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目的提高地方医学期刊学术质量与学术影响力。方法采用专科分会选题组稿的方式刊发论文,比较专科分会组稿(研究组)4期与非专科分会组稿刊期(对照组)4期的基金论文比,发表1年时的被引频次、平均下载量、即年指标、学术影响力分值。结果研究组共发表论文258篇,对照组发表论文254篇,论文刊发1年时研究组被引频次为29次(11.24%),平均下载量为(18.14±17.91)次;对照组被引频次为18次(7.09%),平均下载量为(16.89±6.24)次,2组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。妇产科学专刊被引频次高于其它专刊(P<0.05),泌尿外科学专刊论文平均下载量高于其它专刊(P<0.05)。研究组即年指标为0.112 4,高于对照组的0.0709;研究组学术影响力评估分值为对照组的2.26倍。结论专科分会选题组稿的方式刊发论文可以提高综合医学期刊的即年指标和学术影响力,有针对性的计划选题可提高期刊的影响因子。 相似文献
目的探讨优先出版与学术影响力的关系。方法检索中国知网的"优先出版期刊导航"选择优先数字出版(研究组)和传统方式出版(对照组)各835篇,比较2组的被引频次、平均下载量及相关关系。结果研究组被引频次为0.48±0.17,平均下载量为38.33±16.23;对照组被引频次为0.33±0.15,平均下载量为18.58±9.36,2组比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。被引频次与下载量呈正相关关系(P〈0.05)。结论优先数字出版可以提高综合医学刊物的学术影响力。 相似文献
学术期刊的OA模式及其对学术交流系统的影响 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
介绍了学术期刊开放存取出版模式,分析了其产生的现实原因。对目前开放存取的运作模式、审稿方法、经费及版权等问题进行了阐述,分析了其对科研人员、出版机构、图书馆等传统学术交流系统的影响。指出了相关部门和人员应重视且积极试验学术期刊开放存取这种全新的出版模式,构建真正服务于科学研究的学术交流系统。 相似文献
以2004~2009年版《中国科技期刊引证报告》核心版(CJCR)为依据和数据源,选出15种肝病相关期刊,分析该15种刊在2003—2008年总被引频次、影响因子等11个指标的动态变化情况;同时采用学术影响力动态评估模型分析期刊的影响力变化,呈现5种趋势:一直上升、震荡上升、调整后趋于稳定、高位震荡、处于调整状态。肝病相关期刊的学术影响力虽较高,但存在期刊发展不平衡、基金论文比与国际论文比较低、论文质量有待提高的问题。 相似文献
目的 作为一本新创的英文期刊,Journal of Translational Neuroscience杂志需要尽快提升其学术水平,扩大其社会影响力,以期能迅速在国际专业学术期刊界占有一席之地,通过约稿获得高质量的学术论文就显得至关重要。方法 笔者从找准期刊学术定位、采取灵活多样的约稿方式、分析解决约稿过程中可能存在的问题以及如何做好约稿后续服务工作等几个方面入手,初浅分析探讨了关于期刊约稿的方式方法。结果 通过期刊定位准确锁定目标作者群,依托自身优势资源,参与学术会议,通过编委约稿以及提供优质的后续服务等方法获得稳定的高质量作者群,从而获得持续的优秀稿源。结论 拥有持续的高质量稿件是促使期刊进入良性循环的重要保障,通过约稿可以解决新创办的期刊无稿可用和缺少优秀稿件的难题,推动期刊走出困境,渐入正轨。 相似文献
Authorship criteria and disclosure of contributions: comparison of 3 general medical journals with different author contribution forms 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Context A number of general medical journals and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) request authors to disclose their contributions. Little is known about the effect of journal policies on authors' disclosure of their contributions. Objective To determine the number of named authors who do not meet ICMJE criteria for authorship, according to their published contributions, in 3 medical journals with different contribution disclosure practices. Design Observational study of authors' contributions in research articles published in 2002 in Annals of Internal Medicine (n = 72), BMJ (n = 107), and JAMA (n = 81). BMJ asks authors to describe research contributions in their own words; Annals asks authors to choose from a list of coded contributions; and JAMA uses a structured checklist with instructions on contributions that qualify for ICMJE authorship criteria. Honorary authorship was defined as the lack of contribution from the first ICMJE criterion (study conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data) and/or second (drafting the article or critical revision for important intellectual content) ICMJE criterion. Results According to authors' published contributions, the number of honorary authors was highest in Annals (121/562 authors, 21.5%), followed by BMJ (46/482, 9.5%), and JAMA (3/641, 0.5%) (22 = 146.67, P<.001). The number of articles with honorary authors was 60% in Annals, 21% in BMJ, and 4% in JAMA. Honorary authors had fewer published contributions than authors who met ICMJE criteria and were positioned more toward the end of the byline. Honorary authors either lacked contributions for both ICMJE criteria (10% in Annals and 22% in BMJ) or contributions to the second ICMJE criterion (75% in Annals, 67% in BMJ, and 2 out of 3 in JAMA). Conclusions General medical journals differed in prevalence of honorary authors according to published research contributions of named authors. Different authorship/contributorship policies and procedures should be explored as a possible explanation for the differences in contributions disclosed by authors among these journals. 相似文献
R G Petersdorf 《JAMA》1985,253(17):2543-2548
Profound changes are occurring in the health care system, including a surfeit of physicians, cost containment, and competition. This article addresses the effects of these changes on the academic medical center. It recommends that the faculty of the future will be of two types--clinician-teachers and researcher-teachers--and outlines the qualifications of these faculties. It recommends a proper reward system for clinician-teachers, the reintroduction of part-time faculties, and careful retrenchment in medical school class size and house staff. It calls for teaching hospitals to improve their physical plants and control costs by phasing out programs that are not cost-effective. Universities should consider divesting themselves of university-owned teaching hospitals. Most importantly, local, state, and federal governments and the public must develop a more supportive attitude toward the needs of medical education. 相似文献
目的 了解各院校医学检验本科专业真菌学教学状况,为医学真菌学教学改革提供依据。方法 采用咨询与问卷调查的形式,了解5所院校医学检验本科专业真菌学相关课程设置情况和81家医院的85名检验技术人员对真菌的检测情况。对调查结果进行汇总描述。结果 5所院校检验系微生物学的总课时数均设定为140学时以上,但仅1所院校真菌学教学达到22学时.其余4所院校真菌学教学均在10学时以下、最少者为5学时。不同医院能分离到数量不等的念珠菌和丝状真菌,但半数以上的技术人员不能鉴定青霉菌、双相真菌、接合菌和暗色真菌。结论 医学检验专业本科生在校的真菌学知识学习存在不足,相应教学中缺乏医学重要致病真菌的检测方法和鉴定特征等内容。而医院技术人员对真菌的鉴定能力不能满足临床涉及真菌感染增多的形势:因此有必要改革院校医学检验本科专业的真菌学教学,如增加课时数和教学内容等。 相似文献
吴淑金 《中华医学图书情报杂志》2011,20(8):79-80
结合工作实际,分析了网络时代审稿工作的特点,提出了建立审稿专家队伍的方法和思路,指出了维护和及时更新审稿专家库的重要性和必要性。 相似文献
张国民 《吉林医药学院学报》2003,25(2):116-119
高技术局部战争给卫勤保障提出了更高的要求 ,主要体现在医学基础研究、野战内外科、伤员夜间救治、饮水卫生、环境医学、战争应激等方面。探索高技术局部战争卫勤保障规律 ,重点研究高新武器致伤的防护与救治问题 ,是适应未来战争卫勤保障工作的需要 相似文献
To learn some of the reasons why anesthesiology as a specialty is not preferred by more graduating medical students and to determine the effects of various factors on their specialty choice, the authors studied the number of medical students who chose anesthesiology as a specialty after graduation and the quality of clerkships available in various departments. The study established that medical students do not find anesthesiology as attractive as other specialties and that several factors are related to the students' choice of anesthesiology. Most surprising was the negative effect of the presence of certified registered nurse anesthetists on the operating room floor. These results suggest the need for a thorough study of the use of nurse practitioners, physician's assistants, and nurse-clinicians, at least where teaching of medical students is taking place. 相似文献
分析PubMed对生物医学期刊发展的积极影响,特别是其Linkout功能在扩大期刊影响力方面的作用。以《生物医学与环境科学(英文版)》为例,介绍了利用Linkout功能实现从PubMed网站到期刊网站全文"无缝链接"的技术方法。 相似文献
目的 对科学引文索引扩展版(SCI-E)收录的66种康复医学期刊及近10年刊载中国作者论文情况进行计量分析并凝炼投稿建议.方法 采用文献计量、词频统计法分析出版国别等10个指标.结果 主要出版国分别是美国、英国、德国和荷兰,主流语种是英语,主要出版周期是双月刊和季刊,影响因子大于4的期刊有2种,载文主题涉及康复医学等16个学科,51.52%的期刊审稿时长在3个月以内,93.94%的期刊投稿较容易,近10年刊载论文的文献类型主要有论著、综述、社论、更正/撤稿,60种期刊刊载中国作者论文.结论 建议掌握获取出版国等10项来源指标的方法,根据论文内容和质量有针对性地选择康复医学期刊或交叉学科期刊作为拟投期刊进行投稿. 相似文献
通过检索中国知网(CNKI)开发的“医院科研产出统计分析与评价数据库”中的医学领域学者学术论文,建立吉林省医学领域学者学术论文数据库,从学者的论文产出、论文引用情况及论文的传播影响力3个层面构建医学领域学者学术影响力计算模型,利用Pearson相关分析对各计量指标进行相关分析,评价计算模型对各计量指标的拟合效果,并采用基于最优尺度变换的多重对应分析方法验证模型的可靠性。结果发现除了第一作者发文量指标以外,其余各计量指标与学者的评分总和具有较强的相关性,并且相关系数具有统计学意义(P<0.05),说明构建的模型拟合度较好。基于最优尺度变换的多重对应分析结果显示,职称等级和所在医院等级越高的学者学术影响力评分等级越靠前,进一步验证了模型的可靠性。 相似文献
医学院校中生物技术专业与其他医学专业的培养目标有所不同,作为生物技术专业的必修课程,分子生物学的教学应适应专业特色和要求。总结了近几年生物技术专业分子生物学教学的经验,以期进一步提高教学质量,培养符合时代要求的生物技术专业人才。 相似文献
临床医学硕士专业学位工作的现状及发展方向 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
临床医学专业学位的设立是我国医学高层次专门人才培养方式的重要改革.随着招生规模的 扩大,如何提高培养质量已成为目前专业学位研究生教育重要的研究课题.文章对制约临床医学专业学位研究生培养质量的矛盾和解决矛盾的对策进行了综述. 相似文献
As a consequence of stress in medical school, the careers of students with social phobia might be significantly influenced by behaviors and decisions based on avoidance of stressful situations. In 1985 third- and fourth-year students at Wright State University School of Medicine were asked to rate specialties as most and least stressful, to indicate whether they considered stress to be favorable or unfavorable, and to complete instruments measuring their stress and social phobia. Contrary to the investigators' expectations, there was no significant association among high stress, social phobia, and choice of least stressful specialties. Certain students who indicated that stress was unfavorable nevertheless chose high-stress specialties. Implications of these findings are discussed, and the findings are compared with outcomes of related studies. 相似文献
潘美英 《中华医学图书情报杂志》2012,21(1):17-19
调查了乡镇医生的职业素质、存在问题及其对医学信息的需求,分析了医学院校图书馆面向乡镇医生开展信息服务的优势,探讨了医学院校图书馆为乡镇医生提供信息服务的途径和方法. 相似文献