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目的 探讨高低危型人乳头瘤病毒(human papilloma virus,HPV)在不同年龄段的感染情况,为防治宫颈癌、尖锐湿疣等HPV相关疾病提供理论依据.方法 收集有HPV感染临床检测指征(宫颈炎、宫颈上皮内瘤变及宫颈癌)的女性标本901例,利用导流杂交基因芯片技术对阴道分泌物进行HPV分型检测.结果 901例标本HPV阳性率为41.73%,其中单纯高、低危型HPV和高低危型HPV混合感染率分别为60.90% (229/376)、23.67% (89/376)和15.43%(58/376);高危型HPV感染各个年龄段的感染率为26.39%~42.19%,低危型HPV感染各个年龄段的感染率为8.96%~39.19%,各型均呈现“U”型趋势.结论 各年龄段主要感染型别为HPV16.低年龄段以高低危型HPV混合感染为主,≥55岁以单纯高危型HPV感染为主,单纯高危型HPV感染率随年龄增长而上升.  相似文献   

目的 了解山东省滨州地区成年妇女子宫颈人乳头瘤病毒(human papilloma virus,HPV)感染情况与基因型的分布,为本地区HPV分子流行病学研究与子宫颈癌的预防提供一定的理论基础.方法 采集721例妇科门诊成年妇女的宫颈脱落细胞为标本,导流杂交PCR法检测HPV基因型并分析不同年龄组、不同居住地患者间感染率的差异.结果 滨州地区妇科门诊患者子宫颈HPV总的感染率为26.76%,高危型感染率为18.44%,低危型感染率8.32%,高危型中共检出12中亚型,感染率前3名分别为16型(3.19%)、58型(2.35%) 66型(2.08%);低危型中感染率最高为43型(2.77%).20~ 30岁与50 ~60岁年龄段总感染率高于其他年龄段,分别为47.36%、32.23%;城镇居住地者与农村居住地者HPV感染率分别为25.74%、27.97%,两者间无显著性差异.结论 滨州地区妇女宫颈人乳头瘤病毒具有本区域的流行分布特征,可为该地区HPV感染的防治提供一定的理论基础.  相似文献   

目的 探讨成都市妇女人乳头瘤病毒(human papilloma virus,HPV)感染现状及危险因素.方法 选择成都市体检的妇女1490例作为研究对象,展开HPV筛查,得出HPV的阳性感染率,分析HPV感染与宫颈炎、宫颈上皮内瘤样变以及宫颈癌等妇科疾病之间的关系,同时对HPV感染的危险因素进行调查分析.结果 1490例妇女中192名妇女为HPV阳性,HPV的阳性感染率为12.86%.HPV阳性妇女宫颈炎、宫颈上皮内瘤样变以及宫颈癌的发生率分别为41.67%、20.31%和8.69%,显著高于非HPV阳性妇女宫颈炎、宫颈上皮内瘤样变以及宫颈癌的发生率7.01%、1.93%和0.15%,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01).经常被动吸烟与熬夜、初次性行为年龄小以及首次妊娠年龄早以及有宫颈癌家族史是HPV感染的危险因素.结论 成都市妇女HPV阳性感染率较高,应当引起卫生部门的高度重视,并应该针对HPV感染的危险因素展开宣传和教育,以便降低妇女HPV的感染、保护妇女的身心健康.  相似文献   

目的了解开封地区已婚女性人乳头瘤病毒感染分布情况,从而为宫颈癌防治提供依据。方法采用基于PCR体外扩增和DNA反向点杂交相结合的HPV基因分型检测技术,对5617例开封市妇产医院妇科门诊及保健科体检妇女行宫颈脱落细胞HPV-DNA分型检测,明确本地区妇女HPV-DNA感染型别,比较正常体检女性与有接触性出血等临床症状妇科门诊患者感染情况的区别。结果 1、本地区已婚妇女HPV阳性率为20.90%,其中单重感染占87.56%,多重感染占12.44%。阳性感染者中低危型感染占13.37%,高危型占74.19%,混合型感染占12.44%;2、检测试剂盒所能检测到的23种HPV-DNA亚型中,本地区已婚女性均有检出,其中感染率最高的型别为16型,占21.29%,感染率最低的型别为83型,占0.70%;3、正常体检女性与妇科门诊有临床症状患者总的感染率无统计学意义,混合感染率差异明显,有临床症状妇女远高于正常体检女性。结论开封地区已婚女性中高危型HPV-DNA16型感染率最高,而HPV-DNA16型和18型与宫颈癌关系最密切,从而提醒本地区女性要重视HPV-DNA分型检测,及早把有宫颈癌高危因素的妇女筛选出来,做到早防早治,降低本地区宫颈癌发病率。  相似文献   

目的:探讨HLA-DQB1 等位基因多态性对广西壮族女性HPV16 感染和宫颈癌发生的影响,为寻找广西壮族女性宫颈癌的遗传易感基因或保护基因提供线索。方法:选取广西地区25 ~45 岁宫颈癌确诊的壮族患者、无癌健康壮族女性各171 例作为研究对象(按年龄依3 岁配对),采集研究对象样本并提取HPV 核酸和人基因组DNA,分别应用PCR-SSP 和分子导流杂交技术进行HLA-DQB1 基因型检测和HPV 基因分型检测,最后进行统计学分析。结果:(1)171 例宫颈癌患者中HPV总感染率为91.22%,其中高危型病毒占90.76%, HPV16 型为主要致病亚型(43.58%);(2)广西壮族女性宫颈癌患者组的HLA-DQB1*04 等位基因携带率高于无癌对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);等位基因HLA-DQB1*06/09 在宫颈癌患者组中的携带率明显低于无癌组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);而两组间的HLA-DQB1*02/05/07/08 等位基因携带率无显著性差异(P>0.05);(3)HLA-DQB1*04 基因在HPV16 阳性宫颈癌患者中出现的频率明显高于HPV16 阴性患者,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:HLA-DQB1*04 可能是广西壮族女性宫颈癌发生的易感基因,HLA-DQB1*06/09 可能是广西壮族女性宫颈癌的保护基因。而HLA-DQB1*02/05/07/08 等位基因可能与广西壮族女性宫颈癌遗传易感性无关。携带HLA-DQB1*04 等位基因的广西壮族妇女可能更容易感染HPV16 型病毒,从而增加了其患宫颈癌的危险性。  相似文献   

目的为了解本地区HPV感染的流行病学特点。方法 FQ-PCR对本院皮肤性病科及妇产科可疑患者1337例(男404例,女933例)同时检测HPV6/11 DNA和HPV16/18 DNA。结果 1337例患者HPV6/11和HPV16/18感染率分别为20.34%和14.36%(χ2=16.69,P=4.40E-5),其中男性分别为20.05%和13.37%(χ2=6.48,P=0.011),女性分别为20.47%和14.79%(χ2=10.37,P=0.0013);两组病毒载量分别为5.46±1.71和5.20±1.40(t=1.76,P=0.078),男性分别为5.40±1.65和4.94±1.48(t=1.64,P=0.10),女性分别为5.49±1.73和5.30±1.36(t=1.07,P=0.29)。近九年间,两组病毒感染率及病毒载量无统计学变化。年龄均以21~35岁为主要人群,各年龄段两组病毒感染率及载量也无统计学差异。阳性患者HPV6/11病毒载量以5.00-7.99为多见,而HPV16/18病毒载量以4.00-6.99多见。结论 HPV6/11感染率高于HPV16/18,两组病毒载量无统计学差异,男性和女性感染率和病毒载量也存在相似特征;阳性患者年龄以21~35岁为主;HPV 6/11以急性感染率多见,HPV16/18以慢性感染率多见;近九年间HPV感染状况较稳定,无明显变化趋势。  相似文献   

目的:检测并分析宜城人民医院妇科门诊行妇科检查妇女宫颈人乳头瘤状病毒(human papilloma virus,HPV)的感染率及高危因素。方法:选取本院妇科门诊进行妇科检查的1200例妇女作为调查对象,采用实时荧光定量PCR法(FQ-PCR)测定1200例妇女宫颈脱落细胞HPV感染率及分型情况,并收集调查对象的一般资料、行为信息学指标,采用单因素和多因素分析HPV感染的高危因素。结果:1200例调查对象,收集到检测样本及调查资料符合要求的共有1184例,其中共计检出HPV阳性感染者104例,阳性感染率为8.78%;HPV16感染阳性率占总感染患者的38.46%,其次为HPV58达到29.81%;多因素结果显示,性伴侣数目>1个(OR=1.721)、性生活频次>4次/月(OR=1.583)、宫颈糜烂(OR=2.081)是中青年妇女发生HPV感染的主要高危因素。结论:中青年妇女HPV感染的主要型别为HPV16,主要危险因素为多性伴侣、性生活较频繁、宫颈糜烂。  相似文献   

宫颈癌是临床妇科的常见恶性肿瘤类型,其具有发病率高、死亡率高的特点,是严重威胁女性身体健康及生命安全的重大疾病。宫颈癌的发生与HPV(人乳头状瘤病毒)感染有着密切联系,虽然感染HPV的大多数患者都无明显的临床表现,但HPV持续感染也会使宫颈癌发病风险大为提高。目前,临床治疗宫颈癌主要采用化疗、放疗、手术等方法,但取得的效果均不甚理想,所以做好宫颈癌前病变的筛查,对于预防、降低宫颈癌发病率具有重大意义。本文就宫颈癌筛查技术的应用现状和发展情况做一综述。  相似文献   

目的 分析高危型人乳头瘤病毒(human papillomaviruses,HPV)在湖北襄阳地区妇女中的感染率及感染年龄分布情况,以及危险因素.方法 以2012-2014年间在本院就诊的4689例患者为研究对象,采用cervista酶切信号放大法检测14种高危型的HPV.其中感染高危型HPV阳性病例则进一步分析HPV感染年龄分布情况以及其在子宫颈上皮非典型增生(CIN)、宫颈癌、宫颈炎患者中的感染情况,并结合病例资料分析HPV感染危险因素.结果 4689例患者中有950例感染高危型HPV,感染率为20.26%.HPV在宫颈癌患者中的感染率最高,其次为CIN,宫颈癌相较于其他两类患者感染率对比差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).HPV以≥55岁者的感染率最高.初次性行为年龄过早、宫颈癌家族史、多产史、经常熬夜等均是HPV感染的影响因素.结论 湖北襄阳地区HPV感染率与LARC国际癌症研究协会公布的亚洲常见HPV感染率一致.在不同年龄段中,感染率最高的年龄组为55岁以上及25岁以下,宫颈癌、CIN患者HPV感染率较高,而经常熬夜、有宫颈癌家族史、初次性行为年龄过早等因素属于HPV感染危险因素.  相似文献   

目的探讨本地区高危型人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)的感染情况、基因型分布和年龄分布特点,指导宫颈高危型HPV感染者早期筛查和诊疗,旨在为降低高危型HPV感染和宫颈癌的发生提供参考依据。方法分析2017年7月至2018年12月在我院行高危型HPV检测患者5654例,使用恒温扩增-荧光法进行高危型HPV的检测,统计HPV16型、18型及其他13种HPV亚型的感染率,分析HPV基因型分布和年龄分布特点。结果 5654例女性的HPV感染率为14.33%(810/5654)。其中HPV16感染138例,感染率为2.44%(138/5654);HPV18感染38例,感染率为0.67%(38/5654);其他13种感染634例,感染率为11.22%(634/5654).≤20和≥60岁年龄段感染率均高于其他年龄段。而30~39岁年龄段感染率最低。结论根据本院HPV感染、年龄分布情况,HPV 18感染所占比率较低,其他13种HPV感染所占比率高。需对各亚型感染进行细致分型以协助评估发病风险。同时我们应该重视对≤20岁和≥60岁女性高危HPV感染的早期监测,降低高危型HPV感染的发生。  相似文献   

目的 探讨人乳头瘤病毒(HPV) 16型感染的相关影响因素.方法 采用调查问卷的方式对1500例自愿进行宫颈脱落细胞HPV检测的筛查者进行调查,收集筛查者的基本信息、婚育史、月经情况、性行为情况、饮酒史、吸烟史、妇科手术史、卫生情况等,采用x2检验与多因素Logistic回归分析HPV病毒16型感染的相关影响因素.结果 1500例筛查者中,HPV阳性率为12.8%(192/1500),主要类型包含HPV16型40.1%(77/192),HPV58型16.7%(32/192),HPV18型10.4%(20/192).单因素分析结果显示,HPV16型感染的相关影响因素是吸烟史、很少进行妇科检查、首次性交年龄<25、怀孕次数≥2、流产次数≥3、妇科手术史、性伴侣数目≥2.多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示,HPV16型感染的危险因素是吸烟史、首次性交年龄<25、妇科手术史.结论 HPV16型感染的危险因素是吸烟史、首次性交年龄<25、妇科手术史,应尽量避免.  相似文献   

Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is a necessary cause of cervical cancer. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of cervical HPV infection and HPV type-specific distribution among women attending cervical cancer screening in Spain during 2007 and 2008. Women aged 18-65 years were recruited according to an age-stratified sampling method. Liquid-based cervical samples were collected and analyzed for cytology, HPV detection, and genotyping. HPV genotyping was determined using the INNO-LiPA HPV Genotyping Extra Reverse Hybridization Line Probe Assay. Prevalence estimates were age-standardized using 2001 Spanish census data. The present study included 3,261 women. Age-standardized HC2-based HPV prevalence was 14.3% (95% CI, 13.1-15.5) among women aged 18-65 years, and 28.8% (26.6-31.1) among women aged 18-25 years. High-risk HPV types were detected in 12.2% (95% CI, 11.1-13.4) of HPV-tested women, representing 84.0% of HPV-positive samples. Multiple infections were present in 4.1% (95% CI, 3.4-4.8) of HPV-tested women (25.0% of HPV-positive samples). The most common high-risk HPV-types among HPV-tested women were 16 (2.9%), 52 (1.8%), 51 (1.6%), 31 (1.3%), and 66 (1.2%). HPV-type 16 was present in 16.9% of HPV-positive samples. One or more of the HPV vaccine types 6/11/16/18 were detected in 3.8% of HPV-tested women (22.1% of HPV-positive samples). Though not a true population-based survey, this study provides valuable baseline data for future assessment of the impact of current HPV vaccination programs in Spain. The high prevalence of HPV infection among young women may reflect recent changes in sexual behavior.  相似文献   

Cervical cancer mortality is high in Texas, especially among Hispanic women living in south Texas and adjacent Mexico. Though human papillomavirus (HPV) infection has a causal role in the development of cervical cancer, there are no published data on the prevalence of HPV genotypes in this underscreened region. We studied 398 Hispanic women on both sides of the border along the lower Rio Grande River to determine the prevalence of HPV genotypes and risk factors for cervical cancer. Using a nested PCR system HPV was detected in 62% of cervical specimens, including all the known high-risk HPV genotypes, with HPV16 and HPV18 the most frequent (30.6% and 23.0%, respectively). Multiple infections were common (29.4% of the infected specimens), and where this occurred we were more likely to find high-risk HPV genotypes. We examined host p53 codon 72 genotype frequencies and found that patients with cervical abnormalities and women with HPV16 and HPV18 infections had a lower genotype frequency of the homozygous (AA) previously reported to be associated with cervical cancer, than uninfected women with no abnormalities. In this US/Mexico border population high rates of potentially oncogenic HPV viruses and multiple infections are consistent with observed elevated cervical cancer rates. These data are further evidence that in this underserved population HPV infections are associated with high rates of malignancy, but that host p53 genotypic variations are unlikely to be primary factors in oncogenesis.  相似文献   

Background and Objectives: Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the causative agent of cervical cancer, a major cause of cancer mortality in Indian women. The current study was undertaken to add information to the existing data on HPV type distribution in Indians, in an attempt to document HPV types for future vaccination programme, if any. Materials and Methods: HPV infection was screened in 223 cervical cancer cases and 2408 healthy women without cancer and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (control). HPV was typed using polymerase chain reaction, Southern hybridisation using specific probes and HPV GenoArray (Hybribio) test. Results: HPV DNA was found in 92.8% of cases and 7.3% of controls. Of the 383 HPV-infected women, 30.0% had single infection; 50.9% had multiple infections (two or more types) and 19.1% were infected with HPV types other than HPV-16, -18, -6 and -11. Besides HPV-16, HPV-51 and HPV-33 were also seen as single infection in cases. In cases, HPV-18 or its homologous HPV-45 was always present as co-infection with HPV-16 or with other high-risk type. Binary logistic regression (backward) analysis highlighted significant association of age, parity and socioeconomic status with HPV infection. The present study highlighted the presence of multiple HPV infection (186 of 207, 89.9%) along with HPV-16 in women with cervical cancer. In control, 27.3% were co-infected with other sexually transmitted infections, while Chlamydia trachomatis infection was seen in 13% of cases. Conclusions: The study highlighted the type of HPV infection seen among the hospital-based population. For better screening, HPV tests available in the market should include all the types seen in the population.  相似文献   

Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is associated with almost all cases of cervical cancer, and cervical cancer is a common malignancy in women living in developing countries. A cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the prevalence of HPV infection, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, and cervical cytologic abnormalities in women presenting to a sexually transmitted infections clinic in Kampala, Uganda. In June and July, 2002, 135 women underwent complete physical exams including Papanicolaou (Pap) smears. HIV status was evaluated by serology. Cervical and vaginal swabs were obtained by clinicians and tested for HPV genotypes by PCR/reverse blot strip assay. Of the 106 women with cervical swabs adequate for HPV testing, the HPV prevalence was 46.2% (49/106). HIV prevalence was 34.9% (37/106). High risk genotypes 52, 58, and 16 were the genotypes detected most commonly. Eighteen percent (9/49) of women infected with HPV were found to have genotypes 16 and/or 18. Seventy-three percent (27/37) of HIV-positive women versus 16% (10/63) of HIV-negative women had abnormal Pap smears (P < 0.0001). Among HIV-positive women, abnormal Pap smears were associated with the presence of high risk HPV genotypes (P < 0.001). The majority of women infected with HPV attending this sexually transmitted infections clinic in Uganda were infected with high risk HPV genotypes other than 16 and 18. Future studies should focus on whether current HPV vaccine formulations, that are limited to high risk genotypes 16 and 18, would be effective at decreasing the burden of cervical cancer in this population.  相似文献   

There is a high incidence of cervical cancer in South African women. No large studies to assess human papillomavirus virus (HPV) infection or HPV type 16 (HPV-16) exposure have occurred in the region, a requirement for policy making with regards to HPV screening and the introduction of vaccines. Control women (n = 1,003) enrolled in a case control study of hormonal contraceptives and cervical cancer were tested for 27 cervical HPV types by reverse line blot analysis. The seroprevalence of HPV-16 immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgA antibodies was assessed by a virus-like particle-based enzyme-linked immunoassay of 908 and 904 control women, respectively, and of 474 women with cervical cancer. The cervical HPV prevalence was 26.1%. The HPV-16 IgG seroprevalence was 44.4% and the HPV-16 IgA seroprevalence was 28.7% in control women, and these levels were significantly higher (61.8% and 52.7%, respectively) for women with cervical cancer (odds ratio [OR], 2.1 and 2.8, respectively). The cervical HPV prevalence showed an association with cervical disease, and the HPV-16 IgG prevalence decreased while the HPV-16 IgA prevalence increased with increasing age (P < 0.05). The prevalence of oncogenic HPV types (including HPV-16) decreased with age, whereas nononcogenic HPV types showed limited association with age. Multivariate analysis revealed cervical HPV infection to be associated with herpes simplex virus type 2 infection (OR, 1.7) and increasing years of education (OR, 1.9). HPV-16 IgG antibodies were inversely associated with current smoking status (OR, 0.6), and the presence of HPV-16 IgA antibodies was inversely associated with the use of alcohol (OR, 2.1) and inversely associated with the use of oral contraceptives (OR, 0.6). High levels of exposure to HPV, and particularly HPV-16, were evident in this population. The apparent increase of serum HPV-16 IgA with increasing age requires further investigation.  相似文献   

Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among Tunisian women, and the incidence rates vary by region. Three Tunisian registries report age-standardized rates of 6.3/10(5) in the central region, 5.4/10(5) in the north, and 2.7/10(5) in the south. High-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) types and their variants differ in carcinogenic potential and geographic distribution. The HPV type and variant distribution could be a factor in the differing rates between regions of Tunisia. Tumor tissue was collected from 142 Tunisian cervical cancer patients. Demographic and reproductive characteristics of the patients were abstracted from cancer registry and hospital records. HPV type and variant analyses were performed using PCR-based Luminex and dot-blot hybridization assays. Eighty-three percent of tumors were infected with at least one HPV type. European variants of HPV16/18 were the most prevalent in tumors from all three regions, with all HPV18 infections and 64% of HPV16 infections being of European lineage. A higher frequency of HPV16 was present in Northern Tunisia (80%) than in Central (68%) or Southern Tunisia (50%) (P=0.02). HPV18/45 was significantly more common in adenocarcinomas (50%) than in squamous cell carcinomas (11%) (P=0.004). Frequent infection with European HPV variants most likely reflects the history of European migration to Tunisia. In addition to the importance of understanding the variants of HPV in Tunisia, behavioral and cultural attitudes towards screening and age-specific infection rates should be investigated to aid the development of future vaccination and HPV screening programs and policies.  相似文献   

Infection of specific types of high-risk human papillomaviruses (HPVs) causes cervical cancer in women. Conventional test for genital HPV infection requires collection of scraped cervical cells or biopsy specimens, which involves invasive procedures. Utility of non-invasive urine sampling for detection of HPV in women and their male sexual partners is controversial. The validation of this urine-based HPV DNA test is of immense value not only in screening large population and children but also for HPV vaccine monitoring in adolescents. We examined the frequency of high risk HPV types 16 and 18 in simultaneously collected urine samples and cervical scrapes or biopsy specimens from women with cervical cancer and their single lifetime male sexual partners in order to validate the utility of urine sampling as a reliable non-invasive method for detection of genital HPV infection. Thirty women with invasive cervical cancer and their husbands along with 30 age-matched normal healthy women including their husbands were recruited for the study. Cervical biopsies/scrapes from women subjects and penile scrapes from their husbands and urine samples from all of them were collected before taking biopsy or scrapes. HPV-L1 consensus primer as well as high-risk HPV (HPV 16 and 18) type-specific oligo-primers were used for PCR detection of HPV DNA. The total frequency of HPV in women with cervical cancer was found to be 83% (25/30) while it was only 67% (20/30) in their male partners but there was virtually no difference in results between urine and scrape or tissue biopsy either in women or their male partners. Although healthy women and their husbands showed similar frequency of HPV infection both in urine and scrape samples, there was a significant difference (p=0.05) in the prevalence of high risk HPV type 16 in women with cervical cancer (70%) and their male partners (30%). Similar was the trend between control women and their male partners. The results also showed a very high prevalence of HPV type 16 among Indian women with cervical cancer while its frequency was significantly low in their single lifetime male partners. The case by case matching of HPV positivity and negativity between urine and cervical/penile scrapes or biopsies obtained from women and their male partners demonstrated that the non-invasive urine sampling can be reliably used for screening genital HPV infection in both men and women.  相似文献   

Surveillance of human papillomavirus (HPV) prevalence and genotype distribution in migrant women from middle and low-income countries to developed countries is limited. The aim of this study was to analyze the spectrum of HPV genotypes and prevalence of cervical abnormalities in women emigrated mainly from Eastern Europe and West Africa and living in Southern Italy. The study included 233 migrant and 98 Italian-born women who self-referred to two gynecological outpatient clinics in the Campania region. Cervical specimens were subjected to cytological examination and viral testing by broad spectrum PCR. The prevalence rates of HPV infection were 57.9% and 94.1% among migrant and 19.4% and 88.5% among Italian women with normal and abnormal cytology respectively. HPV infection was detected in 56.1% of Southern and Eastern European, 62.5% of Central and South American, 55.5% of West African, and 73.3% of Southern Asian women with normal cervix. Among the 140 HPV-positive migrants, a total of 28 mucosal HPV genotypes were identified of which 11 types (HPV16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, and 58), epidemiological classified as carcinogenic to humans (group 1), accounted for 73.4% of all infections. As expected, HPV16 was the most common viral type in all groups with frequency rates ranging from 12.5% in African to 30.1% in Eastern and Southern European women. In conclusion, the estimated prevalence of HPV infection among migrant women is very high, probably reflecting either lifestyle or high incidence of HPV in their country of origin. The implementation of vaccination strategies and cervical cancer surveillance are critical for women in this risk group.  相似文献   

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