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高尿酸血症与心血管疾病相关危险因素关系调查分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的探讨血尿酸水平与心血管疾病相关危险因素的关系。方法对2007年8~9月间在我院进行干部体检的380例体检者的身高、体重、体质指数、收缩压、舒张压进行测量,并检测其血液生化指标,包括血尿酸(UA)、空腹血糖(FBG)、甘油三酯(TG)、总胆固醇(TC)、高密度脂蛋白-胆固醇(HDLCH)、低密度脂蛋白-胆固醇(LDHCH)、75g葡萄糖负荷后2h血糖(2hPG)。结果本组高尿酸血症患病率为47.1%。高尿酸血症者具有高BMI、高TG、高血压及低HDLCH,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。线性相关分析显示,血尿酸浓度与BMI、血TG、SBP及DBP呈正相关,与HDLCH呈负相关,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。偏相关分析显示,在排除其他影响因素后血尿酸浓度仍与BMI及DBP呈正相关(P<0.001)。结论高尿酸是肥胖、高血压的独立危险因素。  相似文献   

目的分析男性高尿酸血症的患病情况及其危险因素。方法记录进行健康体检的14589例男性的年龄、身高、体质量、体质量指数(BMI)、收缩压(SBP)及舒张压(DBP),并检测患者的血尿酸(UA)、总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)及空腹血糖(FBG)。进一步分析高尿酸血症患病率及其危险因素。结果男性高尿酸血症患病率为18.9%,高尿酸组的血脂异常、血糖异常、肥胖、高血压检出率均高于正常尿酸组,危险因素聚集的人群高尿酸患病率高。多因素回归分析显示肥胖、高血压、高甘油三酯及高胆固醇是高尿酸血症的独立危险因素。结论尽早进行生活方式和饮食结构的干预,以减少心血管事件的发生。  相似文献   

高尿酸血症是冠心病的危险因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨老年高尿酸血症及其他危险因素与冠心病发病的关系。方法:对55例老年代谢综合征患者进行冠心病常见危险因素调查,除测血压、体重、腰围外均测定血尿酸(UA)、空腹血糖(FBG)、血清胆固醇(TC)、血甘油三酯(TRIG)、内生胰岛素,并加以比较、对照。结果:高尿酸血症39例(70.91%),高尿酸血症组中伴有高血压、糖尿病、高胆固醇、高甘油三酯的比例均比正常尿酸组明显增高(P<0.05)。结论:老年高尿酸血症与代谢综合征、高血压病、糖尿病、高脂血症等疾病关系密切;高尿酸血症可视为冠心病发生的一个危险因素。  相似文献   

胡守岳  陈贞羽 《浙江实用医学》2007,12(5):324-325,327
目的调查分析高尿酸血症与部分代谢指标的关系。方法宁波市镇海区居民在2005年度健康体检中发现高尿酸血症患者1679例,并同时检测相关指标。结果血尿酸测定值:男(469.5±50.2)μmol/L;女(411.1±62.7)μmol/L。男女性别间有明显差异,中青年与老年组尿酸也存在显著性差异(P〈0.05)。超重、肥胖可使血液尿酸含量增高。经常饮酒者(476.7±61.1)μmol/L与不饮酒者(454.9±56.3)μmol/L比较有显著差异。高血压患者比血压正常者高。结论高尿酸血症患病率存在男女性别差异,与人体的血压、ALT、GGT、TG、TC、BMI指数、饮酒存在密切关系,呈现男性和老年人易发的特点。  相似文献   

高尿酸血症与心血管疾病研究进展   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
薛丽  张爱伦 《医学综述》2006,12(2):90-91
尿酸是人体内嘌呤代谢的终产物,目前认为血尿酸与心血管疾病的发生发展及转归密切相关。本文就血尿酸与心血管疾病关系的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

<正>传统的心血管危险因素一般包括高血压、高脂血症、糖耐量异常、肥胖、代谢综合征等,这些因素往往合并存在,在心血管疾病的发生、发展中起着重要的作用。而高尿酸血症常与上述心血管危险因素伴发存在,长期以来被认为是代谢异常的标记之一。近年来,国内外的多项研究及荟萃分析显示,高尿酸血症同上述心血管危险因素一样,在心血管疾病的发生、发展、诊断、预后等方面都有着不容忽视的作用及地位,认为高尿酸  相似文献   

目的探讨高尿酸血症患者的危险因素,为有效预防和治疗高尿酸血症提供参考。方法对1377例健康体检者进行调查,调查内容包括患者的一般资料和生活习惯,总结高尿酸血症的危险因素。结果年龄50岁、男性、肥胖、高脂血症、高血糖、尿素氮或血肌酐升高、吸烟和饮酒为高尿酸血症的危险因素(P0.05);多因素Logistics回归分析显示,年龄、男性、肥胖、高脂血症、高血糖、尿素氮或血肌酐升高、吸烟和饮酒均为高尿素血症的独立危险因素(P0.05)。结论对于高尿酸血症高危人群,应加强锻炼、控制体重,有效控制高脂血症和血糖,预防高尿酸血症的发生和发展。  相似文献   

目的 探讨糖尿病肾病(diabetic nephropathy,DN)糖尿病(diabetes mellitus,DM)高尿酸血症的危险因素.方法 选取河北省保定市第一中心医院入院的2型DM患者350例,分为高尿酸组(观察组)150例及血尿酸正常组(对照组)200例,比较两组一般特征和临床参数,对于有统计学差异的变量进...  相似文献   

方银霞 《医学综述》2011,17(15):2319-2321
近年来,我国心血管病发病率在快速地增长。虽然近年来在心血管领域的研究及治疗方面有了很大的进步,但是仍不令人满意,其导致的病死率、致残率仍然很高。高尿酸血症与冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病、高血压、心力衰竭等密切相关,是心血管疾病的独立危险因素,并与心血管疾病的进展有着密切的关系。现就高尿酸血症与心血管疾病的最新研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

高尿酸血症与心血管疾病的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
林雪芳 《中外医疗》2010,29(2):168-170
国际上将高尿酸血症(Hyperuricemia,HUA)的诊断标准定义为:正常嘌呤饮食状态下,非同日2次空腹血尿酸水平男〉420umol/L(7mg/dL),女〉357umol/L(6mg/dl)。HUA极常见,芝加哥心脏研究结果提示:HUA是女性全病因死亡的独立危险因素,HUA是男性全病因死亡相关,但不是独立危险因素,且常伴有多种危险因素或心血管疾病,数十年来大量流行病学研究了提示HUA可能是心血管疾病的独立危险因素或标志,尤其是高血压、心衰,本文就近年来HUA与心心血管疾病的关系做一综述。  相似文献   

一、糖尿病与心血管疾病之间的关系 来自UKPDS的数据显示,在任一收缩压水平上,新诊断的糖尿病患者的MI事件的发生率为小血管事件的两倍,说明MI在2型糖尿病早期较常见.同时,收缩压与MI及小血管事件相关性的斜率相似1.  相似文献   

尿酸:心血管病危险因素中的板凳队员   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尿酸是嘌呤碱在人体的主要代谢产物,正常人尿酸约80%来源于内生嘌呤核苷酸的分解,20%来源于食物,在细胞外液以尿酸盐的形式存在,且主要通过肾脏排泄.目前国内外已发表了大量关于血清尿酸与心血管病的关系的研究报道,最早甚至可以追溯至19世纪~([1]),但至今人们对尿酸与心血管病的关系的认识似乎依然扑朔迷离,在众多心血管危险因素中,尿酸始终未被列到主要危险因素之中.  相似文献   

目的:了解并分析大连地区体检人群高尿酸血症(Hyperuricemia,HUA)发病率及其影响因素。方法:回顾性分析42 572例体检者的临床资料,比较不同性别、年龄人群的尿酸(UA)、空腹血糖(FBG)、总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)水平及HUA检出率,并分析HUA的独立危险因素。结果:71~97岁人群的尿酸水平明显高于其他年龄段人群(P<0.05);男性血清尿酸水平随年龄增长逐渐下降;女性血清尿酸水平随年龄增长逐渐升高;体检人群中男性HUA检出率明显高于女性(P<0.05);高TG、高TC、高LDL-C和男性均是HUA的独立危险因素。结论:大连地区HUA发病率为26.34%,HUA的危险因素包括高TG、高TC、高LDL-C、男性,HUA的保护因素是高HDL-C和高FBG。  相似文献   

A healthy periodontium is vital for the general well-being of an individual. However, periodontal diseases are common and periodontal infections are increasingly associated with systemic diseases. We aimed to critically evaluate the literature on the association between periodontal infections and systemic diseases. We searched the PubMed database over a 20-year period for literature on periodontal diseases and their links to various systemic diseases, and examined the strength of association between periodontal disease and each systemic disease, the dose-response relationship, and the biological plausibility. We found that individuals with periodontal disease may be at higher risk for adverse medical outcomes including cardiovascular diseases, respiratory infections, adverse pregnancy outcomes, rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes mellitus. Many cohort, in vitro and animal studies suggest that systemic inflammation due to pathogens associated with periodontal disease may play a role in the initiation and progression of some systemic diseases. Periodontal infections should therefore be considered as a risk factor for various systemic diseases.  相似文献   

Context  While parental cardiovascular disease (CVD) doubles the risk for CVD in offspring, the extent of increased risk associated with sibling CVD is unclear. Objective  To determine, using validated events, whether sibling CVD predicts outcome in middle-aged adults independent of other risk factors. Design, Setting, and Participants  The Framingham Offspring Study, an inception cohort of the Framingham Heart Study, a prospective population-based cohort study initiated in 1948 with the offspring cohort initiated in 1971. Participants (n = 2475) were members of the offspring cohort aged 30 years or older, free of CVD, and with at least 1 sibling in the study; all were followed up for 8 years. Main Outcome Measures  Association of sibling CVD with 8-year personal risk for CVD using pooled logistic regression. A secondary analysis restricted to offspring with both parents in the study assessed the joint impact of parental and sibling CVD occurrence. Results  Among 973 person-examinations in the sibling CVD group (mean age, 57 years) and 4506 person-examinations in the no sibling CVD group (mean age, 47 years), 329 CVD events occurred during follow-up. Baseline risk factors were more prevalent in the sibling CVD group compared with the no sibling CVD group. Sibling CVD was associated with a significantly increased risk for incident CVD (age- and sex-adjusted odds ratio [OR], 1.55; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.19-2.03). Adjustment for risk factors did not substantially attenuate the risk (adjusted OR, 1.45; 95% CI, 1.10-1.91). In the analysis restricted to persons with both parents in the study, in models adjusting for both sibling and parental CVD, the multivariable-adjusted OR for sibling CVD (1.99; 95% CI, 1.32-3.00) exceeded that for parental CVD (1.45; 95% CI, 1.02-2.05). Conclusion  Using validated events, sibling CVD conferred increased risk of future CVD events above and beyond established risk factors and parental CVD in middle-aged adults.   相似文献   

Context  Whether parental cardiovascular disease confers increased risk independent of other risk factors remains controversial. Prior studies relied on offspring report, without complete validation of parental events. Objective  To determine whether parental cardiovascular disease predicts offspring events independent of traditional risk factors, using a prospective design for both parents and offspring, and uniform criteria to validate events. Design  Inception cohort study. Setting  Framingham Heart Study, a US population-based epidemiologic cohort begun in 1948 with the offspring cohort established in 1971. Participants  All Framingham Offspring Study participants (aged =" BORDER="0">30 years) who were free of cardiovascular disease and both parents in the original Framingham cohort. Main Outcome Measures  We examined the association of parental cardiovascular disease with 8-year risk of offspring cardiovascular disease, using pooled logistic regression. Results  Among 2302 men and women (mean age, 44 years), 164 men and 79 women had cardiovascular events during follow-up. Compared with participants with no parental cardiovascular disease, those with at least 1 parent with premature cardiovascular disease (onset age <55 years in father, <65 years in mother) had greater risk for events, with age-adjusted odds ratios of 2.6 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.7-4.1) for men and 2.3 (95% CI, 1.3-4.3) for women. Multivariable adjustment resulted in odds ratios of 2.0 (95% CI, 1.2-3.1) for men and 1.7 (95% CI, 0.9-3.1) for women. Nonpremature parental cardiovascular disease and parental coronary disease were weaker predictors. Addition of parental information aided in discriminating event rates, notably among offspring with intermediate levels of cholesterol and blood pressure, as well as intermediate predicted multivariable risk. Conclusions  Using validated events, we found that parental cardiovascular disease independently predicted future offspring events in middle-aged adults. Addition of parental information may help clinicians and patients with primary prevention of cardiovascular disease, when treatment decisions may be difficult in patients at intermediate risk based on levels of single or multiple risk factors. These data also support further research into genetic determinants of cardiovascular risk.   相似文献   

Several epidemiological studies have established that Indians have a higher incidence of coronary heart disease. Because of vast differences in ethnicity, food habits and sociocultural background of Indians, it is essential that survey be conducted for profiling risk factor indicators in subjects from different parts of the country with adequate sample size. This study was carried out on CFTRI employees whose population is originally drawn from different parts of the country with diverse food habits. The population consisting of 624 subjects (514 men and 110 women) were subjected to general health check-up, blood and urine analysis under the supervision of a medical officer. Sixty-one individuals (9.77%) were found to be diabetic and 73 individuals (11.69%) were hypertensive of which 11.7% were also found to have diabetes. The mean serum cholesterol concentration in men was found to be 158 mg % and that in women was 165 mg %. Ratio of total cholesterol to HDL-cholesterol was found to be greater than 6.5 in all the cases. Blood group analysis indicated that 41.5% of the subjects belonged to O(+) group (n = 259) followed by B(+) 25.6% (n = 160), A(+) 24.6% (n = 154) and AB(+) 4.48% (n = 28). Twenty-three individuals were Rh-negative. It was observed that serum cholesterol and triglycerides were lower in O(+) groups, compared to individuals in other groups. The incidence of diabetes and hypertension in O(+) was 5.79% and 10.4%, B(+)12.5% and 15.6%, A(+) 11.0% and 12.3% and AB(+) 21.4% and 7.1% respectively. Eight individuals were found to have myocardial infarction. Among them four belonged to A(+), two to B(+) and one each to AB(+)and O(+).  相似文献   

目的探讨心血管系心身疾病社区性预防的途径和方法.方法将本市两单位的400名健康职工分两组,对其心血管系如冠心病等的心身疾病的预防知识的学习、改变不良生活方式和调整不良情绪的指导等预防干预进行前瞻性对照研究.结果经上述干预1年后:①两组心血管常见心身疾病的发病高危因素的临床生化指标:血胆固醇(TC)实验组(4.33±0.75),对照组(4.75±0.87)、血甘油三脂(TG)实验组(1.66±0.74),对照组(1.93±0.85);血高密度脂蛋白(HDL-C)实验组(1.13±0.19),对照组(1.02±0.22)、全血粘度(mPa.s:)实验组(1.58±0.14),对照组(1.64±0.17),两组比较差异有显著性( P<0.05),实验组低于对照组;②生活方式上食盐的摄入干预前(1.53±0.55),干预后(1.78±0.69)、进食新鲜蔬菜干预前(1.76±0.58),干预后(1.98±0.71)、进食肥肉及动物内脏干预前(1.69±0.78),干预后(2.04±0.84)、定时适量进食干预前(2.04±0.69),干预后(2.33±0.67)、体育锻炼时间干预前(1.54±0.67),干预后(1.83±0.56)、锻炼项目干预前(3.17±1.02),干预后(3.55±1.15)、心情平静的时间干预前(1.73±0.57),干预后(1.98±0.63)等随着干预时间而有所提高,两组比较差异有显著(P<0.05),干预后高于干预前.而进食咸鱼或咸菜、吸烟、饮白酒、按时作息等两组比较差异无显著性(P>0.05);③A型行为的CH(争强好胜、敌意)干预前(12.90±5.03),干预后(11.12±4.62)得分比较差异有显著性(P<0.05),干预后低于干预前.结论心身疾病的社区性预防除了宣传相关的常识外,预防干预不良的生活方式和心理状态是非常重要的.  相似文献   

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