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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine if changes in Australian Federal health policy have influenced individual behaviour regarding utilisation of private health insurance in Western Australia. METHOD: The WA Data Linkage System was used to extract all hospital morbidity records in Western Australia from 1980 to 2001. For each individual, episodes were grouped into hospital couplets classified according to the mix of public and privately insured events. Logistic regression was used to estimate the likelihood of switching towards or away from the private sector, according to the time between episodes in each of five health care policy eras. RESULTS: The odds of a switch away from the private sector increased by 29% with each additional year between episodes, while the odds of a switch towards the private sector increased by 15% per intra-couplet year. In those with a private first episode the odds of switching decreased approximately exponentially across the five eras whereas the odds of switching in those with a public first episode stabilised after 1985. In the last era (1999-2001) the odds of switching away from the private sector reduced substantially. CONCLUSION: Our analysis suggests that the recent policies supporting PHI (30% rebate and Lifetime Health Cover) appear to have been effective at modifying individual behaviour to reduce the drift away from the private sector. However, the reported increases in utilisation of PHI were only partially explained by switching of existing demand in patients who had been previously hospitalised as public patients, suggesting that the policy reforms had generated, rather than merely shifted, demand for health care. This finding has significant policy implications for Australia.  相似文献   

Home care is defined as a group of hospital procedures that can be developed at home, encompassing health actions developed by a multiprofessional team. This study aims at disseminating the experience of a home care service offered by S?o Francisco Hospital, located in the city of Ribeir?o Preto, presenting the results of a 12-month period (from September 2001 to August 2002). During the analyzed period, the service provided care mainly to women (57%), with age between 70 and 80 years (30%), with diagnosis of neurological diseases (27%) and tumors (17%). The sector is coordinated by nurses, who are also responsible for bringing in clients. The work is performed by an interprofessional team that performs procedures of collecting material for lab examinations, dressing, deliver care with catheters and ostomies, as well as home hospitalization.  相似文献   

Underinsurance for recommended vaccines in private health plans may affect 15 percent of children and more than 30 percent of adults. We conducted a nationally representative, Web-based study using health plan vignettes to determine adults' willingness to bear marginally higher plan premiums, to assure plan coverage of new vaccines as they are recommended for children and adults. Our results indicate a broad willingness (more than 75 percent of respondents) to pay the higher premiums. Such willingness was associated strongly with perceptions of vaccines' effectiveness and safety. Policymakers, physicians, and public health officials should examine health plan enrollees' preferences as they consider remedies for vaccine underinsurance.  相似文献   

The ethical controversy surrounding the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and American Medical Association (AMA) guidelines for restricting the practice of HIV-infected health professionals appears to hinge on whether we give priority to the rights of infected workers or patients. We cannot simply dismiss the concerns of patients as irrational, despite the low risks of transmission. Nor can we avoid the dispute about rights by claiming with the AMA that professionals have obligations to refrain from imposing "identifiable risks," however low, on patients. Nevertheless, allowing the full exercise of patient rights, either by giving patients the opportunity to know the risks they face and to switch providers, or by removing infected providers (compulsory switching), would make each of us worse off. This gives us adequate reason to reject these guidelines and to emphasize other infection control measures.  相似文献   

In this paper, a framework for using economics in health care priority setting is outlined. This framework is known as programme budgeting and marginal analysis (PBMA). Programme budgeting involves an assessment of how health care resources are currently distributed amongst programmes and within programmes. Such data can be used along with other information on local needs to decide on the main areas of change in service delivery. As resources are fixed, areas of change requiring more resources will be funded from service reductions within the same programme or within another programme. Candidates for more resources should be compared with each other and with candidates for service reduction to determine whether and what changes should go ahead. This involves 'marginal analysis' of costs and benefits of the candidates. In the paper, the problems with implementing this approach are outlined and the contribution of the other papers in the volume described.  相似文献   

This paper is meant to serve as a basis for discussion regarding the service or external role of schools of public health (SPHs). A number of countries in Eastern Europe are developing and establishing their own SPHs, at the same time trying to come to terms with the development of the public health function, its organisation, and its core activities in their respective countries. Although the position and the role of a school of public health cannot be seen outside the context in which it is functioning, including it's institutional setting, a thorough analysis of this context would be beyond the scope of this paper. The paper therefore concentrates on the roles of a school of public health, specifically the service role, and will seek to define that role. Further, the paper will look at how this role has been translated into the mission and policies of the SPH and how this role is operationalised. Finally, points for consideration and actions to be taken are suggested when defining the service role of a SPH.  相似文献   

Introduction Joseph Heller’s Catch‐22 is regularly invoked to critique the irrationality inherent in supposedly rational bureaucracy. We explore a Catch‐22 for policy concerning public involvement in English health care: you have to be ordinary to represent the community effectively, but, if you are ordinary, you cannot effectively represent your community. The nature of public participation groups Starting with community health councils, we trace government policy about involving local people in health care, up to the current arrangements for local involvement networks and show how the above Catch‐22 works. We do this in two principal ways. First, by an analysis of some of the unrecognized paradoxes in current government policies designed to populate health‐care participation groups and second, by providing a series of narrative vignettes, drawn from our own experiences of working in such groups, which illustrate the nature of the dilemmas members face. Conclusions Our proposal to get out of the worst of the Catch‐22 for effective public involvement groups is (paradoxically) to suggest focusing less on effectiveness, or more precisely, focusing less on those conventional, managerially defined notions of effectiveness that are now pretty much taken for granted within public services. This is because, if bodies like LINks are to do more than provide unthreatening, homogenous and tokenistic public perspectives, they need to be given space and time to pursue their own agendas.  相似文献   

A common feature of health reforms in western nations has been the transformation or (re)construction of health and health care as both a commodity and product. In the hospital sector, this transformation has become increasingly evident in the growth of for-profit involvement in service delivery. Investor-owned hospitals are now prominent providers of hospital care in Australia. This paper examines the changing nature of health care space through the changing portrayal and meaning of hospitals as represented by and encoded in the built environment. Public hospitals once occupied 'pride of place'. In contrast, up to the early 1980s, the private sector was seen as a cottage industry. However, increased levels of state subsidisation and government incentives and pro-market policies, combined with market-based opportunities for profit generation, have seen the emergence of large private hospital chains with a new corporate image to hospital care and the blurring of 'public' and 'private'. A significant factor in the reconstruction of hospital space in Australia has been the co-location of private and public hospitals. Co-location is a popular strategy proffered by State governments and one that has been quickly acted on by corporate providers. Using Mayne Health Ltd, Australia's largest for-profit hospital chain, and four specific case studies, this paper explores four variants of co-location. Each of these examples represent a different public and private hospital space. The growth of for-profit hospital chains signifies a new phase in the delivery of health care in Australia but also importantly the creation of a new hybridised 'health care' space. This space is neither private nor public but a reflection of the economic, political and social processes underlying this transformation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluate the cost of home-cancer-healthcare programs and their potential interest for public health insurance as compared to inpatient cancer care. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The study was conducted at the Centre Leon Berard (CLB), a comprehensive cancer centre in Lyon, France. Hospitals at home patients were monitored by nurses and oncologists from the CLB. All patients, who received home treatment over a 15-day period in 2001, were included in the study. Patients were broken down into groups according to the type of healthcare required and the corresponding impact on health insurance expenditure. For each of these patients, a fictive-hospital stay was then reconstructed, which corresponded to the inpatient hospital care that would have been required during the observation period, had hospital at home not been available. RESULTS: The average cost of hospital at home was significantly lower than the corresponding estimated cost for treatment at the hospital (776.6 versus 2012.5, P < 0.001). This difference was particularly high for patients in the "palliative care" group (N = 33) (1201.7 versus 3489.7, P < 0.001), whereas in the "chemotherapy" group, results were not significantly different (N = 34) (225.5 versus 318). CONCLUSION: Our study suggests that hospitalisation alternatives can generate substantial savings for public health insurance in France.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyse social class inequalities in the access to and utilization of health services in Catalonia (Spain), and the influence of having private health insurance supplementing the National Health System (NHS) coverage. DESIGN: 1994 Catalan Health Interview Survey, a cross-sectional survey conducted in 1994. SETTING: Catalonia (Spain). STUDY PARTICIPANTS: The participants were a representative sample of people aged over 14 years from the non-institutionalized population of Catalonia (n = 12,245). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Health services utilization, perceived health, having only NHS or NHS plus a private health insurance, and social class. RESULTS: Although one-quarter of the population of Catalonia had a supplemental private health insurance, percentages were very different according to social class, ranging from almost 50% for classes I and II to 16% for classes IV and V in both sexes. No inequalities by social class were observed for the utilization of non-preventive health care services (consultation with a health professional in the last 2 weeks and hospitalization in the last year) among persons with poor self-perceived health status, i.e. those in most need. However, social inequalities still remain in the use of health services provided only partially by the NHS, and when characteristics of last consultation are taken into account. Subjects who paid for a private service waited an average of 18.8 minutes less than those attending the NHS. Within the NHS, social classes IV and V waited longer (35.5 minutes) than social classes I and II (28.4 minutes). CONCLUSION: The NHS in Catalonia, Spain, has reduced inequalities in the use of health services. Social inequalities remain in the use of those health services provided only partially by the NHS.  相似文献   



Intermediate care was developed in order to bridge acute, primary and social care, primarily for elderly persons with complex care needs. Such bridging initiatives are intended to reduce hospital stays and improve continuity of care. Although many models assume positive effects, it is often ambiguous what the benefits are and whether they can be transferred to other settings. This is due to the heterogeneity of intermediate care models and the variety of collaborating partners that set up such models. Quantitative evaluation captures only a limited series of generic structure, process and outcome parameters. More detailed information is needed to assess the dynamics of intermediate care delivery, and to find ways to improve the quality of care. Against this background, the functioning of a low intensity early discharge model of intermediate care set up in a residential home for patients released from an Amsterdam university hospital has been evaluated. The aim of this study was to produce knowledge for management to improve quality of care, and to provide more generalisable insights into the accumulated impact of such a model.  相似文献   

A previous study used aggregate (region-level) data to investigate whether home health care serves as a substitute for inpatient hospital care and concluded that "there is no evidence that services provided at home replace hospital services." However, that study was based on a cross-section of regions observed at a single point of time and did not control for unobserved regional heterogeneity. In this article, state-level employment data are used to reexamine whether home health care serves as a substitute for inpatient hospital care. This analysis is based on longitudinal (panel) data--observations on states in two time periods--which enable the reduction or elimination of biases that arise from use of cross-sectional data. This study finds that states that had higher home health care employment growth during the period 1998-2008 tended to have lower hospital employment growth, controlling for changes in population. Moreover, states that had higher home health care payroll growth tended to have lower hospital payroll growth. The estimates indicate that the reduction in hospital payroll associated with a $1,000 increase in home health payroll is not less than $1,542, and may be as high as $2,315. This study does not find a significant relationship between growth in utilization of home health care and growth in utilization of nursing and residential care facilities. An important reason why home health care may serve as a substitute for hospital care is that the availability of home health care may allow patients to be discharged from the hospital earlier. Hospital discharge data from the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project are used to test the hypothesis that use of home health care reduces the length of hospital stays. Major Diagnostic Categories with larger increases in the fraction of patients discharged to home health care tended to have larger declines in mean length of stay (LOS). Between 1998 and 2008, mean LOS declined by 4.1%, from 4.78 to 4.59 days. The estimates are consistent with the hypothesis that this was entirely due to the increase in the fraction of hospital patients discharged to home health care, from 6.4% in 1998 to 9.9% in 2008. The estimated reduction in 2008 hospital costs resulting from the rise in the fraction of hospital patients discharged to home health care may have been 36% larger than the increase in the payroll of the home health care industry.  相似文献   

Experience in Germany illustrates that the United States could potentially achieve universal access, comprehensive and high-quality services, and value for the money expended with what is often referred to as a "quasi-private and quasi-public" health care system. The German hospital system is analyzed from a number of perspectives, and it is concluded that this approach has some advantages over a single-payer, monolithic-type national health insurance model. This is primarily because of its pluralistic prepayment system and because the commencement of reimbursement negotiations are without direct governmental intervention. The adoption of the German design in the United States, it is concluded, would result in a sharp change in policy direction from a conceptually procompetitive, market-driven hospital environment to a highly federally regulated, state-administered one. The implementation of the German approach in this country would also require a shift from managed care plans and other third party payers having to micromanage the use of health care services for individual patients to tightly centralized national and state fiscal controls (e.g., institutional global capital and operating budgets) targeted at providers.  相似文献   

The dominant issues for health and health care today can be effectively engaged only if public health and medicine work together as better partners. Yet historical, professional, organizational, operational, and financial barriers exist to closer relationships. Fostering the necessary collaboration will require changes for both public health and medicine in leadership styles, professional education, practice incentives, accountability measures, and financing structures.  相似文献   

Studies on efficacy (clinical trials) and efficiency (Cost Benefit) in health care are frequently disjoint and carried on by researchers with different background in distinct moments. The origin of this division can be found in the profound conviction existing in the healthcare researchers that efficiency and efficacy are distinct and distant concepts, the former pertaining to the economist, the latter to the clinician. Many are the factors at the basis of this separation which consequently lead to the divergence between the two sector of analysis; among those, probably the most relevant factor is the distinction, in the healthcare sector, between the consumer (the patient) and the purchaser (private and/or public insurance). In reality, the organizational evolution of the health care systems, the consciousness of the interdependency between health and economic benefits, and the progressive shortage of economic resources for the growing healthcare needs, require a major integration of analyses concerning efficacy and efficiency. On this line of thought is moving the operational research where models such as the Data Envelope Analysis and the Semi-Markov Decisional Models have been developed.  相似文献   

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