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After briefly reviewing the history of penicillin therapy in gonorrhoea, the author shows that the number of cures effected with the repository penicillins, although originally very high, has diminished considerably in recent years, despite a general tendency to increase the dosage. The reduced efficacy of PAM and benzathine penicillin is demonstrated by an exposition of the current results obtained with these two preparations in the treatment of gonorrhoea patients in London. Some of the difficulties involved in distinguishing between treatment failures and reinfections are discussed.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in the incidence of gonorrhoea were observed in the 1970's with a peak in the third quarter of the year and a trough in the first and fourth quarters.The aim of this study was to determine what, if any, seasonal trends were present in Scotland and Lothian between 1984 and 1989 and postulate mechanisms to explain our observations.We observed a change in the previously reported pattern with regular peaks of infection in the first and third quarters of the year for Scotland but no regular trend in the Lothian region.The most likely explanation for the observed trends are changes in sexual behaviour related to summer vacations and seasonal work patterns but other unidentified factors probably also contribute.  相似文献   

W. Garson has said that ”our evaluation today of the treatment of gonorrhoea cries aloud our inadequacies and our ignorance”. Variants and permutations in treatment and treatment schedules using antibiotics and chemotherapeutic substances, as suggested by different workers, are reviewed here.  相似文献   

Fluorescent antibody procedures have in a short time become valued techniques for the detection of many pathogenic micro-organisms, and are used in syphilis, for instance. A fluorescent antibody test has also been proposed for use in gonorrhoea, but the author of this paper suggests that there are still many questions to be answered before that test can be recommended for widespread practical application. In particular, large-scale further research is necessary on the antigenic structure of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and other organisms of the Neisseria group, before reliance can be placed on the strict specificity of this test.  相似文献   

In this review of gonorrhoea diagnostic methods in current use in the USSR, the author stresses first the value of the examination of smears for the detection of the typical forms of the gonococcus. Where atypical L-forms are present, as may occur after treatment with antibiotics or sulfanilamide, microscopy may be misleading and a combination of laboratory methods is called for, including the use of culture techniques. Transport media for the maintenance of material for culture have been little used in the USSR so far, but experiments with the Stuart medium and modifications of it have shown promise.  相似文献   

刘毅  魏秀清  高岚 《中国妇幼保健》2007,22(11):1543-1544
目的:探讨宫腔镜、腹腔镜联合手术治疗女性不孕症的价值。方法:2001年7月~2003年7月应用宫腹腔镜联合手术治疗女性不孕症217例。手术方法有盆腔粘连松解术,输卵管伞端造口术,子宫内膜异位症内凝术,卵巢内膜样囊肿剥除术,多囊卵巢多点电凝打孔术,腹腔镜监护下子宫中隔切除术,宫腔镜下输卵管插管通液术等。结果:217例患者中175例获随访,随访率为80.65%,随访1~36月。术后妊娠67例,其中宫内妊娠58例,异位妊娠9例,流产7例。结论:宫腹腔镜联合手术能在全面检查诊断女性不孕症原因的同时进行手术治疗,具有安全有效、痛苦少、术后康复快等优点。  相似文献   

应用给豚鼠注射硫酸锌的方法,观察了锌对豚鼠卡那霉素中毒性耳聋的影响。通过观察给药组和对照组动物的耳廊反射(PR)阈,脑干听觉诱发电位(BAEPs)阈变化及耳蜗底回外毛细胞缺失率,发现硫酸锌注射组和对照组豚鼠的4、6、8KHzPR阈在处死时分别升高14.56±3.12dB,15.88±3.38dB,18.12±2.70dB和17.12±3.56dB,16.15±2.58dB,19.25±3.01dB(P>0.05)。实验结果说明补充锌对卡那霉素中毒性耳损害无明显对抗作用  相似文献   

K O Oboho 《Family practice》1984,1(4):219-221
Venereal disease is becoming an increasingly serious problemin developing countries. The availability of antibiotics inchemists' shops has encouraged self-medication with sub-therapeuticdoses and inadequate treatment regimens. At a health centrein Nigeria, a diagnosis of gonococcal urethritis was made in159 out of 429 men presenting with urethritis. Neisseria gonorrhoeaewas cultured in 141 cases and the sensitivity pattern to a numberof antibiotics freely available at chemists was determined.The organisms were highly resistant to penicillin (84%), ampicillin(80%), tetracycline (68%), streptomycin (78%) and co-trimoxazole(83%). These were the cheapest of the drugs available, leavingonly erythromycin and the more expensive drugs gentamicin andcefotaxime still effective for general use in treatment programmes.  相似文献   

<正>近年来,肿瘤的发病率不断增加,妇科恶性肿瘤发病率亦呈逐年上升的趋势。常见的女性生殖器恶性肿瘤包括宫颈癌、子宫内膜癌、卵巢癌等,严重危害妇女身心健康。目前治疗方法主要包括手术、化疗、放疗、免疫治疗等,手术治疗是第一选择,但中、晚期肿瘤难以手术或肿瘤对放化疗不敏感成为目前肿瘤治疗中的难题。热疗是一种利用物理能量向人体全身或局部组织传递,使靶组织吸收能量产生生物效应的治疗方法。热疗联合手术、放疗、化疗等手段运用于实体肿瘤的治疗,临床  相似文献   

In England and Wales, as in a number of other countries, the incidence of gonorrhoea, having lessened appreciably in the immediate post-war period, has in recent years shown a substantial rise. A variety of epidemiological factors are believed to be responsible for this, including immigration from overseas and apparently increased promiscuity among teenagers. Difficulties in laboratory diagnosis of gonorrhoea, particularly in women, and limitations in smear, culture and complement-fixation techniques also contribute to the present failure to control this disease; and the authors review the efforts being made in the United Kingdom to bring about improvements in technique.  相似文献   

压力性尿失禁( SUI)是中老年妇女的常见病,且随着个体年龄增加而增加,全球妇女该病患病率为10%~23%,中国成年女性患病率为18.9%。严重影响女性身心健康和生活质量,已成为社会公共卫生问题。随着我国人口老龄化,SUI发病率逐步增高,人们对生活质量的要求逐渐提高,SUI的诊治正日益受到重视。目前治疗SUI的方法分为保守治疗和手术治疗,本文就女性压力性尿失禁的治疗进展进行综述。  相似文献   

目的 探讨女性假两性畸形的病因、临床特点、诊断和治疗措施.方法 收集5例女性假两性畸形患者的临床资料,对其病因、临床特点、诊断和治疗进行讨论.结果 5例患者,诊断为外源性雄激素引起的女性假两性畸形1例,先天性肾上腺皮质增生引起的女性假两性畸形4例.均外阴发育异常,染色体核型为46XX.5例行保留阴蒂头及其血管神经蒂阴蒂成形术,4例术后予氢化可的松替代治疗,3个月后促肾上腺皮质激素、睾酮均降至正常.5例随访1~10年,外生殖器外观满意,阴蒂头血运、感觉良好,第二性征明显女性化,3例已基本上转变性别角色,2例尚存在不同程度的心理障碍.结论 女性假两性畸形患者应尽早诊断,早期予糖皮质激素替代治疗,早期行阴蒂短缩术,以减轻患者心理负担,提高生活质量.  相似文献   

The number of gonoccal infections detected by each of three sets of diagnostic cultures from the urethra, cervix, rectum and occasionally the throat, were calculated for 1976 when Thayer Martin (TM) medium was used and for 1977 when Modified New York City (MNYC) medium was used. In 1977, 98.7 per cent (451/457) of the total infections diagnosed were confirmed by culture compared with 88.3 per cent (324/367) of infections diagnosed in 1976 (P less than 0.001). The first set of diagnostic tests detected 97.6 per cent (440/451) of culture-positive infections in 1977 compared with only 88.9 per cent (228/324) in 1976 (P less than 0.001). The efficiency of screening with a single endocervical culture was also calculated. This procedure would have detected 90.2 per cent (407/451) of culture-positive infections in 1977 when MNYC medium was used compared with only 78.1 per cent (253/324) in 1976 when TM medium was used (P less than 0.001). It is suggested that the statistically significant improvement in the culture results for 1977 resulted from the introduction of MNYC medium since all other diagnostic procedures were identical to those in 1976. Other advantages associated with the use of MNYC medium are discussed.  相似文献   

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