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We examined the effects of neurotrophins nerve growth factor (NGF) and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) on trigeminal axon growth patterns. Embryonic (E13-15) wholemount explants of the rat trigeminal pathway including the whisker pads, trigeminal ganglia, and brainstem were cultured in serum-free medium (SFM) or SFM supplemented with NGF or NT-3 for 3 days. Trigeminal axon growth patterns were analyzed with the use of lipophilic tracer DiI. In wholemount cultures grown in SFM, trigeminal axon projections, growth patterns, and differentiation of peripheral and central targets are similar to in vivo conditions. We show that in the presence of NGF, central trigeminal axons leave the tract and grow into the surrounding brainstem regions in the elongation phase without any branching. On the other hand, NT-3 promotes precocious development of short axon collaterals endowed with focal arbors along the sides of the central trigeminal tract. These neurotrophins also affect trigeminal axon growth within the whisker pad. Additionally, we cultured dissociated trigeminal ganglion cells in the presence of NGF, NT-3, or NGF+NT-3. The number of trigeminal ganglion cells, their size distribution under each condition were charted, and axon growth was analyzed following immunohistochemical labeling with TrkA and parvalbumin antibodies. In these cultures too, NGF led to axon elongation and NT-3 to axon arborization. Our in vitro analyses suggest that aside from their survival promoting effects, NGF and NT-3 can differentially influence axon growth patterns of embryonic trigeminal neurons.  相似文献   

Chronic hyperglycemia in diabetes causes a variety of somatosensory deficits, including reduced cutaneous innervation of distal extremities. Deficient neurotrophin support has been proposed to contribute to the development of diabetic neuropathy. Here, studies were carried out in streptozotocin (STZ)-treated mice to determine whether (1) cutaneous innervation deficits develop in response to hyperglycemia, (2) neurotrophin production is altered in the skin, and (3) neurotrophin treatment improves cutaneous innervation deficits. Cutaneous innervation was quantified in the hindlimb skin using antibodies that label nerve growth factor- (NGF) responsive (CGRP), glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF)/neurturin (NTN) -responsive (P2X(3)), or all cutaneous axons (PGP 9.5). Diabetic mice displayed severely reduced cutaneous innervation for all three antibodies in both flank and footpad skin regions, similar to reports of cutaneous innervation loss in human diabetic patients. Qualitative assessment of mRNAs for NGF, GDNF, and NTN demonstrated that these mRNAs were expressed in hindlimb flank and footpad skin from diabetic mice. Next, diabetic mice were then treated intrathecally for 2 weeks with NGF, GDNF, or NTN. NGF treatment failed to improve cutaneous innervation, but stimulated axon branching. In comparison, GDNF and NTN treatment increased cutaneous innervation and axon branching. Our results reveal that similar to human diabetic patients, STZ-induced diabetes significantly reduces hindlimb cutaneous innervation in mice. Importantly, intrathecal treatment using GDNF or NTN strongly stimulated axon growth and branching, suggesting that administration of these trophic factors can improve cutaneous innervation deficits caused by diabetes.  相似文献   

The cytokine leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) modulates glial and neuronal function in development and after peripheral nerve injury, but little is known regarding its role in the injured adult CNS. To further understand the biological role of LIF and its potential mechanisms of action after CNS injury, effects of cellularly delivered LIF on axonal growth, glial activation, and expression of trophic factors were examined after adult mammalian spinal cord injury. Fibroblasts genetically modified to produce high amounts of LIF were grafted to the injured spinal cords of adult Fischer 344 rats. Two weeks after injury, animals with LIF-secreting cells showed a specific and significant increase in corticospinal axon growth compared with control animals. Furthermore, expression of neurotrophin-3, but not nerve growth factor, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, glia cell line-derived neurotrophic factor, or ciliary neurotrophic factor, was increased at the lesion site in LIF-grafted but not in control subjects. No differences in astroglial and microglial/macrophage activation were observed. Thus, LIF can directly or indirectly modulate molecular and cellular responses of the adult CNS to injury. These findings also demonstrate that neurotrophic molecules can augment expression of other trophic factors in vivo after traumatic injury in the adult CNS.  相似文献   

Inflammation is part of the physiological wound healing response following mechanical lesioning of the peripheral nervous system. However, cytokine effects on axonal regeneration are still poorly understood. Because cytokines influence the expression of neurotrophins and their receptors, which play a major role in axonal outgrowth after lesioning, we investigated the hypothesis that cytokines influence specifically neurotrophin-dependent axon elongation. Therefore, we have characterized neurotrophin-dependent neurite outgrowth of murine dorsal root ganglia (DRG) in vitro and investigated the influence of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines on these outgrowth patterns. Embryonic day 13 (E13) DRG were cultured in Matrigel for 2 days and axonal morphology, density and elongation were determined using an image analysis system. Nerve growth factor (NGF), neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) and -4 (NT-4) were applied alone (50 ng/mL), in double or in triple combinations. NT-3, NT-4 and NT-3 + NT-4 combined induced a moderate increase in axonal outgrowth (P < 0.001) compared with controls, while NGF and all combinations including NGF induced an even more pronounced increase in axonal outgrowth (P < 0.001). After characterizing these outgrowth patterns, interleukin (IL)-1beta, IL-4, IL-6, interferon-gamma (IFNgamma) and tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha) (50 or 500 ng/mL) were added to the different neurotrophin combinations. Low doses of TNFalpha and IL-6 influenced neurite extension induced by endogenous neurotrophins. IL-4 increased NT-4-induced outgrowth. IL-6 stimulated NT-3 + NT-4-induced outgrowth. IFNgamma stimulated neurite extension in the presence of NT-3 + NT-4 and NT-3 + NGF. TNFalpha inhibited NT-3-, NT-3 + NGF-, NT-4 + NGF- and NT-3 + NT-4 + NGF-induced outgrowth. These data suggest that inflammation following nerve injury modulates re-innervation via a cytokine/neurotrophin axis.  相似文献   

Infection of newborn rats with Borna disease virus (BDV) leads to persistence in the absence of overt signs of inflammation. BDV persistence, however, causes cerebellar hypoplasia and hippocampal dentate gyrus neuronal cell loss, which are accompanied by diverse neurobehavioral abnormalities. Neurotrophins and their receptors play important roles in the differentiation and survival of hippocampal and cerebellar neurons. We have examined whether BDV can cause alterations in the neurotrophin network, thus promoting neuronal damage. We have used RNase protection assay to measure mRNA levels of the neurotrophins nerve growth factor (NGF), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3), and their trkC and trkB receptors, as well as the growth factors insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-1) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), in the cerebellum and hippocampus of BDV-infected and control rats at different time points p.i. Reduced mRNA expression levels of NT-3, BDNF and NGF were found after day 14 p.i. in the hippocampus, but not in the cerebellum, of newborn infected rats. Three weeks after infection, trkC mRNA expression levels were reduced in both hippocampus and cerebellum of infected rats, whereas decreased trkB mRNA levels were only observed in the cerebellum. Reduced trkC mRNA expression was confined to the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus, as assessed by in situ hybridization. TUNEL assay revealed massive apoptotic cell death in the dentate gyrus of infected rats at days 27 and 33 p.i. Increased numbers of apoptotic cells were also detected in the cerebellar granular layer of infected rats after 8 days p.i. Moreover, a dramatic loss of cerebellar Purkinje cells was seen after day 27 p.i. Our results support the hypothesis, that BDV-induced alterations in neurotrophin systems might contribute to selective neuronal cell death.  相似文献   

Time-lapse analysis of ethanol's effects on axon growth in vitro   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The cortical abnormalities found in animal models of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) suggest a disruption of axon growth. After emerging from the cell body, axons exhibit saltatory growth, cycling between periods of extension and periods of retraction. The timing of neuronal process outgrowth an the balance between extension and retraction together determine the net rate of axon elongation, and may be independently regulated. In this study, we used time-lapse digital microscopy and custom-designed analytic software to assess the effects of ethanol on the growth of axons from embryonic rat hippocampal pyramidal neurons in culture during 24 h of development, beginning approximately 7 h after plating. We recorded the amount of time elapsed before axons emerged, the relative amount of time spent in periods of growth and nongrowth, and the rate and direction of change in axon length during both periods of growth and nongrowth. The initiation of axonal outgrowth was significantly delayed by ethanol in a dose-dependent fashion at concentrations in the medium at or above 100 mg/dl. However, once established, axons exhibited accelerated growth in the presence of ethanol. This increase in overall growth rate was primarily due to a significant decrease in axon retraction during nongrowth periods. Ethanol did not affect the duration or frequency of growth and nongrowth periods. We propose, therefore, that mechanisms underlying ethanol-mediated changes in axon growth are linked to signaling events that differentially regulate outgrowth and retraction.  相似文献   

The development of dendrites is a crucial step in the formation of cortical circuitry. The morphogen brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) may mediate the effects of activity on dendritic morphology since its expression and release are thought to be activity-dependent. Using two-photon microscopy, the autocrine and paracrine effects of BDNF on dendritic morphology were assessed. Overexpression of BDNF profoundly altered the form and stability of basal dendritic arbors via an autocrine mechanism. Paracrine BDNF also altered dendritic branching, though in a highly local fashion. BDNF is capable of acting as an intercellular morphogen, and could hypothetically shape dendritic arbors to best fit the developing structure and function of the pre-synaptic circuit.  相似文献   

Administration of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitors (e.g. AG1478/PD168393) promotes central nervous system (CNS) axon regeneration in vivo by an unknown mechanism. Here, we show that EGFR activation is not required for AG1478-/PD168393-induced neurite outgrowth in cultures of dorsal root ganglion neurons (DRGN) with added inhibitory CNS myelin extract (CME), but is mediated by the paracrine and autocrine actions of the glia-/neuron-derived neurotrophins (NT) NGF, BDNF and NT-3 through Trk signalling in DRGN potentiated by elevated cAMP levels. The DRGN neurite growth seen in CME-inhibited cultures treated with AG1478 is eradicated by blocking Trk signalling but undiminished after siRNA knockdown of > 90% EGFR. Moreover, addition of the combined triplet of NT restores neurite outgrowth in CME-inhibited cultures, when cAMP levels are raised. Accordingly, we suggest that chemical EGFR inhibitors act independently of EGFR, inducing glia and neurons to secrete NT and raising cAMP levels in DRG cultures, leading to Trk-dependent disinhibited DRGN neurite outgrowth.  相似文献   

Previous studies from this laboratory have demonstrated that prenatal damage to vibrissae follicles results in significant increases in the brainstem representations of the remaining vibrissae as demonstrated by staining for the mitochondrial enzyme cytochrome oxidase (CO). Because CO is primarily a postsynaptic marker, these results do not directly address the question of whether there were changes in the projections of primary afferent fibers. To address this issue, we made intra-axonal recordings from individual vibrissa-related primary afferents in rats that sustained damage to vibrissae follicles oil embryonic day 17, and then injected horseradish peroxidase (HRP) into these axons to visualize their terminal arbors in the brainstem at the level of trigeminal subnucleus interpolaris (SpI). All vibrissae-related primary afferents responded to deflection of one and only one vibrissa, and the terminal arbors of axons (N = 47) recovered from animals that sustained fetal peripheral lesions were significantly larger than those (N = 23) from normal rats. Fibers from fetally damaged animals had increased total fiber lengths and numbers of branch points. These results indicate that reduced competition among primary afferent axons results in increases in the terminal arbors that remain. These increases occur without any significant alteration in their peripheral receptive fields. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The two major classes of activity-dependent neuroplasticity predict different consequences of activity alteration on circuit response. Hebbian plasticity (positive feedback) posits that alteration of neuronal activity causes a parallel response within a circuit. In contrast, homeostatic plasticity (negative feedback) predicts that altering neuronal activity results in compensatory responses within a circuit. The relative roles of these modes of plasticity in vivo are unclear, since neuronal circuits are difficult to manipulate in the intact organism. In this study, we tested the in vivo effects of activity deprivation in the superior cervical ganglion-pineal circuit of adult rats, which can be noninvasively silenced by exposing animals to constant light. We demonstrated that total deprivation of sympathetic activity markedly decreased the presence of axonal proteins in the pineal and reduced the density and thickness of sympathetic axonal arbors. In addition, we demonstrated that sympathetic inactivity eliminated pineal function and markedly decreased pineal expression of neurotrophins. Administration of β-adrenergic agonist restored the expression of presynaptic and postsynaptic proteins. Furthermore, compensatory axonal growth through collateral sprouting, normally seen following unilateral denervation of the pineal, was profoundly impaired in the absence of neural activity. Thus, these data suggest that sympathetic axonal terminals are maintained by neural activity that induces neurotrophins, which may act through a retrograde mechanism to preserve the integrity of axonal arbors via a positive feedback loop. Conversely, by using Hebbian-like neuroplasticity, silent yet intact circuits enter a hibernation mode marked by reduction of presynaptic axonal structures and dramatically reduced postsynaptic expression of neurotrophins.  相似文献   

The present study delimits the relationship of primary trigeminal afferents to their targets, the brainstem trigeminal nuclei of the neonatal rat. Previously, the brainstem trigeminal complex of the rat has been subdivided on the basis of either cytoarchitectonics or patterns of succinic dehydrogenase activity into the principal sensory nucleus and the three subnuclei of the spinal trigeminal nucleus, oralis, interpolaris, and caudalis. In this paper, we demonstrate that each of these subdivisions can also be identified by its pattern of primary trigeminal afferents. In addition, we demonstrate that the terminations of these afferents are distributed in a punctate fashion which correlates with vibrissae-related patterns of histochemical staining. Further, vibrissae removal in the neonatal rat at any age studied results in a corresponding deafferentation of both the principal sensory nucleus and all subnuclei of the spinal trigeminal nucleus. This same procedure has a graded, age-dependent effect on the vibrissae-related pattern of cytochrome oxidase staining in somatosensory cortex. On this basis, we conclude that vibrissae-related pattern formation in the central trigeminal system can be best understood in terms of a single "sensitive" period for the entire system. We hypothesize that this is the period during which an interaction normally occurs between primary trigeminal afferents and target neurons of the principal sensory nucleus.  相似文献   

The p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR) binds all four mammalian neurotrophins, including neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) required for the development of select sensory neurons. This study demonstrated that many gustatory and somatosensory neurons of the tongue depend upon p75NTR. Each of thousands of filiform papillae at the front of the tongue as well as each somatosensory prominence at the back of the tongue has a small cluster of p75NTR-positive epithelial cells that is targeted by somatosensory innervation. This expression of p75NTR by epithelial target cells required NT-3 but not adult innervation. NT-3-secreting cells were adjacent to the p75NTR-positive target cells of each somatosensory organ, as demonstrated in NT-3(lacZneo) transgenic mice. In NT-3 null mutant mice, there were few lingual somatosensory neurons. In p75NTR null mutant mice, the lingual somatosensory axons were likewise absent or had deficient terminal arborizations. Cell culture indicated that substrate p75NTR can influence neuronal outgrowth. Specifically, dissociated trigeminal sensory neurons more than doubled their neurite lengths when grown on a lawn of p75NTR-overexpressing fibroblasts. This enhancement of neurite outgrowth by fibroblast p75NTR raises the possibility that epithelial target cell p75NTR may help to promote axonal arborization in vivo. The co-occurrence in p75NTR null mice of a 35% reduction in geniculate ganglion taste neurons and a shortfall of taste buds is consistent with the established role of gustatory innervation in prompting mammalian taste receptor cell differentiation.  相似文献   

The previous study in this series demonstrated that the ingrowth of the central axons of the trigeminal (V) ganglion is prerequisite to V motor axon outgrowth and somatic translocation. In the present experiment we determined whether further interactions with V ganglion cell bodies were required by V motoneurons after the V ganglion innervates the brainstem. Soon after the ganglion axons had penetrated the brainstem they were severed, and a barrier, either permeable or impermeable, was placed between the ganglion cell bodies and the metencephalon. V motor axons grew along aberrant pathways to circumvent the impermeable barriers, many rerouting to reach the V ganglion. Only those V motor nerves which contacted the V ganglion distal to the barrier reached their target musculature in the mandible. The pattern of migration of V motoneurons was normal regardless of the V motor nerve trajectory, but the cell bodies of those axons which did not reach a muscle were not fully differentiated. When permeable barriers (Millipore filters) were implanted, the nerves followed two types of trajectories. If the pore size of the filter was small (0.45 and 0.025 microns), the V motor nerves grew identically to those observed in embryos in which impermeable barriers had been implanted. If the pore size of the filter was large (8.0 and 0.08 microns), the V motor nerve grew along its normal path directly to the barrier. Small axonal bundles from these nerves frequently grew into the filter toward the distal V ganglion. These results indicate that V motor axons preferentially grow to the V ganglion perikarya after exiting from the brainstem. Contact with the V ganglion always results in V motor nerve growth to the mandible while growth of the V motor axons to aberrant target sites only occurs when the axons fail to contact the V ganglion cells distal to the barrier.  相似文献   

Inducing significant axon growth or regeneration after spinal cord injury has been difficult, primarily due to the poor growth supportive environment and low intrinsic growth ability of neurons within the CNS. Neurotrophins alone have been shown to readily induce regeneration of sensory axons after dorsal root lesions, however if neurotrophin gradients are expressed within the spinal cord these axons fail to terminate within appropriate target regions. Under such conditions, addition of a “stop” signal reduces growth into deeper dorsal laminae to support more specific targeting. Such neurotrophin gradients alone lose their effectiveness when lesions are within the spinal cord, requiring a combined treatment regime. Construction of pathways using combined treatments support good regeneration when they increase the intrinsic growth properties of neurons, provide a bridge across the lesion site, and supply a growth supportive substrate to induce axon growth out of the bridge and back into the host. Neurotrophin gradients distal to the bridge greatly enhance axon outgrowth. In disorders where neuronal circuits are lost, construction of preformed growth supportive pathways sustain long distance axon growth from a neuronal transplant to distal target locations.  相似文献   

Targeting neurotrophin receptors in the central nervous system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Neurotrophic factors, and in particular the neurotrophins, restore the function of damaged neurons and prevent apoptosis in adults. The potential therapeutic property of the neurotrophins is however, complicated by the peptidergic structure of these trophic factors, which impairs their penetration into the brain parenchyma, and therefore makes their pharmaco-therapeutic properties difficult to evaluate. In this article we will focus on the neurotrophin Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and its receptors to address various therapeutic strategies that may overcome this problem. We will call this strategy "small molecule approach" because it relies on increasing the function of endogenous neurotrophins by pharmacological compounds that induce synthesis and release of neurotrophins in relevant brain areas or by small synthetic molecules that bind and activate specific neurotrophin receptors. The ability of small molecules to mimic BDNF has a potential therapeutic importance in preventing neuronal damage in several chronic neurodegenerative diseases including Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's Disease, and AIDS dementia.  相似文献   

<正>Thousands of spinal cord injuries occur worldwide as a result of traumatic or non-traumatic injuries.Spinal cord injury usually results in axonal damage,leading to permanent functional deficits and paralysis.Hence,axonal regeneration is the most important step for reconnecting neurons with their original  相似文献   

Geniculate (gustatory) and trigeminal (somatosensory) afferents take different routes to the tongue during rat embryonic development. To learn more about the mechanisms controlling neurite outgrowth and axon guidance, we are studying the roles of diffusible factors. We previously profiled the in vitro sensitivity of trigeminal axons to neurotrophins and target-derived diffusible factors and now report on these properties for geniculate axons. GDNF, BDNF, and NT-4, but not NT-3 or NGF, stimulate geniculate axon outgrowth during the ages investigated, embryonic days 12-14. Sensitivity to effective neurotrophins is developmentally regulated and different from that of the trigeminal ganglion. In vitro coculture studies revealed that geniculate axons were repelled by branchial arch explants that were previously shown to be repellent to trigeminal axons (Rochlin and Farbman [1998] J Neurosci 18:6840-6852). In addition, some branchial arch explants and untransfected COS7 cells repelled geniculate but not trigeminal axons. Sema3A, a ligand for neuropilin-1, is effective in repelling geniculate and trigeminal axons, and antineuropilin-1, but not antineuropilin-2, completely blocks the repulsion by arch explants that repel axon outgrowth from both ganglia. Sema3A mRNA is concentrated in branchial arch epithelium at the appropriate time to mediate the repulsion. In Sema3A knockout mice, geniculate and trigeminal afferents explore medial regions of the immature tongue and surrounding territories not explored in heterozygotes, supporting our previous hypothesis that Sema3A-based repulsion mediates the early restriction of sensory afferents away from midline structures.  相似文献   

Myelin inhibition is considered a constitutive, static, repulsive barrier not reactive to a central nervous system (CNS) lesion. However, recent evidence underlines the existence of considerable add-on axon growth inhibition upon CNS injury. This postlesional, reactive myelin/oligodendrocyte-derived inhibition will require the development of novel screening approaches and therapeutic reagents to promote axonal regeneration.  相似文献   

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