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As health systems worldwide confront a growing prevalence of chronic disease, attention has focused on self-management as a strategy for delivering better outcomes for individuals and the health system. Consumer health organisations (CHOs) offer an existing, but under-utilised, resource for supporting self-management. This paper reports on a study designed to investigate the use of CHOs among people with diabetes and arthritis. A cross-sectional computer-assisted telephone interview survey was completed by 279 people who had made contact with one of four CHOs in Queensland, Australia, between July and August 2006. Self-reported data were collected on the participants' socio-demographic and health-related characteristics, pathways to, use and benefits of CHO contact and subsequent health actions. People contacted CHOs primarily to obtain further information about their condition or to access services or products. Most believed CHOs offered useful information relevant to their health and better ways to manage health problems. Almost half reported that they had started exercising or changed diet following contact. More than two-thirds of diabetes contacts had been directed to the organisation by a health professional, compared with less than one-third of those with arthritis. Correspondingly, people with diabetes reported shorter periods between diagnosis and contact and more prior contact with the organisation and were less likely to wish they had made contact earlier. The study concludes that people who contact CHOs report benefits and health actions conducive to better self-management. The integration of CHOs within the wider health system, as in the case of the diabetes CHO in this study, is likely to facilitate contact. Further attention to the role of these organisations as part of a comprehensive approach to chronic illness care is warranted.  相似文献   

Programmes concerned with health promotion activities frequently rely on community organisations to deliver health behaviour change interventions. This paper presents data on the recruitment of religious organisations (ROs) into a research project focused on dietary change. The authors contacted the membership list of a local multi-denominational religious umbrella organisation by mail. The recruitment process consisted of a screening survey followed by an informational meeting with RO representatives, with additional meetings as necessary. The ROs were surveyed by telephone, and the initial and follow-up meetings were held at a location convenient to the RO representatives, often the RO's building. For this paper, the unit of analysis is the RO. The ROs approached during the recruitment process were of a variety of faiths and denominations. All were located within the metropolitan area of Seattle, WA, USA. The screening survey was used to determine RO eligibility, and collect further information on the RO and its membership. The survey included questions adapted from previous RO surveys and questions developed by the project team. The recruitment strategy yielded a 26% enrollment rate of eligible ROs. In comparison to eligible ROs, those that did not meet the eligibility criteria were less stable, smaller and had a membership that was less white, less college-educated and more working class. The size of the RO and the number of years that the religious leader had been with the RO were the strongest predictors of the RO's interest in participating in the project. These data will be helpful in recruiting community organisations into health promotion programmes.  相似文献   

While considerable evidence exists regarding the effectiveness of specific kinds of interventions for mental illness prevention and to a lesser extent mental health promotion, mental health promotion and illness prevention (MHPIP) remain underdeveloped in Western Australia. The aim of this study was to explore the current state of MHPIP in Western Australia and to highlight some of the structural and systemic issues that need to be addressed if MHPIP services are to be progressed further in this state. For this purpose, the study examined the capacity for delivery of MHPIP services. Opportunities and barriers to the further development of MHPIP were also identified. Thirty-four key stakeholders representing a cross-section of local services, central government agencies and universities were interviewed using a semi-structured interview schedule. The interviews were conducted over a 6-week period. The interview schedule included questions on the workforce, agency liaison and project implementation, and priority areas and issues with respect to research and policy setting in MHPIP. In developing the focus of MHPIP services, critical factors that constitute capacity building were identified. These included readiness to participate in MHPIP, service infrastructure development, workforce development, resource allocation, networks and evaluation of programmes.  相似文献   

儿童青少年心理问题在世界上发生率约为20%,所占的伤残调整寿命年为12.3%.影响儿童青少年心理健康的因素,可分为生物、家庭、学校和社会等因素,根据影响因素的特点,可分为危险因素和保护因素.采取从家庭、学校和社会等多方面的综合干预措施、学校生活技能训练和心理咨询等方法可有效地促进儿童青少年心理的健康发展.如何有效地调动家庭和社会力量的参与是进一步研究的重点.  相似文献   

In this paper we present our experience of supporting self-helpgroups and organizations over a period of five years in thecity of Barcelona, Spain. Although previously the impressionwas that little self-help activity existed in Southern Europeancountries, our research showed the existence of many mutualaid groups and organizations in Barcelona. Support activitiesof our Division have included awareness raising, disseminationof concepts, publications, training, compilation and publicationof self-help group directories, linking, netwarking, helpingnew groups to get started, practical help, and some financialsupport. Over the last five years mutual-aid groups and organizationshave under gone a steady growth, and 68 mutual aid groups and87 organizations, covering 50 different topics related to healthwere inventoried in the 1991 directory. Although part of thisgrowth can be attributed to our efforts, much of it is spontaneous.The reasons for the differ ences in patterns of self acrossdifferent countries are discussed.  相似文献   

Understanding the process of program implementation plays a critical role in advancing research, practice and policy in mental health promotion. This paper focuses on the implementation of community mental health promotion and considers the challenges presented in implementing and evaluating complex, multifaceted interventions carried out in the context of dynamic community settings. The Rural Mental Health Project1–3 is presented as a case study to illustrate the practical and research challenges encountered in implementing and evaluating a community mental health promotion initiative. This case study highlights the factors that contributed to the successful implementation and evaluation of a community‐based intervention for rural communities on the border region in the Republic and Northern Ireland. Among the factors identified are: a partnership model of working; local co‐ordinating structures and consultation mechanisms; use of a structured planning model to guide program planning and implementation; mobilisation of cross‐community and inter‐agency support; and a comprehensive logic evaluation framework to assess the input, process, impact and outcomes of the project as it unfolded.  相似文献   

Whilst urban-dwelling individuals who seek out parks and gardens appear to intuitively understand the personal health and well-being benefits arising from 'contact with nature', public health strategies are yet to maximize the untapped resource nature provides, including the benefits of nature contact as an upstream health promotion intervention for populations. This paper presents a summary of empirical, theoretical and anecdotal evidence drawn from a literature review of the human health benefits of contact with nature. Initial findings indicate that nature plays a vital role in human health and well-being, and that parks and nature reserves play a significant role by providing access to nature for individuals. Implications suggest contact with nature may provide an effective population-wide strategy in prevention of mental ill health, with potential application for sub-populations, communities and individuals at higher risk of ill health. Recommendations include further investigation of 'contact with nature' in population health, and examination of the benefits of nature-based interventions. To maximize use of 'contact with nature' in the health promotion of populations, collaborative strategies between researchers and primary health, social services, urban planning and environmental management sectors are required. This approach offers not only an augmentation of existing health promotion and prevention activities, but provides the basis for a socio-ecological approach to public health that incorporates environmental sustainability.  相似文献   

非营利组织作为市民社会日趋成熟的重要标志,在社会发展中承担着越来越多的职责,发挥着越来越重要的功能。该文在探讨非营利组织特征的基础上,重点从三个方面探讨了非营利组织介入卫生投入的可行性:①非营利组织介入卫生投入具有深厚的经济学依据;②国外非营利组织介入卫生投入的成功范例为中国提供了有益的参考;③非营利组织介入卫生投入既可有效缓解政府卫生投入不足的压力,又可实现卫生投入的可持续发展,提高卫生投入的利用效率。  相似文献   

Objective: To describe the process and outcome of development of a framework for planning and implementation of a range of interventions aimed at improving the mental health and wellbeing of farmers and farm families in New South Wales (NSW). Design: In response to a major drought in New South Wales (NSW), key agencies were invited to participate in a longer-term collaborative program aimed at improving the mental health and well-being of the people on NSW farms. These agencies became the NSW Farmers Mental Health Network. Setting: The Australian National Action Plan for Promotion, Prevention & Early Intervention for Mental Health 2000 proposed a population health approach base encompassing the range of risk and protective factors that determine mental health at the individual, family and community and society levels. It incorporated three traditional areas of health activity into programs aimed at achieving improved mental health for the Australian population – mental health promotion, prevention activities and early intervention. Although the farming population was not identified as a priority population, research has identified this population to be at high risk of suicide, and of having difficulty in coping with the range of pressures associated with life and work in this industry. Participants: Participants were agencies providing services across rural NSW in the fields of farmer and country women's organisations, financial counselling services, government departments of primary industries and health, mental health advisory and support services, charitable organisations and others. Results: The NSW Farmers Blueprint for Mental Health ( http://www.aghealth.org.au/blueprint ) was developed to be ‘a simplified summary of key issues that need to be addressed, and the major actions that we can be confident will be effective in achieving our purpose’. It has identified ‘steps’ along ‘pathways to breakdown’ from the range of known mental health and suicide risk factors that are relevant to the NSW farming population, and 23 areas of current and potential action that would contribute to improving mental health, as key steps along ‘pathways to health’. For each of the areas of action there is described the rationale and basis for action, and the lead agency or individual who has accepted responsibility for coordinating and reporting further activity to the Network. Conclusion: It is suggested that the NSW Farm Blueprint and the activities being implemented by the NSW Farmers Mental Health Network partners represent a model for implementation of a mental health promotion in identified at-risk Australian populations.  相似文献   

Indigenous Australians experience poor oral health. Oral health perceptions among a group of rural-dwelling Indigenous Australians were explored so that a culturally appropriate, community-owned oral health promotion initiative might be developed. Focus group methodology was used, with prompt questions including oral health knowledge, oral health's role in general health, how community oral health had changed in recent times, the causes of poor oral health and ways to prevent poor oral health at a community level. Some 34 participants took part; age range 21-72 years. A core category emerged from the data and was labelled 'cultural adaptation'. Five sub-categories were also identified; 'lifestyle changes', 'oral health behaviours', 'barriers to dental care', 'impact of poor oral health' and 'oral health literacy'. Participants felt that historical legacy impacted on the oral health of community members, through continued practices of being told what to do, where to live and what oral health services were available to them. Participants perceived they had little power over their oral health or oral health care decisions. Findings from the focus group discussions were used in the development of a context-specific, oral health promotion initiative, which involved construction of an audiovisual tool in Phase I and a series of interactive, context-specific seminars focused on key issues raised in the focus groups in Phase II. Oral health promotion initiatives among rural-dwelling Indigenous Australians may be more successful if perceptions of the anticipated audience are considered in the design stage of such strategies.  相似文献   

There is a growing body of literature on sustainability, but its definition and the factors that affect it are not well understood. This paper focuses on the sustainment of health promotion interventions in community mental health organisations, where the institutional context has been found to play an important role. Normalisation Process Theory (NPT) was used to characterise the extent of sustainment of health promotion interventions and to identify important factors that influence it. The study builds on a previously reported qualitative multiple case design focusing on four Danish community mental health organisations. We aimed to include cases (provider organisations) with varied political‐administrative contexts that were expected to impact sustainment. Data included 27 semistructured interviews with managers and frontline staff. The analysis adopted a thematic approach combining within‐case and cross‐case analysis. One important factor contributing to sustainment was the high degree of coherence generated during and after implementation. Perceptions of meaningfulness and formal tools for external accountability such as municipal activity plans also stimulated the cognitive participation of management and staff in sustaining the intervention. On the practical level of collective action, working with health promotion in a continuous way was particularly supported by two formal tools: internal health policies and municipal activity plans. Sustainment was further aided by reflexive monitoring based on ongoing informal assessments, supplemented by information required for status reports to the municipality on individual users and information from the annual individual user health checks. Future studies should adapt NPT to a broader range of cases to assess more thoroughly its contribution to the literature on sustainment. Future interventions need to pay closer attention to securing continuous and active local management support as well as to political‐administrative contexts as potential external drivers of sustainment.  相似文献   

Health promotion is often viewed as based in experience; theoryis seemingly at a more abstract level. The reasons for thisare many. This paper explores some theoretical perspectiveswhich are relevant to health promotion. In particular, it considersa collective approach to the making of theory and what the componentsof a health behaviour and health promotion theory might include.  相似文献   

Methods for systematically following up and auditing health promotion have been in demand for a considerable period of time. Quality assurance as an auditing method has opened up new opportunities in this area. On the basis of Donabedian's 'triad' of structure, process and outcome, the theoretical preconditions for and implementation of a number of successful health promotion programmes/ projects have been analysed with regard to their common characteristics. These characteristics have been generalized and then transformed into indicators of a successful health promotion programme/project. To ensure the practical applicability of the quality indicators, they were operationalized in what we call a 'question pro-forma'. Any negative response to a question on the pro-forma indicates quality defects in a programme, and any positive response the opposite. The 'template' can be employed for both the planning and auditing for quality assurance on health promotion programmes and projects. The question pro-forma has been tested successfully on a number of programmes and projects. The results from one study are shown in the article.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to examine the views of professionals working in youth offending teams (YOTs) on a new model for providing mental health service support within the context of an interagency setting. Focus groups were used and data were analysed according to the constant comparative method. The setting consisted of two YOTs, one in an inner-city area and the other in a rural/semi-urban area, where primary mental health workers operate at the interface between YOTs and the specialist child and adolescent mental health services. Seventeen YOT professionals participated in four focus groups. Four themes were identified: previous experiences of specialist mental health services; issues of interagency working; the role of the primary mental health worker within the YOT; and recommendations for the future. Overall, the clinical component of the role (assessment and intervention), and the accessibility and responsiveness of the mental health staff were consistently valued, while there were mixed responses on role definitions within the team, consultation and training. It is concluded that mental health service provision through primary mental health workers is a useful model for interagency partnerships for high-risk client groups with multiple and complex mental health needs.  相似文献   

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