when we used the new ID50 values that we determined in this study, it was classified as weakly embryotoxic. Aroclor 1254 and penicillin G were also classified as weakly embryotoxic and non-embryotoxic compounds, respectively, when cardiac and neuronal differentiation ID50 values were used. Therefore, our new surrogate endpoint for developmental neurotoxicity is not only sensitive and specific but also transferable among laboratories.  相似文献   

While research into the potential toxic properties of nanomaterials is now increasing, the area of developmental toxicity has remained relatively uninvestigated. The embryonic stem cell test is an in vitro screening assay used to investigate the embryotoxic potential of chemicals by determining their ability to inhibit differentiation of embryonic stem cells into spontaneously contracting cardiomyocytes.Four well characterized silica nanoparticles of various sizes were used to investigate whether nanomaterials are capable of inhibition of differentiation in the embryonic stem cell test. Nanoparticle size distributions and dispersion characteristics were determined before and during incubation in the stem cell culture medium by means of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and dynamic light scattering.Mouse embryonic stem cells were exposed to silica nanoparticles at concentrations ranging from 1 to 100 μg/ml. The embryonic stem cell test detected a concentration dependent inhibition of differentiation of stem cells into contracting cardiomyocytes by two silica nanoparticles of primary size 10 (TEM 11) and 30 (TEM 34) nm while two other particles of primary size 80 (TEM 34) and 400 (TEM 248) nm had no effect up to the highest concentration tested.Inhibition of differentiation of stem cells occurred below cytotoxic concentrations, indicating a specific effect of the particles on the differentiation of the embryonic stem cells. The impaired differentiation of stem cells by such widely used particles warrants further investigation into the potential of these nanoparticles to migrate into the uterus, placenta and embryo and their possible effects on embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Introduction: The advent of stem cell technology has seen the establishment of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) as molecular model systems and screening tools. Although ESCs are nowadays widely used in research, regulatory implementation for developmental toxicity testing is pending.

Areas Covered: This review evaluates the performance of current ESC, including human (h)ESC testing systems, trying to elucidate their potential for developmental toxicity testing. It shall discuss defining parameters and mechanisms, their relevance and contemplate what can realistically be expected. Crucially this includes the question of how to ascertain the quality of currently employed cell lines and tests based thereon. Finally, the use of hESCs will raise ethical concerns which should be addressed early on.

Expert Opinion: While the suitability of (h)ESCs as tools for research and development goes undisputed, any routine use for developmental toxicity testing currently still seems premature. The reasons for this comprise inherent biological deficiencies as well as cell line quality and system validation. Overcoming these issues will require collaboration of scientists, test developers and regulators. Also, validation needs to be made worthwhile for academia. Finally we have to continuously rethink existing strategies, making room for improved testing and innovative approaches.  相似文献   

The embryonic stem cell test (EST) is a validated in vitro embryotoxicity test; however, as the inhibition of cardiac differentiation alone is used as a differentiation endpoint in the EST, it may not be a useful test to screen embryotoxic chemicals that affect the differentiation of noncardiac tissues. Previously, methylmercury (MeHg), cadmium and arsenic compounds, which are heavy metals that induce developmental neurotoxicity in vivo, were misclassified as nonembryotoxic with the EST. The aim of this study was to improve the EST to correctly screen such developmental neurotoxicants. We developed a neuronal endpoint (Tuj‐1 ID50) using flow cytometry analysis of Tuj‐1‐positive cells to screen developmental neurotoxicants (MeHg, valproic acid, sodium arsenate and sodium arsenite) correctly using an adherent monoculture differentiation method. Using Tuj‐1 ID50 in the EST instead of cardiac ID50, all of the tested chemicals were classified as embryotoxic, while the negative controls were correctly classified as nonembryotoxic. To support the validity of Tuj‐1 ID50, we compared the results from two experimenters who independently tested MeHg using our modified EST. An additional neuronal endpoint (MAP2 ID50), obtained by analyzing the relative quantity of MAP2 mRNA, was used to classify the same chemicals. There were no significant differences in the three endpoint values of the two experimenters or in the classification results, except for isoniazid. In conclusion, our results indicate that Tuj‐1 ID50 can be used as a surrogate endpoint of the traditional EST to screen developmental neurotoxicants correctly and it can also be applied to other chemicals. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As the developing brain is exquisitely vulnerable to chemical disturbances, testing for developmental neurotoxicity of a substance is an important aspect of characterizing its tissue specific toxicity. Mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) can be differentiated toward a neural phenotype, and this can be used as a model for early brain development. We developed a new in vitro assay using mESCs to predict adverse effects of chemicals and other compounds on neural development – the so-called DNT-EST. After treatment of differentiating stem cells for 48 h or 72 h, at two key developmental stages endpoint for neural differentiation, viability, and proliferation were assessed. As a reference, we similarly treated undifferentiated stem cells 2 days after plating for 48 h or 72 h in parallel to the differentiating stem cells. Here, we show that chemical testing of a training set comprising nine substances (six substances of known developmental toxicity and three without specific developmental neurotoxicity) enabled a mathematical prediction model to be formulated that provided 100% predictivity and accuracy for the given substances, including in leave-one-out cross-validation. The described test method can be performed within two weeks, including data analysis, and provides a prediction of the developmental neurotoxicity potency of a substance.  相似文献   

The embryonic stem cell test (EST) is a validated method to assess the developmental toxicity potency of chemicals. It was developed to reduce animal use and allow faster testing for hazard assessment. The cells used in this method are maintained and differentiated in media containing foetal calf serum. This animal product is of considerable variation in quality, and individual batches require extensive testing for their applicability in the EST. Moreover, its production involves a large number of foetuses and possible animal suffering. We demonstrate the serum-free medium and feeder cell-free maintenance of the mouse embryonic stem cell line D3 and investigate the use of specific growth factors for induction of cardiac differentiation. Using a combination of bone morphogenetic protein-2, bone morphogenetic protein-4, activin A and ascorbic acid, embryoid bodies efficiently differentiated into contracting myocardium. Additionally, examining levels of intracellular marker proteins by flow cytometry not only confirmed differentiation into cardiomyocytes, but demonstrated significant differentiation into neuronal cells in the same time frame. Thus, this approach might allow for simultaneous detection of developmental effects on both early mesodermal and neuroectodermal differentiation. The serum-free conditions for maintenance and differentiation of D3 cells described here enhance the transferability and standardisation and hence the performance of the EST.  相似文献   

目的应用胚胎干细胞实验模型体系探讨苯甲基异硫氰酸盐(BITC)和苯乙基异硫氰酸盐(PEITC)的发育毒性。方法小鼠胚胎干细胞(ESC)经体外悬滴和悬浮培养分化获得心肌细胞及经视黄酸5×10-7mol·L-1诱导培养分化获得神经细胞,利用RT-PCR方法分析BITC和PEITC0,1,2,4和8μmol·L-1对ESC定向分化为特异表达肌球蛋白重链(MHC)基因的心肌细胞以及特异表达巢蛋白(巢蛋白)基因的神经细胞的影响,计算BITC和PEITC对ESC定向分化能力的抑制作用。同时应用MTT法测定BITC和PEITC对ESC129品系小鼠D3和BALB/c品系小鼠3T3细胞活性的抑制作用,结合定向分化抑制作用结果评价BITC和PEITC的发育毒性。结果 BITC和PEITC对ESC体外心肌细胞定向分化半数抑制浓度(ID50)为3.56和3.48mg·L-1,BITC和PEITC对ESC体外定向分化神经细胞的ID50分别为3.87和2.43mg·L-1,依据发育毒性评价公式计算得BITC和PEITC均无心肌发育毒性作用,BITC和PEITC的神经发育毒性作用分别为无和弱。结论 BITC和PEITC均无心肌发育毒性作用,但PEITC具有弱神经发育毒性作用。  相似文献   

Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) is a mitogenic cytokine that can stimulate mesoderm-and neuroectoderm-originated cell proliferation. This study was performed to investigate the effects of bFGF on cell differentiation and the expression of specific markers at different embryonic developmental stages. We firstly evaluated the embryotoxic potential of bFGF in vitro using a modified EST protocol. Sequentially, we further investigated how bFGF impact the different tissue-special genes and proteins expressions during the differentiation of murine ES cells in vitro and attempt to reveal the effects of bFGF on differentiation processes. This analysis was focused on key tissue- and stage-specific genes involved in ectodermal, mesodermal, and endodermal differentiation, including ectodermal-specific gene Nestin, Oligo2 and Syn, mesodermal-specific gene MHC and MyoD, and endodermal-specific gene GATA6, TTR and ALB, as well as undifferentiated gene Sox-2 and Oct-4. The results demonstrate that bFGF could promote expression of ectodermal-specific genes and protein, but suppress the expressions of endoderm-specific and some mesoderm-specific gene and protein. A conclusion can be drawn that bFGF exhibits weak embryotoxicity and mainly promotes ES cell differentiation towards the ectodermal lineages but suppress differentiation into endoderm lineages. These opposing effects of bFGF on the embryonic development of the three germ layers may be related to its weak embryotoxic potential. More specifically, inhibition of expression of the endodermal-specific markers transthyretin (TTR), and albumin (ALB) by bFGF may be of more value in detecting the embryotoxic potential of bFGF.  相似文献   

目的利用小鼠胚胎干细胞试验(EST)模型,初步评价bFGF的发育毒性。方法体外培养小鼠胚胎干细胞(ESC),通过形态学观察、碱性磷酸酶染色和RT-PCR方法进行ESC未分化鉴定;MTT法检测不同浓度bFGF对ESC和3T3细胞的毒性,RT-PCR半定量分析法检测bFGF对未分化基因Sox-2表达的影响。结果 bFGF对ESC和3T3的半数抑制浓度和ESC的半数抑制分化浓度分别为IC50ESC=15.2 mg.L-1,IC50 3T3=24.2 mg.L-1,ID50 ESC=1.7 mg.L-1。结论 bFGF发育毒性的判定为弱胚胎毒性。  相似文献   

Our group has been using the ECVAM Embryonic Stem Cell assay to predict developmental toxicity. In order to improve the separation of non-teratogens from weak teratogens, we have employed measures of gene expression, and different statistical methods from those originally used to develop the test. These approaches have fundamentally not improved the discrimination of ‘weaks’ from ‘nons’. A realization that a very low value for cytotoxicity IC50 would drive a final result for the test in ways that were inappropriate for pharmaceuticals has led us to re-examine the cytotoxicity component. Our current efforts are focused on other, perhaps more sensitive, measures of cytotoxicity, combined with gene expression changes in mouse stem cells in an attempt to correctly identify weak teratogens and non-teratogens.  相似文献   

The new EU legislations for cosmetics (Seventh Amendment) have laid down deadlines for the replacement of animal tests in cosmetics. This policy stimulates the acceptance of in vitro approaches to test embryotoxic potentials of compounds in cosmetics products. The embryonic stem cell test (EST) designed by The European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM) is currently the most promising in vitro assay to predict the embryotoxic potential of compounds. In this study, six selected compounds (hydroquinone, eugenol, dibutyl phthalate, antimony (III) oxide, neodymium (III) nitrate hydrate, melamine) formerly involved in cosmetic products were selected to test their embryotoxic potentials by the EST. 5-Fluorouracil and penicillin G were separately set as positive and negative control. The embryotoxic potential was determined by the prediction model (PM), which was calculated from three endpoints, the IC50 3T3, IC50 ES, and ID50. Hydroquinone, eugenol, and antimony (III) oxide indicated with strong embryotoxicity, while dibutyl phthalate, neodymium (III) nitrate hydrate, and melamine exhibited a weak embryotoxicity. These results may provide a valuable attempt to expand the application of EST to the cosmetics field.  相似文献   

Metabolomics analysis was performed on the supernatant of human embryonic stem (hES) cell cultures exposed to a blinded subset of 11 chemicals selected from the chemical library of EPA's ToxCast™ chemical screening and prioritization research project. Metabolites from hES cultures were evaluated for known and novel signatures that may be indicative of developmental toxicity. Significant fold changes in endogenous metabolites were detected for 83 putatively annotated mass features in response to the subset of ToxCast chemicals. The annotations were mapped to specific human metabolic pathways. This revealed strong effects on pathways for nicotinate and nicotinamide metabolism, pantothenate and CoA biosynthesis, glutathione metabolism, and arginine and proline metabolism pathways. Predictivity for adverse outcomes in mammalian prenatal developmental toxicity studies used ToxRefDB and other sources of information, including Stemina Biomarker Discovery's predictive DevTox® model trained on 23 pharmaceutical agents of known developmental toxicity and differing potency. The model initially predicted developmental toxicity from the blinded ToxCast compounds in concordance with animal data with 73% accuracy. Retraining the model with data from the unblinded test compounds at one concentration level increased the predictive accuracy for the remaining concentrations to 83%. These preliminary results on a 11-chemical subset of the ToxCast chemical library indicate that metabolomics analysis of the hES secretome provides information valuable for predictive modeling and mechanistic understanding of mammalian developmental toxicity.  相似文献   

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